ECE 3105: Electromagnetic fields, Summer I, 2003 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. T.-C. Poon Office: 641 Whittemore Hall Office Hours: 10:45- 11:30 am M-F or by appointment via e-mail E-mail:, Phone: 231-4876 GTA: J. Kim Office: Office hours: 266 Whittemaore 3:00-5:00 PM on Mondays 8:20-9:20 AM on Wednesdays 4:00-6:00 PM on Thursdays E-mail: COURSE DESCRIPTION: Transmission lines, electrostatics, magnetostatics. Prerequisites: phys 2306, math 2224, ece 2004 REQUIRED MATERIALS: Engineering Electromagentics, 6th ed. Hayt and Buck COURSE GRADE: Exams ( 3 ) Homework Final Examination (Comprehensive) 300 pts 100 pts 150 pts Homework: Homework will be assigned in class. All homework is due at the beginning of class 2 days later. Late homework will not be accepted. Homework problems must be worked on standard 8 1/2 x 11 papers with all problems neatly worked and answers clearly designated. Pages should be stapled together in the upper left-hand corner and turned in without being folded. HOMEWORK NOT COMPLYING WILL BE RETURNED UNGRADED. Examination: No calculators will be allowed during exams. All grading are final. However, grading errors will be cheerfully corrected. If you have any questions about your progress and standing in the course, don't hesitate to ask me during my office hours. Homework and exam solutions: Internet will be used to distribute homework and exam solutions. The web address for the class web page is Honor system: You may work together. However, each student must submit an individual and independent homework solution. The GTA will check for copying/cheating. Students are advised to visit the following Website for information regarding Honor System: THE HONOR CODE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED IN THIS COURSE. HONESTY IN YOUR ACADEMIC WORK WILL DEVELOP INTO PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY. ECE 3105 PRELIMINARY COURSE OUTLINE WEEKS 1.0 Exam#1 2.0 Exam#2 1.5 Exam#3 1.0 Final CONTENT Transmission lines CHAPTER 13, class notes Vector analysis, electric fields, Gauss’s law, Divergence 2, 3 Energy and potential, conductors, dielectrics, capacitance 4, 5, 7- Magnetic field, Inductance Comprehensive 8, 9-