Astrand-Ryhming Test Worksheet: Cardiorespiratory Assessment


Astrand-Ryhming Test: Cardiorespiratory Assessment

A submaximal workload is use to estimate maximal oxygen uptake.

Equipment Needed:

Bicycle ergometer


Heart rate Monitor

The actual test takes only 6 minutes.

Step Test Procedure


Adjust the bike seat so the knees are almost completely extended as the foot goes through the bottom of the pedaling cycle.


During the test, keep the speed constant at 50 revolutions per minute . Test duration is 6 minutes


Select the appropriate workload for the client based on age, weight, health and estimated fitness level.



Women: 300 kpm (kilopound per meter) or 450 kpm . Men: 300 kpm or 600 kpm .

Example Kilopound per meter: .5 kp = 150 kpm, 1 kp = 300 kpm, 1.5 kp = 450 kpm



Women: 450 kpm (kilopound per meter) or 600 kpm . Men: 600 kpm or 900 kpm .

Example Kilopound per meter: .5 kp = 150 kpm, 1 kp = 300 kpm, 1.5 kp = 450 kpm


Ride the bike for 6 minutes and check the hear rate every minute.


Average the final two heart rates (5 th and 6 th ) minute.


If these two heart rates are not within 5 beats per minute of each other , continue the test for another few minutes until this is accomplished. If the heart rate continues to climb significantly after the 6th minute. Stop the test and rest for 15 to 20 minutes . You many then retest, preferably at a lower workload. The final average heart rate should also fall between the range of five beats of each workload.

Example: men: 300 kpm = 120 to 140 bpm; 600 kpm = 120 to 170 bpm


Based on the average heart rate of the final 2 minutes and your workload, look up the maximal oxygen uptake

(VO2max) in HANDOUT “Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max) Estimates for the Astrand-Ryhming Test ”

Example: men: 600 kpm and average heart rate = 145, VO2max =2.4 liters/minute


Correct the VO2 max using the correction factor found in HANDOUT “Age Based Correction Factors for Maximal

Oxygen Uptake (VO2max) for the Astrand-Ryhming Test”.

Example: If VO2max = 2.4 and age 35, correction factor = .870

Multiply 2.4 x .870 and final corrected VO2max = 2.09 liters/minute


To obtain VO2max in ml/kg/min, multiply the VO2max by 1,000 (to convert liters to milliliters) and divide by body weight in kilograms (to obtain kilograms, divide your body weight in pounds by 2.2046


Example: Corrected VO2max = 2.09 liters/minute

Body Weight = 132 pounds or 60 kilograms (132 / 2.2046 = 60)

VO2max in ml/kg/min =

2.09 x 1,000


2,090 divided by 60 = 34.8 ml/kg/min


Astrand-Ryhming Test: Cardiorespiratory Assessment


Personal Trainer: ____________________________

Client Name: ______________________________

Unconditioned Male:

300 kpm [ ]

600 kpm [ ]

Heart Rate: 1 st minute:

Heart Rate: 2 nd minute:

Heart Rate: 3 rd minute:

Heart Rate: 4 th minute:

Heart Rate: 5 th minute:

Heart Rate: 6 th minute:

Heart Rate: 7 th minute

Heart Rate: 8 th minute

Test Date: ____________________________

Age: __________________ Weight: __________________ Heart Rate before Exercise: _____________

Test Speed: 50 Revolutions per minute (rpm)

Unconditioned Workload (.5 kp = 150 kpm)

Unconditioned Female:

300 kpm [ ]

450 kpm [ ]

Heart Rate: 1 st minute:

Heart Rate: 2 nd minute:

Heart Rate: 3 rd minute:

Heart Rate: 4 th minute:

Heart Rate: 5 th minute:

Heart Rate: 6 th minute:

Heart Rate: 7 th minute

Heart Rate: 8 th minute

Look up (Handout) your average heart rate of the final two minutes and your workload: __________ l/min

(Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max) Estimates for the Astrand-Ryhming Test Handout)

Conditioned Male:

600 kpm [ ]

900 kpm [ ]

Heart Rate: 1 st minute:

Heart Rate: 2 nd minute:

Heart Rate: 3 rd minute:

Heart Rate: 4 th minute:

Heart Rate: 5 th minute:

Heart Rate: 6 th minute:

Heart Rate: 7 th minute

Heart Rate: 8 th minute

Conditioned Workload (.5 kp = 150 kpm)

Conditioned Female:

450 kpm [ ]

600 kpm [ ]

Heart Rate: 1 st minute:

Heart Rate: 2 nd minute:

Heart Rate: 3 rd minute:

Heart Rate: 4 th minute:

Heart Rate: 5 th minute:

Heart Rate: 6 th minute:

Heart Rate: 7 th minute

Heart Rate: 8 th minute

Look up (Handout) your average heart rate of the final two minutes and your workload: __________ l/min

(Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max) Estimates for the Astrand-Ryhming Test Handout)

Example: If VO2max = 2.4 and age 35, correction factor = .870

Corrected VO2max for AGE

( HANDOUT“Age Based Correction Factors for Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max) for the Astrand-Ryhming Test )

Multiply 2.4 x .870 and final corrected VO2max = 2.09 liters/minute

Body Weight = 132 pounds or 60 kilograms (132 / 2.2046 = 60)


x 1,000

VO2max in ml/kg/min = 60

2,090 divided by 60 = 34.8 ml/kg/min

VO2 Max ml/kg/min =


Corrected VO2max for AGE:

_______ x 1,000

Body Weight(in kilograms)

(_____ lbs)/2.2046

