University of Utah Staff Council Meeting – January 6, 2010 Winder Board Room 300 Park Building, 201 S. Presidents Circle Present: Tracey Arlen, Carol Bergstrom, Renee Chase, Marcia Cook, Shayla DeGooyer, Laurel Duncan, Kim Endersen, Thomas James Ferrill, B.J. Fullmer, Julie Gerstner, Gurmail Gill, Brenna Harris, Marilyn Hoffman, Tricia Jack, Tom Loveridge, Becky Lubbers, Edwin Lyons, Cathy Martinez, Nicole Omer, Charlton Park, Trina Rich, Jerome Roque, Chris Shirley, Janzell Tutor. Excused: Michael Berg, Billie Martak, Clayton Raymer, Tiffany Stanton. Unexcused: Tanisha Blair, E. Michael Lee. Came to Order: 2:04 PM I. Welcome (Edwin Lyons) 2:04 II. Member Updates (Edwin Lyons) 2:05: Clayton Ramer is home with his wife and new baby. Jennifer Bowman resigned, leaving an open position that needs to be filled. Mike Cherry is no longer part of the Staff Council. The Executive Board voted and decided to dismiss him due to attendance issues. III. Review of December Minutes (Edwin Lyons) 2:06: December minutes were reviewed and accepted. IV. Guest Presentation - Sick Leave/Leave of Absence Policy 5-200(Kris Arko, Benefits Director) 2:07: This conversation is the result of a request from an employee who asked if they could take sick time to take care of a parent, much like sick time being used to take care of a spouse or children. Kris stated that the policy stand as written. The policy states that an employee could only take a leave to take care of a parent when the condition qualified for FMLA. Tammy Hermann discussed the role of the Leave Team in Human Resources. Laurel Duncan asked if anyone knew the circumstances of the employee asking for the policy change. No one knew the exact set of circumstances. Marcia asked if there is a possibility to change policy, and what steps could be taken to change policy. Tom stated that the Council needs to decide on how far the Council wants to take this. The Council would have to collect data and make a proposal to the Chief Human Resources Officer. Kris stated that she believes it would be hard to change the policy. Becky Lubbers asked why it would be difficult if the employee had the time anyways. Tom stated that sick leave is technically an unfunded benefit, which would cause resistance. Kris stated that the policy was written with the traditional family in mind; however, family structure has changed. Kris stated that people have called to ask if they can take sick leave for pets. Trisha Jack asked what the demographics of the employee population are with regards to age to see if there would be a need. Kris said the average age is 38. Tom proposed the formation of a subcommittee to investigate this further, and Kris asked that Wendy Poppleton be included in the discussions. Marcia made a motion to form an ad hoc committee, it was seconded by Janzell. The motion passed and Janzell passed around a sign-up sheet. V. University Training Consortium/Emergency Shelter Training (Jerome Roque) 2:35: The University Training Consortium (UTC) is a collaborative organization of training entities across the University campus. The UTC meets monthly. The website for the UTC is Environmental Health and Safety is reviewing the University’s disaster preparedness policies. Currently they are working on developing an emergency shelter. VI. Subcommittee Updates/Discussion 2:41: a. Communications/Selections Committee (Marcia Cook) 2:41: Last meeting devoted to selecting candidates. There were 86 applicants. Announcements were sent out today to the winners and the other applicants. Marcia would like to do an interview with the recipients that could appear in FYI. Marcia presented a PowerPoint of staff photos for the website. b. Development Committee (Renee Chase) 2:50: Met last month after the meeting and discussed more fundraising options. Clayton Ramer secured 30% on all pizzas from Papa John’s on the night of the Council’s choosing. Discussed working with Development Office on naming opportunities. Discussed working with Red Butte to plant trees on campus. Trina suggested that we attach a link at the bottom of the application email soliciting one dollar staff contributions to the scholarship fund. c. Legislative Committee (Shayla DeGooyer) 3:07: Met yesterday. Discussed updating the Legislative Committee section of the website to include State information, as well as information from Government Relations. d. UUSC Logo Task Force (Charlton Park) 3:11: Waiting for approval from marketing, then will distribute the logo. e. UUSC Bylaws Task Force (Chris Shirley) 3:12: The whole team wasn’t able to meet, but will meet again this month and will have something to present to the Council in the next meeting. VII. Part-Time to Full-Time Transitions (Carol Bergstrom) 3:18: Carol discussed the fact that the time of service spent in part-time positions are not credited towards years of service when/if those employees transition to full-time. Tom identified three layers of this issue: benefits, service awards (years of service), and “perks.” Tom volunteered to speak to Benefits to get the “lay of the land” on the issue, and will report back next time. VIII. IX. Council Representation of University Committees a. Child Care Task Force (Tracey Arlen) 3:32: Meeting this week to finalize a child care survey that will be distributed to lower campus. After that, the report will be created, and will hopefully be submitted to President Young this time next year. Staff Council “Focus” (Edwin Lyons) 3:42: a. Partner with an existing event/identity i. Sporting Event Employee Night ii. Academic Senate iii. Performing Arts X. Additional Business 3:49: a. Getting the word out about Staff Council (Janzell) i. Cathy recommended a Staff Council Social XI. Adjourned: 3:57 PM