Statistics I Level 2: collect and display category data and whole number data in pictograms, tally charts, and bar charts, as appropriate. talk about the features of their own data displays; make sensible statements about the situation represented by a statistical data display drawn by others. Level 3: plan a statistical investigation of an assertion about a situation; collect and display discrete numeric data in stem-and-leaf graphs, dot plots, and strip graphs, as appropriate. use their own language to talk about the distinctive features, such as outliers and clusters, in their own and others’ data displays; make sensible statements about an assertion on the basis of the evidence of a statistical investigation. Level 4: plan a statistical investigation arising from the consideration of an issue or an experiment of interest; collect appropriate data; choose and construct quality data displays (frequency tables, bar charts, and histograms) to communicate significant features in measurement data; collect and display time-series data. report the distinctive features (outliers, clusters, and shape of data distribution) of data displays; evaluate others’ interpretations of data displays; make statements about implications and possible actions consistent with the results of a statistical investigation. Level 5: plan and conduct statistical investigations of variables associated with different categories within a data set, or variations of variables over time; consider the variables of interest, identify the one(s) to be studied, and select and justify samples for collection; find, and authenticate by reference to appropriate displays, data measures such as mean, median, mode, inter-quartile range, and range; discuss discrete and continuous numeric data presented in quality displays; collect and display comparative samples in appropriate displays such as back-to-back stem-and-leaf, box-andwhisker, and composite bar graphs. use data displays and measures to compare data associated with different categories; make statements about time-related variation as a result of a statistical investigation; report on possible sources of error and limitations of an investigation. Level 6: formulate statistical questions about situations involving possible relationships between variables; formulate questions about variations over time in continuous processes; identify data collection methodology; collect bi-variate measurement and discrete number data, and clearly and concisely communicate the significant features in appropriate displays, including scatter plots. make and justify statements about relationships between variables in a sample as a result of a statistical investigation; identify long-term and short-term features in time-series data; suggest improvements in the investigation, design, data collection, or display, where possible inferences are inconclusive. Support (Level 2-3) Lesson 1 Lesson 2 LO: LO: Alpha text book dotplot p. 398 – “dot plot qs” pictogram p. 401- “Pictogram” (see also “Pictograph q” Pie Chart (interpretation only) – “Pie chart qs” Main (Level 4-5) Revise dot plot, pictogram Understand how to use a tally table, frequency table, and draw a bargraph. “Favourite Number” Activity LO: LO: Revise dot plot, pie chart, stripgraph, pictogram Alpha text book dotplot p. 398 stripgraph p. 399 pictogram p. 401 pie chart p. 404 (including drawing) Extension (Level 5) Lesson 3 LO: Understand how to use a tally table, frequency table, and draw a bargraph. “Favourite Number” Activity LO: Revise dot plot, pie chart, stripgraph, pictogram Understand how to use a tally table, frequency table, and draw a bargraph. “Favourite Number” Activity Alpha text book dotplot p. 398 stripgraph p. 399 pictogram p. 401 pie chart p. 404 (including drawing) Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Support (Level 2-3) LO: LO: Interpret a barchart LO: Understand how to use a tally table, frequency table, and draw a bargraph. “Tallies and barcharts” “Interpret barchart” (see also “average wind strength”) “Barchart” Main (Level 4-5) Finish lesson 3 LO: LO: Draw a stem and leaf graph Understand why to group continuous data Form a grouped frequency table Draw a histogram Measure the height of students in the class in cm, and use above techniques to produce a histogram. Extension (Level 5) LO: LO: Draw a stem and leaf graph Understand why to group continuous data Form a grouped frequency table Draw a histogram Measure the height of students in the class in cm, and use above techniques to produce a histogram. Draw a stem and leaf graph Understand why to group continuous data Form a grouped frequency table Draw a histogram Alpha text book Stem-and-leaf p. 408 Frequency table p. 425 Grouped frequency table and histograms p. 429 Perform a statistical investigation Draw a stem and leaf graph Understand why to group continuous data Form a grouped frequency table Draw a histogram Alpha text book Stem-and-leaf p. 408 Frequency table p. 425 Grouped frequency table and histograms p. 429 LO: calculate median, mode, mean, range Understand terminology “measure of central tendency” and “measure of spread” Alpha text book: Mean p. 417 Median p. 418 Mode p. 422 Range – Not covered in text book, but students should calculate range of all data lists given. Support (Level 2-3) Lesson 7 Lesson 8 LO: LO: Use a stem and leaf diagram to organise data Use a stem and leaf diagram to organise data. Interpret a stem and leaf diagram “Month of Birth” “Stem and Leaf” Main (Level 4-5) LO: calculate median, mode, mean, range Understand terminology “measure of central tendency” and “measure of spread” Alpha text book: Mean p. 417 Median p. 418 Mode p. 422 Range – Not covered in text book, but students should calculate range of all data lists given. Extension (Level 5) LO: Find quartiles and calculate IQR Draw a box-and-whisker plot See “Box and Whisker” Lesson 9 LO: Use a stem and leaf diagram to organise data Find the heart rate of the class before and after exercise. Put into two parallel stem and leaf diagrams (see Statistics exemplar). “Stem and leaf ex” “Stem and leaf qs” LO: LO: Find quartiles and calculate IQR Draw a box-and-whisker plot Find quartiles and calculate IQR Draw a box-and-whisker plot See “Box and Whisker” “Heights of Year 9 Students” LO: LO: Describe box-and-whisker plots Find quartiles and calculate IQR Draw a box-and-whisker plot “Heights of Year 9 Students” “Commenting on Box and Whisker Plots” Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Support (Level 2-3) LO: Draw and interpret a strip graph Main (Level 4-5) LO: Describe box-and-whisker plots LO: Describe Box-and-Whisker Plots LO: Read data from statistical charts “Commenting on Box and Whisker Plots” “Distribution matching cards” “Information from statistical charts” Ignore Q3. at this level. Ask a range of questions like: “how many people had more than two pets”, “how many had less than 3 pets” etc. Alpha text. 399 And “ strip graph qs” (At this level, ignore, or edit out, the names of the distributions). For lower ability classes, this lesson can be extended, by “recovering” the data from the dot plots and calculating quartiles and medians). Extension (Level 5) LO: Describe Box-and-Whisker Plots LO: Read data from statistical charts “Distribution matching cards” “Information from statistical charts” (At this level, students are expected to learn the vocabulary associated with distributions). Ask a range of questions like: “how many people had more than two pets”, “how many had less than 3 pets” etc. Make a poster explaining which cards go together. LO: plan a statistical investigation arising from the consideration of an issue or an experiment of interest; collect appropriate data; choose and construct quality data displays “Sugar-Guzzlers” Guide students towards using a stem-and-leaf diagram to organise their data. Emphasise “I noticed” and “I wondered” questions. Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Support (Level 2-3) Main (Level 4-5) LO: Extension (Level 5) Finish lesson 12 LO: Plot a time-series plan a statistical investigation arising from the consideration of an issue or an experiment of interest; collect appropriate data; choose and construct quality data displays “Sugar-Guzzlers” Guide students towards using a stem-and-leaf diagram to organise their data. Emphasise “I noticed” and “I wondered” questions. LO: Plot a time-series Alpha text book Line graphs p. 410. Alpha text book Line graphs p. 410. LO: Identify long and short term trends from a time-series “Trends” Lesson 16 Support (Level 2-3) Main (Level 4-5) LO: Identify long and short term trends from a time-series “Trends” Extension (Level 5) Lesson 17 Lesson 18