
U.S. Government
Exam IV – Review
Chapter 13, Section 1
1. What are the eight roles that the president is expected to fill? What duties and
responsibilities go along with each role?
2. What are the constitutional requirements for becoming president?
3. What is the maximum length of time someone may be president? Which amendment
set this limit?
4. What is the president’s current salary?
Chapter 13, Section 2
5. Who are the next four people in line to become president after the Vice President?
After the Vice President, how are the next people in the line of succession
determined? Know the first five offices in line of succession to the president.
6. What are the key provisions of the 25th Amendment?
7. Who decides if a president is disabled and unable to perform his duties?
8. What are the only two responsibilities of the vice president?
Chapter 13, Section 3
9. What “formula” determines how many electors each state receives? What is the
minimum number of electors a state can have?
Chapter 13, Section 5
10. What group of people actually selects the president? How are these people selected?
11. How is the date for national elections determined?
12. How many total electors are there? How many electors must a candidate win to
become president?
13. What are some criticisms of the Electoral College system?
Chapter 14, Section 1
14. What are some of the reasons that presidential power has grown?
Chapter 14, Section 2
15. How does the president “faithfully execute” the laws of the United States?
16. What is an executive order? What are the limits on a president using executive
17. What is an executive agreement? What is the difference between an executive
agreement and a treaty?
18. What is executive privilege? What limits are there on a president’s power of
executive privilege? What has the Supreme Court ruled with regard to the president’s
power of executive privilege?
Chapter 14, Section 3
19. What is a treaty? Who must approve all treaties?
20. When can the president send troops abroad? What limitations are imposed on the
president by the War Powers Act?
Chapter 14, Section 4
21. What legislative powers does the president have?
22. What four options does the president have when Congress passes a bill?
23. What is a pardon? A reprieve? What is amnesty?
Chapter 15, Section 1
24. What is a bureaucrat?
Chapter 15, Section 2
25. What is the Executive Office of the President? What does the Office of Management
and Budget do? What are the responsibilities of the National Security Council?
What does the Council of Economic Advisors do?
26. What are the responsibilities of the White House Chief of Staff?
Chapter 15, Section 3
27. The group that consists of the heads of the fifteen major departments of the executive
branch is known as what? Who decides who heads these departments? How are they
chosen? What are the responsibilities of this group?
28. Which is the newest cabinet department?
29. What are the basic responsibilities of the following cabinet departments: Defense,
State, Interior, Treasury, Justice, Homeland Security
Chapter 15, Section 4
30. What is the spoils system? What act created the civil service system?
31. What does the Selective Service System do?
Chapter 16, Section 1
32. What type of tax is the federal personal income tax?
Chapter 16, Section 2
33. What is a deficit? What is a surplus? What is the public debt?
Chapter 16, Section 3
34. What is the largest entitlement program today?
35. What is controllable spending? Uncontrollable spending?
Chapter 16, Section 4
36. What is fiscal policy? What is monetary policy?
Chapter 17, Section 1
37. What is isolationism? For what period of time was United States foreign policy
primarily isolationist?
From Handouts, Notes
38. Know the names of the people who are currently in the following positions: President,
Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury,
Speaker of the House.