Model Teacher Schedule Holiday Inn Pittsburgh Airport - IUs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 27 Coach Schedule Group 1 Round 1 Tony Cortez Riverside HS 9:15-9:35 am Riverside Beaver County Math 9-12 Room: Westinghouse Round 2 Dominic E. Woods Sr. 9:40-10:00am Wilkinsburg HS Social Studies Room: Sewickley Round 3 Amy Semnisky Plum Borough 10:15Senior High School 10:35am English 10 Room: Glenwood Round 4 Louise Maine Punxsutawney 10:40Area High School 11:00am Science 9-10 Room: Smithfield Round 3 10:1510:35am Group 5 Jeanette Fabbri Penn Cambria HS Math 10 Room: Bloomfield Rob Heinrich – Greater Johnstown Social Studies Room: Duquesne Benjamin Guise CanonMcMillan HS English 11& 12 Room: Liberty Round 4 10:4011:00am Jennifer DeVore Iroquois JSHS Science 11&12 Room: Birmingham Round 1 9:15-9:35am Round 2 9:40-10:00am Group 2 Louise Maine Punxsutawney Area HS Science 9-10 Room: Smithfield Tony Cortez Riverside HS Riverside Beaver Co Math 9-12 Room: Westinghouse Dominic E. Woods Sr. Wilkinsburg HS Social Studies Room: Sewickley Amy Semnisky Plum Borough Senior High School English 10 Room: Glenwood Group 6 Jennifer DeVore Iroquois JSHS Science 11&12 Room: Birmingham Jeanette Fabbri Penn Cambria HS Math 10 Room: Bloomfield Rob Heinrich – Greater Johnstown Social Studies Room: Duquesne Benjamin Guise CanonMcMillan HS English 11& 12 Room: Liberty Group 3 Amy Semnisky Plum Borough Senior High School English 10 Room: Glenwood Louise Maine Punxsutawney Area High School Science 9-10 Room: Smithfield Tony Cortez Riverside HS Riverside Beaver County Math 9-12 Room: Westinghouse Dominic E. Woods Sr. Wilkinsburg HS Social Studies Room: Sewickley Group 4 Dominic E. Woods Sr. Wilkinsburg HS Social Studies Room: Sewickley Amy Semnisky Plum Borough Senior High School English 10 Room: Glenwood Louise Maine Punxsutawney Area High School Science 9-10 Room: Smithfield Group 7 Benjamin Guise Canon-McMillan HS English 11& 12 Room: Liberty Jennifer DeVore Iroquois JSHS Science 11&12 Room: Birmingham Group 8 Rob Heinrich – Greater Johnstown Social Studies Room: Duquesne Jeanette Fabbri Penn Cambria HS Math 10 Room: Bloomfield Rob Heinrich – Greater Johnstown Social Studies Room: Duquesne Jennifer DeVore Iroquois JSHS Science 11&12 Room: Birmingham Tony Cortez Riverside HS Riverside Beaver County Math 9-12 Room: Westinghouse Benjamin Guise Canon-McMillan HS English 11& 12 Room: Liberty Jeanette Fabbri Penn Cambria HS Math 10 Room: Bloomfield Model Teachers Holiday Inn Pittsburgh Airport - IUs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 27 Amy Semnisky Plum Borough Senior High School Coach: Cultural Diversity and Global Awareness Project English 10th 1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the country you are assigned and the United States of America. 2. Gather two current event articles that focus on the country you are assigned. Read and summarize the article. 3. In what way has the country you have been assigned impacted the U.S. in the past or is currently impacting the U.S. now? PC Tony Cortez Riverside HS Riverside Beaver County Coach: Tony Cortez and Ron Saul Ads Project Mathematics / Geometry 9-12 Students will collect at least five ads from different media and state the conditionals and converse that are explicit and implied. They must then decide the truth value for each. Following this activity the students must create their own ad (choosing a product or service on the market or creating their own) with at least one conditional statement, stated or implied, that will persuade customers to purchase their product. PC Louise Maine Punxsutawney Area High School Coach: Missy Fedigan What are the best possible conditions for photosynthesis to occur? Science 9-10 Prior knowledge: ATP as an energy storage molecule. Students have been introduced to photosynthesis through brainstorming what they know and don’t know and the factors that affect photosynthesis have been introduced. Students are given the website simulation ( and asked as groups to determine the best conditions necessary to produce the maximum amount of ATP (energy to be turned into food for the plant.) Students divide work as a team changing one variable at a time to determine the wavelength and light intensity setting that creates the most ATP for the plant. As a team, they analyze what this means, how each separately affect ATP production and relate what they have learned to photosynthesis. Different types of plants, the color of light, and the light absorbed by different plant pigments are researched and applied to existing knowledge. Students report their findings through a team wiki page, and produce information either in text or any other application format. Extensions can include: Testing different types of lights and effects on growth, the growth of plants with different pigments, chromatography research and experimentation, greenhouses and plant growth, agricultural extensions, etc. Platform: Either – requires shockwave plugin to use simulation (Note: firefox may not recognize the installed plugin – use safari instead) Jennifer DeVore Iroquois Junior Senior High School Coach: Mrs. Carol Heid Wikispaces in the classroom Science11th and 12th grade Students applied some of the skills they had learned in their CFF classes to produce a web page based upon the kingdoms of living things. Students were able to work at their own ability levels in a cooperative environment to create a web page that detailed their specific kingdom of living organisms. Mac Dominic E. Woods Sr. Wilkinsburg HS Coach: Diane Chessman “Taking it Global” Everyday Social Studies 9-12 This lesson describes how to use “Taking it Global” in the classroom. During this lesson, the participants will be engaged by logging into the site and completing tasks as ordinary students would. The tasks consist of viewing a photostory dealing with the Aftermath of World War I, responding through blogging, navigating through the site in order to complete assignments. *(Assignment: create a photostory depicting the events of a particular time period [1915-1930] ) PC Jeanette Fabbri Penn Cambria HS Coach: Jeanette Black Designing an Efficient Product Package Math 10th grade This surface area and volume geometry project appears at the onset to be rather basic, but is actually loaded with varying degrees of problem solving application. Differentiated instruction for this project will be addressed. Technology used includes: digital camera, excel, powerpoint, and a wikispace. PC Benjamin Guise Canon-McMillan HS Coach: Joyce Mason Bringing Literature to Life with Social Networking English 11& 12 I will demonstrate how to use social networking sites in order to have students understand the personalities of the characters from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Mac Rob Heinrich Greater Johnstown High School Coach: Dr. William Brotz/Rob Heinrich George Washington and the Revolution Social Studies 11th and 12 grade The students will use technology to chronicle the major political, social, and military events of the American Revolution and explain the role played by General George Washington in these events. The students will be able to use any presentation software available, and the teacher will use best differentiated instruction practices to facilitate the students learning. PC Model Teacher Schedule Holiday Inn New Cumberland - IUs 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 28 Coach Schedule Round 1 9:15-9:35 am Group 1 Lisa Schell Solanco HS Math Room: Harrisburg East Group 2 Kelly Rupp/Jeremy Smith York Co School of Technology Room Keystone B Group 3 Ann L. Senft Cedar Cliff HS, West Shore School English Room: Board Group 4 Dayna Laur Central York High School Social Studies Room: State Round 2 9:40-10:00am Dayna Laur Central York High School Social Studies Room: State Lisa Schell Solanco HS Math Room: Harrisburg East Kelly Rupp/Jeremy Smith York County School of Technology Room Keystone B Ann L. Senft Cedar Cliff HS, West Shore School English Room: Board Round 3 10:15-10:35am Ann L. Senft Cedar Cliff HS, West Shore School English Room: Board Dayna Laur Central York HS Social Studies Room: State Lisa Schell Solanco HS Math Room: Harrisburg East Kelly Rupp/Jeremy Smith York County School of Technology Room Keystone B Round 4 10:40-11:00am Kelly Rupp/Jeremy Smith York County School of Technology Room Keystone B Ann L. Senft Cedar Cliff HS, West Shore School English Room: Board Dayna Laur Central York High School Social Studies Room: State Lisa Schell Solanco HS Math Room: Harrisburg East Coach Schedule Round 1 9:15-9:35am Group 5 Ray Cope Austin Area Math Group 6 Leigh Foy York Suburban High School Science Room: Susquehanna Group 7 Elizabeth Wildauer Oswayo Valley H.S.English Room: Harrisburg West Group 8 Jared Cunningham Harrisburg SD William Penn CTA Social Studies Room: Fairview Ray Cope Austin Area Math Leigh Foy York Suburban High School Science Room: Susquehanna Elizabeth Wildauer Oswayo Valley H.S. English Room: Harrisburg West Ray Cope Austin Area Math Leigh Foy York Suburban High School Science Room: Susquehanna Round 2 9:40-10:00am Room: Ballroom Jared Cunningham Harrisburg SD William Penn CTA Social Studies Room: Fairview Round 3 10:15-10:35am Elizabeth Wildauer Oswayo Valley H.S.English Room: Harrisburg West Round 4 10:40-11:00am Leigh Foy York Suburban High School Science Room: Susquehanna Room: Ballroom Jared Cunningham Harrisburg SD William Penn CTA Social Studies Room: Fairview Elizabeth Wildauer Oswayo Valley H.S. English Room: Harrisburg West Room: Ballroom Jared Cunningham Harrisburg SD William Penn CTA Social Studies Room: Fairview Ray Cope Austin Area Math Room: Ballroom Model Teachers Holiday Inn New Cumberland - IUs 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 28 Ann L. Senft Cedar Cliff HS, West Shore School District Coach: Laurie Vitale Novelspace: Using iWeb to Create Novel-based “Myspace” Pages English Secondary Instead of the traditional book report, students use iWeb software to create web pages like Myspace posing as the main character of a fiction book they’ve read for an outside reading assignment. Students must analyze the character and the key items in the novel to include on their pages sections like Who Am I, My Goals, My Conflicts, and What I Know/Learned About Life. These sections cause them to think about the various literary elements: plot, character, theme, etc. They also need to infer other items such as what kind of music the character might like, etc. Blogs and messages from the main character’s friends (minor characters in the book) are also part of this assignment, along with other sections. Mac Dayna Laur Central York High School Coach: Sue Sheffer Moving Beyond Technology Integration and Toward Technology Immersion Social Studies Secondary This presentation will focus on ways in which teachers can seamlessly immerse their students into a technology based classroom setting by utilizing Project Based Learning. MAC Kelly Rupp/Jeremy Smith York County School of Technology Coach: Margaret Runkle Teaching through Moodle: Science Teaching the history of metrics through the use of moodle. We will be using a webquest complete with guided notes and the internet to complete research on the history of metrics, how metrics applies to your technical area, how to convert and then taking a on-line quiz through the moodle website. PC Elizabeth Wildauer Oswayo Valley H.S. Coach: Mrs. Tanya Dynda Introduction to Poetry and Poetic Elements English 10th grade Students are introduced to the art of poetry and its elements. Students choose their favorite (school appropriate) song lyrics and analyze them using several theories of poetic elements. Students will be introduced to the concepts of meter, types of rhyme, rhetorical devices, sound devices, and both verbal and visual style of writing poetry. PC Leigh Foy York Suburban High School Coach: Aly Tapp “When ‘Far Away’ Meets 1st period – Leveraging the Power of Technology to Bring the World to Your Students” Science Mrs. Foy was awarded a grant to use technology to bring the cloud rainforests of Costa Rica to her chemistry and biology students. While visiting Costa Rica for 10 days in February, Mrs. Foy will use Skype to communicate with her students back in the classroom in real time, podcasting/vodcasting technology to “show and tell” with her students while she is there, and discussion boards/forums to allow students to communicate with each her and with each other among different classrooms. Mac Jared Cunningham Harrisburg SD William Penn CTA Coach: Rebecca Hardie Using iMovie as an Instructional Tool Social Studies 9th and 11th Grade In this lesson, teachers will see how to prepare a lesson using iMovie. The purpose of this lesson will be to introduce a unit on bias or propaganda, in this case, bias in political advertisements. Teachers will use iMovie to make a short advertisement. I will provide teachers with a CD containing all the necessary files. Mac Lisa Schell Solanco High School Coach: Steve McTaggart A Culminating Lesson on Probability and Statistics Math In this lesson the students log on to my moodle site and open both a document that leads them through the lesson providing web links to information they need to complete the project, and the companion piece that helps them gather the data they need for the lesson. As part of the lesson the students will need to use both excel and word to provide evidence of successful completion of the project. PC Ray Cope Austin Area High School Coach: Ray Cope Right Triangle Trigonometric Ratios Math This lesson will provide basic knowledge as well as practical application of right triangle trig ratios. Through video and hands-on activities, the participant will learn the Trig ratios, be able to set up equations using the ratios and apply what they’ve learned in a practical setting. Technology used: Promethean Board, Digital Camera, and Computer. PC Model Teacher Schedule Holiday Inn Harrisburg West (Carlisle Pike) - IUs 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 29 Coach Schedule Round 1 9:15-9:35 am Round 2 9:40-10:00am Round 3 10:15-10:35am Round 4 10:40-11:00am Round 1 9:15-9:35am Round 2 9:40-10:00am Round 3 10:15-10:35am Round 4 10:40-11:00am Group 1 Robert Snyder Millville High School Math 10-12 Room: Carlisle Rob Cashman Benton Area High School Social Studies Room: A Janet Sassaman, Selinsgrove Area High School English Room: C Terri Kelsey Mountain View Jr/Sr High School Science 9th grade Room: Terrace Group 5 Katie Meluskey Meyers H S Jennifer Decker Coughlin H S Wilkes-Barre Math 9th grade Room: B Barb Ritzheimer Pine Grove HS Social Studies Room: Patio Laura Witman Hamburg Area HS English Room: D Adam Forrer Hamburg Area HS Science Room: Hampton Group 2 Terri Kelsey Mountain View Jr/Sr High School Science 9th grade Room: Terrace Robert Snyder Millville High School Math 10-12 Room: Carlisle Rob Cashman Benton Area High School Social Studies Room: A Janet Sassaman, Selinsgrove Area High School English Room: C Group 6 Adam Forrer Hamburg Area HS Science Room: Hampton Group 3 Janet Sassaman, Selinsgrove Area High School English Room: C Terri Kelsey Mountain View Jr/Sr High School Science 9th grade Room: Terrace Robert Snyder Millville High School Math 10-12 Room: Carlisle Rob Cashman Benton Area High School Social Studies Room: A Group 7 Laura Witman Hamburg Area HS English Room: D Katie Meluskey Meyers H S Jennifer Decker Coughlin HS Wilkes-Barre Math 9th grade Room: B Barb Ritzheimer Pine Grove HS Social Studies Adam Forrer Hamburg Area HS Science Room: Hampton Room: Patio Laura Witman Hamburg Area HS English Room: D Katie Meluskey Meyers HS Jennifer Decker Coughlin HS Wilkes-Barre Math 9th grade Room: B Barb Ritzheimer Pine Grove HS Social Studies Room: Patio Group 4 Rob Cashman Benton Area High School Social Studies Room: A Janet Sassaman, Selinsgrove Area High School English Room: C Terri Kelsey Mountain View Jr/Sr High School Science 9th grade Room: Terrace Robert Snyder Millville High School Math 10-12 Room: Carlisle Group 8 Barb Ritzheimer Pine Grove HS Social Studies Room: Patio Laura Witman Hamburg Area HS English Room: D Adam Forrer Hamburg Area HS Science Room: Hampton Katie Meluskey Meyers High School Jennifer Decker Coughlin High School Wilkes-Barre Math 9th grade Room: B Model Teachers Holiday Inn Harrisburg West (Carlisle Pike) - IUs 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 29 Katie Meluskey Meyers High School Wilkes-Barre Coach: Samuel Elias Jennifer Decker Coughlin High School Wilkes-Barre Coach: Ron Krouse Distance Formula Project Math 9th grade Students must get a picture from the internet of the driving route between two locations, put their picture on an xy plane (Geogebra), and then find the distance of the two locations using the distance formula (several calculations will be required for all the straight lines it takes). The students were asked to go onto and get directions between two locations (ex: house to school). This website shows an aerial view of the directions. They then have to transfer that picture to a program called Geogebra. On this program, they put their picture over a coordinate plane grid. They plot points along the way of their path and find the distance between each point. Then they had to use the total distance they found with the distance formula and the distance given to them on the directions to find a conversion unit between their map and the real world. PC Robert Snyder Millville High School Coach: Karey Killian Pythagorean Theorem and beyond, 30-60-90 triangles, area under a curve Math 10 to 12 Using GeoGebra and Geometer’s Sketchpad I have the students construct right triangles, 30-60-90 triangles and curves and use the program to do the calculations PC Terri Kelsey Mountain View Jr/Sr High School Coach: Ty Yost Integrating Technology in a Science Classroom: Out of the Muck Science 9 (Earth Science) 12 (Physics) This is an opportunity to see the evolution of a science classroom at all levels of CFF integration. There will be four Earth Science activities and one Physics activity. The lessons will help coaches encourage the twenty-first century transformation. Materials available at PC Janet Sassaman, Selinsgrove Area High School Coach: Jason Heiser Choice, Collaboration, and Chat: Building Engaged Readers using Moodle Math grades 9 - 12 How do literature circles build active readers? Lesson simulates active engagement of students in selecting text and practicing discussion skills. The lesson provides models of the power of podcasts, forums, and email correspondence with adult reading partners outside the school. PC Laura Witman Hamburg Area HS Coach: Teresa Freiwald Blogs and Webquests in the Language Arts classroom English 9th grade A demonstration of how to construct a blog assignment: ex. based on assignments and personal edublogs site; A demonstration of a webquest using and PP/photostory: examples: Of Mice and Men or Poe webquest. PC Adam Forrer Hamburg Area HS Coach: Teresa Friewald Interactive Media in Physics Science 9-12 A demonstration of webquests and integrating interactive media utilized in the physics classroom. The lesson will cover sites, webquests, and various interactive online simulations. Content: Circuits, Optics, Mechanics. PC Rob Cashman Benton Area High School Coach: Rob Cashman Contemporary Issues Project Social Studies Students will present conflicting platforms associated with a contemporary issues in today’s society. After the presentations, students will be asked questions regarding their presentations. Students will then, as a homework assignment, address an online blog space to address their viewpoints interactively. PC Barb Ritzheimer Pine Grove High School Coach: Barb Ritzheimer Campaign Advertizing Social Studies This lesson deals with campaign advertising and how it is used to influence the electorate. After a discussion of the various propaganda techniques, students will look at a series of campaign ads and evaluate them ( Teachers could also use some current television ads. After the discussion, students will be able to identify the different types of propaganda techniques used in political campaign ads, and how candidates use different types of ads to reach different groups of people. Students will then construct a political advertisement of their own using Photo Story, video, web pages, etc. PC Model Teacher Schedule Valley Forge Radisson – IUs 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Coach Schedule Round 1 9:15-9:35 am Round 2 9:40-10:00am Round 3 10:15-10:35am Round 4 10:40-11:00am Round 1 9:15-9:35am Round 2 9:40-10:00am Group 1 Genevieve Frendo-Rosso Bucks County Technical HS Math- 11th grade Room: Buchanan Kristen Schaffer Ridley School District Social Studies Room: Quaker Nicole Wolset Upper Merion Area High School English 10th grade Room: Keystone Jeff Wetherhold Parkland Senior High School Science 12 Room: Mt. Davis Group 2 Jeff Wetherhold Parkland Senior High School Science 12 Room: Mt. Davis Genevieve Frendo-Rosso Bucks County Technical HS Math- 11th grade Room: Buchanan Kristen Schaffer Ridley School District Social Studies Room: Quaker Nicole Wolset Upper Merion Area High School English 10th grade Room: Keystone Group 3 Nicole Wolset Upper Merion Area High School English 10th grade Room: Keystone Group 5 Katrina Heckman & Kristen Sebastian Pocono Mountain West HS Math 9-12 Room: Liberty Bill McRae Springfield High School Social Studies 12 Room: Ross/Jeff/Hancock Group 6 Todd Breuer Bucks County Technical HS Science Room: Conestoga Group 7 Elizabeth Kazanjian Owen J. Roberts H S English 9-12 Room: Hemlock Katrina Heckman & Kristen Sebastian Pocono Mountain West HS Math 9-12 Room: Liberty Bill McRae Springfield High School Social Studies 12 Room: Ross/Jeff/Hancock Elizabeth Kazanjian Owen J. Roberts H S English 9-12 Room: Hemlock Todd Breuer Bucks County Technical HS Science Room: Conestoga Round 3 10:15-10:35am Elizabeth Kazanjian Owen J. Roberts H S English 9-12 Room: Hemlock Round 4 10:40-11:00am Todd Breuer Bucks County Technical HS Science Room: Conestoga Jeff Wetherhold Parkland Senior High School Science 12 Room: Mt. Davis Genevieve Frendo-Rosso Bucks County Technical HS Math- 11th grade Room: Buchanan Kristen Schaffer Ridley School District Social Studies Room: Quaker Katrina Heckman & Kristen Sebastian Pocono Mountain West HS Math 9-12 Room: Liberty Bill McRae Springfield High School Social Studies 12 Room: Ross/Jeff/Hancock Group 4 Kristen Schaffer Ridley School District Social Studies Room: Quaker Nicole Wolset Upper Merion Area High School English 10th grade Room: Keystone Jeff Wetherhold Parkland Senior High School Science 12 Room: Mt. Davis Genevieve Frendo-Rosso Bucks County Technical HS Math- 11th grade Room: Buchanan Group 8 Bill McRae Springfield High School Social Studies 12 Room: Ross/Jeff/Hancock Elizabeth Kazanjian Owen J. Roberts H S English 9-12 Room: Hemlock Todd Breuer Bucks County Technical HS Science Room: Conestoga Katrina Heckman & Kristen Sebastian Pocono Mountain West HS Math 9-12 Room: Liberty Model Teachers Valley Forge Radisson – IUs 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Genevieve Frendo-Rosso Coach: Heather Snyder Bucks County Technical High School Back to School Night & Algebra/Geometry/Calculus Lesson Math 11th grade Algebra 2 integration project using technology (Ti83+ graphing calculator, PowerPoint software, PolyVision) to explore, interpret & predict future information about a business of the student’s choice which correlates with his/her tech specialty. PC Nicole Wolset Upper Merion Area High School Coach: Kristin Hokanson The Secret Life of Bees: The Literature Circle for the 21st Century English 10th Grade In this unit on The Secret Life of Bees the students use a wikispace,, to extend traditional literature discussion. This encourages the students to take responsibility in developing topics of discussion. The model lesson will take participants through the processes of using a wikispace to build background knowledge, summarize and reflect on reading, and develop analytical and evaluative questions for literature. Mac (not platform specific – participants need a web browser and internet access) Jeff Wetherhold Parkland Senior High School Coach: Jason Henry Escape Speed Science: Physics12 Derivation of escape speed using calculus. Presentation includes a homemade cartoon. PC Elizabeth Kazanjian Owen J. Roberts High School Coach: Lisa Schiavone Modeled and Practiced Reading of Shakespeare Using the Interactive Whiteboard English 9-12 Lesson will demonstrate how teachers can preview a complicated text (Shakespeare passage) and model a close reading/ paraphrase for the class. Students can work in pairs or small groups to practice and share their thinking with the class by recording it on the interactive whiteboard. Changes can be made, added or deleted, and saved for future reference. PC Kristen Schaffer Ridley School District Coach: Sue Iannacci Use of Wikispace in the Classroom Social Studies Global Perspectives Honors and College Prep Lesson will demonstrate the various ways that I have used wikispaces in the classroom as well as outside of the classroom. Our class wikispace is used to further class discussions by posting and replying to messages on-line, we review material through the use of podcasts and power point movies, videos are embedded for student viewing, books are reviewed by students so that classmates can decide what books they would like to read and much more. Mac Bill McRae Springfield High School Coach: Rob Nelson What is Freedom? A Student Perspective Social Studies 12th Grade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PC Participants will work in groups to analyze and interpret student-created photographs representing ideas about freedom. Each group will try to decide what specific aspect of freedom each student wished to illustrate. View the final product video – What is Freedom? A Student’s Perspective and check group’s responses to the actual words of the individual students in the video. View the video blog and leave a message or response if time. I will explain the collaborative process of working with the photo teacher, video productions teacher, students, and our coach Rob Nelson in accomplishing this project. Q&A Katrina Heckman and Kristen Sebastian Pocono Mountain West HS Coach: Tal Waide An introduction to Polygons Math: 8-12 Geometry Students will independently engage in a webquest to discover key points and ideas about polygons, and then as a class we will go through an interactive Promethean Flipchart to summarize the findings. PC Todd Breuer Bucks County Technical High School Coach: Heather Snyder More Sophisticated Measurement Principles Science11th grade Students will examine the fundamental concepts of precision and accuracy related to data and measurement devices. An analogy using a target practice activity will be incorporated as a set-induction . The activity uses a foam ball and interactive board to mark the accuracy of several student volunteers aiming for the target. A set of pre-fabricated rulers with the same capacity but varying sensitivity will show students how device precision can affect data and in turn decisions made about measurements. A document type camera is used to focus the students on the guided-discussion related to the rulers. PC