CHAPTER 11 STUDY GUIDE AP GOVERNMENT The Origins of Congress Roman/Greek/English/Compromise All powers of Congress (this is review) Congressional Elections- length and purpose, 20th amendment Incumbency Census Need Reapportionment Redistricting Gerrymandering Describe a situation where gerrymandering and redistricting would benefit the majority party. Have real examples. Packing versus Cracking Understand why the Senate and the House have different term limits and why. Have real examples. Members of Congress Privileges and Benefits Possibilities of Punishment Instructed vs. Trustee Model for Constituents House of Representatives Membership Qualifications Terms- Importance of Demographics Senate- Membership Qualifications Terms- Importance of Demographics Leadership Positions of both Houses Roles and Responsibilities Terms Know all types of Casework. Types of Oversight Baker v. Carr Describe and explain the legislative and non-legislative roles of Congress. Have real examples. All Committees and their Roles, Including Subcommittees (Agency Review etc.) How Committees are chosen Explain the process of a bill to law and why it is so difficult to pass legislation in the United States. Use a real or hypothetical bill.