IV Semester MBA HR IA T1 Feb 2014
Hosur Road (1Km before Electronic City), Bangalore -560100
Personal Growth and Interpersonal Effectiveness – 12MBAHR446
Course: MBA Semester IV
Faculty: Deepali Jain and Sreeja K
Date: 11/02/2014
Time Allowed: 90 Minutes
Max. Marks: 50 (Fifty Marks)
Time: 11.30 AM – 1 PM
Answer all the Questions.
1 (a)
Define the meaning of personal growth.
Personal growth refers to the self development of an individual towards the actualization of his
It is the development of skills, attitudes, understandings.
(b) What is self awareness and self esteem? Discuss in detail.
 Self-awareness is the awareness of the self as separate from the thoughts that are
occurring at any point in time.
Understanding yourself in relation to others
Setting appropriate life and career goals
Developing relationships with others
Managing others effectively
Increasing productivity
 Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or
appraisal of his or her own worth. Steps to increase self esteem:
Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself.
Aim for accomplishments rather than perfection.
View mistakes as learning opportunities.
Try new things.
Recognize what you can change and what you can't.
(3 marks)
(c) Discuss FIRO B in detail.
Fundamental interpersonal relations orientation (FIRO) is a theory of interpersonal relations,
introduced by William Schutz in 1958. This theory mainly explains the interpersonal underworld of a
small group. The theory is based on the belief that when people get together in a group, there are
three main interpersonal needs they are looking to obtain – affection/openness, control and
inclusion. Schutz developed a measuring instrument that contains six scales of nine-item questions
that he called FIRO-B. This technique was created to measure or control how group members feel
when it comes to inclusion, control, and affection/openness or to be able to get feedback from
people in a group. Unlike many instruments used to examine human interaction behaviors, and
needs, the FIRO-B is and was extremely valid internally and externally using inferential statistics.
(10 marks)
2 (a) What is the meaning of personal change?
(7 marks)
(3 marks)
Personal change is a process of movement of an individual from current undesirable level
to a desirable level of behavior to improve the organizational and individual effectiveness
and efficiency.
(b) Explain Carl Jung's theory of personality types
• Carl Gustav Jung studied personality vs behaviour in depth and established
personality types theory. He believed that each individual has a psychological type
.He believed there are two basic functions which humans use in their lives
– How we take information (Perceive)
– How we make decisions (Response)
He believed that within these two categories, there are two opposite ways of functioning:
• We can perceive information via our
– Senses
– Intuition
• We can make decisions based on our
– Objective logic
– Subjective feelings
Jung believed that we all use these four functions in our lives
(7 marks)
An order of preference and difference in usage of these functions is identified in
every individual by Jung. The most frequently used function is “Dominant” Jung
derived in his theory that individuals either be
• Extroverted
• Introverted as a dominant function
He felt that the dominant function is so important, it over shadows the all other functions
in terms of defining a personality type.
• Jung defined 8 personality types
– Extraverted Sensing (modern types: ESFP, ESTP)
– Introverted Sensing (modern types: ISTJ, ISFJ)
– Extraverted Intuition (modern types: ENFP, ENTP)
– Introverted Intuition (modern types: INFJ, INTJ)
– Extraverted Thinking (modern types: ESTJ, ENTJ)
– Introverted Thinking (modern types: ISTP, INTP)
– Extraverted Feeling (modern types: ESFJ, ENFJ)
– Introverted Feeling (modern types: INFP, ISFP)
(c) Explain the seven habits of highly effective people.
1. Be Proactive
2. Begin with the End in Mind
3. Put First Things First.
4. Think Win-Win.
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.
6. Synergize.
7. Sharpen the Saw
(10 marks)
(10 marks)
Case Study - (Compulsory)
John and Mark are great child hood friends and close neighbors. But both are very
different in their personality. John is very much out spoken, he socializes fast and makes
friends very easily. He shares his ideas and thoughts and hence his learning ability has
increased a lot. But at the same time Mark is very shy and very silent person. He never
expresses his feeling, thoughts and emotions to anyone. He is very much frightened of his
parents and always he looks very scary. He has very few friends and he always isolates
himself from the group. But Mark is very hard working and always thinks about himself.
These two friends grow up with the same traits and later John joins a very big company
and becomes very successful in life. But Mark never makes up his mind to move out of
his village and he settles to be a very ordinary person. He blames his destiny and still he
does not mingle with the neighbors.
a. What type of personalities are John and Mark? Define the personality types they depict.
John- Extrovert, Mark- Introvert.
Extroverts are outgoing, sociable, and assertive, talkative. Introverts are quiet and shy and
cautious( feel quite comfortable being alone).
b Describe in your words- do you see Mark type personalities in and around you,
how should they work to overcome the weaknesses?
They need a personal change. They can do a self analysis and self awareness.
• The following methods can be used to practice self awareness
1. Ask somebody
– One can ask for feedback about his personality, habits, needs and values from the
people they trust
– To overcome bias in feedback, anonymous feedback can be taken
– The disadvantage is that people will give feedback about only those traits they are
familiar with
2. Questionnaires
– Through this method a psychometrically sound inventory of one's personality,
values, needs, or habits as they perceive them is received
– With the help of a facilitator, the surveys can be completed anonymously
3. Seek professional help
– Professional counselors and executive coaches can be a great source of feedback
to help one to develop self-awareness