SCHEME OF WORK Module/Unit Title: City and Guilds Diploma in Introduction to Professional Cookery Level 1 Course/Subject Title: Diploma in professional cookery City and Guilds 7100 Prepared by: Martin Boyle Awarding body: City and Guilds Lesson Duration: 1HRS x 35 weeks Monday Start Date: WC 13-09-2009 End Date: WC 22-06-2011 Course Overview: This course will introduce the student to the principles, skills and techniques required by cooks and provide the knowledge and skills required to prepare, cook and serve food items and dishes relevant to a commercial kitchen. The course is designed to develop in the student the ability to organise effectively and relate their ideas to practical outcomes and to enable the student to understand and implement current health and safety practices. Learning Outcomes: Knowledge of the principles, skills and techniques used by chefs to produce food items and dishes relevant to a commercial kitchen The ability to recognise, select and use the correct ingredients, materials and equipment To put into practice the theory knowledge in the production of dishes relevant to a commercial kitchen. To gain sufficient theory knowledge to enable the learner to successfully complete the required short answer tests set by the Awarding Body Notes: Unit 202 will be APL on the learners successful completion of the CIEH Level 2 certificate in Food Hygiene Unit 101 – 106 – Are being covered in the restaurant production and theory class by J Taylor Week Comm encing WC 13/09 What topics will be covered? Induction Week 1 WC 20/09 Unit 103 Task A Introduction to Health and Safety Health and safety terms Costs and consequences of poor H&S 27/09 Warm up The pig personality test Unit 103 Task A Benefits of good H&S procedures Responsibilities of the employer for H&S Responsibility of the employee for H&S What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Functional Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Highfield publications CD Rom A1 paper Marker pens Use blackboard to investigate Health and safety responsibilities Highfield publications CD Rom A1 paper Marker pens Use blackboard to recap on the health and safety information required to produce next weeks information poster See induction time table Theory input Task A Complete what I’ve learnt today sheet 1 Discuss the consequences of poor health end safety Draw up posters to highlight consequences Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving Theory input Task A Complete what I’ve learnt today sheet 2 Draw up employer and employee charter of responsibilities Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Warm up Classroom riddles 04/10 Complete Unit 103 Task A START Task B Introduction to the 5 Steps to risk assessment Theory input Task A in use in all areas. Complete Carry out practical task risk assessments Observation Oral questions Task progress Assessment evaluation Complete there own risk Unit 103 Task B assessments using a format from the Hazard sign Health and safety website recognition and their meaning Review production of Health and Safety information leaflet or poster 11/10 Warm up Classroom riddles Warm up Students names as anagrams Completion of information leaflet or poster Identify the meaning and colours Unit 103 Task B Hazard sign recognition and their meaning Fire safety Functional Skills English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Highfield publications CD Rom A1 paper Marker pens Continue to produce poster or information leaflet PC’s Pens Coloured paper Prit sticks Use blackboard to research the main shapes and colours of industry warning signs Enjoying and Achieving Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Functional Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Potential hazards What to do in the event of a fire 18/10 Warm up What shape and colour are you Unit 103 Task C Identify hazards and how to control the risk 25/10 01/11 Observation Oral questions Task progress Awarding body task sheet p41/42 What are the Hierarchy of control measures Complete task sheet on how to prevent accidents English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Highfield publications CD Rom Every Learner Matters Self research in terms of Health and Safety What is the meaning of hazard what is the meaning of risk. Look at Health and Safety Executive web site. Enjoying and Achieving HALF TERM Warm up Health and safety word search Unit 103 Task C Hazard sign recognition and their meaning Riddor The law why accidents should be Identify hazards in and around college area Task C using pre set awarding body task sheet Tour of all college kitchens identify signs Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Risk assessment sheets Hand blender Food processor Mandolin Knife Mincing unit Revise for next weeks hazards test. You will need to look at types of risk (accidents / injuries) which certain hazards can cause and what action you can take to prevent them from happening. Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Functional Observation Oral Complete Task C using pre set questions awarding body task sheet Task Complete outstanding work as progress required. Awarding Hand in any outstanding work for unit boby pre set 103 task sheet p43/44 English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Theory input on basic nutrition Government nutritional guidelines Vitamins and minerals Sources of vitamins and minerals English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Task C sheet Daily diet record sheet Research what makes a healthy diet. Keep a diary for one day detailing what you eat and drank. Nutrition chart Samples of food groups Practical cookery Take a look at the main religious and what diets each has to follow. For example Islam, Buddhism etc Religious diet fact sheet White board for research Self study reported Accident reporting and what accidents should be reported and why 08/11 Warm up Unit 103 Task A B and C Health and safety hazards 15/11 Unit 104 Introduction to healthier foods and special diets Observation Oral questions Task progress Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 22/11 Unit 104 Introduction to healthier foods and special diets Theory input Special diets Explore the effects of religion factors have on diets. Explore speciality diets caused by Observation Oral questions Task English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? allergies, diabetics, vegetarian, vegan, celiac, lactose intolerant. 29/11 Unit 104 Introduction to healthier foods and special diets Learners are to produce a poster showing the benefits of a healthier diet in contrast to the negative effects of a poor nutritional diet How will learning be checked? progress Functional What resources are Skills needed? E1- L2 of special Every diets Learner Possible visit Matters or guest speaker Enjoying and dietician. Achieving What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Select a dish from the Haven restaurant and obtain the recipe. Bring to next class. Every Learner Matters Task A Enjoying and Achieving 06/12 Unit 104 Introduction to healthier foods and special diets Task B Learners are to re design a dished prepared and cooked in the Haven restaurant to make it in a more healthier way using healthier ingredients Use Awarding Body task sheet B p56 Observation Assessment of products English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving Awarding Body task sheet B p56 Prepare a question to ask the dietician on the enrichment trip Week Comm encing 13/12 What topics will be covered? Unit 104 Introduction to healthier foods and special diets Task C What will learners do? Learners will explore and investigate vulnerable and special diet groups select 2 from each group and produce an information leaflet for each group of their dietary requirements. How will learning be checked? Observation Oral questions Task progress Assessment evaluation Hand in any outstanding work for Unit 104 20/12 27/12 03/01/ 11 Unit 105 Introduction to kitchen equipment Task B Christmas break Christmas break Tour Haven restaurant to compile a list of all items of kitchen equipment and knives. From the list identify large and small items For one large piece and one small piece of equipment plus one knife draft a users guide for each Functional Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Complete outstanding work from today’s session Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 10/01 Unit 105 Introduction to kitchen equipment Task B Continue previous weeks task B For one large piece and one small piece of equipment plus one knife COMPLETE AND HAND IN a users guide for each Pommes Arlie = Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Research the equipment you would need to prepare and cook Puree mixed vegetable soup Pommes Arlie Steamed citrus Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Functional Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? sponge with citrus sauce Menu card Equipment lists Self study awarding body pre set task sheet A pages 69,70,71 Using black board identify the different knives used in the kitchen and what they are used for. Awarding body pre set task sheet C page 73 Laminated pictures of food and Complete any outstanding assignment work from Unit 105 Enjoying and Achieving 17/01 Unit 105 Introduction to kitchen equipment Task A Using awarding body pre set task sheet A pages 69,70,71 identify the equipment required to produce the set menu for 4. For each piece of equipment selected explain the reasons for your choice Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving /01 Unit 105 Introduction to kitchen equipment Task A Using awarding body pre set task sheet identify the equipment required to produce the set menu for 4. For each piece of equipment selected explain the reasons for your choice Using awarding body pre set task sheet A pages 69,70,71 Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 31/02 Unit 105 Introduction to kitchen equipment Task C Using pre set Awarding Body task sheet C pg 73 match the correct knife / knives to the correct process Name that Knife game Observation Oral questions Assessment evaluation English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Functional What resources are Skills needed? knives and Enjoying and names What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Achieving 09/02 Unit 105 Introduction to kitchen equipment Complete and hand in any outstanding tasks for unit 105 Observation Oral questions Task progress Assessment evaluation English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 16/02 23/02 Unit 107 Reading week half term Theory Input Investigate the method of cookery for Boling. Poaching and steaming Definition of each method Beniftits of each method Suitable food / foods groups for each Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Self study NLN gateway / blackboard Cooking methods Test practice using blackboard. Self study Enjoying and Achieving 02/03 Unit 107 Theory Input Cooking mediums and temperatures for each cooking method Safety factors for each method Definition of each method Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Self study NLN gateway / balckboard Cooking methods Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Functional Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Learner Matters Benefits of each method Suitable food / foods groups for each Enjoying and Achieving 09/03 Unit 107 Assessment Unit 108 Introduction Short answer tests Observation Prepare and cook food by boiling and Oral steaming questions Task Theory Input progress Definition of each method Assessment Benefits of each method evaluation Suitable food / foods groups for each English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Self study NLN gateway / blackboard Cooking methods Test practice using blackboard. Self study Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 16/03 Unit 108 Unit 108 Assessment 23/03 Unit 107/108 Theory Input Cooking mediums and temperatures for each cooking method Quality points Safety factors for each method Short answer tests Prepare and cook food by braising and stewing Prepare and cook food by stewing and braising Cooking mediums and temperatures for each cooking method Safety factors for each method Observation Oral questions Task progress Assessment evaluation English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Electronic white board Unit work pack Self study NLN gateway / blackboard Cooking methods Test practice using blackboard. Self study Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving English: reading and writing , Speaking and Liste Every Learner Electronic white board Unit work pack Self study NLN gateway / blackboard Cooking methods Test practice using Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Functional Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? blackboard. Self study Electronic white board Unit work pack Self study NLN gateway / blackboard Cooking methods Matters Enjoying and Achieving ning E1- L2 30/03 Unit 108 English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Short answer tests Prepare and cook food by stewing and braising (108) Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 06/04 13/04 20/04 27/04 Unit 110 Unit 110 Easter Break Easter Break Theory Input Cooking mediums and temperatures deep and shallow frying Health and safety each method Definition of each method and the main differences Coatings Suitable food / foods groups for each Hot fat blanching Recap on last weeks theory Practice test completion and feed Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving Assessment evaluation English: Test practice using blackboard. Self study Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Electronic white board Unit work pack Self study NLN gateway / blackboard Cooking methods reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 back Unit 110 assessment Functional Short answer tests Prepare and cook food by deep and shallow frying Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 04/05 11/05 Unit 109 Unit 109 Unit 109 assessment Theory Input Cooking temperatures. Types of grilling Terms used in Grilling baking and roasting Health and safety each method Definition of each method and the main differences Marinades Suitable food / foods groups for each Observation Oral questions Task progress Recap on last weeks theory Practice test completion and feed back Observation Oral questions Task progress Short answer tests Prepare and cook food by deep and shallow frying English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Test practice using blackboard. Self study Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Test sheets Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? How will learning be checked? Functional Skills What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Electronic white board Unit work pack Self study NLN gateway / blackboard Cooking methods Enjoying and Achieving 18/05 25/05 01/06 Unit 111 Unit 111 Unit 111 assessment Theory Input Cooking and regeneration temperatures. Reconstituting and re-hydration Health effects of ready made foods Safe defrosting techniques Terms used in Grilling baking and roasting Health and safety each method Definition of each method and the main differences Points of Quality Half term Recap on last weeks theory Short answer tests Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Test practice using blackboard. Self study Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving Observation Oral questions Task progress English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Test sheets Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 08/06 Unit 112 Theory input Observation Oral Health effects of ready made foods questions Safe handling of cooked chilled foods Task English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening Electronic white board Unit work pack Self study NLN gateway / blackboard Cooking methods Week Comm encing What topics will be covered? What will learners do? Definition hor d’oeuvres Different types of hot and cold hor d’oeuvres Service equipment Sandwiches and fillings Points of Quality 15/06 Unit 112 Unit 112 assessment Recap on last weeks theory Short answer tests How will learning be checked? progress Functional Skills E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving English: reading and writing , Speaking and Listening E1- L2 Every Learner Matters Enjoying and Achieving 22/06 Catchup session What resources are needed? What Independent Learning/ Homework will be set? Test practice using blackboard. Self study