Political Science 1336 American Government I U.S. and Texas

Political Science 1336
American Government I
U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics
Class Number: 31670
Spring 2008
Tuesday 11:30AM-1:00PM
Roy Cullen Room 104
This is a hybrid course. Instead of a lecture two days a week, there is a lecture one day a week
on Tuesdays. In place of a Thursday lecture there will be assigned on-line exam that must be
completed the day before the topic is covered in class. These exercises will count for 25% of
your course grade. Attendance at the Tuesday lecture is required. You will use your clicker to
indicate that you are present. Major Exams will be held at the CLASS Electronic Testing center.
Students will attain through reading, lectures and discussion, and demonstrate through exams,
a knowledge of the structure of American government and how inputs into the political systems
determines who gets what, when and how in American society.
Dr. Kent Tedin, Professor of
Political Science
432 PGH
1:00PM-2:00PM Tuesdays, or by
Office Hours:
Web Site
Phone calls will not be returned, use e-mail
Aaron Diamond
426 PGH
10:00AM-11:00AM Tuesdays,
Office Hours:
or by appointment
Phone calls will not be returned, use e-mail
Kent Tedin, The People and American Government (New York: Pearson Publishing, 2007)
This is a new text for the 2007-2008 academic year.
Martin Wattenberg, Is Voting for Young People? (Longman 2008)
Both books may be purchased at the UH Bookstore or Rothers Bookstore.
Students should purchase (if they do not already have one) a “clicker.” Bring your clicker to
class every day. They will also be used to take attendance, polls and to participate in daily
exercises. Be sure to have this by class day Tuesday, January 22nd.
Here are answers to common questions about the clickers.
Question: Where are they purchased?
Answer: Cougar Byte in the University Center
Question: What are the prices?
Answer: $18 for the Clicker
Answer: $40.65 for a Lifetime Registration
Answer: $12 for a Semester - Becomes a Lifetime Registration After the 3rd Registration
You may purchase your registration code on line when registering your clicker. Go through the
registration process on WebCT and skip the blank for entering the registration code (since you
did not purchase one) and the system will prompt you for electronic payment.
This class utilizes WebCT Vista for activities like the on-line quizzes, the Extra Credit Project, getting your
exam grades, your final grade and the like. Once you log onto WEBCT you will see the various options
available. To access this system, direct your web browser to:
http://www.uh.edu/webct and click on the green WebCT Vista button. Enter your user ID and password
and then select this class from the list: POLS1336 - The People and American Government - 31670-sp08
Section Instructor: Kent Tedin
if you do not know your WebCT Vista user ID or password, please call 713-743-1411 or stop by the TSS
Help Desk in Hoffman Hall Room 116.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Where does the student register clickers?
Answer: The clickers should only be registered within WebCT. If a clicker is used in more than
one class it should be used in each class within WebCT Vista unless otherwise instructed by the
Question: Can I be dropped from class for not having a clicker by January 22nd.
Answer: YES and you will be dropped. Your clicker is a required part of this class. If you have not
purchased and registered it by January 22nd, you will be dropped from the class.
Question: Does the student need to use the eInstruction web site?
The box that your clicker comes in or the registration code card might tell you to go to
eInstruction's web site to register. DO NOT DO THIS. Your clicker will only work in our class if it
is registered on WebCT!!!
Question: What happens if a clicker does not function during class? Is there a "free pass"?
Answer: If a clicker does not work during class, the student should write any answers to
quizzes/polls or daily work, performed with the clicker, on a sheet of paper. The student's
name, ID and the date of the class MUST appear on the paper or credit will not be given for that
class. The paper must be turned into the TA before leaving the classroom.
You will be given one "free pass." After you use your "free pass," you will be counted absent
and receive a zero for any quiz given that day. Remember, “free pass” means you can turn in
the answers to the attendance quiz on paper. It does not mean you can simply do nothing.
Question: Who does the student contact for support?
Answer: The batteries should be checked first. If batteries are not the issue, the student should
contact eInstruction for technical assistance. Neither the professor nor the TA can fix your
clicker. Students should not interrupt class due to a malfunctioning clicker.
Question: How does the student get a replacement?
Answer: The student must contact eInstruction. If eInstruction decides that the unit is faulty, an
email will be sent to the student containing a Return Merchandise Authorization number
(RMA). The student should take a print out of the email, with the RMA number, and the
defective clicker to Cougar Byte. They will exchange the unit immediately.
Your grades on all the on-line assignments will be lumped together. You will receive a grade
equal to the percentage of the questions that you answered correctly for all the modules. In
other words, if you correctly answered 80% of the questions correctly, you will receive an 80%
for the online work. Your on-line work will count for 25% of your total class grade. There are
also three scheduled exams, each of which will count for 25% of your total grade.
The on-line grading system works quite well. It is fast and accurate. However, it is your
obligation to regularly check your grades on line to make certain that your module scores are
being recorded. After you submit your work, wait 24 hours and then go on line to see if your
scores show up in the on-line grade book. If you see a problem, let Aaron Diamond know
immediately. Once the semester is over, I will not accept the excuse that you did not know that
one or more of your scores was not recorded.
You can get up to 25 extra points added to your total for the hybrid quizzes by participating in
an extra credit project. Part One of the project will take place between February 4th and
February 10th, and will involve answering a series of general knowledge questions and public
opinion type questions. It will take about 45 minutes. You will answer the questions just like
you do for the hybrid quizzes. Part Two of the project will take place between April 7th and
April 13th, and will involve watching a video and answering questions about it, plus some public
opinion type questions. It will take about 90 minutes. You can 20 points for participating in
part one and part two, plus up to an additional five points for every correct answer you give
about the content of the video. There is no penalty for incorrect answers.
January 15th: Introduction. Technical Review of course procedures; explanation of clicker
technology; explanation of exams taken at the exam center, explanation of supplemental
exams and option extra credit project.
January 17th: (Thursday 11:30-1:00 PM optional): Technical review of course procedures for
those who still have questions. From first day of class. Room 104, Roy Cullen Building
January 22nd: The Political Landscape of the U.S. and Texas
READ: The People and American Government, chapters 1, 13 and Appendix I.
HYBRID EXAM: There will be no hybrid exam for this reading material. The hybrid exams will
start with the material assigned for the following week on “The Constitution.”
January 24 (Thursday 11:30-1:00 PM): Last chance review of Technical issues related to course
procedures. Room 104, Roy Cullen Building
January 29th : The Constitution
READ: The People and American Government 2, 14, appendix II & III
HYBRID EXAM 1: The exam for this module must be completed no later than 11:30 PM,
Monday, January 28th. After that date and time, you will be logged off the system. That means
you must start at least by 10:00 PM to avoid being logged off at 11:30 PM. Any questions not
answered by 11:30 PM will counted as incorrect.
February 5th: Federalism
READ: The People and American Government, chapters 3, 19
HYBRID EXAM 2: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday, February
4th at 11:30 PM
EXTRA CREDIT PROJECT (Part 1): May be completed anytime between Monday, February 4 th
and Sunday, February 10th, no later than 11:30 PM (estimated competition time is not more
than 45 minutes)
February 12th: Civil Liberties
READ: The People and American Government, chapters 17, 22
HYBRID EXAM 3: The exam for this module must be taken no later than Monday, February 11th
at 11:30 PM.
February 19th: Political Culture
READ: The People and American Government, chapters 4, 21
HYBRID EXAM 4: The exam for this module must be completed no later than 11:30 PM,
Monday, February 18th at 11:30 PM
February 26th: The Media and Politics
READ: The People and American Government, chapter 9
HYBRID EXAM 5: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday, February
25th at 11:30 PM.
March 4th: Public Opinion
READ: The People and American Government, chapters 5, 20
HYBRID EXAM 6: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday, March
3rd at 11:30 PM.
March 11th: Interest Groups and Social Movements
READ: The People and American Government, chapters 7
HYBRID EXAM 7: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday, March
10th at 11:30 PM.
March 18: Spring Break
March 25th: Political Parties
READ: The People and American Government, chapters 8, 15
HYBRID EXAM 8: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday, March
24th at 11:30 PM.
April 1st: Is Voting For Young People?
READ: Martin Wattenberg, Is Voting for Young People? (Supplemental Book)
HYBRID EXAM 9: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday, March
31st at 11:30 PM.
April 8th: Individual Participation
READ: The People and American Politics, chapters 6, 18
HYBRID EXAM 10: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday, April
7th at 11:30 PM.
EXTRA CREDIT PROJECT (Part 2): May be completed anytime between Monday, April 7th and
Sunday, April 14th no later than 11:30 PM (estimated competition time is not more than 90
minutes, mostly watching a video about politics).
April 15th: Electing the President
READ: The People and American Politics, chapter 10
HYBRID EXAM 11: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday,
April 14th at 11:30 PM
April 22nd: Choosing the Congress
READ: The People land American Politics, chapter 11
HYBRID EXAM 12: The exam for this module must be completed in later than Monday,
April 21st at 11:30 PM
April 29th: Texas Politics and Elections
READ: The People and American Politics, chapter 12
HYBRID EXAM 13: The exam for this module must be completed no later than Monday, April
28th by 11:30 PM.
All three major tests will be given in the CLASS Electronic Testing Center in Agnes Arnold Hall
Room 101.
Exam I
Thursday, February 21, 2008 – 09:30AM-11:00AM – 04:00PM-05:30PM
Exam II
Thursday, March 27, 2008 – 09:30AM-11:00AM – 03:30PM-05:00PM
Final Exam
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 – 09:00AM-11:00AM – 05:00PM-06:00PM
All make-up exams will be given on Monday, May 5th, 2008 from 11:30PM-1:00PM.
Students will need to reserve a testing time and space FOR ALL EXAMS by visiting the CLASS ETC
website at:
Please print out and bring your reservation form to the test. It and your student ID are your
tickets for admission to the testing center. You will not be allowed in without them.
The first exam, second exam and final exam will each count for 25% of the grade. These exams
will be given on a Thursday at the regular class hour, 11:30-12:50. All exams will be multiple
choice. There will be 60 multiple choice questions on each exam. The on-line exams will count
for 25% of your total grade. You can increase your on-line exam total by participating in the
extra credit project. Participating in the extra credit project cannot decrease your on-line exam
total; it can only increase it. Your total percentage will be computed by adding the percentage
of questions correctly answered on each exam and dividing by four. For example, if you get 76%
correct on first exam, 73% on your second, 81% on the final, and 68% on the Internet exams
your total will be 76% + 73% + 79% + 68% / 4 = 74%. Your course grade would be “B.”
Grades will be assigned according to the following curve.
80-100 = A
77 = B+
69 = C+
60 = D+
78-79 = A-
71-77 = B
62-68 = C
56-59 = D
70 = B-
61 = C-
55 = D-
54 or Below = F
Rule 1: Attendance. If you miss no more than one class your grade will be raised one grade
point. That is, if you get a C+ based on your exams your grade will be raised to a B-. If you miss 2
or three classes there is no bonus or penalty. For every class you miss after missing three
classes (that is, four or more) your grade will be lowered by one grade point. That is, if based on
your exams you get a “B” for the course and you miss four classes, your grade will be lowed to a
“B-.” If you miss five classes it will be lowered to a “C+.” If you miss six classes it will be lowered
to a “C,” and so on.
Rule 2: Procedures. We will first start taking attendance on Tuesday, January 22nd. I will
integrate some questions that you will answer with the clicker into the PowerPoint slides I
present. I will know if you are here by your answering the questions. The questions do not
count for your grade, but will be used to determine if you are here. There will be a question
early in the lecture, in the middle of the lecture, and one late in the lecture. You need to
answer all three.
Rule 3: Missed Exams. If you cannot take an exam, you must send the course teaching assistant,
Aaron Diamond an e-mail 24 hours in advance with a legitimate reason for not taking the exam
(all missed exams require documentation). Minus a 24 hour advance notice, only a documented
medical or family emergency will be justification for a missed exam. Please understand there
are no exceptions. If you miss an exam and have a legitimate excuse, please contact Aaron
Diamond to arrange for a make up exam.
Rule 4: Missed Internet Exams. The same rules apply as for regular exams (Rule 3). If you do not
take the exam by the date and time listed along with the course topics and assigned readings,
you will not be allowed to take the exam. Your grade for that exam will be zero. If there is a
technical problem so you cannot take the test, you must notify Aaron Diamond through WebCT
Mail of the exact nature of that problem before the time period expires to take the exam. Thus,
if you have a technical problem with the first exam you must contact Dewayne in advance to
the due date.
Rule 5: Additional Work. Students may not do additional work to improve their grade other
than the optional extra credit project. If I offer this chance to one student, I must offer it
everyone (as is the case for the extra credit project).
Rule 6: Cell Phones. Turn off your cell phones when you come to class. Thanks.
Rule 7: Class Etiquette. This is a large class. Please do not carry on conversations with your
neighbors during the lecture. Please do not read the newspaper during class or other material
during the lecture. The class ends at 12:50. I promise not to hold you past 12:50. In return I
expect that you will not slam books closed or carry conversations with neighbors or engage in
activities that make it impossible to continue the lecture between 12:45 and 12:50. Students
who in any way disrupt the class will be dropped from the class by the instructor. If you are
passing the course, you will be dropped passing. If you are failing the course, you will be
dropped failing.
Rule 8: Posting Grades. Grades will be posted on WebCT. They will not be posted outside the
classroom door.
Rule 9: Dropping the Course. You may drop the course passing up until the official university
drop date. The last date you can drop the course passing is Tuesday, April 1 st, 2008.
Rule 10: Clickers. You may only use the clicker that is register to you. If you violate this rule, you
will face academic dishonesty charges.
Rule 11: If you feel these rules are unfair, or you cannot abide by these rules, please drop the
course immediately.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
In order to receive accommodation on exams and assignments, students must make
arrangements with my teaching assistant, Aaron Diamond, during the first two weeks of the
semester. In addition, I recommend that students with disabilities learn about their rights and
responsibilities from the Center for Students with Disabilities. This center provides a wide
variety of academic support services to all currently enrolled UH students who have any type of
mental or physical disability of either temporary or permanent nature. These services include
assistance with course accommodations, adaptive equipment, individualized exam
administration, taped textbooks, wheelchair repair, library needs, registration, handicapped
parking, accessible housing and transportation, as well as many other needs. If you feel that
you may need assistance of this nature, you may wish to call the Center at 713-743-5400.