IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Course Syllabus

Project Lead The Way®
Project Lead the Way®:
(IED) Introduction to Engineering Design
Igniting Imagination and Innovation through Learning!
Centennial High School
Course: Project Lead the Way® Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
Instructor: Andy Angell
Phone Number: (763) 792-5095
Email Address:
Course Description:
Welcome to “Introduction to Engineering Design”! Introduction to Engineering DesignTM (IED) is a high school level
course that is appropriate for 9-12 grade students who are interested in design and engineering. The major focus of the
IED course is to expose students to design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global
and human impacts, engineering standards, and technical documentation. IED gives students the opportunity to
develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem-based (APPB) learning.
Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB-learning challenges students to continually hone their
interpersonal skills, creative abilities and understanding of the design process. It also allows students to develop
strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education. The course assumes no
previous knowledge, but is recommended that students are taking/have taken college preparatory math and science.
Students will employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems. In addition,
students use industry standard 3D solid modeling design software package to help them design solutions in order to
solve proposed problems. Students will develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and
design to create solutions to various challenges that increase in difficulty throughout the course. Students will also
learn how to document their work, and communicate their solutions to their peers and members of the professional
community. Introduction to Engineering Design™ is one of three foundation courses in the Project Lead The Way®
high school pre-engineering program. The course applies and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and
skills in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Materials Needed for Class: Students are required to have these materials daily:
Pencil and Pen
Flash Drive (USB) (Must hold at least 2GB)
1” 3-Ring Binder
*Engineering Notebook (provided)
Lined and/or Graph Paper
Large Eraser
Attendance and Timeliness: All students are expected to be on time to class with the proper materials. Grade
points may be deducted for coming to class without the proper materials each day. Students should be seated
with their pencil/pen and materials out and completing the assignment on the board while classes are still
changing. Students do best when they are in class and ready to learn.
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Project Lead The Way®
Class Discipline: Students who choose not to follow the rules will be subject to the consequences listed below:
1st Offense: Warning by Instructor (Documented)
2nd Offense: Isolation within Classroom/Individual Activity; Guardian contacted (Documented)
3rd Offense: Disciplinary Referral (Documented)
Course Grades:
A = 100 – 93
A- = 92 – 90
B+ = 89 – 87
B = 86 – 83
B- = 82 – 80
C+ = 79 – 77
C = 76 – 73
(Exemplary work – 90%-100% mastery of subject goals)
(Proficient/thorough work – 80%-89% mastery of subject goals)
C- = 72 – 70
D+ = 69 – 67
D = 66 – 63 (Mediocre work – 60%-69% mastery of subject goals)
D- = 62 – 60
NC = 59 – 0 (Unacceptable work – less than 50% mastery of subject goals)
(Acceptable work – 70%-79% mastery of subject goals)
***Be sure to have your FULL name on each assignment turned in. Failure to do so could result in an
automatic zero. Be proud of your work!
Class Management Guidelines:
The purpose of this lab is to provide all students with a fundamental knowledge of engineering; in an
environment that is safe and learning oriented. In order to do this effectively, each student is required to give
his/her full cooperation and be on his/her best behavior. The lab is not a place for play or carelessness. The lab
contains expensive equipment, which must be handled carefully and safely. Any equipment and/or materials
damaged by individuals’ will have a penalty and/or consequence.
a. You must be prepared for class:
i. Bring all materials to class (have them
out, be seated, and start work)
ii. Make sure to be in class each and every
iii. Be on time for class
b. Attendance and make-up work:
i. Excessive absences will be detrimental to
you passing the class
ii. It is your responsibility to obtain your
make-up work or schedule a time to
make-up your work
iii. You have one day longer than the number
of days you missed to make-up your work
c. Tardy:
i. If tardy to school, student must have a
pass from the office to enter class.
ii. If leaving class early, student must have
prior permission and must sign-out of
iii. Students have 8 minutes to get to class
before tardy
d. Respect:
i. Do not talk while I talk or others are talking
ii. No cursing or complaining
iii. Appropriate clothing
iv. No visible cell phones or any electronic
devices during instructional time.
v. Always be respectful and courteous to each
other and the instructor
e. Lab Rules:
i. No food, drinks, or gum
ii. No Bullying
iii. Do NOT insult another students thoughts or
iv. Do not write on furniture, equipment, or
materials at anytime!
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Project Lead The Way®
Classroom Routines:
Work Turn-in: Place classroom work in the metal bin on teachers desk.
Engineer Notebook Turn-in: Turn-in your Engineer’s Notebooks on the correct shelf of the bookcase daily.
It is the student’s responsibility to have their Engineer’s Notebook up to date at all times.
Hall Pass: Ask for permission, fill out the clip board near the door. No more than two students in the halls at
any given time.
Stop Work and Look Up: When teacher tells you to stop working, students are to stop working immediately
and look up at the teacher. It is often times hard to stop work, but it has to be done in a timely manner.
What’s the Bottom-line?
Bottom-Line: In order to be success in PLTW Engineering, students are expected to follow all classroom rules
and procedures, dress appropriately, be safe, be respectful at all times, complete all activities/assignments, and
most of all, enjoy learning! I am glad you are here and I look forward to getting to know you over the year!
In order to potentially be eligible to receive college credit from any of MN PLTW affiliate universities,
students must achieve an average of 85% or better in the course and at least 70% on the EoC (end of
course) exam. For more information on earning college credit please call Mr. Angell at (763) 792-5095.
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Project Lead The Way®
Syllabus Review Form
All students are required to return this form!
Print Student’s Full Name
Period in Engineering Lab: _______ Course Name: _______________________________
I have access to the internet at home ______
I do not have access to internet at home ______
Please read the entire syllabus, sign and return.
I have read and understand the classroom rules and know what is expected.
Parent Signature
Student Signature
Date Signed: ________________
Any comments the instructor should know:
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