TOWN OF DEDHAM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS _______________ MICHAEL J. D’ENTREMONT CHIEF OF POLICE CHIEF CHIEF DEPARTMENT OF POLICE 600 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Phone 781-751-9300 Fax 781-751-9330 Dedham Police Department Citizen Survey Summary During February and March of 2013, the Dedham Police Department conducted a survey seeking citizen input related to police services in the community. The Department would like to thank those that participated. Citizen input is greatly appreciated and important in directing programs and activities of the Police Department. Community members and the Police Department along with other departments and agencies must work together to ensure public safety and improve the quality of life experienced by our citizens. Below, please find a summary of the survey results. A separate traffic related analysis was also completed and is available as a separate document. 517 survey responses (474 complete responses) An overwhelming majority of respondents indicated: Have interacted with a Dedham Police Officer within the prior 2 years (76%); Experienced a positive interaction (91%); Citizen concerns were adequately addressed (90%). Response times were within expectations or sooner (94%) Officers exhibit appropriate knowledge (91%) Officers keep citizens informed of actions being taken (86%) Top crime related concerns of respondents (concerned + very concerned responses): - Illegal Drugs (68%) School safety (68%) Child safety in neighborhoods (66%) Burglary (65%) Alcohol use by under aged people (65%) TOWN OF DEDHAM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS _______________ DEPARTMENT OF POLICE MICHAEL J. D’ENTREMONT CHIEF OF POLICE 600 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Phone 781-751-9300 Fax 781-751-9330 CHIEF CHIEF Least concerning situations: - Parking problems (70%) Bicycles riding against traffic (64%) Noise (64%) Solicitors in your neighborhood (61%) Loitering (56%) Crime perception: Majority feel crime in Dedham is similar to area communities (54%) 38% feel there is more crime in Dedham than area communities - NIBRS (National Incident Based Reporting) data does not necessarily reflect this. NIBRS data is reported to the State each month; Possible influence by media reporting? 55% think crime has increased in Dedham over the past 12 months: - Specific crime data fluctuates from year to year NIBRS data reflects a 9% decrease in reported crime from 2011 to 2012 Most significant year over year decrease-shoplifting (-36%) Most significant increase year over year-theft from vehicles (+27%) 32% reported having curtailed activities due to crime concerns 24% reported that they generally do not see police in their neighborhoods: - Respondents from 82 streets reporting: o o Included 11 main streets which cruisers commonly traverse (two could be respondents from far end of street) Three streets are housing complex streets TOWN OF DEDHAM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS _______________ DEPARTMENT OF POLICE MICHAEL J. D’ENTREMONT CHIEF OF POLICE CHIEF CHIEF 600 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Phone 781-751-9300 Fax 781-751-9330 92% report they would not hesitate to call the Dedham Police for assistance: - - Press information has been released and posted on related to what to expect when you call. There appears to be some misunderstanding with regards to questions being asked by dispatchers. This information has also been incorporated into our Citizens Police Academy program to educate the public in the role of Dispatchers A dispatcher call back program has been initiated to keep citizens informed with regards to how their issue is being resolved if desired Animal Control responses are desired 91% of respondents feel the Dedham Police Department is doing a good/excellent job in providing services Desired resource focus: Most desired: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identifying illegal drug dealers (57%) Registered sex offender tracking (39%) Crime prevention (37%) Neighborhood patrols (28%) Motor vehicle enforcement (26%) Least desired: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Police athletic league (33%) Mountain bike patrol (26%) Internet crimes (26%) Neighborhood meetings (24%) Monitoring areas youth tend to loiter (23%) TOWN OF DEDHAM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS _______________ DEPARTMENT OF POLICE MICHAEL J. D’ENTREMONT CHIEF OF POLICE CHIEF CHIEF Neighborhood concerns: - Vary by neighborhood Likely to be of concern: 1. 2. 3. 4. Illegal drugs are easy to obtain (31%) Burglary/theft (30%) Speeding/reckless operation (27%) Minors are involved with alcohol (21%) Not likely to be of concern: 1. 2. 3. 4. Noisy neighbors (56%) Illegal dumping/littering (47%) Illegal drug use/transactions are visible (38%) Acts of vandalism/graffiti (35%) 23.4% of respondents would be interested in attending a Citizens Police Academy 34% of respondents would be interested in participating in National Night Out events - Desire for increased youth outreach Some indicated health issues prevent them from participating Demographics: 56% of respondents are between 30 and 49 years of age 56% of respondents are female 600 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Phone 781-751-9300 Fax 781-751-9330 TOWN OF DEDHAM COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS _______________ MICHAEL J. D’ENTREMONT CHIEF OF POLICE CHIEF CHIEF DEPARTMENT OF POLICE 600 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Phone 781-751-9300 Fax 781-751-9330 The Police Department continues to review the survey results in order to implement strategies to address citizen concerns. The following actions have been taken since the survey concluded consistent with the survey results: - A partnership has been established with a Federal agency focusing on drug enforcement; - A second School/Community Resource Officer has been assigned. School/Community Resource Officers will be trained in and incorporate crime prevention into their assignment; - Walk and talk patrols have been initiated in two commercial areas on a regular basis; - A call back program has been initiated with the Central Dispatch Center to keep citizens who call to report issues informed of actions taken if desired; - Community education related to what to expect when calling for emergency services has been released and incorporated into our Citizen Police Academy; - A sex offender presentation took place for Dedham Public Schools PTO’s ; - Canine Control has been expanded to Animal Control to deal with all domestic animals and wildlife. Animal Control oversight has been transferred to the Police Department; - Department members have attended training related to forming a Substance Abuse Coalition and Community Norms;