Community Forestry Resource Center - Institute for Agriculture and

Community Forestry Resource Center
Weekly News and Event Summary
April 18, 2003
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
Chainsaw Safety Workshop May 3
Study: Excess nitrogen hurting Maine's forests
------------------------For more headlines visit:
Critical Skills Training For Industry Leaders
Workshops for Manufacturers, Marketers, Distributors, and Users of Wood
April 23, 2003, St. Paul, Minnesota
Main Streets of Tomorrow: Growing and Financing Rural America
April 28, 2003, Kansas City, Missouri
Upper Midwest Introduction to Permaculture Workshop
May 22-25, 2003, Minneapolis and Ramsey, MN
Forest Stewards Guild 2003 Annual Meeting & Conference. Conservation Forestry:
Sustaining Biodiversity in Working Forests
May 28-31, 2003 .University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee
Growing Smart in Minnesota III Conference
June 10, 2003, Minneapolis, MN
Forest Products Marketing in the Lake States
June 12-13, 2003, Stevens Point, WI
Practical Sustainable Forestry and the Marketplace: Making It Work
June 30 -July 2, 2003, Jacksonville, Florida
Enhancing the Southern Appalachian Forest Resource - a symposium engaging
economic, ecological and social principles and practices
October 2-3, 2003, Hendersonville, NC
----------------------For more event listings visit:
Job posting - Executive Director, Rural Action
HandMade in the Northern Forest
Montana Forest Owners Association
VISTA job opportunity
FSC-U.S. News and Views
-------------------------For more documents and information visit:
Collective Action and Learning in Developing a Local Monitoring System
Balancing Ecology and Economics: A Start-up Guide for Forest Owner Cooperation, 2nd
Chainsaw Safety Workshop May 3
Loggers, landowners and arborists are invited to participate in a chainsaw safety seminar
with an instructor from the Forest Industry Safety Training Alliance (FISTA). This is a
hands-on workshop sponsored by the Kickapoo Woods Cooperative (KWC). Enrollment
is limited. The KWC will schedule additional sessions of chainsaw safety training
whenever sufficient people express an interest in the class. If you cannot attend this time,
but would like to take the workshop in the future, please contact the co-op.
For more information, visit:
--------------------------Study: Excess nitrogen hurting Maine's forests
Nitrogen pollution from vehicles, power plants and wastewater effluent is seriously
damaging the health of Northeastern forests and choking oxygen from estuaries such as
Casco Bay, according to a report released Tuesday in the journal BioScience.
Critical Skills Training For Industry Leaders
Workshops for Manufacturers, Marketers, Distributors, and Users of Wood
April 23, 2003, St. Paul, Minnesota
A New Program of the Forest Products Management Development Institute, Department
of Wood and Paper Science, College of Natural Resources, University of Minnesota. This
workshop focuses on the strategic marketing plan process from initiation to
implementation. It is a hands-on program designed to provide the tools that assist
managers with critical issues such as new product development, market analysis, sales
forecasting, and choosing promotional and distribution channel venues
For More Information: Contact FPMDI Director Jim Bowyer at (612) 624-4292 or email:
-----------------Main Streets of Tomorrow: Growing and Financing Rural America
April 28, 2003, Kansas City, Missouri
This year, rural stakeholders will explore how entrepreneurs can help build the new rural
economy. Topics for discussion will include steps rural leaders take to help rural
entrepreneurs, recent trends in rural entrepreneurship, lessons learned from recent
entrepreneurship programs, and ways public policy can foster more business starts on
Main Street.
Reservations can be made by contacting Susan Spaulding at (800) 333-1010, ext. 6864,
or Kate Sheaff at ext. 2478.
---------------------Upper Midwest Introduction to Permaculture Workshop
May 22-25, 2003, Minneapolis and Ramsey, MN
Join us for three days in the Minnesota countryside. Learn new skills, meet interesting
people, eat good food, and learn about permaculture from experienced practitioners.
For more information call Paula at 612.870.3467 or email
----------------------Forest Stewards Guild 2003 Annual Meeting & Conference. Conservation Forestry:
Sustaining Biodiversity in Working Forests
May 28-31, 2003 .University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee
The conference includes three days of technical workshops, tours, and discussions, to
which all interested individuals are warmly invited. Featuring a keynote address on
"Whole Thinking for Conservationists" by conservationist and author Peter Forbes. For
more information, please contact, call 1-505-983-3887
x16, or visit our website at .
--------------------Growing Smart in Minnesota III Conference
June 10, 2003, Minneapolis, MN
For more information, contact: 1000 Friends of Minnesota, On-line: , Call: 651-312-1000 Email:
-------------------Forest Products Marketing in the Lake States
June 12-13, 2003, Stevens Point, WI
The workshop is designed for new marketing and sales personnel or others interested in
the basics of marketing and personal selling. Anyone wanting to learn more about the
forest products industry in the Lake States region is also encouraged to attend.
For registration materials or additional information, contact Scott Bowe, Wood products
specialist, University of Wisconsin-Extension, by phone (608-265-5849), fax (608-2629922), or e-mail ( ).
Practical Sustainable Forestry and the Marketplace: Making It Work
June 30 -July 2, 2003, Jacksonville, Florida
The three-day event will begin with presentations by foresters, wildlife biologists, timber
harvesters, landowner associations, and timberland investment managers who will give
their general perspectives on sustainable forest management and forest certification and
the role they play in the marketplace. Conference participants will then break out into
facilitated discussion groups to share their practical ideas on incentives and other tools to
support sustainable forestry. The conference will conclude with the groups coming back
together to develop a plan to make sustainability work for the people who are most
affected by it.
For information, or to obtain a conference registration form, visit the SAF website at or contact Terry Clark, SAF's science
manager, at (301) 897-8720, ext. 123; fax (301) 897-3690;
---------------------Enhancing the Southern Appalachian Forest Resource - a symposium engaging
economic, ecological and social principles and practices
October 2-3, 2003, Hendersonville, NC
More information can be found at , or contact
Susan Moore at or 919-515-3184.
Job posting - Executive Director, Rural Action
Rural Action promotes economic, social and environmental justice in Appalachian Ohio.
The successful candidate should have skills in organizing, educating, networking and
supporting citizens and communities committed to sustainable rural renewal. Other
essential qualifications include fiscal management, fund raising and personnel
supervision. This full time position offers a competitive salary and benefit package. A
position announcement is available by contacting 740-767-4938 or
--------------------------HandMade in the Northern Forest
HandMade in the Northern Forest is a new guidebook of studios, workshops, galleries,
museums, markets, stores and other attractions that feature handmade objects. This full-
color guidebook includes detailed listings and area maps to help visitors experience the
creativity, beauty and traditions of the Northern Forest.
----------------------Montana Forest Owners Association
In 2001, the Montana Forest Owners Association established a specialty forest products
exchange. It provides buyers and sellers of forestry products and services with an online
marketplace. While it is oriented to Montana, it can be utilized by anyone in the U.S.
Currently there are sellers listed from as far away as South Carolina. The website is .
----------------------VISTA job opportunity
These positions are working with a new program of Rural Action - the Appalachian
Forest Resource Center - in the beautiful rolling hills of southeast Ohio. One VISTA will
assist in coordinating activities around community-based forestry and participatory
research. The other will work as a web-based media and communications person . If you
have any questions please feel free to contact Ginger Deason by phone 740.767.0257 or
email - . The application deadline is May 7th.
-------------------FSC-U.S. News and Views
-5-Million Acre Tembec Certification Will Bring New FSC Paper, Wood to the
-Atlas Timberlands Project Received FSC Certification
-Kimberly-Clark's Neenah Paper Division Gains FSC-Certification
-FSC-U.S. Board of Directors Elections: Call for Nominations
Collective Action and Learning in Developing a Local Monitoring System
The article focuses on three villages in Palawan where the Filipino government has
entrusted a local cooperative with 5,000 hectares of forest. The authors participated in a
team that assisted the cooperative and encouraged ties between the cooperative and the
government forestry department, local governments and NGOs, a women's group, a
fishermen's association, and the provincial council for sustainable development. As a
result of these efforts, community members have learned more about how to handle
illegal forestry activities and how to market their handicrafts more effectively. Herlina
Hartanto from CIFOR and Maria Cristina Lorenzo and Anita Frito from the University of
the Philippines in Los Baños recently published this article in the International Forestry
To request a free electronic copy of this paper you can write Rahayu Koesnadi at
----------------------------20th edition of STATE OF THE WORLD 2003: PROGRESS TOWARDS A
The Worldwatch Institute have also published VITAL SIGNS 2002-2003: THE TRENDS
---------------------Balancing Ecology and Economics: A Start-up Guide for Forest Owner Cooperation, 2nd
To help address some of the challenges faced by private woodland owners, the University
of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Cooperative Development Services
(CDS) and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's Community Forestry Resource
Center (CFRC) have published a second edition of Balancing Ecology and Economics: A
Start-up Guide for Forest Owner Cooperation. The 160-page guide is intended to show
how private landowners, working together, can improve the ecological conditions of their
lands while at the same time improving their own economic well-being and that of the
communities in which their forest land is located.
The guide draws upon the experiences of several established or forming sustainable
forestry co-ops, as well as the experience of CDS, UWCC, and CFRC of IATP. Intended
primarily for landowners and resource managers, the guide provides essential information
on all aspects of establishing a forest owner cooperative, including:
* forest management,
* marketing,
* business planning,
* co-op governance,
* cooperative structures,
* non-timber forest products,
* sustainable certification,
* developing member education programs, and more.
The cost of the manual is $13, plus sales tax for Minnesota residents.
For more information about Sustainable Forestry Cooperatives, or to order a copy of
Balancing Ecology and Economics: A Start-Up Guide for Forest Owner Cooperation,
please visit: