Baroque Music Lesson Plan for 9th/10th Grade

Lesson Plan
Name: Erin Johnson
Grade Level: 9th or 10th Grade
Subject of Lesson: Baroque Music
th Grade Students
General Music Class
Instructional Goals
 Teach the students about the music of the Baroque period, while they learn about
the history of that era.
 Have students understand the life of the Baroque period.
 Students will be able to make a correlation between the life style, art,
monarchy, and the society of the time.
 Students should be able to identify three major composers of the time.
 Paper
 Pictures of Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Purcell
 Art Supplies
 Computer Lab, or portable lap-tops
 Books on the Composers.
 This will be the first time the kids will be learning about the great masters in
 The first lesson will be about the students doing their own research on their
assigned composer.
 The kids will be split up into four groups.
 Each group will be assigned one of the four composers above.
 They will do their research and give their presentation at the beginning of the
nest class.
 The students will be given a list of what they need to have in their report.
 These include:
 Birth and Death dates.
 Where they are from
 What their major contributions were.
 What their most famous piece is and a recording of it.
National Standards addressed.
 Standard 8: Relate music to the other arts and disciplines outside the arts.
 Standard 9: Relate music to history and culture.
Lesson Plan
Name: Erin Johnson
Grade Level: 9th or 10th Grade
Subject of Lesson: Baroque Music
th Grade Students
General Music Class
Instructional Goals
 Teach the students about the music of the Baroque period, while they learn about
the history of that era.
 Have students understand the life of the Baroque period.
 Students will be able to make a correlation between the life style, art,
monarchy, and the society of the time.
 Students should be able to identify three major composers of the time.
 Paper
 Pictures of Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Purcell
 Music Recordings the kids found
 Computer Lab, or portable lap-tops
 Pictures of the architecture of the time.
 Recording of the Well-Tempered Clavier
 We will start the class by having the students take the pictures of their assigned
composer and have them give their presentations on the composers.
 Then we will have the students again listen to the song that each group chose.
 The students will match the pictures to the music they hear.
 The students next will be asked to identify the instrument that sounds out of
place in the music.
 This will lead to the Harpsichord, and then finally to Bach.
 Now it is time to start teaching the kids about counter point.
 This will go into the next lesson as well as this one.
National Standards addressed.
 Standard 4: Students in Wisconsin will analyze and describe music.
 Standard 8: Relate music to the other arts and disciplines outside the arts.
 Standard 9: Relate music to history and culture.
Lesson Plan
Name: Erin Johnson
Grade Level: 9th or 10th Grade
Subject of Lesson: Baroque Music
th Grade Students
General Music Class
Instructional Goals
 Teach the students about the music of the Baroque period, while they learn about
the history of that era.
 Have students understand the life of the Baroque period.
 Students will be able to make a correlation between the life style, art,
monarchy, and the society of the time.
 Students should be able to identify three major composers of the time.
 Music Lined Paper
 Music Recordings the kids found
 Computer Lab, or portable lap-tops
 Recording of the Well-Tempered Clavier
 The Well-Tempered Clavier
 Smart Board
 Poster board with the rules of Counter-Point.
 We will cover the last of the rules for the counter-point project.
 The next step will be to have the whole class write a counter point line together
 This gives them a chance to make mistakes and let them get fixed so they
 After the line is completed we can then talk about ornamentation, and one of the
best composers of ornamentation is Handel.
 After the composition is done, we will listen to it. Then the kids will go and write
their own individual lines.
 It will all be in the same key.
 It will be in the same time signature.
 The students will write a line that is four measures long. I will check the lines to
make sure that they are clear to go further.
 After they have the ok, then the students will work on Ornamenting their lines
like Handle would.
 If there is time, we will have the class perform the lines for each other. If not, we
can move into the next class period. I just want to make sure the kids have enough
time to continue.
National Standards addressed.
 Standard 4: Students will compose and arrange music.
 Standard 5: Students will read and notate music.
 Standard 8: Relate music to the other arts and disciplines outside the arts.
 Standard 9: Relate music to history and culture.
1) Describe the correlation between the two classes in regard to your chosen subject.
Most schools will have a class called World History. This class will give you a
view of the whole world. The Baroque period in Europe was full of Majesty and Ornate
life styles. This is an important era for history because of the Monarchies that existed. It
is also an important era for music because it laid a lot of ground work for future
musicians. It just makes sense to combine with you history teacher to cover this unit. A
lot of changes happened in the world at this time, and it is reflected in the music.
2) After the series of lessons you’ve conducted, how would you proceed with the unit?
List other activities and assignments you could use.
I would proceed with the puzzle game with the pieces of the Baroque music. This
way the kids could get to see their creations come to life. In addition, we can fit each
music line together to create a completely new piece of music. I would go even further
with the students to help them learn about preludes and fugues. I would use row your
boat because it is a song the kids would know, and they would understand the round idea.
They could also write their own individual fugues or write a class project. We can also
study early instrumental music, since up to this point in music history; most of the music
has been vocal. We can also do a unit on the difference between secular and sacred
music, and how it shaped the future of music. In addition, we can learn about the
patronage system. It was common for musicians to work, live, and travel with the noble
family that hired them. There is a lot you can do with this period.
3) What would your final assessment be?
If you decided to have the kids write their own fugues, then you could grade them
on that alone. How ever, you can also have a written exam on the counter point, making
the kids write their own line again on the test, and answering questions about the rules
that they wrote down. On the other hand, something that is defiantly more fun, have the
parents come and listen to a little mini concert. You can play the class composition, call it
the puzzle composition, and have the kids play their own individual fugues.. The parents
will be so proud of their kids, and you have completely authentic test forms.