File - Chico Area Interfaith Council

ONE PEOPLE
President: Jim Henson
Faith Lutheran Church
667 E. 1st Ave, Chico, CA 95926
Vice President: Craig Wilcox
Feather River Grove
Secretary: Janet Leslie
Chico Friends Meeting (Quakers)
1601 Hemlock St, Chico, CA 95928
Treasurer: Keren Carter
Congregation Beth Israel
1336 Hemlock St, Chico, CA 95928
Substitute Secretary & web-keeper: Craig Wilcox
Feather River Grove
Minutes of our meeting January 8, 2014—DRAFT-Opening Focus: Jim Anderson, Chico Friends Meeting (Quakers), observed that learning other
traditions is like visiting someone else’s home, and he shared some aspects of his experience of
the home that is Quaker faith and practice. Friends (also known as Quakers) believe that there is
a light or spirit within each person, and that we can cultivate the ability to listen and to be
obedient to Truth as experienced. He read a poem expressing the Quaker way:
Grant to us the light within and save us from the mask of sin...
Expectant worship is the way to learn to hear and to obey...
Yield to light that is our guide, may we in love and truth abide...
Our action then is spirit-led, the message through our lives is spread.
We shared a moment of silent prayer
Approval of December Minutes: It was moved and seconded that we approve the minutes as
corrected, and we approved.
Treasurer’s Report and update on membership: Keren Carter, Treasurer, gave the report on
the period 12/11/2013 to 1/8/2014, and read the list of current CAIC members:
Full members--Chico Friends Meeting (Quakers), Chico Havurah, Congregation Beth Israel,
Faith Lutheran Church, Feather River Grove, First Baptist Church, First Christian Church,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Muslim Social Action Committee, New Vision
UCC Congregational Church of Chico, Sky Creek Dharma Center, St. John Episcopal Church,
and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Associate members--Catalyst Domestic Violence
Services, Human Relations Network, and Stonewall Alliance. All wishing to become members,
to update their information, or to make a contribution are invited to contact Keren Carter.
Introductions, Announcements & Reports: We introduced ourselves and made brief reports
and announcements. To know more, please contact the person named or go to the website.
 1/10: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship hosts “Legends of the Celtic Harp” at 7:30 pm.
Information at 343-1693. (Sydney Wilde)
 1/24-26: Alternatives to Violence Project weekend workshop at the Chico Friends
Meetinghouse Friday and Saturday and at the Chico Peace and Justice Center on Sunday. For
more information and to register, contact Chris Moore-Backman at CPJC by 1/17. (Janet Leslie)
 1/28: Fellowship of Reconciliation meets at 7 pm the last Tuesday of each month at First
Baptist Church to read and discuss “A Force More Powerful”. All welcome. (Jim Anderson)
 1/21: Trinity United Methodist Church: Martin Luther King Jr celebration on Sunday 1/19
with a 3 pm gathering in the Downtown Plaza and walk to Trinity for 4 pm program, music, and
food. Also, Thursday 2/8, Ali Sarsour’s 6th annual retirement party fundraiser at 6 pm to benefit
the Shalom Free Clinic and Doroteia Pathways. (Leslie Johnson)
 2/21-22: Congregation Beth Israel: CBI will observe the 10th anniversary of Rabbi Julie
Danan, and invites us to a party that Saturday evening. (Keren Carter)
 Ongoing at Faith Lutheran Church: Centering Prayer (Tuesdays, 4 pm), an Osher
Lifelong Learning Institute video series on the Bible (Wednesdays, 10:30 am), Grace and
Gratitude (Wednesdays, 4:30 pm), and a series on the Bible (Sundays 9:45 am). (Jim Henson)
 Interfaith sharing and dialogue: We’ve been meeting at 11 am before the CAIC meetings
and may or may not continue. If interested talk with Jim Anderson or Janet Leslie.
 Torres Shelter: The new kitchen will soon be ready and donations of “all things kitchen”
are being accepted. We can help by donating spare kitchen items, contacting the gift registries at
Collier Hardware and The Galley, or giving gift certificates from our choice of local or on-line
stores. (Krista Gray)
 Enloe Spiritual Support Volunteer Training: The 6-week training starting 1/11 is full.
Discussion Items:
 CAIC business: Jim Henson led us through several items.
1. Annual dinner planning committee: Keren Carter, Ali Sarsour, Loretta Steinke, and Craig
Wilcox have volunteered to serve as a planning committee and will be meeting soon. Contact
them with ideas and willingness to help.
2. Vice President resignation and election: Jules Vautrot has stepped down as CAIC Vice
President for health reasons. Our Executive Committee brought the name of Craig Wilcox, who
has been serving as web-keeper and substitute secretary and is willing to serve in this position as
well. It was moved and seconded that we elect Craig Wilcox as Vice President, to fill out the
term ending July 2015, and we approved.
3. Nominating Committee for June election of new Treasurer and Secretary: Jim Henson
asked for two volunteers to join Loretta Steinke as member of this three-person committee, since
Craig Wilcox, now being an elected official, is unable to serve. Anastacia Snyder volunteered,
and we accepted her with thanks. Anyone else willing to serve along with Loretta and Anastacia
should contact Jim Henson.
 Emergency Cold Weather Shelter: Leslie Johnson shared information on the experience of
providing an emergency cold shelter at Chico Peace and Justice Center during unusually cold
weather in December. The organizing group, calling itself the Chico Homeless Action Team
(CHAT), has been reaching out to churches and other agencies that might provide short-term
shelter. Reportedly, the Jesus Center board has approved that site being used for short-term
emergency shelter, but details and conditions are yet to be worked out. CHAT, acting under the
auspices of Chico Peace and Justice Center, will set up trainings for volunteers, and those
interested should contact Luisa Cruz Reinke ( More information on
CHAT may also be obtained from Leslie Johnson (, Sheldon Praiser
(, and Dan Everhart (, all of whom were present at this
Discussion followed on what is being done locally, and on the possible role of the Chico Area
Interfaith Council. Suggestions for short and longer-term actions included donation of CAIC
funds, a workshop or conference on managed camps, and establishing a subcommittee to follow
up. It was noted that the Greater Chico Homeless Task Force and other groups have been
working on these issues and feel that paid staff are necessary to oversee an emergency shelter.
The next meeting of the Homeless Task Force is Tuesday, January 21st (and every 3rd Tuesday)
at 10 am in the Chico City Council Chambers, conference room #1. The Chico City Mayor is
also putting together a task force which will be meeting soon.
It was moved and seconded that we allocate up to $1000 from Chico Area Interfaith Council
funds to go toward the effort to address emergency cold weather shelter needs. We approved,
and since our bylaws require a two-step review process for non-administrative expenditures, we
will discuss this motion at our February meeting, and approve or not approve such allocation at
that time. It was suggested that we are not clear on what we want to do and need to have full
discussion of this community need and our own role, and in the meantime, to reach out to our
own faith communities on these issues.
Speaker: James Coles, North Valley Housing Trust, described the work of this housing trust
fund to bring resources to local service providers, acting as a “locally-generated revenue source
that meets locally-identified housing needs”. NVTF focus is to address homelessness through
raising funds for proactive outreach, rental assistance, and supportive services. This is a costeffective model with direct benefits of flexibility of a local board, funding stability, and
community-building through bringing service organizations together. The City of Chico, CHIP,
North Valley Community Foundation, Catalyst, the Torres Shelter, and other local groups are
involved. We can help by donating funds to help qualify for State matching grants, participating
on the start-up board, and referring and recruiting NVHT partners. For more information go to or contact James Coles at
Opening Focus contribution for next meeting: Keren Carter, Congregation Beth Israel.
Next Meeting: February12, 2014 at 11:45 am at First Baptist Church, 850 Palmetto, Chico.
Please contact Jim Henson, president, for items to be put on the February agenda.