Vietnam War Test 125 points Multiple Choice 51. Who was the leader of North Vietnam? A. Ho Chi Minh B. Kim IL Jung C. Dien Bein Phu D. Ngo Dinh Diem 52. Who were the Viet Cong? A. North Vietnamese soldiers B. Vietnamese Nationalists C. Communist guerillas of South Vietnam D. Former tribesmen of Vietnam 53. Who were the Viet Minh? A. North Vietnamese soldiers B. Vietnamese Nationalists C. Communist guerillas of South Vietnam D. Former tribesmen of Vietnam 54. What occurred at My Lai? A. Nothing B. Hundreds of women and kids were killed C. It was the site of the French defeat D. The location where the Peace Treaty was signed. 55. What two countries did the U.S. extend their fighting to in 1970? A. Cambodia and Taiwan B. Cambodia and Laos C. China and Laos D. China and Taiwan 56. Where was it that 4 people were killed and 9 were injured when national guardsmen opened fire during an anti-war protest? A. B. C. D. Missouri Southern Kansas State Berkeley Kent State 57. Which of the following is the correct order of countries that controlled Vietnam? A. Japan, France, U.S. B. France, Japan, France C. U.S., Japan, France D. China, Japan, France 58. Which of the following U.S. Presidents did not have a role in the Vietnam War? A. Kennedy B. Johnson C. Eisenhower D. Truman 59. Which of the following was a pretext (reason) for the U.S. to become militarily involved in Vietnam? A. The Geneva Conference B. Tonkin Gulf Incident C. Vietminzation D. The media 60. Which of the following was NOT a way the Vietnam War was protested? A. Songs B. Burning of draft cards C. Marches D. The DMZ True or False 61. There were as many as 500,000 U.S. troops stationed in South Vietnam. 62. The Geneva Accords divided Vietnam at the 27th parallel. 63. The Domino Theory states if one country falls to communism, neighboring countries will fall to communism too. 64. The Vietnam War was the first time many Americans saw the horror of war. 65. Daily military briefings given to American reporters became known as the “Five O’ Clock Follies” because of the military’s overly optimistic reports. 66. The majority of the American people protested the Vietnam War. 67. American forces withdrew from Vietnam in 1975. 68. The Vietnam War cost the U.S. around $200 billion. 69. The T.E.T. Offensive was a massive attack led by the Viet Cong during the Vietnamese holiday. 70. The T.E.T. Offensive resulted in the following: U.S. troop increase, Johnson not seeking re-election and more bombing of North Vietnam. Open Response—25 points—Choose 1! Why do you believe that the U.S. did not achieve victory or meet their goals in the Vietnam War? Give 3 reasons and support those reasons with facts. OR Why do you believe that there was such a large anti-war following for the Vietnam War? Give 3 reasons and support those reasons with facts.