What laws made segregation legal

What laws made segregation legal?
•Jim Crow Laws
What is the opposite of segregation?
What kind did Booker T. Washington advocate?
•Vocational Education
•Teaching job skills
What African American leader advocated vocational education?
•Booker T Washington
What did Washington believe?
• Achieve equality through vocational education
•Accept social segregation for now
•Will earn respect and equality through hard work
What African American leader disagreed with Washington?
W.E.B. DuBois
•“The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.”
What was DuBois’ idea on race?
•Full political and social rights should be demanded immediately
•End segregation now
What organization was created to advance African American rights?
•Association for the
•Advancement of
What Supreme Court ruling allowed segregation?
•Plessy v Ferguson(1896)
What was the Court’s ruling in Plessy?
•Separate but equal
•However the South ignored this ruling.
•Things were always SEPARATE BUT NOT EQUAL!!!!!!
What Supreme Court case ordered desegregation of schools?
•Brown v Board of Education(1954)
•Schools were note equal
•Blacks felt inferior
What war did African Americans fight in to save democracy and rights around the world?
•World War II
How did President Truman change the US Armed Forces?
•Desegregated the US Armed Forces
•Ended segregation in the US Armed Forces
Why was Rosa Parks arrested?
•Would not give her seat up on a segregated bus
•Montgomery, AL
What are the African American citizens of Montgomery, AL doing ?
•Bus boycott
Who emerged as the civil rights leader from the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
What was King’s philosophy to end segregation?
•Civil disobedience
•Passive (non-violent) resistance
What are some examples of passive resistance?
Which of King’s philosophies did sit-ins follow?
•Civil disobedience
•Passive resistance
Who were Freedom Riders?
•College students who challenged the Jim Crow –segregation laws in the South
What 2 laws (legislation) under President Lyndon Johnson were passed to end the Jim
Crow Era?
•Civil Rights Act 1964(ended segregation)
•Voting Rights Act 1965(guaranteed voting rights)
What is the name given to Dr. King’s most famous speech?
 “I Have a Dream”
For what is Susan B Anthony remembered in the fight for women’s rights?
•Women’s suffrage
•Right to vote
What amendment gave women the right to vote?
What modern day concerns do women have?
•Equal pay with men in the same job
•Equal hiring practices for jobs
•Equal opportunity in athletics in high school and college (Title 9)
What proposed amendment that failed was aimed at guaranteeing rights of women?
What is the purpose of the organization called NOW?
•National Organization of Women
•Advance the cause of women’s rights and to insure women are treated fairly and equally