At a meeting of the South Boston Town Council held on April 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers on Yancey Street, the following were present: Mayor Carroll Thackston Vice-Mayor Edward Owens Council Member Morris L. Bryant Council Member Mark J. Morris Council Member W. R. Snead, Jr. Council Member D. Coleman Speece Council Member Connie S. Manning Staff: Town Manager Ted Daniel; Police Captain B. K. Lovelace; Director of Finance Erle Scott; Director of Public Works Alan Auld; Town Clerk Jane Jones On motion of Mr. Owens, seconded by Mr. Snead, Council approved the minutes of March 14 and March 28, 2011 as transmitted. *AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF ENERGY EFFICIENT HOUSING SYSTEMS Mr. Daniel advised that on behalf of the Town, he had signed a partnership agreement with the University of Virginia, Southern Virginia Higher Education Center, Riverstone Energy Center, Southside Outreach, Inc., Cardinal Homes, and SIPS of America to design and manufacture affordable, energy efficient housing systems. He noted that each of the parties possess certain capabilities, resources, and expertise that should result in the preparation of a strong proposal to the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission for grant funding for a housing project in South Boston. UVA will design and Southside Outreach will build one ecoMOD research prototype multifamily building with two side-by-side townhomes separated by a common wall. One of the townhomes will be constructed using energy-efficient stick framed modular sections. The other will utilize SIPs [structured insulated panels] based modular sections. This will allow for direct comparisons of energy and water usage and air quality between the alternate designs. Upon award of a grant from the Tobacco Commission, UVA will subcontract $100,000 to Southside Outreach for materials for modules to support the project. The Town will provide the land for the project and apply for a $200,000 VDHCD Innovation grant to provide the site work, utilities, and foundations. Southside Outreach has agreed to commit $150,000 to the project. Council concurred with the Agreement. *CLOSED MEETING TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS On motion of Dr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Speece, Council voted unanimously to go into a closed meeting to discuss candidates for appointment to various boards and 214 commissions as allowed by the Code of Virginia §2.2-3711(A). Voting Aye: Bryant, Morris, Owens, Snead, Speece, Manning. Nays: none. Absent and not voting: None. On motion of Dr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Mr. Speece, Council voted unanimously to return to open session. Voting Aye: Bryant, Morris, Owens, Snead, Speece, Manning. Nays: none. Absent and not voting: none. On motion of Dr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Bryant, Council unanimously certified that to the best of each member’s knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the town council. Voting Aye: Bryant, Morris, Owens, Snead, Speece, Manning. Nays: none. Absent and not voting: none. Council took no action after returning to open session. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. *FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING TO DISCUSSED PROPOSED 2011-12 BUDGET Chairman Speece convened a meeting of the Finance Committee to review the Staff Proposed 2011-2012 Budget. All members of Council were present. Fire Chief Phillips discussed needed repairs at the Fire Station. He estimated the most urgent projects could be done for under $35,000. Police Captain Lovelace discussed the need to replace eight vehicles in the Police Department fleet. Mr. Owens requested an itemized list of the equipment and vehicles requested by the Public Works Department. After a round table discussion on the proposed budget, Chairman Speece suggested the Finance Committee meet on April 25th at 3:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Conference Room with staff to discuss the budget in detail. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. __________________________ Carroll Thackston, Mayor ATTEST:___________________________ Jane P. Jones, Town Clerk, CMC 215 At a special joint meeting of the South Boston Town Council, the Halifax County Board of Supervisors, and the Halifax Town Council, held on April 18, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. in the Mary Bethune Office Complex in Halifax, Virginia the following were present. Vice-Mayor Edward Owens, Presiding Council Members: Morris Bryant, Mark Morris, Connie S. Manning Absent: Mayor Carroll Thackston; Council Members Speece and Snead Staff Present: Town Clerk Jane Jones Members of the Halifax County Board of Supervisors and Staff Members of the Halifax Town Council and Staff *NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER PROCLAIMED – MAY 5, 2011 On motion of Dr. Morris, seconded by Mrs. Manning, Council voted to proclaim May 5, 2011 as National Day of Prayer in South Boston. The County Board of Supervisors and Town of Halifax Council concurred with a like motion. *DEPT. OF REHABILITATIVE SERVICES – EMPLOYER INCENTIVES Ms. Cindy Roberts, Business Development Manager for the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services gave a brief report on the incentives available for employers who hire workers with disabilities. *REDISTRICTING PLAN APPROVED BY COUNTY The meeting having been duly advertised constituted a public hearing by the Halifax County Board of Supervisors on the proposed redistricting plan. Andy Wells, Southside Planning District Commission, briefly reviewed the new plan. [Copy on file in Town Clerk’s Office]. The Board unanimously approved the Plan as presented. There being no further business the joint meeting adjourned. __________________________ Vice-Mayor Edward Owens ATTEST: ________________________ Jane P. Jones, Town Clerk, CMC 216 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING The Finance Committee of the South Boston Town Council met on April 25, 2011 at 3:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of Town Hall to discuss the proposed budget for 2011-12. The following were present: Coleman Speece, Chairman; Ed Owens and W. R. Snead; Mayor Thackston. Staff Present: Ted Daniel, Town Manager; Jim Binner, Chief of Police; Steve Phillips, Fire Chief; Finance Director Erle Scott; Alan Auld, Director of Public Works; B. K. Lovelace, Police Captain; Jane Jones, Town Clerk. The Finance Committee reviewed the proposed budget requests with department heads. The Committee endorsed increasing the meals tax by 1%, which would increase revenues by an estimated $250,000/annually. They also endorsed repairs to the Fire Station at $34,325 and new carpet for the Library at $25,000. The budget included increased expenditures for gas and oil at 75% over the previous year. The Committee also endorsed a lease to own program for eight new police vehicles and twelve new pieces of public works equipment/vehicles. The Committee recessed to go to the Council work session meeting in Council Chambers on Yancey Street. ______________________ Coleman Speece, Chairman At a work session meeting of the South Boston Town Council held on April 25, 2011 at 5:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers on Yancey Street, the following were present: Mayor Carroll Thackston Vice-Mayor Edward Owens Council Member Morris L. Bryant Council Member Mark Morris Council Member W. R. Snead, Jr. Council Member D. Coleman Speece Council Member Connie S. Manning Staff Present: Town Manager Ted Daniel, Police Chief Jim Binner, Finance Director Erle Scott, Director of Public Works Alan Auld, Police Captain B. K. Lovelace, Town Clerk Jane Jones Mayor Thackston called the meeting to order and turned it over to the Current Issues Committee Chairman Morris Bryant. 217 *ANNUAL POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT – 2010 Chief Binner reviewed the 2010 Police Department Report with the Committee. [Copy on file in Town Clerk’s Office] *PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS ON SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS Mr. Daniel reviewed the following four special use permit applications with the Committee. He noted that the Planning Commission had held public hearings on each application and made the following recommendations to Town Council. ۩ Special Use Permits #011811 and #012011 were requests to allow internet gaming centers to operate at 3324 and 4003 Halifax Road. Both locations are zoned B-2 General Business. Internet gaming centers are defined under amusement centers which are allowed by special use permit in B-2 Zones. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on these applications on February 9th and delayed action citing a desire to see what legislation came out of the General Assembly regarding internet cafes. In the 2011 Session of the General Assembly, legislation was adopted amending the definition of "illegal gambling" to clarify that the purchase of a product, Internet access, or other thing (i.e., phone card, movie rental vouchers), which purchase credits the purchaser with free points or other measurable units that may be risked by the purchaser for an opportunity to win money, is deemed consideration for the purposes of illegal gambling. In light of the new legislation the Commission recommended Council deny both applications. ۩ Special Use Permit # 031511 was a request to allow a dance hall at 2011 Seymour Drive [Quality Inn Motel and Restaurant]. Dance Halls are allowed by special use permit in B-2 Zones. The Commission recommended the permit be approved with seven conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Council review the permit within 3 months The facility cannot be sublet to anyone charging admission A dance hall can only operated on week-ends Two security officers required to be on duty when dance hall is operation No one allowed in under age 25 Close no later than 1:00 a.m. By Police Dept. recommendation the permit can be suspended until reviewed. ۩ Special Use Permit # 032411 was a request to allow a vehicle repair business at 1171 Green’s Folly Road. Auto and truck general repair establishments are allowed by special use permit in B-2 Zones. The Commission recommended the permit be approved with the condition that inoperable vehicles be stored at the rear of the property. 218 The Committee directed public hearings be held by Town Council on the applications at the May 9th meeting. *BRIAN CHEEVER TO RESIGN FROM PLANNING COMMISSION AND BZA Mrs. Jones advised the Brian Cheever had informed her that he was resigning from the Planning Commission and the BZA. The Committee discussed various potential candidates. No action was taken. There being no further business the Current Issues Committee adjourned. Chairman Speece called the Finance Committee reconvened. *FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR MONTH ENDING MARCH 30, 2011 Mr. Scott reviewed the monthly financial statement with the Committee and answered. *2011-2012 PROPOSED BUDGET DISCUSSIONS CONTINUED The Committee reviewed its earlier discussions on the budget with other members of Council. Mr. Owens requested the YMCA’s request for a one-time additional appropriation of $5,000 be approved. The Committee recommended this issue be placed on the May 9th Council Agenda. *CLOSED MEETING TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS On motion of Dr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Bryant, Council voted unanimously to go into a closed meeting to discuss personnel issues, specifically candidates for boards and commissions and a specific employee’s performance, as allowed by the Code of Virginia §2.2-3711(A). Voting Aye: Bryant, Morris, Owens, Snead, Speece, Manning. Nays: none. On motion of Dr. Morris, seconded by Mr. Owen, Council voted unanimously to return to open session. Voting Aye: Bryant, Morris, Owens, Snead, Speece, Manning, Nays: none. On motion of Mr. Owen, seconded by Mr. Snead, Council unanimously certified that to the best of each member’s knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which 219 the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting by the town council. Voting Aye: Bryant, Morris, Owens, Snead, Speece, Manning. Nays: none. No action was taken and the meeting adjourned. _______________________________ Carroll Thackston, Mayor ATTEST:___________________________ Jane P. Jones, Town Clerk, CMC 220