1999 Systems Engineering Capstone Conference • University of Virginia THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENHANCEMENTS TO A REGIONAL CRIME ANALYSIS PROGRAM Student team: Steven W. Bremer, Joseph Dunn, Nayana Mallikarjun, Brady Schuck, Justin Stile Faculty Advisor: Dr. Donald Brown, Department of Systems Engineering Client Advisors: Lieutenant J.W. Gibson and Tom McKean Charlottesville Police Department Charlottesville, VA Email: gibsonjw@ci.charlottesville.va.us mckean@ci.charlottesville.va.us Sergeant Jeff McKinney Richmond Police Department Richmond, VA Email: jmckinney@ci.richmond.va.us KEYWORDS: crime data reporting, geocoding, Geographic Information System (GIS), ReCAP, tactical analysis the design and development of improved mapping features and reporting components for the Charlottesville system as well as new tactical analysis module for the Richmond system. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Over the last few years, students from the Systems Engineering Department at the University of Virginia have worked, under the supervision of Dr. Donald Brown, with police departments from Charlottesville, Albemarle, Richmond and University of Virginia in the development of the Regional Crime Analysis Program (ReCAP). ReCAP employs data mining and spatial analysis methods to help local police better understand and predict criminal activity within their respective jurisdictions. By integrating statistical and spatial analysis, reporting, tactical analysis, and geographic information systems into one comprehensive crime analysis package, ReCAP allows police departments to utilize the data stored in their respective DBMS for more accurate and efficient crime analysis. The aim of the improvements made to ReCAP over the course of this project is to help local police apprehend criminals more quickly and to prevent crime through improved resource allocation. Our Capstone team, made up of five undergraduate systems engineering students, has worked with representatives from the Charlottesville and Richmond Police Departments to design, develop, and implement improvements and new features for their respective ReCAP systems. This report provides an overview of this year’s Capstone team’s goals for and specific contributions to the ReCAP system.. More specifically, this report details Crime analysis techniques in law enforcement agencies are constantly evolving. The dawn of the computer age has allowed the development of database management systems (DBMS) and geographic information systems (GIS) for use in crime analysis. While these systems have made file cabinets full of incident reports and push-pin maps obsolete, using these systems can still be very tedious and time consuming due to the large volume of incidents stored in most DBMS. For this reason, crime analysts still rely on previous methods to search through data and plot graphs. Data mining technologies, which deal with automatic identification of patterns and relationships in large databases, address these very concerns. Data mining technologies developed in conjunction with database management systems and geographic information systems signify an important step in the advancement of crime analysis capabilities. Over the last few years, the University of Virginia, in conjunction with police departments from Albemarle, Charlottesville, and the University have developed the Regional Crime Analysis Program (ReCAP). This program utilizes data mining along with GIS to better understand and predict criminal activity in the area. ReCAP integrates statistical and spatial analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), reporting tools, and 81 The Design And Development Of Enhancements To A Regional Crime Analysis Program tactical analysis tools into one crime analysis system. The primary goal of the system is to prevent local crime through active crime deterrence and increased criminal apprehension. Recently, ReCAP has received attention from outside departments, most notably from those in Richmond and Washington D.C.. As a capstone team within the Systems Engineering Department under the supervision of Dr. Donald Brown, our goal has been to enhance the current systems in place in the cities of Charlottesville and Richmond. In particular, we have enhanced the mapping and reporting functionality and included the capability to perform tactical analysis on crime incident data. MAPPING ReCAP has the ability to electronically map crime incident data from specific queries made by the crime analyst. We identified the areas for improvement for the GIS and implemented these improvements. The main phases involved increasing the accuracy of the maps and developing an interface between ReCAP and the software that develops the Maps, MapInfo. Also, within this interface, we added various functionality, such as the ability to add landmarks to the map and the ability to assign a symbology to represent the crime incident data. integrated mapping application, we developed a new Visual Basic form that contained a picture frame. We then programmed Visual Basic to create a unique instance of MapInfo when the user chose to view a map. Visual Basic then sent a command to MapInfo to run the MapBasic program. After we added the code to display the map in the picture frame, we needed to ensure that various options available in MapInfo remained intact. To begin, the several “floating” windows that appear in MapInfo were reparented to the Visual Basic interface form. The final step in the implementation of the interface involved the integration of various MapInfo toolbar buttons. Neither the toolbars nor their buttons can be re-parented in an integrated mapping application. Instead, the programmer must create the buttons in Visual Basic. These buttons ensure that the program allows the user to perform all the actions that they could perform before the implementation of the MapInfo interface whose final design is shown in following figure. Mapping Interface Problem Definition. The mapping feature of the ReCAP system presents the police departments with a problem in that once the user chooses to view a map, the MapInfo software application begins running and displays the map. The MapInfo software is the sole means by which the user can interact with the map. Therefore, the user must be knowledgeable in the MapInfo software application. The goal is to minimize the required knowledge of the user in MapInfo. A user interface that seamlessly integrates the existing ReCAP program, written in Visual Basic, and the map can accomplish this. Interface Functionality. After studying the process of creating an integrated mapping application in MapInfo, we needed to implement such an application into the ReCAP software. In addition, we had to ensure that the mapping functionality the user saw prior to the implementation of the map interface would remain intact after the implementation of the interface. In the prior version of ReCAP, when a user chose to see a map of the crimes, Visual Basic ran a MapBasic program that started MapInfo and displayed the maps. To integrate this into an 82 Geocoding Problem Definition. The problem facing the two police departments stems from inaccurate spatial representations of crime locations. This is due to the inability of the system to associate a latitude and longitude (geocode) an incomplete or incorrect address. Therefore, the main objective of the solution is to increase the accuracy of these plots through an increased geocoding rate. This rate refers to the ratio of the number of crimes successfully plotted on the map to the total number of crimes retrieved in the user’s query. Solutions. There were two changes made to the ReCAP system to improve the geocoding rate. The first change made available to the user the option to view the entries that failed to geocode for a specific query, and to edit those entries directly. The second 1999 Systems Engineering Capstone Conference • University of Virginia feature allows the user to obtain a report of all the entries in the database that are currently not geocoding. The user can then enter the database manually and edit the entries. Symbology and Landmarks Problem Definition. The problem facing the two police departments arises from their inability to identify landmarks and distinguish between different crime types on a map Solution. To correct this problem, we created a new Visual Basic form that can be accessed from the map interface. This form presents a list of available landmarks that allows the user to add landmarks of their choosing. We also developed a symbology option allowing the user to assign a unique symbol to each crime incident type on the map. We created a form that can be accessed from the map interface that lists all the crime types on the map and lets the user allocate a unique color and symbol to each crime incident type on the map. Results The user interface is designed to reduce the amount of knowledge required by the user in MapInfo. To determine the ease with which a user not acquainted with MapInfo can use the mapping functionality in ReCAP, we plan to test this new user interface on an officer unfamiliar with ReCAP. We will use their feedback on the ease with which they could operate with the interface to determine the success of the new interface. To determine the success of the new geocoding functionality we will use the average geocoding rate. To begin, we will test the current system and determine the average geocoding rate over ten queries. Next, we will test the new system with the added functionality and run the same ten queries, while attempting to correct addresses that do not geocode. We will compare the two average geocoding rates to judge the performance of the new functionality. TACTICAL ANALYSIS This section documents the design and implementation of a new tactical analysis module within the Richmond version of ReCAP. The idea for this new functionality originated in the thesis of former graduate student, Steve Hagen, who developed algorithms for calculating measures of similarity between incidents. Using these measures of similarity, the new tactical analysis tool allows crime analysts to rapidly find similarities and recognize trends between incidents. The following section defines the need for a tactical analysis tool, describes the design process, and details the implementation of the system. Problem Definition One of ReCAP’s primary functions includes a three-stage query module, which prompts the user to enter query parameters based on time, location, and crime type. While traditional SQL queries are useful for narrowing the scope of an investigation, they have limitations when used in crime analysis. One limitation stems from the exacting nature of SQL whereby potentially related crimes can be removed from an analysis because they do meet the exact criteria specified in the query. Furthermore, traditional querying methods have an inherent lack of information in their results, as they do not give any indication as to the relationships between the incidents. A crime-linking tool that could consider all similar crimes for an analysis and provide information as to their relative similarity would greatly benefit crime analysts in their analyses. The tactical analysis tool developed in this project provides this functionality. Design Process In order to develop a tool that would be most useful for crime analysts, we went to the Criminal Intelligence Unit of the Richmond Police Department and met with crime analysts Truc Do and Euniqueca Reed. Measures of Performance. Based on the requirements established during these meetings, we established the following measures of performance for a tactical analysis tool: Speed Resource Utilization Feasibility Utility Alternative Selection. Based on Hagen’s thesis, I hypothesized four possible alternatives for implementing a tactical analysis tool within ReCAP: 1. A Clustering Tool 2. A Non-Query, Runtime-Linking Tool 3. A Post-Query, Runtime-Linking Tool 4. A Linking Tool with Pre-Calculated Similarity Scores Performing a systems analysis based on the Gibson Methodology, Alternative 3, a post-query, 83 The Design And Development Of Enhancements To A Regional Crime Analysis Program runtime-linking tool prevailed as the most robust solution. This tool begins operation after the user performs a traditional three-step, ReCAP query. Then the tool calculates similarity scores at runtime, as opposed to calculating the scores prior to runtime and then using a lookup function to retrieve the score. Implementation The next step in the development of a tactical analysis tool for the Richmond Police Department involved specifying system-level design features for the actual implementation of Alternative 3. The selected alternative consists of three primary functions: MO Attribute Retrieval and Display Similarity Calculation Manual Correction Each of these functions had to meet individual design criteria specified for the entire system. In addition, each function was broken down into a sequential list of tasks that it must perform: MO Attribute Retrieval and Display. 1. Determine Focus of Analysis 2. Query for MO Attributes 3. Display the Narrative Form of MO Attributes Similarity Calculation. 1. Calculate Continuous Attribute Similarity 2. Calculate Categorical Attribute Similarity 3. Calculate Total Similarity between Incidents 4. Display Incidents in Ranked Order by Similarity Measures of Performance. In order to measure the effectiveness of the tactical analysis tool, two measures of performance were developed: Speed – the actual time it takes to begin and complete an analysis. Accuracy – the proportion of incidents selected in the test analysis that coincide with the incidents selected in the original analysis. Testing Method. The following method was developed to test the new tactical analysis tool: 1. Choose a set of independent case studies to investigate. 2. Walk an analyst the through the case study using the new tactical analysis tool. 3. Allow the analyst to choose the incidents s/he deems to be most related to the incident under investigation. 4. Compare the results of the new analysis with those from the original case investigation. Evaluation of Results. The next stage is to compare the results of the new analyses with those of the previous analyses. For the speed MOP, a 1-tailed test will determine if the mean time to perform a complete tactical analysis using the new tool is significantly less than the mean time using the previous method. Assuming enough data points, a binomial experiment for categorical data analysis will determine whether the proportion of incidents returned by the tactical analysis tool that match the incidents found in the original analyses meets an acceptable standard. REPORTING Manual Correction. 1. Check Status of Current Analysis 2. Determine the Scope of the Analysis 3. Make User Deletions Effective for Separate Functions System Evaluation In order to measure the impact of the completed tool on Richmond’s current tactical analysis methods, we have developed tests to measure the effectiveness of the tool in the field. These tests are intended to determine whether the new tactical analysis tool improves, with any statistical significance, the accuracy and efficiency of Richmond’s tactical analysis methods. 84 Introduction The reporting section focuses on the design and development of internal (functionality utilized by the police department) and external (functionality utilized by the public) reporting components for the Charlottesville ReCAP system. Our main objective was to provide a means of visualizing criminal data in the most meaningful way possible. This was accomplished by developing functions that allow a user to sort and group data according to the user’s preferences. A comprehensive set of requirements was developed through meetings with members of the Charlottesville Police Department (CPD) that indicated that one external feature and three internal features were needed in the Charlottesville ReCAP system. The internal features are the following: Incident Summary Reporting, Tract Summary 1999 Systems Engineering Capstone Conference • University of Virginia Reporting, and Query Based Reporting. The external feature is a Web-based Reporting component. Incident Summary Reporting Problem Definition. The CPD required a feature that enables users to break down incidents by particular criteria. This decomposition would allow the users to analyze any increases or decreases in crime rates over a particular period. This report was to generate monthly to monitor general incident activity in the Charlottesville region. It should list the number of each crime type for each agency (Charlottesville, Albemarle, and UVA Police Departments). Solution. The General Reporting tool is a crime activity analysis tool which has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed in Microsoft Access. This tool allows crime analysts to generate reports on incident activity classified by time span and one or two category classification parameters. The GUI prompts the user to enter these parameters as well as a time and date range. These parameters are used to form a query that retrieves the relevant information from the Record Management System (RMS) maintained by the CPD and arranged within a report. The report that gets generated contains the counts of the selected incidents for the classification parameters for the entered time span along with the time span previous and the time span for the previous year. By including these time spans, the reporting tool can be used to determine temporal trends in crime activities for particular classification categories. Along with the generation of reports the General Reporting tool generates charts that graphically represent the queried information. Tract Summary Reporting Problem Definition. The CPD requested a report that could be generated by a crime analyst that contains information specific to officer performance, criminal activity in particular physical areas, and criminal activity during particular time periods. Higher ranked officers at the CPD would generate batches of these reports to distribute to their subordinate officers. These officers needed a report that would enable them to keep track of the operation of their subordinate officers. Solution. The Tract Summary Reporting Feature has a Microsoft Access GUI and allows the crime analyst to produce tract reports in batch by entering in the tract, department identification code of particular officer, and shift of each officer on duty. The feature uses this information to form a query that retrieves information from the Charlottesville RMS. The tract summary report will contain statistics relative to each officer’s shift and agency and arrange them in following categories: 1) List of all incidents that have occurred in the Tract over the last 72 hours. 2) List of the incidents that have occurred in the Tract and the amount of times they have been reported during that shift for a period of the prior two-weeks. 3) List of the address in the Tract where incidents have been reported most frequently over the past 90 days. 4) List of all the warrants outstanding in that Tract. 5) List of all the current active cases assigned to that officer. 6) List of all regional missing persons. Query Based Reporting Problem Definition. The need for this feature stemmed from the need to make the results of a incident search more useable. The search feature of the ReCAP system queries the ReCAP database for incidents pertaining to user defined crime characteristics. The results of the search are displayed in a data window within the ReCAP GUI. The problem that the ReCAP users have is in the inability to print or save the information presented in the data window Solution. The main objective for the solution of this problem was to provide an easy method to save and print the results of a search. In order to do this a database was created that contains a table that is linked to the table that stores the data of the results of the search. From this table a report is composed that contains all the data fields available in the data window of the GUI. Included in this report is functionality options that allows the user to print the report, save it to a file, and convert it to HTML to publish it on the web. Web-based Reporting Problem Definition. The problem facing the police departments regarding crime prevention stems from the lack of awareness by the public. This is due to inefficient information dissemination between the police and the public. Therefore, the main objective of the solution is to provide a reporting feature that accurately and effectively informs the community of the crime in their area. 85 The Design And Development Of Enhancements To A Regional Crime Analysis Program Solution. In order to inform the community of criminal information a web site was constructed that contains crime reports. The reports were created using the query based reporting feature and published to the web. The web reports contains information specific to each robbery and burglary that occurred each year from 1996 to the present. Each report also contains a GIS map that marks the address that each incident occurred at. Gibson, J.W., Lieutenant, Charlottesville Police Department, Charlottesville, VA. Multiple meetings throughout the 1998-99 school year. Gibson, John E. “How to do a Systems Analysis.” Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Copy Services, 1996. Hagen, Steve “A Suspect Matching Tool for Robbery Data.” University of Virginia, 1999. Results The enhanced reporting component was integrated into ReCAP in order to improve its reporting functionality. To determine the extent of the improvements we plan to analyze each new reporting feature according to different measures of performance. To determine the success of the Incident Reporting Feature we will compare the total combination of reports that can be generated by the enhanced reporting component and with out. To determine the success of the Tract Summary Reporting Feature we will analyze the number of officers that utilize the report. To determine the usefulness of the Query Based Reporting Feature we will analyze the number of different way that the data can be stored (i.e. on file, web and hard copy). To determine the utility of the Web-based Reporting Feature we will analyze its effectiveness by measuring the potential amount of community members that it can be disseminated to. CONCLUSIONS These new features and improvements to the ReCAP system will aid the Charlottesville, UVA, Albemarle, and Richmond police departments apprehend criminals and prevent crime through improved resource allocation. The new mapping interface and functionality improves the overall coherence of the ReCAP program by incorporating the mapping features into a ReCAP interface structure. The new tactical analysis tool improves the accuracy and efficiency of crime analysis in the city of Richmond. The enhanced reporting components improve the presentation and dissemination of pertinent crime data for use by the police and the community. REFERENCES Brown, Donald E. “The Regional Crime Analysis Program (RECAP): A Framework for Mining Data to Catch Criminals.” University of Virginia, June 1998. 86 McKinney, Jeff, Sergeant, Richmond Police Department, Richmond, VA. Multiple meetings throughout the 1998-99 school year. BIOGRAPHIES Steven W. Bremer, a fourth-year Systems Engineering student, specializes in Management Information Systems. His principal contribution to the project was in the area of increased mapping functionality. He plans on earning his Masters of Science Degree in Systems Engineering at the University of Virginia next year. Joseph A. Dunn, a fourth-year Systems Engineering student, specializes in Management Information Systems. His contribution to the project involved the development of a tactical analysis tool for the city of Richmond. He is originally from Maryland and plans on moving to Arlington, VA to pursue his career at Deloitte & Touche Consulting group. Nayana Mallikarjun, a fourth-year Systems Engineering student, specializes in Management Information Systems. Her main contribution to the project involved the development of an internal reporting component. She plains to work at EDS in Northern Virginia next year. Brady J. Schuck, a fourth-year Systems Engineering student, specializes in Management Information Systems. His main contribution to the project was in the area of improving the mapping functionality. He hails from the great state of California, and will be moving to New York City to join Ernst & Young Consulting after graduation. Justin Stile, a fourth-year Systems Engineering student concentrating in Management Information Systems. His main contribution to the project involved the development of an external reporting component. He hails from Long Island and plans on earning a Masters Degree in Systems Engineering.