Which of the following is an example of Stimulus Generalization

PSY 313-513
Practice Quiz 1
Take this practice quiz without your notes. Take your time. Read each question carefully
and mark the answer which is most accurate. Bring the completed quiz to class on Monday.
1. Which of the following is an example of Stimulus Generalization?
a) Pavlov’s Dogs
b) The Bobo study
c) The Little Albert Study
d) Premack’s school child study
2. Which of the following is most involved in Bandura’s step of “Attention” in
Observational Learning?
a) Frontal Lobe
b) Temporal Lobe
c) Cingulate Gyiri
d) Amygdala
3. Which of the following would be most likely active if your heart rate and breathing was
fast (e.g., fight or flight)?
a) Hippocampus
b) Cingulate Gyri
c) Somatic Nervous System
d) Sympathetic Nervous System
e) Parasympathetic Nervous System
4. A child touches a hot surface. Which of the following would be most involved in the
child sensing the surface is hot?
a) Frontal Lobe
b) Parietal Lobe
c) Occipital Lobe
d) Temporal Lobe
5. When you study for the test, where do you hope the information will be stored?
a) Hippocampus
b) Cingulate Gyri
c) Temporal Lobe
d) Working Memory
6. In Trace Conditioning the CS precedes the US…
a) and overlaps into the presentation of the US.
b) but stops before the US is presented.
c) and no conditioning occurs because the US is not contingent upon the NS.
d) None of the above. The US precedes the CS.
7. In Experimental Neurosis the animal…
a) spontaneously recovers the Conditioned Response. .
b) can’t discriminate between two similar stimuli.
c) becomes unintentionally conditioned to a neutral stimulus (e.g., spinning for
d) can’t remember the names of the other animals.
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8. Which of the following is most involved in articulation of words (e.g., mouth
a) Frontal Lobe
b) Parietal Lobe
c) Occipital Lobe
d) Temporal Lobe
9. When you start your car without putting on your seatbelt, the car beeps until you put it on. This is
an example of…
a) Positive Reinforcement
b) Negative Reinforcement
c) Positive Punishment
d) Negative Punishment
10. Which of the following reinforcement schedules is most likely to lead to Scalloped
a) Fixed Interval (FI)
b) Variable Interval (VI)
c) Fixed Ration (FR)
d) Variable Ratio (VR)
11. You track Bob’s nail biting at home and at work. This is an example of…
a) Multiple baseline across subjects design
b) Multiple baseline across behaviors design
c) Multiple baseline across settings design
d) ATD Alternating Treatments Design
12. Which of the following was most related to Respondent Conditioning?
E.L. Thorndike
Albert Bandura
John Watson
B.F. Skinner
13. Which of the following signals reinforcement will not take place?
Initiating Stimulus (IS)
Discriminative Stimulus (SD)
S Delta (SΔ)
S Alpha (S)
14. The idea of alternating preferred with nonpreferred activities is representative of...
A-B-A-B Reversal Design
ATD Alternating Treatments Design
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
Premack Principal
15. A child refuses to clean their room. The parent takes away their favorite toy until they
clean their room. The child cleans their room and the toy is returned. This is an example
Positive Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement
Positive Punishment
Negative Punishment
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16. In Behavioral Skills Training, modeling is when…
a) The learner is asked to read the steps of a task aloud.
b) The learner is shown pictures of what not to do.
c) The correct behavior is demonstrated for the learner.
d) The learner acts out the behavior prior to being taught.
17. Verbal, gestural, modeling, and physical prompts are what type of prompts?
a) Response Prompts
b) Stimulus Prompts
c) Positive Punishment
d) Negative Punishment
18. Which of the following Behavioral Principals is/are involved in shaping?
a) Extinction
b) Punishment
c) Reinforcement
d) A and C
19. What should be the first step when using behavior modification procedures to decrease
a) Choosing reinforcers for the desired behavior
b) Choosing punishers for the problem behavior
c) Conducting a functional assessment
d) Conducting a task analysis.
20. Which of the following would most support the theory children can learn violence from
what they see on TV.
a) Pavlov’s Dog study
b) Watson’s Little Albert Study
c) Bandura’s Bobo study
d) Premack’s school child study
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Practice Quiz 1 Answers
c) The Little Albert Study
c) Cingulate Gyiri
d) Sympathetic Nervous System
b) Parietal Lobe
c) Temporal Lobe
6. b) but stops before the US is presented.
7. b) can’t discriminate between two similar stimuli.
8. a) Frontal Lobe
9. b) Negative Reinforcement
10. a) Fixed Interval (FI)
11. c) Multiple baseline across settings design
12. c) John Watson
13. c) S Delta (SΔ)
14. d) Premack Principal
15. c) Negative Punishment
16. c) The correct behavior is demonstrated for the learner.
17. c) The correct behavior is demonstrated for the learner
18. a) Response Prompts
19. d) A and C
20. c) Conducting a functional assessment
21. c) Bandura’s Bobo study
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