參考資料及網站 參考網站 1. “The benefits of human cloning” http://www.humancloning.org/benefits.htm 2. “All the reasons to clone human” http://www.humancloning.org/allthe.htm 參考資料 1. Klotzko, A. J., (ed), The Cloning Source Book, Oxford University Press, 2001. 2. McGee, Glenn (ed), The Human Cloning Debate, Berkeley Hills Books, 2000. 3. Rollin, B. E., The Journal of Ethics, 3: 51-71, 1999. 4. B James A. Byrne and John B. Gurdon, “Commentary on human cloning”, Differentiation 69:154-157, 2002. 5. Don P. Wolf, “ An opinion on human reproductive cloning”, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Vol. 18, No. 8, 2001. 教學活動 1 網址 1. “DNA: the instruction manual for all life” http://www.thetech.org/exhibits/online/genome/ 2. “The Structure of the DNA Molecule” http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/DNA_structure.html 3. “Structure of DNA” http://www.accessexcellence.org/AB/GG/structure.html 4. “Structure of DNA” – more detail http://www.iacr.bbsrc.ac.uk/notebook/courses/guide/dnast.htm 5. “How Cloning Works” http://howstuffworks.lycoszone.com/cloning.htm 6. “Dolly” http://howstuffworks.lycoszone.com/cloning2.htm 7. “How to clone a sheep” http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=000CC712-165B-1D40-90FB809E C5880000 8. “複製生命? A Cloned Sheep!” http://www.nhltc.edu.tw/~bruce/cloned_sheep/tutor.htm 教學活動 2 網址 1. “Future of Cloning” http://home.hawaii.rr.com/johns/future.htm 2. “The benefits of human cloning” http://www.humancloning.org/benefits.htm 3. “Clonaid.com – The first human cloning company” http://www.clonaid.com/english/pages/human_cloning.html 4. “All the reasons why we should clone human beings” http://www.humancloning.org/allthe.htm 5. “Microscopes, cells, DNA and you” http://chroma.mbt.washington.edu/outreach/SUMMARY.html 6. “Genomics 101: The Basics” http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis/publicat/primer2001/1.html 7. Klon : “How cell works – The cell part” http://www.howstuffworks.com/cell1.htm 教學活動 3 網址 1. “Should human cloning be prohibited by law?” http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/sword/382/annasokol.cloning.html 2. “Reasons against cloning” http://globalchange.com/noclones.htm 3. “All the reasons why we should clone human beings” http://www.humancloning.org/allthe.htm 4. “The benefits of human cloning” http://www.humancloning.org/benefits.htm 5. “Human cloning – cloning methods” http://www.stanfrod.edu/~eclipse9/sts129/cloning/methods.html 6. “Human cloning- how to do it” http://www.globalchange.com/clone.html 7. “Human cloning – ways to clone” http://www.stedwards.edu/newc/capstone/sp2000/biotechnology/ways.htm 8. “The Roslin Technique” and “The Honolulu technique” http://library.thinkquest.org/24355/data/techniquesnav. 參考資料 1. James A. Byrne and John B. Gurdon, “Commentary on human cloning”, Differentiation 69:154-157, 2002. 2. Don P. Wolf, “ An opinion on human reproductive cloning”, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Vol. 18, No. 8, 2001. 3. McGee, Glenn (ed), The human cloning debate,2nd ed, Berkeley Hills Books, 2000 4. Human cloning : science, ethics, and public policy, Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2000. 5. MingPao 28 December 2002. Berkeley, Calif. :