Lecture 12 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE KIDNEYS AND THE URINARY TRACT II. HORMONAL CONTROL OF THE KIDNEY FUNCTION Fluid regulation in the body is achieved by controlling the intake and excretion of water and sodium ions which has partly neural, partly endocrine character. Water is continuously lost by lungs, body surface, sweat glands, urination and defecation, and replenished by body metabolism and by drinking. Water metabolism of the body is controlled by a system of neural and endocrine mechanisms accompanied by the subjective feeling of THIRST. Furthermore, fluid regulation is achieved by controlling the intake and excretion of water and sodium ions. Part of the drinking is not related to water deficit. This is called spontaneous drinking. It is necessary to prevent dry mouth, to adjust body temperature, to prevent anticipated water deficit (food, sweating). Also, the flavor of the drink and its variety are involved. Drinking and eating are usually tightly linked. Disruption of one disrupts the other. Thereis dehydratation-induced anorexia, quickly reversed after rehydration. Hormonal effects are involved. There are two mechanisms of thirst, osmometric and volumetric, although in the living organism, the double-depletion theory of thirst states that both mechanisms are usually involved in the control of the water balance at once. A. Osmometric Thirst The osmometric thirst is due to the loss of body water. There is an increase in the osmotic pressure of the extracellular, and ultimately also the intracellular, fluids. Due to an increase in osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid, water is drawn from the cells and the blood volume does not decrease. Osmotic receptors are still mysterious. They have been located in hypothalamus. Magnocellular neurosecretory cells here may also serve as osmoreceptors. Some osmoreceptors are also found in the region of the portal vein, in the stomach and in the gut, but their role is uncertain and they probably do not initiate drinking. The receptors are specifically excited or inhibited by the hypertonic and 1 hypotonic solutions. Little is known about the mechanism by which this is achieved. They may actually be sodium receptors. When the osmotic receptors are activated, the suprachiasmatic, supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus produce vasopressin which is transported to the posterior pituitary and released from it. B. Volumetric Thirst The volumetric thirst is also called hypovolemic or extracellular thirst. The volumetric thirst is caused by a decrease of the volume of circulating blood and/or extracellular fluid. It is usually caused by the loss of blood by bleeding. The osmotic pressure of the blood does not change. The volumometric receptors (baroreceptors) are in the heart atria and in the kidney (juxtaglomerular apparatus). Atriopeptin, a peptide hormone released from the heart, is decreased, and renin from the kidney is increased when the volume of the blood decreases. Renin further catalyzes the formation of a hormone angiotensin from the precursor angiotensinogen in the blood plasma. Angiotensin protects the level of water in the organism, and also acts as a dipsogen (thirst-producing agent) in the hypothalamus. Termination of Drinking Amount of water consumed by the organism is not rigorously regulated. We drink excess fluids, and pass the excess off as dilute urine. The satiation of thirst is gradual, the individual stops drinking before the deficit had been made up. Later drinking gradually replaces lost fluid. The nuclei of septum probably function as inhibitors of drinking. Their destruction causes overdrinking (hyperdipsia). MULTIPLE CONTROL OF THE KIDNEY FUNCTION Neuronal Function The function of the kidneys is, in the first place, controlled by the nervous system. Reflexes originating in the arterial baroreceptors in the aortic arch and in the carotid sinus may regulate the plasma volume. The kidneys receive extensive sympathetic innervation which can alter kidney water and sodium excretion. Sympathetic activity causes: * The constriction of renal arterioles; * Increased tubular reabsorption of water and sodium; * Stimulation of renin release and increased angiotensin II and aldosterone formation. Hormonal Function Over twenty hormones or humoral agents are involved in the kidney 2 function. Among them are steroids, thyroid hormones, peptides and local mediators such as prostaglandins and bradykinin. Extrarenal sensors are necessary to control all nephron functions. RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM (RAS) The renin - angiotensin system is mainly involved in the control of volumetric thirst. It is composed of the enzyme renin, the plasma protein angiotensinogen (which is converted by renin into angiotensin) and an adrenal cortical steroid, aldosterone. Angiotensinogen Angiotensinogen is the only known substrate for the enzyme renin. Although the most abundant source of plasma angiotensinogen is the liver, other analytical techniques have confirmed the angiotensinogen mRNA expression in a wide range of tissues, including the kidney, brain, vascular tissue, adrenal gland, placenta and leucocytes. Renin Renin is a proteolytic glycoprotein enzyme which degrades blood plasma angiotensinogen to angiotensin. It is a highly specific aspartyl proteinase. It is released by the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JG). The granulated cells producing renin are present also in the media layer of the afferent and efferent arterioles of the glomerulus and in some cells of proximal tubules. The release of renin increases when the arterial blood pressure in the kidney decreases. This enzyme is synthesized in the cells as a large preprorenin molecule. Renin is activated (split from the prohormone) in the granules of the granulated cells. These cells contain also angiotensinogen. All of the regulating factors of the renin-angiotensin system feed back on renin secretion from the JG cells. The following factors are involved in renin release: * renal sympathetic nerves which activate renin secretion. * low intrarenal perfusion pressure which stimulates renin secretion. * distal tubule sodium load: low sodium and chloride in the distal tubule stimulate the release of renin. * low plasma potassium stimulates renin secretion. Pathology of Renin Overproduction or underproduction of renin results in disturbances of body fluid and circulatory homeostasis. Goldblatt in his famous experiment (1934) put a clamp on one or both renal arteries, thus reduced the pressure in the renal arteries and induced hypertension. Further work led to the discovery of 3 the renin-angiotensin system. Recent development of inhibitors of renin, angiotensin converting enzyme, and angiotensin receptor improved the treatment of the hypertensive disease. ANGIOTENSIN The prohormone angiotensinogen is one of the plasma globulins. Angiotensinogen is the only known substrate cleaved by renin. It is released from the liver. The first product of the degradation of angiotensinogen is angiotensin I, a decapeptide. Angiotensin I probably does not have any physiological effects. Angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II, an octopeptide, by an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE, kininase II, dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase). The converting enzyme is a membrane-bound protein anchored to the endothelium of many blood vessels. Angiotensin III is des-Asp1-angiotensin II. It produces some arteriolar constriction, and its aldosterone-stimulating activity is high. It predominates in hypothalamus and medulla. It has binding sites in this region. Angiotensin (1-7) is an important component of the renin-angiotensin system. It is produced directly from angiotensin I. It has a vasodepressor function. In addition, angiotensin-(1-7) alters tubular sodium and bicarbonate reabsorption, decreases Na+-K+-ATPase activity, induces diuresis. Inhibitors of ACE (enalapril, spirapril etc.) are used for the treatment of hypertension. Angiotensin receptors The angiotensin receptors exist in the cell membranes of the smooth muscles of the blood vessels, in the heart, in the autonomic nervous system, in the adrenal cortex, in the kidney, in the gastrointestinal tract and in the brain. Two types of receptors have been recognized, termed AT1 and AT2. The AT1 receptor effect is mediated by G proteins whereas the AT2 effects are not. Most actions of angiotensin II are mediated by the AT1 receptor type. AT2 receptor is involved mainly in the growth, proliferation and differentiation of tissues. In many tissues, there are nuclear receptors for angiotensin which induce the synthesis of mRNA coding for the proteins of the renin/angiotensin system. It has been hypothesized that this locally produced angiotensin sustains the general response to the same hormone. In the hypothalamus, angiotensin II induces thirst and drinking. Angiotensin Functions Circulating angiotensin controls drinking, aldosterone secretion and vasopressin release. 4 * It induces a dipsogenic response. Its iontophoretic administration to the supraoptic nucleus causes a dramatic increase of neuronal discharges. The threshold effective dose in the subfornical organ is 0.1 - 1.0 picogram. Lesion of the subfornical organ reduces angiotensin-induced drinking. OVLT(organum vasculosum laminae terminalis) is the most sensitive region of the brain to angiotensin II, 50 fg (femtograms) produces a drinking response here * Also, it increases blood pressure through arteriolar vasoconstriction, Both systolic and diastolic pressure increases. Angiotensin II is four times as potent as noradrenaline. * Angiotensin II plays a central role for maintenance of GFR and Na+ balance particularly in volume depletion, when Angiotensin II preferentially increases the resistance of efferent arterioles as compared to afferent arterioles, enhancing the glomerular perfusion pressure. In addition, AngII enhances tubular reabsorption of sodium in proximal tubules directly and indirectly as a consequence of glomerulotubular balance. Angiotensin II also stimulates Na reabsorption in the collecting ducts by stimulating the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex. *it stimulates sodium appetite and natriuresis. *Circulating angiotensin II enhances renal sodium retention both by a direct action on the kidney and by stimulating aldosterone secretion. MINERALOCORTICOIDS The most important mineralocorticoid is aldosterone. It induces renal reabsorption of sodium and therefore sodium retention with some polydipsia, increased blood volume and increased ECF volume. Under the effect of aldosterone, sodium is conserved and only as little as a few milligrams a day may be excreted. On the other hand, the disappearance of aldosterone causes a loss of up to 20 g of sodium per day. Sodium reabsorption is also influenced by aldosterone in the sweat glands, salivary glands, and intestinal glands. All this prevents loss of sodium. Retention of sodium may induce edema. Also, aldosterone induces an increased tubular secretion of potassium with subsequent hypokalemia and muscle weakness due to hyperpolarization of the membranes. Hydrogen ion excretion by the kidney is also promoted. This leads to alkalosis. The exchange takes place in the distal tubules and in the collecting ducts. The receptors for aldosterone are in the cytoplasm of the kidney tubules. After the receptors combine with the hormone, the complex moves to the cell nuclei. Messenger RNA synthesis in these cells is increased. This mRNA codes for the sodium channels and enzymes of sodium and potassium transport. 5 The increased sodium reabsorption takes place in about 30 minutes to two hours. If mineralocorticoids are administered, the volume of extracellular fluid tends to increase. The retained fluid leads to pressure diuresis and increased loss of water and salt (aldosterone escape). The excessive loss of potassium ions under the influence of aldosterone causes alterations in nerve and muscle action potentials. The transmission of action potentials is blocked. Control of Aldosterone Secretion The following control factors are involved: ACTH and other pituitary factors Directly by sodium ions in the circulating blood and ECF potassium ion concentration in ECF; renin - angiotensin system; sodium in ECF; HORMONES OF POSTERIOR PITUITARY Vasopressin and oxytocin are present in the organism long before the emergence of the vertebrate posterior pituitary. VASOPRESSIN Vasopressin (VP) is also called antidiuretic hormone (ADH). It is a peptide hormone formed by a ring of five amino acids and a tail of three amino acids. Synthesis of Vasopressin Vasopressin is synthesized from the glycoprotein propressophysin which is a precursor of vasopressin and of its carrier protein, neurophysin. It is a glycoprotein. It is synthesized in the magnocellular and partly in the parvocellular neurons of the suprachiasmatic, supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus, together with oxytocin. Each of these two hormones is synthesized in different neurons. There are also numerous vasopressin-containing cells in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis, the amygdala, locus coeruleus and the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. Half-life of vasopressin in the tissues is about 20 minutes. Transport of Vasopressin Vasopressin is transported by axoplasmic flow to the posterior pituitary, 6 released from the nerve endings and removed from the pituitary by blood flow. Neuronal firing induces the release. In the posterior pituitary, there is an enormous arborization of the axons, approximately 2000 terminals per a single neurosecretory cell (Nordmann, 1977). Vasopressin is released directly from the nerve endings. The pituicytes, cells of the posterior pituitary, do not store vasopressin as claimed previously, and their function is actually unknown. They may be involved in vasopressin release. Beside the median eminence and posterior pituitary, vasopressin is transported into various brain regions, mainly into the limbic system, the medulla and the spinal cord, less into the cortex and cerebellum. Peripheral Functions The major peripheral function of vasopressin is to conserve water, mainly by facilitating the reabsorption of water from the urine in the collecting ducts of the kidney. 2 nanograms are enough to elicit the effect. A family of water-transporting proteins (water channels, aquaporins) has been identified, consisting of small hydrophobic proteins expressed widely in epithelial and nonepithelial tissues. One of these water channels, aquaporin-2, has been shown to be the target for short-term regulation of collecting duct water permeability by vasopressin. In addition, two collecting duct water channels, aquaporin-2 and aquaporin-3, are targets for long-term regulation by vasopressin through effects on the water channel proteins. Vasopressin acts through insertion and removal of aquaporin-2 into the inner medullary collecting ducs apical membranes. Vasopressin also increases smooth muscle tone in arterioles. But, the blood pressure in a normal individual does not increase much due to a decrease in cardiac output. Pathology A defect of vasopressin synthesis is diabetes insipidus. It may be induced by the destruction of pituitary stalk or neurohypophysis. Its most important feature is polyuria, 20 - 25 liters per day. Polyuria is accompanied by polydipsia. Without sufficient water supply, a circulatory failure may appear very soon. Sometimes there are intervals of remission. A model of diabetes insipidus has been found in the inbred strain of Brattleboro rats which are genetically deficient in vasopressin (West Brattleboro in Vermont). These rats show: - diabetes insipidus - defect of learning ATRIAL NATRIURETIC FACTORS 7 The natriuretic peptide system consists of at least four endogenous ligands: * atrial natriuretic peptide, * brain natriuretic peptide, * C-type natriuretic peptide = the endothelial component of the natriuretic peptide system. * dendroaspis natriuretic peptide where the understanding is incomplete. The mammalian heart also serves as an endocrine organ. The myocytes of the atria have secretory granules which are released directly into the circulation. These granules are also present in the heart ventricle and in the brain. They contain a family of peptides known as atrial natriuretic factors (ANP), atriopeptins. These cells are presumably mechanoreceptors measuring the tension of the atrial wall. An increase in the intravascular volume increases the tension of the atrial wall and thus, release of atriopeptins through mechano-sensitive ion channels. The release depends also on adrenergic stimulation The release of the atrial natriuretic peptides increases with the increasing heart rate. Modulation of natriuretic peptide release appears to be linked to local generation of prostaglandins and intracellular calcium. In general, they may be involved in the future treatment of heart diseases. The natriuretic peptide system is implicated in the pathophysiology of hypertension, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis and renal diseases. Structure and Synthesis The atrial natriuretic peptides are probably synthesized in the Golgi apparatus of the cardiac myocytes (myoendocrine cells) from a preprohormone. A number of biologically active ANP's varying in length are released from the preprohormone. In cardiac hypertrophy, they are also secreted by ventricular myocytes. All atriopeptins have a 17 amino acid ring and differ only in the length of N- and C- terminal extensions. The predominantly circulating form of ANP has 28 amino acids, and is called atriopeptin 28 or cardionatrin. A-type and B-type are localized not only in the specific granules of these myoendocrine cells but also in many other organs including the brain, adrenal medulla, and kidney. There is also a synthesis of natriuretic peptides in the kidney glomerular epithelial cells. This urodilatin is localized in the kidney, differentially processed, and secreted into the urine. 8 ANP Receptors The population of ANP receptors is functionally heterogeneous. There are three types of receptors: * ANP-A receptor which is guanyl cyclase A; * ANP-B which is guanyl cyclase B; * ANP-C which is a clearance receptor. The atriopeptins are removed from the circulation by clearance receptors in various organs. The atriopeptins are then degraded by an endopeptidase. Natriuretic peptides (NP) act as ligands of the guanylyl cyclase family of receptors. The NP binding site on these receptors is extracellular and the guanylyl cyclase and protein kinase domains are intracellular. The guanylyl cyclase receptor catalyzes the synthesis of the second messenger molecule, cGMP, which activates protein kinase. Functions in the Body ANP bind with specific receptors in the kidneys, adrenal gland, and vascular system to regulate natriuresis, diuresis and smooth muscle relaxation: * Natriuresis and diuresis appear within minutes after the injection. The ANP probably influence the kidney function in the proximal tubule, descending and ascending Henle's loop and medullary collecting tubule. Nitrous oxide produced in the tubules may be involved in the modulation of the function. * Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) has varied effects on cardiac electrophysiologic parameters including heart rate, intraatrial conduction time, and refractory period. ANP's vagoexcitatory and sympathoinhibitory actions may be responsible for some of these effects. * Due to their effect on the vascular smooth muscles, they decrease arterial blood pressure, cardiac filling pressure, cardiac output and a translocation of fluid from plasma to the interstitial fluid space. * The pulmonary smooth muscles are relaxed as well, and so are the intestinal smooth muscles. ANP has been found in these tissues as well. Urodilantin In urine, another peptide was isolated, urodilatin, which has 32 amino acids identical to alpha-ANP, but with an N-terminal extension. It is produced in the kidney tubules and collecting ducts. After release from distal tubular kidney cells into the tubular lumen, URO binds to luminal receptors (NPR-A) in the collecting duct. A sodium channel is formed which induces diuresis and natriuresis. It probably binds to receptors in renal collecting ducts. This part of the nephron is involved in ANP-mediated regulation of sodium and water reabsorption. It is natriuretic, and is not degraded by enzymes that deactivate atriopeptin. It is not clear whether urodilatin is the only renal natriuretic 9 peptide. URO is a putative drug for several related diseases. Pathology of ANP * ANP are increased in congestive heart failure, renal failure and always when there is fluid retention, but its role is not clear. It may have antihypertensive effect. * ANP are involved in hypertension caused by excess salt in the diet. Other hormones affecting kidney The guanylin family of bioactive small peptides consists of three endogenous peptides, including guanylin, uroguanylin and lymphoguanylin. These small cysteine-rich peptides activate cell-surface guanylin cyclase receptors, thus modulating cellular function via the intracellular second messenger, cyclic GMP. Guanylin and uroguanylin are produced within the intestinal mucosa to serve in regulation of intestinal fluid and electrolyte absorption. Uroguanylin serves as a postprandial natriuretic hormone. In the kidney, uroguanylin stimulates urine flow and excretion of sodium, chloride, and potassium. Uroguanylin serves in an endocrine axis linking the intestine and kidney where its natriuretic and diuretic actions contribute to the maintenance of Na+ balance following oral ingestion of NaCl. Functions of ADH ADH is bound to a specific receptor (V2 receptor) located in the basolateral membrane of the cells, a G protein is activated, activates adenyl cyclase, cAMP formed, specific cytoplasmic vehicles insert water channels into the apical membrane. If ADH is low, endocytosis of water channels follows. MICTURITION = the fluid from the kidney flows to the renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder. The urinary bladder holds about 500 ml * two sphincters are: - Internal sphincter is an internal continuation of the bladder wall, they consist of smooth muscle. - external sphincter is a ring of skeletal muscle controlled by spinal motoneurons. * micturition is a simple spinal reflex, there is both conscious and unconscious control. - stretch of the bladder activates two sets of neurons - parasympathetic leading to the smooth muscles are excited. Smooth muscles contract, increase the pressure. - somatic motor neurons are inhibited. 10 RENAL ACID - BASE CONTROL General points 1. The body is constantly threatened by acid resulting from diet and metabolism. The stability of blood pH is maintained by the concerted action of chemical buffers, the lungs, and the kidneys. 2. Numerous chemical buffers (e.g., HCO3 -/CO2, phosphates, proteins) work together to minimize pH changes in the body. The concentration ratio (base/acid) of any buffer pair, together with the pK of the acid, automatically defines the pH. 3. The bicarbonate/CO2 buffer pair is effective in buffering in the body because its components are present in large amounts and the system is open. 4. The respiratory system influences plasma pH by regulating the PCO2 by changing the level of alveolar ventilation. The kidneys influence plasma pH by getting rid of acid or base in the urine. 5. Renal acidification involves three processes: reabsorption of filtered HCO3 -, excretion of titratable acid, and excretion of ammonia. New HCO3 - is added to the plasma and replenishes depleted HCO3 - when titratable acid (normally mainly H2PO4 -) and ammonia (as NH4 +) a re excreted. 6. The stability of intracellular pH is ensured by membrane transport of H+ and HCO3 -, by intracellular buffers (mainly proteins and organic phosphates) and by metabolic reactions. 7. Respiratory acidosis is an abnormal process characterized by an accumulation of CO2 and a fall in arterial blood pH. The kidneys compensate by increasing the excretion of H+ in the urine and adding new HCO3 - to the blood, thereby diminishing the severity of the acidemia. 8. Respiratory alkalosis is an abnormal process characterize by an excessive loss of CO2 and a rise in pH. The kidneys compensate by increasing the excretion of filtered HC_thereby diminishing the alkalemia. 9. Metabolic acidosis is an abnormal process characterized by a gain of acid (other than H2CO3) or a loss of HCO3-. Respiratory compensation is hyperventilation, and renal compensation is an increased excretion of H+ bound to u nary buffers (ammonia, phosphate). 10. Metabolic alkalosis is an abnormal process characterized by a gain of strong base or HCO3 - or a loss of acid (other than H2CO3). Respiratory compensation is hypoventilation and renal compensation is an increased excretion of HCO3 -. 11. The plasma anion gap is equal to the plasma [Na+] - [Ct - [HCO3 -] and is most useful in narrowing down possible causes of metabolic acidosis. 12.The kidneys must generate 1 mmol of new HCO3- per kg body weight each day. 13. New bicarbonate is produced when NH4+ and H2PO4+ are excreted. 14. Only kidney excretes acid or alkali on a continuing basis. 11 15. there are two components of renal generation of HCO3- : - indirect reabsorption of filtered HCO3- which is achieved primarily by proximal H+ secretion; - generation of new HCO3- which is achieved primarily by NH4+ production and excretion. REABSORPTION OF FILTERED HCO3- is the first component of renal regulation of plasma HCO3- , preventing the loss of a large quantity of filtered HCO3- occurs primarily in the proximal tubule (PCT) - the PCT has a high capacity to secrete H+ but cannot generate steep [H+] gradients. - molecules of HCO3- disappear from the tubular fluid and reappear in the blood. - most HCO3- is reabsorbed as a result of H+ secretion. a. Key features of reabsorption of filtered HCO3-(1) H+ and HCO3- are produced in the proximal tubule cells when CO2 and H2O combine to form H2CO3, catalyzed by the intracellular carbonic anhydrase. H+ is secreted into the lumen via the Na+ - H+ exchange mechanism in the luminal membrane. The HCO3- is reabsorbed. - Na+ is transported on a Na+/ H+ antiporter. For one Na+ reabsorbed, one H+ must be secreted into the lumen. Level of Na+ in the cells is very low, therefore, antiporter works. There is Na+-K-+ ATPase in the basolateral membrane of the cells. (2) In the lumen, the secreted H+ combines with filtered HCO3- to form H2CO3which dissociates to CO2 and H2O, catalyzed by the brush border carbonic anhydrase. CO2 and H2O diffuse into the cell to start the cycle again. If the catalysis does not occur, indirect reabsorption is retarded and HCO3- appears in urine. (3) There is net reabsorption of filtered HCO3- . GENERATION OF NEW HCO3* New HCO3- is generated together with excretion of titratable acid and the excretion of NH4+. * This process takes place in the distal tubule. Excretion of H+ as titratable acid (H2PO4- ), non-volatile (fixed) - is a mechanism for excreting fixed H+ produced from catabolism of proteins and phospholipids. a. H+ and HC03- are produced in the cell from CO2 and H2O. The H+ is secreted 12 into the lumen by an H+ -ATPase, and the HCO3- is reabsorbed into the blood ("new" HCO3-). The secreted H+ combines with filtered HPO4- to form H2PO4- , which is excreted as titratable acid. - H+ -ATPases have a low capacity, but can generate steep [H+] gradients because luminal membrane has tight junctions. b. This process results in net secretion of H+ and net reabsorption of newly synthesized HCO3-. c. As a result of H+ secretion, the pH of urine becomes progressively lower, the minimum urinary pH is 4.4. Excretion of H+ as NH4+ - is another mechanism for excreting fixed H+ produced from protein catabolism of protein and phospholipid. - for every NH4+ excreted, one HCO3- is produced and added to the body. Ammoniagenesis NH3 is produced in renal cells from glutamine. It diffuses down its concentration gradient into the lumen. Glutamine is released from proteins, metabolized to glucose or CO2 via TCA cycle, ATP is generated when NH3 is formed. - glutamine has to enter mitochondria. This is a rate-limiting step. - phosphate - dependent glutaminase is needed. - glutamine enters into mitochondria more in chronic metabolis acidosis and hypokalemia. 13