BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE The City University of New York BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT DR. MAHATAPA PALIT SYLLABUS – Fall 2011 Title of Course: Introduction to Marketing – MAR 100/Sec 985 Hybrid Course Class Meetings: Thu: 2:30 pm – 3:40 pm (N-409); Tue: online Credits: 3 Class Hours: 3 Semester: Fall 2011 Instructor Information Office: Room S-659 Phone: 212-220-8000 X 5256 Office Hours: Tues:10:00 am – 11:00 am Thurs: 10:30 am – 1:00 pm Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION The marketing system is described, analyzed and evaluated, including methods, policies and institutions involved in the production and distribution of goods from producer to consumer or user that improve customer value in the context of a competitive environment. EMPHASIS OF COURSE: This course is intended to provide a basic understanding of what marketing is and how it is used in our business environment. The fundamental concepts of marketing activity, its environment, and its marketing mix are explored. Basic Skills - Students must have passed ENG 088, ESL 094, RDG 062 and all mathematics remedial. Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Measurements (means of assessment for SLOs listed in first column) 1. Analyze marketing problems as they arise within a business Current event/case analysis [Exercise # 1] organization and demonstrate the ability to identify the key issues related to external environment & target market that may be impacting the situation. 2. Demonstrate the ability to seek, handle and interpret key Industry analysis (including interpretation economic and behavioral data which underpin marketing of graphs) [Exercise # 2] practice. 3. Present a Marketing Mix configuration for a product/service Basic marketing plan [Exercise # 3] offering. 4. Evaluate and critically analyze a range of elementary Test questions [Exercise # 4] marketing concepts, tools and techniques and assess their applicability to practical situations. Below are the college’s general education goals that will be covered and assessed in this course. X X X General Education Goals Communication Skills- Students will write, read, listen and speak critically and effectively. Quantitative Reasoning- Students will use quantitative skills and the concepts and methods of mathematics to solve problems. Information & Technology Literacy- Students will collect, evaluate and interpret information and effectively use information technologies. Measurements Marketing plan Industry analysis Online research to complete industry analysis MAR 100-985/Fal2011-Syllabus 1 Required Text: MKTG 5, 2011 Student Edition, 5th Edition Authors: Charles W. Lamb | Joseph F. Hair | Carl McDaniel ISBN: 1111528098 / 9781111528096 Also available as e-book at You are free to buy MKTG 4 but it is your responsibility to check the correct chapters and page numbers from the fifth edition. Other Resources: Additional handouts may be given during the course of the semester Use of Technology: Microsoft Office Suite; BMCC email; Blackboard, Google documents, WordPress blog EVALUATION AND REQUIREMENTS OF STUDENTS: In order have an effective and harmonious class there are certain rules that students are requested to follow – (1) CELL PHONES TURNED OFF OR SET ON MUTE (2) NO WALKING IN AND OUT DURING CLASS WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION (3) COMING INTO CLASS ON TIME – STUDENTS ENTERING 10 MINUTES AFTER CLASS STARTS WILL BE MARKED LATE, 20 MINUTES AFTER CLASS STARTS WILL BE MARKED ABSENT (3) RESPECTFUL & PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR – NO USE OF SLANG (“CURSE WORDS”), RAISED VOICES OR BOTHERING OTHERS IN CLASS, (4) FOLLOWING NETETIQUETTE FOR ALL ONLINE COMMUNICATION ASSIGNMENTS Formal writing assignments should be typed on 8'/2" x 11" paper with a cover page indicating the name(s) of the student(s); the name of the professor; the course number (MAR 100); Section Number (SEC 985); date of submission; and the title of the assignment. Late assignments will not be accepted. Please review the course calendar at the end of this syllabus regularly to ensure that you meet all deadlines. Writing Assignments A. Marketing A Brand That is You (50 points) Students will prepare a self-marketing plan. Working closely with the career center you will look at your special aptitudes, your personality type that makes certain career choices more suitable for you. You will research different career options, interview one or more individuals in the career field that you are looking at and examine if that is what you would like to do for the future. Finally you will create a selfdevelopment strategy, outlining the steps that you will need to take – educational, work or service related that will help you achieve your career goals. This project will be completed in sections along the course of the semester. Details of the different steps of this project are provided in Blackboard and also on the Brand You Class Blog ( You will present your selfmarketing plan to the class. Your work on each module of your self-marketing plan will lead to an Individual Assignment (IA). You will submit the individual assignment as a hard copy to your instructor at the beginning of the face to face class. Each of you will create a public Online Wordpress Blog for yourself to be shared with the instructor and fellow students. Instructions on how to do so is provided under Technical Information folder under the Course Information tab on Blackboard. You will paste your individual assignment as a page of your Online Blog. I will provide you feedback on each module as you progress which you can incorporate for the final submission. You will also review your classmate’s blogs and provide feedback by commenting on their blogs. Points will be assigned for this. B. Current Event/ Case Analysis (5 points) Students will be provided a current event article highlighting marketing strategies used by a company. Based on the analysis of the article , students will (1) summarize the key points of the case, (2) Identify MAR 100-985/Fal2011-Syllabus 2 the concepts in the textbook that relate to these key points and (3) assess the impact of the external environment on the company and (4) discuss how marketing strategies are used to deal with this impact. C. Discussion Questions (60 points) On the discussion board on Blackboard, discussion questions (DQs) are provided to encourage thinking and writing about the content of the course. Discussion questions are one of the main elements of the online component of the course. In order to respond to the discussion questions please read the assigned Chapter and the mini-lecture and then write a thoughtful and substantive response to the question that is between 100 – 150 words. In addition, to your original response to the DQ, you will also read and respond to at least two of your peers’ responses to receive full points on the DQs. Please follow the Netetiquette ( guidelines when responding to DQs. Responses to DQs serve as an indicator of your presence in the online class. Most weeks, you will be provided one or two DQs. Not responding to the DQs indicate that you are absent for that class. D. Course Blackboard Blog (5 points) Groups of students will be assigned to take notes and blog on the face to face lectures/workshops so that a summary of the main points covered in each face to face meeting is available to the class. Exams & Quizzes (45 points): There are two multiple choice quizzes, each worth 5 points and two short-essay exams, each worth 10 points, in this class. In addition there are other surveys worth a total of 10 points, related to students understanding of the course. All exams and quizzes will be online. They are time-bound. Exam Policies: Students are responsible for covering the reading assignments, being aware of upcoming deadlines, exam and quiz dates, and making sure that they have the notes of what has been discussed in class. There are no make-ups for quizzes. Make-up for exams is strongly discouraged. In the event of unusual or extraordinary circumstance, a make-up exam may be permitted. Do not assume that you will be allowed to make-up the exam until you have received an affirmative acknowledgement from the instructor. If you know you will be absent on the day of the exam, please make arrangements with the instructor to take the exam early, before the rest of the class. Assignment Submission Guidelines The deadlines for submission of assignments will be strict. This means that you must submit the writing assignment at the beginning of the class on the day that it is scheduled. If you are late in submitting an assignment then late penalties will be imposed. I strongly encourage you to print your assignment prior to the day it has to be submitted so that you are stuck due to printer or computer issues. Our week starts on a Friday morning and ends on Thursday night of the following week. Every week we will follow the same plan. This will help ensure that we do not forget due dates and are able to better organize our week. There are four important things to plan for. These are: (a) Complete Weekly Readings: Lectures, Primary Readings from the text and secondary readings should be covered on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (b) Post your original response to Discussion Questions (DQs) by Sunday evening. (c) Every week you must also respond to at least one other person's response to DQ. This you can do any time until Tuesday of the following week. (d) Individual Assignment (IA) Submit as a hard copy to instructor in the beginning of the face to face classes on Thursdays. (e) Paste your Individual Assignment to your online blog by Thursday evening. Comment on at least one of your peers’ blogs By Sunday evening. (f) Please review your course calendar for exam, quiz, presentation and online survey dates. MAR 100-985/Fal2011-Syllabus 3 Grade Overview Assessment 20 Discussion Questions (@2 points) Feedback on Discussion Questions (@1 point) 10 Individual Assignments (9@5 + 1@10) Feedback on Individual Assignments on Blog (@2) 2 Quizzes (@ 5 points) 2 Exams (@10 points) Course Blog – Summary of face to-face workshop 2 Presentations (@5 points) 4 Online Assignments (2 + 2 + 3 + 3) Current Event Analysis Total Points 40 points 20 points 55 points 20 points 10 points 20 points 5 points 10 points 10 points 5 points 200 points Grading A: 93% and above A- :90% – 92% B+:87% – 89% B : 83% – 86% B- : 80% – 82% C+: 77% – 79% C : 73% – 76% C- : 70% – 72% D+: 67% - 69% D : 63% – 66% D- : 60% – 61% F : Below 60% Class Attendance and Lateness At BMCC, the maximum number of absences is limited to one more hour that the number of hours a class meets in one week. For this hybrid class you are allowed two (2) hours of absence (not two (2) days) for the face to face meetings scheduled on Thursdays, and two (2) hours of absence for the online meeting on Tuesdays. Your presence in the online meeting will be judged by your response to the Discussion Board Questions in a timely manner. Two discussion board questions are considered the equivalent of one online class. In other words, you may miss at the most two discussion board questions. In the case of excessive absence, the instructor has the option to lower the grade and assign an “F” or “WU” grade. Classes begin promptly at the times indicated in the Schedule of Classes. Arrival in face to face classes after the scheduled starting time constitutes lateness. Latecomers may, at the discretion of the instructor, incur an official absence. Use your absences judiciously; there is no distinction between excused or unexcused absences – with either type of absence you have missed an irreplaceable, important learning experience. BMCC POLICY STATEMENT ON PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is the presentation of some else’s ideas, words, or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one’s own creation. Using the idea or work of another is permissible only when the original author is identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as, direct quotations require citations to the original source. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism. Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation, are advised to consult with their instructors. The library has guides designed to help students to appropriately identify a cited work. The full policy can be found on BMCC’s web site, ACADEMIC ADJUSTMENTS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments for this course must contact the Office of Accessibility (room N320; telephone # 212-220-8180). BMCC is committed to providing equal access to all programs and curricula to all students. MAR 100-985/Fal2011-Syllabus 4 COURSE CALENDAR Module Dates Class Activity 1 – Thu Sep 1 Review Syllabus (Introduction to Marketing) Read Chapters Getting Started Overview Of Marketing 2- Thu, Sep 8 3- Sep 15 Consumer Behavior 5 – Sep 22 Target Marketing & Positioning DQ1 & 2 [6] Test Quiz Ch. 3: Ethics & Social Responsibility Ch. 4: Marketing Environment DQ 3 & 4 [6] CareerZone survey [3] – takes about 1 hour Ch. 5: Global Vision DQ 5 & 6 [6] QUIZ1 (Chs.1, 2, 3, 4) [5] Career Profile [6] Ch.6: Consumer Behavior DQ 7 & 8 [6] Ch. 8: Market Segmentation DQ 9 & 10 [6] DQ 11 & 12 [6] Review: Home-Depot Case & Presentations 10 – Oct 27 QUIZ2 (Chs.5, 6, 8 & 9) [5] Who Am I? [6] Ch. 21: Relationship Marketing Mid-Terms Current Event Analysis – SLO4 [5] Bring Music/Images PowerPoint Workshop Ch. 9: Marketing Research 9 – Oct 20 Industry Research _ SLO2 [3] Lay of the Land [6] Telling Your Story Lecture 5 (online) 8 – Oct 13 Chapter 1 & 2 [E-Reserve] No class Lecture 4 (online) 7 – Oct 6 Online-surveys I & II [2 each] Research workshop Lecture 3 (online) 6 – Sep 29 Bio [2] Career Center Introduction Lecture 2 (online) Marketing Environment Quizzes/Exams/Surveys Set up Wordpress Blog Review of Term Project Lecture 1 (online) Assignment Due EXAM 1 (on-line) [10] How Do I Fit? [6] Mid-Semester Presentation MAR 100-985/Fal2011-Syllabus 5 Module Dates 11 – Nov 3 Class Activity Read Chapters Writing Assignments Lecture 6 (online) Ch. 10: Product Concepts Ch. 11: Product Development DQ 13 & 14 [6] Road Map [6] Networking Workshop Ch. 13: Marketing Channels Product 12 – Nov 10 DQ 15 & 16 [6] Reaching Out [6] Resume Workshop Ch. 16: Integrated Mktg Comm. Ch. 17: Advertising & PR Place 13 – Nov 17 Promotion 14 – Nov 24 No class DQ 17 & 18 [6] Ch. 19: Price concepts Ch. 20: Price Approaches DQ 19 & 20 [6] Thanksgiving Holiday Ch. 12: Services & Non-Profit DQ 21 & 22 [6] 15 – Dec 1 Ch. 21: Relationship Marketing Ch. 22: Social Media Adding Value [6] 16 – Dec 8 Review presentation/concept map Price Lecture 8 (online) QUIZ3 (9, 10, 11 & 12) [5] Develop Resume [6] Negotiating Salary Lecture 7 (online) Quizzes/Exams Relationship Mkt Comprehensive Quiz (SLO1) [10] Review Krispy Kreme Case EXAM 2 (on-line) [10] Project Prep 17 - Dec 15 Mock Presentations Concept Map [10] Final Exam week 18 - Dec 22 Final Presentation Final Portfolio – SLO3 [5] MAR 100-985/Fal2011-Syllabus 6