British Colonial Government Structure The power of the Judiciary

British Colonial Government Structure
The power of the Judiciary was offset by this
The power of the royal governor was offset by this
This set British colonial policy
This could nominate governors and other high officials
This dominated colonial governments
The colonies had bi-cameral legislatures except for this colony
The governmental body closest to the king was this
Colonial legislatures could be summoned or dismissed by this
1. Wealth and power was determined by the possession of this
2. The goal of mercantilism was this
3. British industry and manufacturing was protected by these two things
The Navigation Acts
1. These laws were put into effect to channel the flow of trade into Britain and exclude foreign
2. The navigation acts were a response to economic competition from them
3. Tobacco, cotton, sugar and indigo are examples of this type of commodity
4. According to the navigation act of 1660, ships’ crews had to be this
5. In 1732, this industry was forbidden
6. The 1750 Iron Act was intended to do this
7. Economic prosperity brought a shortage of this in America
8. The impact of the navigation acts was diminished due to these two things
9. Letting the colonies alone to do what they wanted became known as this
The Great Awakening
1. The Great Awakening is seen as a uniquely American event b/c of this
2. He had a great oratorical ability to emotionally stir his audience
3. He was the most famous native-born preacher who stirred audiences with his fiery sermons
such as Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Enlightenment and Science
1. Bifocals, a new type of stove, and the lightning rod were invented by him
1. The underlying cause for the F&I War was conflict over this
2. Virginia attempted to pursue its land claims in the West by sending him to establish a fort near
modern-day Pittsburgh
3. Washington was defeated at this hastily erected fort
4. Washington was tricked into admitting to this crime
5. The British suffered several defeats in the F&I War until he became Prime Minister
6. Britain gained these lands in the Peace of Paris
7. The war was won using this
8. The war caused British debt to skyrocket- mostly due to this
9. This was the British view of American colonial soldiers
Road to War
1. The cost of maintaining the new British lands in America caused Britain to do this
2. The Proclamation of 1763 did this
3. This Indian leader attempted to keep the whites from expanding into the Ohio
4. This law made American colonists question Britain’s right to tax them
5. This law taxed wine, coffee, and sugar
6. This law actually lowered taxes but this time they were expected to be paid
7. The Sons of Liberty first agitated against this new law
8. The Quartering Act tasked citizens to do this
9. The American response to the Stamp Act was this
10. They were most responsible for the repeal of the Stamp Act
11. This Act did nothing other than proclaim that Parliament had the right to tax and make laws for
the colonies
12. He defended the British soldiers accused of murder in the Boston Massacre
13. British soldiers were resented not only b/c they represented British authority but also for this
more immediate economic threat
14. Courts set up by the Townshend Acts were resented primarily for this reason
15. The colonial legislatures opposed the Townshend Acts in this way
16. He was seen as the most radical of the American colonists
17. The Tea Act was put in place to help this private company
18. Under the Tea Act, tea in America cost more or less?
19. This was the direct result of the burning of the Gaspee
20. The Port of Boston was closed by this law- a response to the tea party
21. The Coercive Acts were aimed at this colony
22. This colonial body was formed I response to the Coercive Acts
23. This many Americans died during the Boston Massacre
Slavery on the Frontier
1. The issue of white and black parents was called this
2. The issue of white and Indian parents was called this
3. The issue of black and Indian parents was called this
4. After 1717, white servants who had children by either free black men or slaves received this
5. Manumission was complicated – why?
6. After passage of the Negro Act, what was the status of manumission?
7. After passage of the Negro Act, what was the status of free blacks?
8. Why were many slaves considered immediately skilled?
Life in America
1. Life in Spanish settlements was shaped by them
2. This was the biggest factor in deaths from disease in the Chesapeake
3. This Virginian system offered land to settlers
4. This was put into place so Europeans could gain profit from American lands
5. Small farmers in Virginia were put out of business because of this
6. Tensions between the civilized east and the frontier west boiled over in Virginia causing this
7. These were South Carolina’s cash crops
8. In South Carolina, the ratio of blacks to whites was this
9. This law restricted the lives of blacks
10. This was the state of education in the South
11. This was America’s first college
12. Georgia was founded primarily for this purpose
13. These restrictions limited Georgia’s growth
14. The Crown saw Georgia as this
15. This organized the northern colonies for tighter control
16. He oversaw this organization
17. This ended the Dominion and Andros
18. New England’s maritime trade made this city prominent
19. The success of the middle colonies made this city the most important in America
20. The middle colonies were considered the epitome of America b/c of this
21. Tensions between east and west caused this group to march against Philadelphia