Evaluator Practical Workbook BC/YK Section Gold Dance/Interpretive Revised May 2013 Table of Contents CANDIDATE INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 4 EVALUATOR PROMOTION CHECKLIST ...................................................................................................... 5 EVALUATOR PROMOTION ASSESSMENT DANCE ...................................................................................... 6 EVALUATOR PROMOTION ASSESSMENT INTERPRETIVE ........................................................................... 7 HOW DO I PROGRESS AS A JUDGE/EVALUATOR? ..................................................................................... 8 JUDGING QUALIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 9 I WANT TO GET MY PROMOTIONS – WHAT DO I DO? ............................................................................ 10 SECRETS FOR FINDING SUCCESS & HAPPINESSIN JUDGING .................................................................... 11 THE EVALUATOR CHECKLIST................................................................................................................... 12 WRITTEN EXAM -JUNIOR SILVER TO GOLD DANCE ................................................................................. 13 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– DANCE (JR SILVER) ............................................. 19 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– DANCE (SR SILVER) ............................................ 20 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM – DANCE(GOLD)................................................... 21 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– INTRO INTERPRETIVE......................................... 22 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– BRONZE INTERPRETIVE...................................... 23 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– SILVER INTERPRETIVE ........................................ 24 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM – GOLD INTERPRETIVE ......................................... 25 RECORD OF TRIAL EVALUATING ............................................................................................................. 26 JUNIOR SILVER DANCE ................................................................................................................................ SENIOR SILVER DANCE ................................................................................................................................ GOLD DANCE.................................................................................................................................................. RECORD OF TRIAL EVALUATING (INTERPRETIVE) ................................................................................... 29 CANDIDATE INFORMATION Name: Address: Date of birth: Phone: E-mail: Section: Skate Canada#: Judging/ Evaluating Qualifications Please list your current qualifications Evaluator Freeskate: Judge: ________________________ Singles: ______________________ Skating Skills:_______________________ Pairs: Dance: _____________________________ ______________________ Dance: ______________________ Skating Background: Please list highest test passed Freeskate: Singles: Dance: Pairs: Skills/ Figures: Dance: 5 GOLD DANCE EVALUATOR PROMOTION CHECKLIST This page is your application for Junior Silver to Gold Promotion in Dance and/or Gold Interpretive. Please ensure that the following areas are completed and signed as necessary. When all tasks are completed please attach all necessary reports and papers and forward this workbook to Susan Morriss (see address below) to apply for your promotion. You may apply for a part promotion to Junior Silver or Senior Silver in Dance. Complete Evaluator Exam Questions Evaluating (need 3 of each dance)/ Trial Evaluating (need 1 of each dance; 7 total for each level) Trial Evaluating (need 3 of each level of Interpretive test) Please summarize the number of tests that you have evaluated/ trial evaluated at each level: Trial Evaluating Jr Bronze Sr Bronze Jr Silver Sr Silver Gold Dance Skills Introductory Bronze Silver Gold Interpretive Supervised Evaluating Session Assessment of Trial Evaluating Dance (Junior Silver) Assessment of Trial Evaluating Dance (Senior Silver) Assessment of Trial Evaluating Dance (Gold) If you are in pursuit of an Interpretive Promotion Assessment of Trial Evaluating Interpretive (Introductory) Assessment of Trial Evaluating Interpretive (Bronze) Assessment of Trial Evaluating Interpretive ( Silver or Gold) I, ____, having completed the above requirements, wish to apply for my: Junior Silver promotion in Dance. Senior Silver promotion in Dance. Gold promotion in Dance. Gold Promotion in Interpretive Mrs. Susan Morriss 4077 San Capri Terrace Victoria, B.C. V8N 2J5 Ph: 250 477 2606 email: suemorriss@telus.net 6 JUNIOR SILVER TO GOLD DANCE PROMOTION ASSESSMENT Please leave blank: To be completed by Section Assessor Name _____________________________ Skate Canada #_____________________ Please assess this individual’s promotion file carefully with reference to expected competencies at the level of promotion requested. This form will be used to assist in determining the individual’s readiness for the promotion stated above. Your honest and independent assessment of the file is an important component of the deliberations of the Section Judges’/ Evaluators’ committee and the National Judges Subcommittee. In rating the candidate, please use the four point assessment scale (E = Excellent, G = Good, S = completely Satisfactory, NI = needs improvement). Comments supporting your rating are encouraged, as this feedback may be communicated to the candidate with the decision regarding the promotion. E G S NI Comments Technical Knowledge (i.e., recognition of trends, assessment of quality, knowledge and application of current rules, etc., including exam questions) Marking, Accuracy, Standards Decision Making (i.e., Speed, independence, objectivity, decisiveness, etc.) Recording, Comments (i.e., systematic and organized worksheet, accurate comments, etc.) Suitability to Evaluating (i.e., deportment, ability to defend decisions, open-mindedness, professionalism, etc.) Overall Assessment of Trial Evaluating Overall Assessment of Evaluating at Current Level Overall Assessment: Junior Silver, Senior Silver, Gold Dance Evaluator Promotion Please provide any additional comments which you feel are pertinent to the review of this candidate’s application for promotion, and/ or to their potential for advancement beyond this level (in each discipline) Name of the Assessor Assessor’s Skate Canada #: Signature Date 7 INTERPRETIVE PROMOTION ASSESSMENT Please leave blank: To be completed by Section Assessor Name _____________________________ Skate Canada #_____________________ Please assess this individual’s promotion file carefully with reference to expected competencies at the level of promotion requested. This form will be used to assist in determining the individual’s readiness for the promotion stated above. Your honest and independent assessment of the file is an important component of the deliberations of the Section Judges’/ Evaluators’ committee and the National Judges Subcommittee. In rating the candidate, please use the four point assessment scale (E = Excellent, G = Good, S = completely Satisfactory, NI = needs improvement). Comments supporting your rating are encouraged, as this feedback may be communicated to the candidate with the decision regarding the promotion. E G S NI Comments Technical Knowledge (i.e., recognition of trends, assessment of quality, knowledge and application of current rules, etc., including exam questions) Marking, Accuracy, Standards Decision Making (i.e., Speed, independence, objectivity, decisiveness, etc.) Recording, Comments (i.e., systematic and organized worksheet, accurate comments, etc.) Suitability to Evaluating (i.e., deportment, ability to defend decisions, open-mindedness, professionalism, etc.) Overall Assessment of Trial Evaluating Overall Assessment of Evaluating at Current Level Overall Assessment: Interpretive Evaluator Promotion Please provide any additional comments which you feel are pertinent to the review of this candidates application for promotion, and/ or to their potential for advancement beyond this level (in each discipline) Name of the Assessor Assessor’s Skate Canada #: Signature Date 8 HOW DO I PROGRESS AS A JUDGE/EVALUATOR? Judging Qualifications Evaluating Qualifications Primary Clinic Primary Preliminary Juvenile Clinic Juvenile Senior Bronze Novice Clinic (S, P, D) Pre-Novice Novice Gold Senior Clinic (S, P, D) Junior Senior Challenge Exam (S, P, D) Challenge Events Canadian Exam (S, P, D) Canadians 9 JUDGING QUALIFICATIONS Judging Level: Primary Juvenile Pre-Novice Novice Junior Senior Challenge Canadian Can judge the following levels: What level of competition? STAR 1-3 events as Judge 3. Club competitions, Introductory Interpretive and Invitationals, Interclubs. Pairs Not Sectionals. Juvenile events and below. STAR Club competitions, 1-3 as Judge 2 or 3. Sr. Bronze Invitationals, Interclubs, level events and lower. Bronze Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Interpretive Pre-Novice events and below. Club competitions, Gold level events and lower. Gold Invitationals, Interclubs, Interpretive Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Novice events and below. STAR Club competitions, 1-3 events as Referee Judge 2 or Invitationals, Interclubs, 3. Gold level events and lower. Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Junior events and below. Any Club competitions, level test event. Invitationals, Interclubs, Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Senior events and below. Any Club competitions, level test event. Invitationals, Interclubs, Sub-Sectionals, Sectionals Senior events and below. Any Challenge Events and level test event. lower – including SubSectionals and Sectionals. Senior events and below. Any Can judge at any level of level test event. Canadian competition, up to and including Canadian Championships. These judging qualifications apply for each discipline. For example, in order to judge Pre-Novice pairs at Sectionals, you must be a Pre-Novice pair judge. Your level of judging is considered separate for each discipline. 10 JUDGING QUALIFICATIONS I want to get my Novice Dance/ Gold Dance/Gold Interpretive Evaluator promotions – what do I do? For the Novice Dance Judge Promotion: 1. Attend the Novice Dance Clinic 2. You should record your judging competitions in the record of Judging Experience form. Be sure to keep the paperwork of your events.. In addition, two judging assessment reports must be completed on your judging at the Juvenile level). There should be 5 couples in the event. 3. In addition to the trial judging/ evaluating in the clinic, you should have two trial judge reports from other (complete) PreNovice or Novice Dance events (one should be at the Novice Level). Even though you only require two reports, you are encouraged to trial judge several events in each discipline – you can record these additional events in your Record of Trial Judging, but you do not need to get reports. Remember - be sure to speak to the assessor before an event if you would like a report for the trial judging you are about to do. A Self-Assessment form must be completed for one of these events. 4. Complete Novice Dance exam. This exam is available on the Skate Canada website or from your Clinic leader or your Novice promotions Co-ordinator. For the Gold Dance Evaluator Promotion: 5. Continue to Evaluate at the Preliminary to Senior Bronze level in Dance. Record the tests that you evaluate in the "Record of Evaluating" section of this workbook. Contact your Region Training Coordinator or your Region Judges Chair for test days. 6. Complete the necessary Trial Evaluating for Dance in the Test Program. Be sure the Evaluator signs your summary. Arrange your Supervised Evaluating Session for each of the Dance levels Junior Silver to Gold. You must complete one Supervised session at each level. Have the Supervising Evaluator fill in the Supervised Evaluation Assessment and sign your Promotion Checklist. For the Gold Interpretive Evaluator Promotion 7. Complete the necessary Trial Evaluating for Interpretive in the Test Program. Be sure the Evaluator signs your summary. Arrange your Supervised Evaluating Session for each of the Interpretive levels Introductory to Gold. You must complete one Supervised session at Introductory, one at Bronze and a choice of one at either Silver or Gold. Have the Supervising Evaluator fill in the Supervised Evaluation Assessment and sign your Promotion Checklist. For evaluator exam: 8. Complete Exam questions in workbook. 80% minimum mark required. 9. Verify all parts of workbook are completed. If you have been unable to trial judge at the level you wish to apply for promotion, contact your Novice Promotion Coordinator Susan Morriss. 10. Fill in the Novice/Gold Promotion Checklist sheet with number of events and tests you have trial judged/evaluated. You may apply for promotion as an Evaluator, a Judge or both. 11. You may wish to photocopy your workbook, for your records, in case it should be lost in the mail. Forward the entire workbook to your Novice Promotion Coordinator Susan Morriss to apply for your promotion. Remember – your workbook is your record for promotion – be sure to bring it with you when judging and evaluating so you can record all necessary information in it. Mrs. Susan Morriss 4077 San Capri Terrace Victoria, B.C. V8N 2J5 Ph: 250 477 2606 Email: suemorriss@telus.net 11 SECRETS FOR FINDING SUCCESS & HAPPINESS IN JUDGING Walk in the rink happy. "Optimism is a learned attitude. If you start thinking positively early in the day, you're more likely to maintain a positive stance as your day progresses." Start your day with positive self-talk. "The role of positive self-dialogue in maintaining a positive attitude has been well-documented. And it's been found to be most effective if you put it in the present tense." Always greet your colleagues, coaches and skaters with a smile. "As simple as it sounds, a smile establishes your own self-worth and shares it with others." Turn your dilemmas into opportunities. To do so, examine your most pressing problems at the event. Then, to gain a better perspective, come up with solutions as if you were advising one of your best friends. Stay away from pity parties or gripe sessions. Joining in may feel like worker solidarity, but it's actually climbing aboard a sinking ship. Instead, find happy and successful role models to pattern yourself after. Surround yourself with people who enjoy their work judging and love skating. View change as normal. Constantly monitor and evaluate your capacity to be flexible, open to new ideas and adaptable to change. Don't let trifles bother you. "If the effort it takes to change something far exceeds its worth, forget it and learn to live with it. Keep your mind free to concentrate on larger issues and problems." Don't make too much of your mistakes. They are part of being human. Concentrate on the lessons to be learned from even the most trying confrontations. Set your own standards rather than comparing yourself to others. Successful people run their own races. Appreciate each moment of your day in the rink. Regardless of the level of performance – remember the skater, the work and the passion the athlete must have – and feel privileged to share in their growth (regardless of the assessment you must make) Discover a sense of purpose. Knowing why you want what you want makes the difference between success and failure, happiness and unhappiness, joy and frustration. Expect the best from others-Judges, Coaches, and Skaters!! "Be a leader in spreading encouragement and praise. You'll be surprised how people will live up to what you expect when you share your positive expectations." 12 THE EVALUATOR CHECKLIST Before Arriving at the Arena Know the level of test to be evaluated Know the standards Have reference resources with you (Rulebook, Standards) Know the arena location, telephone number of both the arena and the Test Chairperson, and what time the tests are scheduled for Know how long it will take to travel - distance (take into consideration weather conditions) Look forward to going on the ice Wear warm clothing and footwear Have an open mind Check the odometer reading and record the mileage for reimbursement by the club Before the Tests Begin Gather working tools (test sheets, clipboard) Check the schedule Check to see that skaters are ready and introduce yourself to the skaters Conduct draw with skaters Check the ice surface Know the time restrictions and the type of resurfacing equipment available Communicate with the coach(es) regarding the procedures for the test and determine when the results should be communicated Determine how long is required for warm-up While the Skater is Performing Be attentive Don’t be distracting SMILE Use the skater’s name Give positive feedback in body movements Give positive feedback during the test Talk to the coach and skater about expectations Know the standards Be aware of time management in guiding the test Fill in all the boxes on the test sheets Discuss reskate possibilities where applicable After the Skater Completes the Test Give the results to the skater (Pass or Retry) Use positive feedback skills relating to the standards Avoid generalities Turn in sheets for completion of the Test Summary Sheet Thank the skater Before You Leave the Arena Fill in/initial the Test Summary Sheet Answer any administrative questions Make yourself available to the skaters and coaches Thank the hospitality committee Leave the tests and their outcomes at the arena Collect your expense cheque 13 WRITTEN EXAM Junior Silver to Gold Dance If writing a partial exam, do not answer the “Gold Only” questions. 2 1. Where should an evaluator sit to evaluate dance tests? Rule #: 2 2. Under what circumstances is a skater exempted from skating a solo (mandatory and/or requested)? Rule #: 2 3. When should you request a change of dance partner? Rule #: 3 Gold Only 14 4. In skating a Gold dance, a couple has included a few variations in freeleg and arm movements. Is this allowed? Why would skaters wish to introduce such arm and leg movements in the skating of a compulsory dance? 6 5. With reference to the American Waltz and the Harris Tango, explain why it is essential to be “in phase” for the American Waltz and why this is less of a consideration in the Harris Tango. 2 Gold only 6. Describe two areas where unison is important in the overall effect of Dance Rhythm in the Westminster Waltz. Refer to specific Steps. 7. Identify the new element found in each of the following dances and explain how it should be executed. 6 Sr Silver Paso Doble 15 Blues Kilian 8 Sr Silver/ Gold 16 8. The Kilian and Quickstep are often “freeskated” to achieve speed at the expense of style, expression and technique. For both dances, list four common errors that occur because of this. Be Specific. 8 9. Gold Only For each of the following dances: what would you be looking for to assess each of Unison, form, and musical expression as “Satisfactory”? Quickstep Viennese Waltz Silver Samba Argentine Tango 17 6 Sr Silver 10 18 10. What would you expect to see in a Cha Cha Congelato to evaluate as “good”? 11. a) For each of the Junior Silver Dances, identify the areas of most difficulty for skaters at this level. b) The Junior Silver Dance test represents a roadblock for many skaters in the Test program. In your opinion, what are the performance criteria that make the Junior Silver dance test such a large step in the development of dance Test skaters? 10 Gold Only 12. The passing of a GOLD test is a major accomplishment for participants of the Skate Canada Test program. Focusing on general quality issues, identify those characteristics of basic skating quality and performance you expect to see in a successful Gold Dance test. TOTAL MARK: _______/65 Gold__________/42 Sr Silver__________/ 22 Jr Silver 19 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– DANCE (Junior Silver) Location: ______________ Name of Assessing Evaluator: _____________________ Date: Test (Type & Number): Communication Communicated effectively with skater, coach (if required) throughout the testing process Wrote comments to support the assessment that were specific and meaningful Provided constructive and supportive feedback to the skater E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI E E E E G G G G S S S S NI NI NI NI E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI Comments: Technical Knowledge Applied test standards consistently Exhibited sufficient knowledge of rules to conduct test Reflects quality aspects of performance appropriately Completed necessary paperwork accurately at the completion of the test(s) Comments: Deportment Conducted tests with competence Projected confidence in her/his decisions Appears capable of re-organizing test situation, if necessary Comments: Did the supervising evaluator override the result of the candidate evaluator for any tests? If yes, please explain □ Yes □ No Overall Assessment In the opinion of the supervising evaluator is the candidate evaluator ready to officiate without supervision in this discipline? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain I would rate the candidate's performance to be: □ Excellent – promote □ Good – promote □ Satisfactory – promote □ N/I - (see supporting comments) Signature of Assessing Evaluator Signature of Trial Evaluator Test Sheets should be attached 20 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– DANCE (Senior Silver) Location: ______________ Name of Assessing Evaluator: _____________________ Date: Test (Type & Number): Communication Communicated effectively with skater, coach (if required) throughout the testing process Wrote comments to support the assessment that were specific and meaningful Provided constructive and supportive feedback to the skater E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI E E E E G G G G S S S S NI NI NI NI E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI Comments: Technical Knowledge Applied test standards consistently Exhibited sufficient knowledge of rules to conduct test Reflects quality aspects of performance appropriately Completed necessary paperwork accurately at the completion of the test(s) Comments: Deportment Conducted tests with competence Projected confidence in her/his decisions Appears capable of re-organizing test situation, if necessary Comments: Did the supervising evaluator override the result of the candidate evaluator for any tests? If yes, please explain □ Yes □ No Overall Assessment In the opinion of the supervising evaluator is the candidate evaluator ready to officiate without supervision in this discipline? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain I would rate the candidate's performance to be: □ Excellent – promote □ Good – promote □ Satisfactory – promote □ N/I - (see supporting comments) Signature of Assessing Evaluator Signature of Trial Evaluator Test Sheets should be attached 21 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– DANCE (Gold) Location: ______________ Name of Assessing Evaluator: _____________________ Date: Test (Type & Number): Communication Communicated effectively with skater, coach (if required) throughout the testing process Wrote comments to support the assessment that were specific and meaningful Provided constructive and supportive feedback to the skater E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI E E E E G G G G S S S S NI NI NI NI E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI Comments: Technical Knowledge Applied test standards consistently Exhibited sufficient knowledge of rules to conduct test Reflects quality aspects of performance appropriately Completed necessary paperwork accurately at the completion of the test(s) Comments: Deportment Conducted tests with competence Projected confidence in her/his decisions Appears capable of re-organizing test situation, if necessary Comments: Did the supervising evaluator override the result of the candidate evaluator for any tests? If yes, please explain □ Yes □ No Overall Assessment In the opinion of the supervising evaluator is the candidate evaluator ready to officiate without supervision in this discipline? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain I would rate the candidate's performance to be: □ Excellent – promote □ Good – promote □ Satisfactory – promote □ N/I - (see supporting comments) Signature of Assessing Evaluator Signature of Trial Evaluator Test Sheets should be attached 22 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– INTERPRETIVE (Introductory) Location: ______________ Name of Assessing Evaluator: _____________________ Date: Test (Type & Number): Communication Communicated effectively with skater, coach (if required) throughout the testing process Wrote comments to support the assessment that were specific and meaningful Provided constructive and supportive feedback to the skater E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI E E E E G G G G S S S S NI NI NI NI E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI Comments: Technical Knowledge Applied test standards consistently Exhibited sufficient knowledge of rules to conduct test Reflects quality aspects of performance appropriately Completed necessary paperwork accurately at the completion of the test(s) Comments: Deportment Conducted tests with competence Projected confidence in her/his decisions Appears capable of re-organizing test situation, if necessary Comments: Did the supervising evaluator override the result of the candidate evaluator for any tests? If yes, please explain □ Yes □ No Overall Assessment In the opinion of the supervising evaluator is the candidate evaluator ready to officiate without supervision in this discipline? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain I would rate the candidate's performance to be: □ Excellent – promote □ Good – promote □ Satisfactory – promote □ N/I - (see supporting comments) Signature of Assessing Evaluator Signature of Trial Evaluator Test Sheets should be attached 23 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– INTERPRETIVE (Bronze) Location: ______________ Name of Assessing Evaluator: _____________________ Date: Test (Type & Number): Communication Communicated effectively with skater, coach (if required) throughout the testing process Wrote comments to support the assessment that were specific and meaningful Provided constructive and supportive feedback to the skater E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI E E E E G G G G S S S S NI NI NI NI E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI Comments: Technical Knowledge Applied test standards consistently Exhibited sufficient knowledge of rules to conduct test Reflects quality aspects of performance appropriately Completed necessary paperwork accurately at the completion of the test(s) Comments: Deportment Conducted tests with competence Projected confidence in her/his decisions Appears capable of re-organizing test situation, if necessary Comments: Did the supervising evaluator override the result of the candidate evaluator for any tests? If yes, please explain □ Yes □ No Overall Assessment In the opinion of the supervising evaluator is the candidate evaluator ready to officiate without supervision in this discipline? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain I would rate the candidate's performance to be: □ Excellent – promote □ Good – promote □ Satisfactory – promote □ N/I - (see supporting comments) Signature of Assessing Evaluator Signature of Trial Evaluator Test Sheets should be attached 24 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– INTERPRETIVE (Silver) Location: ______________ Name of Assessing Evaluator: _____________________ Date: Test (Type & Number): Communication Communicated effectively with skater, coach (if required) throughout the testing process Wrote comments to support the assessment that were specific and meaningful Provided constructive and supportive feedback to the skater E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI E E E E G G G G S S S S NI NI NI NI E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI Comments: Technical Knowledge Applied test standards consistently Exhibited sufficient knowledge of rules to conduct test Reflects quality aspects of performance appropriately Completed necessary paperwork accurately at the completion of the test(s) Comments: Deportment Conducted tests with competence Projected confidence in her/his decisions Appears capable of re-organizing test situation, if necessary Comments: Did the supervising evaluator override the result of the candidate evaluator for any tests? If yes, please explain □ Yes □ No Overall Assessment In the opinion of the supervising evaluator is the candidate evaluator ready to officiate without supervision in this discipline? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain I would rate the candidate's performance to be: □ Excellent – promote □ Good – promote □ Satisfactory – promote □ N/I - (see supporting comments) Signature of Assessing Evaluator Signature of Trial Evaluator Test Sheets should be attached 25 SUPERVISED TRIAL EVALUATOR ASSESSMENT FORM– INTERPRETIVE (Gold) Location: ______________ Name of Assessing Evaluator: _____________________ Date: Test (Type & Number): Communication Communicated effectively with skater, coach (if required) throughout the testing process Wrote comments to support the assessment that were specific and meaningful Provided constructive and supportive feedback to the skater E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI E E E E G G G G S S S S NI NI NI NI E E E G G G S S S NI NI NI Comments: Technical Knowledge Applied test standards consistently Exhibited sufficient knowledge of rules to conduct test Reflects quality aspects of performance appropriately Completed necessary paperwork accurately at the completion of the test(s) Comments: Deportment Conducted tests with competence Projected confidence in her/his decisions Appears capable of re-organizing test situation, if necessary Comments: Did the supervising evaluator override the result of the candidate evaluator for any tests? If yes, please explain □ Yes □ No Overall Assessment In the opinion of the supervising evaluator is the candidate evaluator ready to officiate without supervision in this discipline? □ Yes □ No If no, please explain I would rate the candidate's performance to be: □ Excellent – promote □ Good – promote □ Satisfactory – promote □ N/I - (see supporting comments) Signature of Assessing Evaluator Signature of Trial Evaluator Test Sheets should be attached 26 Record of Trial Evaluating – Junior Silver Dance Tests Junior Silver Dance Tests – Must trial at least 1 of each dance; 7 in total Skater Keats’ Foxtrot Harris Tango American Keats’ Foxtrot Harris Tango Trial Judge Trial Judge Waltz Trial Actual Result Actual Result Result Result Judge Result American Waltz Actual Result Rocker Rocker Foxtrot Trial Foxtrot Judge Result Actual Result Date Signature of Evaluator or Mentor 27 Record of Trial Evaluating –Senior Silver Dance Tests Senior Silver Dance Tests – Must trial at least 1 of each dance; 7 in total Skater 28 Paso Doble Trial Judge Result Paso Doble Actual Result Starlight Waltz Trial Judge Result Starlight Waltz Actual Result Blues Trial Judge Result Blues Actual Result Kilian Trial Judge Result Kilian Actual Result Cha Cha Congelado Trial Judge Result Cha Cha Congelado Actual Result Date Signature of Evaluator or Mentor Record of Trial Evaluating –Gold Dance Tests Gold Dance Tests – Must trial at least 1 of each dance; 7 in total Skater Viennese Waltz Trial Judge Result Viennese Westminster Westminster Waltz Actual Waltz Trial Waltz Actual Result Judge Result Result Quickstep Trial Judge Result Quickstep Actual Result Argentine Argentine Silver Samba Silver Samba Tango Trial Tango Actual Trial Judge Actual Result Judge Result Result Result Date Signature of Evaluator or Mentor 29 Record of Trial Evaluating – Interpretive Tests Interpretive Tests (must trial at least 3 at each level) Skater 30 Introductory Introductory Bronze Trial Bronze Actual Silver Trial Trial Judge Actual Result Judge Result Result Judge Result Result Silver Actual Result Gold Trial Judge Result Gold Actual Result Date Signature of Evaluator or Mentor