Test 1 - PsychSpring

Chapter 1: Introduction
Scientific Study of Human Development: The science that seeks to understand how/why people change, and how/why they remain the same, as they grow older.
Life Span Perspective:
A view of human development that takes into account all phases of life, not just childhood or adulthood.
Plasticity: The capability of any human characteristic to be molded or reshaped by time and circumstance.
Life Span Perspective - Five distinct characteristics of development:
Multidirectional: Change not liner: gains, losses, predictable/unpredictable growth transformations are normal.
Multicontextual: Each human being’s development looks different in different contexts of their life.
Multicultural: To understand each culture has it’s own values and beliefs, culture specifics must be considered.
Multidisciplinary: Different academic fields contribute data and insight to the science of human development.
Plastic: Every individual and individual trait can be altered at any time during the human life span.
Domains of Human Development: Three divisions; each developmental aspect is related to all three domains.
Includes: physical growth - genetic/nutrition factors; motor skills, special needs education, ideal body shape, breast-feeding.
Includes: mental processing, L.A.D., reasoning/perception/imagination/judgment/education: formal curriculum, tutoring.
Includes: emotional temperament, social skills, influences: family, friends, community/culture/values, sex roles.
Urie Bronfenbrenner: Developmental researcher, and creator of the Ecological Model.
The Ecological Model:
Circular - Each level reps. type of dev. within/between the systems/contexts is multidirectional and interactive.
1st level - Main inner circle - Historical time and its importance in development.
Mesosystem: 4 inner rings – Family, classroom, religious setting, peer group; connected to Main Chrono-ring.
2nd level – 1 rings – Connecting and encompassing all four of the Mesosystems.
3rd level - 1rings – Includes: Mass media, community, school system, and medical institutions.
4th level – 1outer rings – Cultural values, national customs, political ethos, economic patterns, and social conditions.
Two Theories from The Natural Sciences: Chaos and complexity theory: Stress the unpredictability and dynamism of all natural life.
The Butterfly Effect:
A small action can set off a series of powerful changes
The Cohort Effect: All persons born within a few years of one another history, assumptions, events, technologies, and popular trends.
Social Construction:
An idea built on shared perceptions of a society rather than on an objective reality; what is vs., how it should be.
SES/Socioeconomic Status:
An indicator of social class that is based primarily on income, education, place of residence, and occupation.
Culture: Shared values, assumptions, customs, and physical objects maintained by a group of people in a specific setting for living daily life.
Ethnic Group: People whom share ancestry/national origin/religion/language and recognize/identify with one another in their daily life.
Race: A social construction originating w/ biological differences among people whose ancestry is worldwide, considered inferior/superior; now ethnic group.
The Scientific Method: Principles/procedures used systematically in pursuit of facts: formulating questions, developing a hypothesis, and drawing a conclusion.
The Scientific Method, Steps:
Formulate a research
question – on the basis of research, theory, or observation.
Develop a hypothesis – reformulate the question into a hypothesis: a specific prediction that can be tested then proved or disproved.
Test the hypothesis –Create or conduct a research project to provide DATA-evidence, about the truth or falsehood or the hypothesis.
Draw conclusions- Use research data to support or refute the hypothesis. Describe limitations/alternatives results of research.
Make the findings available – Publish results of research (describe procedure and results in sufficient detail).
Replicate: To repeat a previous scientific study, different time/place, but same research design/procedures, to verify orig. study’s conclusions.
Subjects: The people studied in research project.
Variable: Quantities of characteristics/actions, that differs between individuals/situations/groups, or even within 1 individual at each moment.
Independent: The variable that is added or changed in an experiment.
Dependant: The variable that might change as a result of the change or adding of the independent variable in an experiment.
Nature/Nurture: How much and which aspects of development are affected by genes and how much by environment?
Continuity/Discontinuity: How much human growth builds over time - past, and how much transformation occurs suddenly?
Difference/Deficient: When a person develops differently from most others, and what makes that difference celebrated or a problem?
Religion/Science: Do the tenets of religion and science conflict?
Individual/Society: Can we study the individual person, without studying the family, the community, and the culture?
Experiment: Research method – Scientist deliberately causes changes in one variable, then observes, records changes in some other variable.
Correlation: A relation between two variables, this causes that, and that causes this, or this can’t happen without that.
Cause and Effect: What causes a person/people to do what they did. Chosen groups = the effects would be obvious.
Survey: Research method – Information is collected from a large number of people through written questionnaire or personal interviews.
Case Study: Research method – Focuses on the life history, attitudes, behavior, and emotions of a single individual.
Scientific Observation: The unobtrusive watching/researching of subjects’ behavior, in a lab or natural setting.
Statistical significance: A mathematical analysis, based on a formula whose results of research are not likely to have occurred by chance.
Cross-sectional Research: Groups of people are compared – each group different in age but similar in varied other important ways.
Longitudinal Research: Same people are studied over a long period of time. (Months to decades.)
Cross-sequential Research: Combines Cross-sectional and Longitudinal research.
Chapter 2
Developmental Theory: A systematic statement of principals/generalizations that provide framework for studying/explaining development.
Minitheories: Explain some specific area of development, not as general as other theories.
Emergent Theories: New theories, within past 30 years, bring together many different theory information but not exactly comprehensive.
Grand Theories: They have inspired and direct thinking about development, but are not as adequate as they once were.
Psychoanalytic: Freud – Irrational unconscious forces, many of them originating in early childhood, underlie human behavior.
Psychoanalytic Stages: Oral (birth – 1), Anal (1-3), Phallic (3-6), Latency (7-11), Genital (Adolescence – Adulthood).
Psychosocial: Erikson – neo-Freudian, formulated own approach based on Freud’s.
Psychosocial Stages:
Trust vs. mistrust (birth – 1), Autonomy vs. shame (1 – 3), Initiative vs. guilt (3 – 6), Industry vs. inferiority
(3 – 6), Identity vs. role confusion (Adolescence), Intimacy vs. isolation, Generativity vs. stagnation, and
Integrity vs. Despair (Adulthood).
Learning/Behavior Theory: Watson - Focuses on the ways we learn specific behaviors, (what you can see – anything can be learned).
Stimulus: An action or event that elicits a behavioral response. Response: behavior (instinctual or learned), brought on by stimulus.
Conditioning: A learning process through which a particular response comes to be triggered by a particular stimulus.
Classical Conditioning: Pavlov – Through association, neutral stimuli become conditioned stimulus.
Operant Conditioning: Skinner - Through reinforcement, weak or rare responses becomes strong, frequent responses.
Reinforcement: A particular behavior is strengthened; therefore, it makes it more likely that the behavior will be repeated.
Social learning: Learning occurs through observing behavior and imitating others.
Social Cognitive approach: View personality as a set of behaviors people acquire from learning, then display in particular situations.
Reciprocal Determinism: Bandura – A person’s thoughts effect their behavior which in turn effects their environment.
Self-efficacy: The learned expectation of success (people believe they can be successful regardless of past failures).
Modeling: A person tries to imitate the behavior of someone else (minor actions: laughing, walking; major: role modeling).
Cognitive Theory: Piaget - The way people think and understand the world, shapes their perception, attitude, and actions.
Sensorimotor (Birth – 2) Start: Infant uses senses/motor abilities, no object permanence. End: Gain object permanence,
think-through mental actions/physical actions. 1st mo. =Reflex - Sucking turns to exploring. 1-4 mo. = 1st habits +primary adaptive Assimilation/adaptation –sucking in a new way. 4-8mo. = Secondary circular reactions – responding to people, combine suck/bang, no object
permanence. 8-12mo.=New adaptation + anticipation – object permanence is working, can use 2 schemas, deliberate actions. 12-18mo.=Tertiary
circular reactions – child becomes scientist. 18-24mo.=Intern. of schemas- think before do, goal w/o trial and error, play copies actions, language.
Preoperational (2 – 6) Start: Child is all about him/her self, symbolic thinking/language. End: Gain imagination, language skills, less egos centric, and
coordinate multiple viewpoints.
Concrete operational (7 - 11) Start: Child gets logic and applies it to everyday understanding objectively. End: Gain basic conservation, number,
classification and other scientific concepts.
Formal operational (12-adult) Start: Adolescent/adult can think in abstract concepts, and hypothesize. Gain: Ethics, politics, social/moral issues
important/interesting as adolescent takes broader approach to experiences.
Cognitive equilibrium: One’s understanding fits one’s experiences (a state of mental balance). Disequilibrium is opposite of equilibrium.
Cognitive adaptation: Assimilate: Deduce new experiences so they work with old ideas. Accommodate: Revamp old idea so it fits w/new.
Emergent Theories:
Sociocultural: Lev Vygotsky – One’s knowledge, development and competencies vs. guidance, support, and structure provided by the society.
The genetic origins of behavior and the role environment plays. (Genes over time are affected by environment.)
Guided participation: An individual learns through a tutor who offers assistance, structures opportunities, and models strategies.
Chapter 3
Zygote: sperm + egg= (conception - 2wks - germinal), Embryo (2wks – 2 mo. – embryonic), Fetus (2 mo. – 9 mos. – fetal). Birth: 31% of all conceptions survive.
Age of viability: 22 weeks - the age at which a fetus can survive outside the womb with specialized care.
Gamete: Human reproductive cell (male or female), when combined with another gamete (opposite sex), reproduces.
Gene: Basic unit for transmission of heredity instructions, we have 30 to 35 thousand.
Polygenic traits: Interaction of many genes rather than one single gene.
Multifactorial traits: Are genetic and environmental influences, rather than genetic alone.
Genotype: A person’s entire genetic inheritance, including genes that are not expressed in the person everything!
Phenotype: All genetic traits, including physical characteristics and behavioral tendencies that are expressed in a person.
Carrier: A person who has a gene in his/her genotype that is not evident as part of the type but can pass it on unknowingly.
Additive gene: One of a number of genes affecting a specific trait, skin color, height to name a few.
Dominant: The strongest of an interacting pair of genes. Recessive: The weakest of an interacting pair of genes.
Chromosome: 23 Pairs of 46 chromosomes - A carrier of genes, one of forty-six segments of DNA that together contain all human genes.
Y Chromosome: Y sperm must reach and breach the egg first to give the 23 rd pair the XY chromosome order, otherwise it will be an XX or girl.
Monozygotic twins: Originate from one zygote, and have same genetic make-up. Dizgotic twins: Two separate sperm, two separate ova = half shared DNA
Chapter 4 Prenatal Development
Germinal: Conception – 14 days, cell division/differentiation, 58% do not manage to survive, the rest safely implant into uterus.
Implantation: 1 wk. after conception, the burrowing of organism into the lining of the uterus. Neural tube: 3 wks after conception, fold that develops into CNS.
Embryo: 14 days – 56 days after conception (3-8th week) - All major internal/external structures begin to form; BW Normal 3oz.
Fetus: 9 wk after conception to birth, 4th month the fetus has everything it needs to survive outside the womb; BW normal 3 lbs. Full-term 7.5lbs.
First test a person gets in life: APGAR test: A/appearance = 0 for blue, 2 for pink; P/pulse = 0 absent, 2 rapid; G/grimace= 0 for no response, 2 for crying/coughing;
A/ activity = 0 flaccid limp, 2 strong; R/respiratory = 0 for absent, 2 for good.
Teratology: The study of birth defects caused by genetic, prenatal problems, or by birth complications. Behavioral Teratogens: Tend to harm the prenatal brain.
Teratogens: Agents and conditions (viruses, drugs, chemicals stressors), that can impair prenatal dev., lead to birth defects, and even death.
Threshold effect: Teratogens not harmful in small doses, but becomes harmful wh4n exposure reaches a certain level.
Interaction effect: Teratogen’s potential for causing harm is increased when combined with another teratogen, or risk factor.
Critical period: Prenatal time (1st 8 wks.), when a particular organ or other body part is most susceptible to teratogenic damage.
HIV+ pregnant woman: 1 in every 4 infants will have HIV. AZT reduces # of infants born w/ HIV. AZT + cesareans = 43% reduction.
Bonding w/newborn: Hormones released that trigger maternal behavior, smell, and contact are all factors that assist in bonding.
Chapter 5
Neuron: Nerve cell of the CNS mainly found I brain.
Axon: Single nerve fiber that extends from a neuron and transmits impulses from that neuron to dendrites of other neurons.
Dendrites: Nerve fibers extending from a neuron and receive the impulses transmitted from other neurons by axons.
Synapse: The point at which the axon of one neuron meets the dendrites of another neuron.
Brain Development: At birth it has attained 25% of its adult weight, age 2 = 75% of its adult weight; the body is at on 20%. Head = Baby ¼ body size, adults is 1/8.
Neurotransmitter: Brain chemical that carries information across synaptic gap between one neuron and another.
Cortex: The outer layer of the brain, about 1/8 inch thick and involved in voluntary, cognitive aspects of the mind.
Transient exuberance: The great increase in the number of neurons, dendrites, and synapses that occurs in an infant’s brain over the first two years.
Myelination: Process where axons are coated with myelin, a fatty substance that speeds communication between neurons (1yr/self control, 15yrs completely coated).
Frontal lobe: Assists in self-control/self regulation. The frontal lobe shows most prolonged period of postnatal growth.
Neural pathways: Experience is the key to development of the cortex (see, hear touch taste).
Reflexes: Involuntary physical responses to stimuli (sucking, rooting, grasping).
Motor skills: Genetics main component. Gross=large (walking, jumping), fine= small (unscrewing). 3mos touch, 6mos grab/hold, 9-14mos pick-up a cheerio.
Vision: Babies have to learn to see, B/W vision 1st then color. They see jumbled up patterns but like symmetry. They do not like mean or sad faces.
Hearing: At birth quite sensitive, by 1mo. can perceive between similar speech patterns. Sensation: Sensory system=response from stimulus.
Nutrition: 0-6wks, baby only needs breast milk. 4-6mos introduce cereals. Milk anemia: Too much milk not enough iron. Poor nutrition brain stunting.
Chapter 6
Perception: Mental processing of sensory information. Dynamic: Arises from objects movement and changes in their positions. Object permanence: Objects and
people exist independently of one’s perception. Babies do understand affordances, reaching for mom’s earring.
Ballinger’s Test: Proves infants do have an understanding of object permanence before they actually show it. 1: habituated movement of screen, 2:Infant observes a
box placed in path of screen, 3: Possible event, screen’s movement is stopped by box, 4: Impossible event, screens movement is not hindered by box. Visual cliff:
Eleanor + James Gibson experimented, making a fake cliff and placing mother on other side of cliff. 3mo. olds would not go over to mom.
Differed imitation: The ability to witness, remember and copy a behavior.
Language dev. Newborn=crying, facial exp., 2-5mo. Cooing, growls, 6-10mo. babbling, vowel , 10-12mo. 1 word for all 15-24 more than 2 words.
Chapter 7
Emotions: Develop in 1st 2 yrs. Newborn: Distress, crying; 1mo. Sadness; 6 wks. Positive-interest, social smile, surprise; 4 mo. Anger; 7 mo. Anger directed.
Freud: Psychoanalytic: Infants early experiences w/ feeding and toilet training could establish certain lifelong personality traits.
Erikson: Psychoanalytic: Infants early experiences, first in trusting that basic needs will be met, and then in developing self-expression, create personality traits.
Social learning: Personality is the product of early reinforcement and punishment that mold the infant’s traits; also observation and imitation.
Fear: From 6mo.-15mo. Cognitive advances allow for differentiation between the familiar and the unexpected.
Stranger wariness: Fear of unfamiliar people. Separation anxiety: Fear of being left by his/her caregiver.
Social referencing: Looking to trusted adults for cues on how to interpret unfamiliar/ambiguous events. (Fall down look at adult to see how to react.)
Bonding w/ fathers: Fathers are more encouraging than mothers, toddlers exploring go looking for dad. (Infants look to fathers for fun, mothers for comfort.)
Self-awareness: 12-24 mo. sensing them as being distinct from other people. Personality: the emotions, behaviors, and attitudes that make an individual unique.
Temperament: Born with. The set of innate tendencies, or dispositions, that underlie and affect each person’s interactions w/ people, situations, and events.
Nine Characteristics before birth, and after: Activity level, Rythmicity, Approach-withdrawal, Adaptability, Intensity of reaction, Threshold of responsiveness,
Quality of mood, Distractibility, Attention.
Five Characteristics: Extroversion, Agreeable, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism (anxious, moody), Openness.
Goodness of fit: the % which the Childs temperament matches their environment. Synchrony: Cord. Of interaction between infant/parent, each influencing the other.
Attachment: Emotional connection between people that produces a desire for continual contact, as well as feelings of distress during separation.
Proximity-seeking behaviors: Intended to place a person close to another, to whom her or she is attached.
Contact-maintaining behaviors: Intended to keep a person near another person to whom he/she is attached.
Secure attachment: Provides infants with secure caregiver comfort, and confidence, so the infant feels secure with exploring environment.
Insecure attachment: Characterized by an infant’s fear, anxiety, anger, or seeming indifference to caregiver, child is much less secure, and over dependant.
Strange Situation: an experiment to see how attached the infant is to the caregiver. The infant is in a room w/ caregiver then the caregiver levees.
Exploration: 55-65% a secure toddler plays happily when caregiver is present. Reaction: Securely attached toddler may or may not show sign that a
caregiver is missed. Insecure cries a lot, 15-25%. Reaction: A securely attached toddler exhibits a welcoming response when the caregiver returns. Insecure;
avoids mother, or resistant to her love, 10-15%. Other types: Disorganized: Behavior is disorganized, disoriented, head down, freezing postures.
Adult: Autonomous: Valuing childhood experiences, but not emotionally overwhelmed. Dismissing: Devaluing childhood attachment influences. Preoccupied:
Very involved in childhood experiences, not objective when discussing, very emotional. Unresolved: Not yet reconciled past childhood attachments,
parental rejection, and death. .