U.S. RAMSAR SITE CONTACT ADDRESS LIST (as or June 2004) To update this list contact Marina Sansostri Ratchford Division of International Conservation U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 740d Arlington, VA 22203 703-358-2480 Fax: 703-358-2115 marina_ratchford@fws.gov 1. Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (4/87) Sharon McKelvey U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service HCR 70 Box 610-z Amargosa Valley, Nevada 89020 775-372-5435 Fax: 775-372-5436 2. Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (4/87) Steve Atzert U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Great Creek Road, Box 72 Occanville, NJ 08231 609-652-1665 609-652-1474 fax 3. Izembek National Wildlife Refuge (4/87) Pat Gonzalez U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Box 127 Cold Bay, AK 99571 907-532-2445 907-532-2549 fax 1 4. Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (4/87) c/o Mr. Mallory Reeves U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Route 2, Box 3330 Folkston, GA 32537 912-496-7366 912-496-3332 fax skippy_reeves@fws.gov Jim Burkhart, ext. 233 5. Everglades National Park (6/87) Rick Cook National Park Service 40001 State Road 9336 Homestead, FL 33034 305-242-7714 Fax: 305-242-7711 6. Chesapeake Bay Estuary System (6/87) John Wolflin Chesapeake Bay Field Office 177 Admiral Cochrane Dr. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-573-4573 Bob Zepp Fax: 410-269-0832 Cooperators at the Site: Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge Martin Kaehny 1730 Eastern Neck Road Rock Hall, MD 21661 410-639-7056 2 410-639-2516 fax Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge Glenn A. Carowan, Jr. 2145 Key Wallace Drive Cambridge, MD 21613 410-228-2692 410-228-3261 fax Presquile National Wildlife Refuge Barry Brady P.O. Box 189 Prince George, VA 23875 804-733-8042 804-733-8042 fax Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge Greg Weiler 14344 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Woodbridge, Virginia 22191-2890 703-490-4079 703-690-8495 fax Saxis Wildlife Management Area Ragged Island Wildlife Management Area Chickahominy Wildlife Management Area Hog Island Wildlife Refuge Pettigrew Wildlife Management Area Lands End Refuge Game Farm Marsh Kittewan Refuge c/o Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries 4010 W. Broad Street, P.O. Box 11104, Richmond, VA 23230 804-367-1000 Goodwin Island Complex Oak Island Vims Man-Made Marsh c/o College of William & Mary and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Mason Neck State Park (SP) Chippokes Plantation SP 3 York River SP Leesylvania SP Westmorela nd SP Seashore SP Caledon Natural Area Parker's Marsh Natural Area c/o Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation Director, Division of State Parks 203 Governor Street, Suite 306 Richmond, VA 23219 804-786-2132 Pocomoke Sound Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Cedar Island WMA James Island State Park Fairmount WMA Deal Island WMA Ellis Bay WMA Fishing Bay WMA Taylor Island WMA Lecompte WMA Linkwood WMA Idylwild WMA Pocomoke River WMA Wye Island Natural Resources Management Area Severn River Natural Environmental Area (NEA) Millinton WMA Merkle WMA (Adjoins Anne Arundel Co. Patuxent Wildlife Sanctuary) Bowen WMA Myrtle Grove WMA Mattawoman NEA Zekiah Swamp NEA South Marsh Island WMA c/o Maryland Department of Natural Resources--Fish, Heritage & Wildlife Administration Tawas Street Office Bldg. 580 Taylor Avenue Annanpolis, MD 21401 7. Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Management Area (10/88) 4 Karl Grover 56 NE 40th Road Great Bend, KS 67530 620-793-3066 620-792-6358 8. Cache/Lower White Rivers (11/89) Cooperators at the Site: White River National Wildlife Refuge Larry Mallard 870-282-8200 Fax: 870-282-8234 Contact: Dane Dukes Cache River National Wildlife Refuge Dennis Widner Rt.2 Box 126-t Augusta, Arkansas 72006 501-347-2614 Rex Hancock-Black Swamp Wildlife Management Area Dagmar Wildlife Management Area Trusten Holder Wildlife Management Area c/o Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Hampton Waterfowl Research Center Route 1, Box 188-A Humphrey, AR 72073 9. Horicon Marsh (12/90) Cooperators at the Site: Horicon National Wildlife Refuge Patti Meyers W4279 Headquarters Road Mayville, WI 53050 920-387-2658 ext. 11 920-387-2973 fax 5 Horicon Marsh Wildlife Area c/o Steven Miller, Director, Bureau Wildlife Management Department of Natural Resource P.O. Box 7921 Madison, WI 53707 10. Catahoula Lake (06/91) Cooperators at the Site: Catahoula Lake Robert Helm c/o Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Wildlife Division P.O. Box 98000 Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000 225-765-2358 helm_RN@wlf.state.la.us Contact: David Hayden Hayden_D@wlf.state.la.us Catahoula Lake National Wildlife Refuge Eric Sipco, Kim Randall P.O. Drawer Z Rhinehart, LA 71363-0201 318-992-5261 318-992-6023 fax 11. Delaware Bay Estuary System (05/92) Cooperators at the Site: Delaware Bay Estuary Project Gregory Breese 302-653-9152 ext. 15 Supawana Meadows National Wildlife Refuge Killcohook National Wildlife Management Area Cape May National Wildlife Refuge Howard Schlegel 6 4 Kimbles Beach Rd. Cape May Courthouse, NJ 08210-4207 609-463-0994 Bombay National Wildlife Refuge Terry Villanueva 2591 Whitehall Neck Rd. Smyrna, Delaware 19977 302-653-9345 Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge Barron Crawford RD 3 Box 195 Milton, Delaware 19968 302-684-8504 No specific Site named c/o Natural Lands Trust 1031 Palmers Mill Road Media, PA 19063 215-353-5587 The Marvel Tract c/o Delaware Nature Society No specific Site named c/o New Jersey Natural Lands Trust CN 404 Trenton, NJ 08625 609-984-1339 No specific Site named Nature Conservancy - Delaware P.O. Box 1324 319 South State Street Dover, DE 19903-1324 302-674-3550 302-674-5271 fax No specific Site named c/o Nature Conservancy - New Jersey P.O. Box 181, 17 Fairmount Road Pottersville, NJ 07979-0181 7 908-439-3007 908-439-3545 fax No specific Site named Delaware Wild Lands 315 Main Street Odessa, DE 197-0505 302-378-2736 302-378-3629 fax Augustine Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Cedar Swamp WMA C&D Canal WMA Little Creek WMA Milford Neck WMA Gordon Pond WMA Prime Hook WMA Appoquinimink WMA Woodland Beach WMA Cedar Creek WMA Pea Patch Island Nature Preserve (NP) Beach Plum Island NP Murderkill River NP Cedar Creek NP Killens Pond State Park Cape Henlopen State Park c/o Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control Division of Fish and Wildlife 89 Kings Highway, P.O. Box 1401 Dover, DE 19903 Berrytown Fish and Wildlife Management Area (FWMA) New Sweden FWMA Beaver Swamp FWMA Cedarville Pond FWMA Clarks Pond FWMA Corson FWMA Dennis Creek FWMA Dix FWMA Egg Island FWMA Fortescue FWMA Greenwood Pond FWMA 8 Harrisonville Lake FWMA Heislerville FWMA Higbee Beach FWMA Logan Pond FWMA Mad Horse Creek FWMA Maskells Mill Pond FWMA Menantico Ponds FWMA Nantuxent FWMA Rowands Pond FWMA Union Lake FWMA Edward G. Bevan FWMA Peaslee FWMA Salem Meadows FWMA c/o New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection & Energy CN 400 Trenton, NJ 08625 Fishing Creek Wildlife and Conservation Area c/o Cape May County Park Commission Route 9 & Pine Lane Cape May Court House, NJ 08210-3071 12. Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge (03/93) Paul Tritaik P.O. Box 6504 Titusville, FL 32782 772-562-3909 ext. 275 13. Caddo Lake (10/93) State Park and Wildlife Management Area 4200 Smith School Road Austin, TX 78744 512-389-4800 Caddo Lake Institute Dwight Shellman Rt. 2, Box 24B Karnack, TX 75661 903-789-3247 903-789-3936 fax 9 or 0191 Woods Road P.O. Box 2710 Aspen, CO 81612-2710 970-925-2710 970-923-4245 fax Sarah Kniepp? State Coordinator Water Education for Teachers (W.E.T.) 972-669-0200 Dwight Shellman dks@sopris.net 14. Lower Connecticut River (11/94) Cooperators at the Site: No specific Site named c/o Southern New England - New York Bight Coastal Ecosystem Program Joe Dowhan or Marci Caplis Shoreline Plaza - Route 1A, P.O. Box 307 Charlestown, RI 02813 401-364-9124 401-364-0170 fax Chapsmans Pond Chester Creek Great Island Griswold Point Hamburg Cove Lord Cove Pratt Cove Ragged Rock Creek Selden Creek South Cove, Essex Turtle Creek Upper Island Whalebone Cove c/o Nature Conservancy - Connecticut Chapter 15 High Street 10 Middleton, CT 06457 - 3788 203-344-0716 203-344-1334 fax Chapmans Pond c/o East Haddam Land Trust P.O. Box 122 East Haddam, CT 06423 Blackhall River Clark Creek WMA Connecticut River WMA Cromwell Meadows WMA Dart Island SP Deep River Ferry Point Marsh WMA George D. Seymour SPSR Gillette Castle SP Great Island WMA Haddam Island SP Haddam Meadows SP Haddam Neck WMA Higganum Meadows WMA Hurd SP Lieutenant River Lords Cove WMA Lords Island WMA Marine Headquarters Nott Island WMA Pecausett Meadows WMA Plum Bank WMA Ragged Rock Creek WMA Richs Island WMA Rutty Creek WMA Salmon River SF Selden Neck SP Thatchbed Marsh WMA Wangunk Meadows WMA Wopowog WMA Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Ron Rozsa Long Island Sound Programs 11 79 Elm Street Hartford, CT 06106 860-424-3034 ron.rozsa@po.state.ct.us Salmon Cove c/o Connecticut Audubon Society 118 Oak Street Hartford, CT 06106 203-527-8737 15. Cache River - Cypress Creek Wetlands Area (11/94) Cooperators at the Site: Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge Dennis Sharp 0137 Rustic Campus Drive Ullin, Illinois 62992 618-634-2231 618-634-9656 fax Cache River State Natural Area Horseshoe Lake State Conservation Area c/o Illinios Department of Conservation Bill White Lincoln Tower Plaza 524 South Second Street Springfield, IL 62701-1787 217-782-3715 Limekiln Slough Preserve c/o Nature Conservancy - Southern Illinios Field Office Route 1, Box 53E Ullin, IL 62992 618-634-2524 618-634-9656 fax 16. Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge (8/98) Gene Williams 12 39650 Sand Lake Drive Columbia, SD 57433 605-885-6320 605-885-6401 fax 17. Bolinas Lagoon (9/98) c/o Marin County Open Space District Ronald Miska Department of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services 3501 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903 415-499-6391 415-499-3795 fax Rmiska@co.marin.ca.us James Raives (415) 499-3745 jraives@co.marin.ca.us http://www.marinopenspace.org 18. Quivira National Wildlife Refuge RR 3, Box 48A Stafford, KS 67578 E-mail: quivira@fws.gov Phone Number: 620-486-2393 David Hilley, Project Leader 19. Tomales Bay Jules G. Evens, President Environmental Action Committee of West Marin P.O. Box 609 Point Reyes Station, CA 94956-0839 Last updated June 30, 2004 Pending Sites 13 Grassland Ecological Area Robert Shaffer, Central Valley Joint Venture Kim Forrest, San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 2176 Los Banos, California 93635 (209) 826-3508 Kawainui and Hamakua Wetland Complex (Hawaii) David Smith, viking@hgea.org Rep. Cynthia Thielen, repthielen@capitol.hawaii.gov Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve Mike McCoy, mccoy4ib@aol.com 619-423-0495 Aug 31- Oct 2004: 303-258-0621 Other Ramsar contacts U.S. Stan Austin US EPA Headquarters Wetlands Division (4502T) Ariel Rios Bldg 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC 20460 202-566-1385 Fax 202-566-1349 austin.stanley@epa.gov (USNRC member) Jack Capp Office of International Programs USDA Forest Service jcapp@fs.fed.us (USNRC member) Philip Cicconi Friends of Eastern Neck, Inc. PO Box 4500 Rock Hall MD 21661 410-639-2387 Fax 410-639-2516 14 pcicconi@friend.ly.net (USNRC member) Alex Desherbinin Columbia University Center for Int'l Earth Science Info Ntwrk 61 Route 9W, PO Box 1000 Palisades NY 10964 845-365-8936 845-365-8922 adesherbinin@ciesin.columbia.edu (USNRC member) Charles D. Duncan Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network 76 Emery Street Portland, ME 04102 T: 207-871-9295 F: 207-842-6496 cduncan@manomet.org George Furness Conservation Treaty Support Fund ctsf@conservationtreaty.org (USNRC member) Royal Gardner Stetson University College of Law GARDNER@law.stetson.edu (USNRC member) John Goodin US EPA Hdqtrs. Wetlands Division (4502T) Ariel Rios Bldg 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC 20460 202-566-1385 202-566-1349 goodin.john@epa.gov (USNRC member) Bill Howard Wildlife Habitat Council 1010 Wayne Ave., Suite 920S 15 Silver Spring MD 20910 301-588-8994 Fax 301-588-4639 bhoward@wildlifehc.org (USNRC member) Kathy Hurld Environmental Protection Agency Wetlands Division 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW (4502T) Washington Dc 20460 202-566-1269 Fax 202-566-1349 hurld.kathy@epamail.epa.gov (USNRC member) Paul Jackson The Nature Conservancy 421 West First Ave., #200 Anchorage AK 99567 907-276-3133X115 Fax 907-276-2584 pjackson@tnc.org (USNRC member) Jon Kusler Association of State Wetland Managers 1434 Helderberg Trail Berne, NY 12023-9746 (518) 872-1804 aswm@aswm.org Kathleen Kutschenreuter US EPA Headquarters 1200 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC 202-566-1383 kutschenreuter.kathleen@epa.gov (USNRC member) Donald E. MacLauchlan Asesor de Proyectos Internacionales Asociacion Internacional de Agencias de Pesca y Vida Silvestre 444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 544 Washington, DC 20001 16 Phone 202-624-3600 * Fax 202-624-7891 * Email: donmac@sso.org (USNRC member) Larry Mason 1891 Patrick Henry Dr. Arlington VA 22201 703-241-8896 703-241-8896 lawrmason@cs.com (USNRC member) Ron Miska (USNRC member) Bruce Monroe Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge 640 Sea Breeze Dr. Seal Beach CA 90740-5747 562-430-8495 fax 562-493-8365 bandcmonroe@earthlink.net (USNRC member) Joyce Namde Department of State namdejw@state.gov (USNRC member) Lisa G. Sorenson, Ph.D. Project Coordinator, West Indian Whistling-Duck and Wetlands Conservation Project Adjunct Assistant Professor Dept. of Biology 5 Cummington St. Boston University Boston, MA 02215 (617) 353-2462 (office) (617) 353-6340 (fax) email: lsoren@bu.edu Scott Sutherland Ducks Unlimited 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 402 Washington DC 17 202-347-1530 202-347-1533 ssutherland@ducks.org (USMRC member) Gerald Winegrad American Bird Conservancy 1834 Jefferson Place, NW Washington DC 20036 202-452-1524 x202 202-452-1534 gww@abcbirds.org (USMRC member) Suzie Hershberger Wetland Educator Environmental Concern PO Box P / 201 Boundary Lane St. Michaels, MD 21663 410-745-9620 pow@wetland.org www.wetland.org International Clayton Adams UNEP-Washington 202-785-0465 cadams@rona.unep.org Margarita Astralaga Americas Coordinator for Ramsar astralaga@ramsar.org Peter Bridgewater Ramsar Secretary General bridgewater@ramsar.org Jorge Cappato Fundacion Proteger Jorgecappato@arnet.com.ar Nancy Cardozo 18 Directora Ejecutiva/Executive Director Fundación Moisés Bertoni ncardozo@mbertoni.org.py www.mbertoni.org.py Tel/Fax: (595-21) 608740/2 - 600 855 Prócer Argüello Nro. 208 P.O.BOX 714 Asunción – Paraguay Jane Madgwick Wetlands International Jane.Madgwick@Wetlands.org Rosa Montañez G., M.Sc. Directora Ejecutiva Centro Regional Ramsar para la Capacitación e Investigación sobre Humedales en el Hemisferio Occidental Ciudad del Saber, Clayton, Edificio 801, Segundo Piso Apdo. 0816-03847 (83-0152), Zona 3 Panamá, República de Panamá Tel. (507) 317-0126 rmontanez@cathalac.org Elier Tabilo-Valdivieso, MSc. Director Centro Neotropical de Entrenamiento en Humedales David Lewellyn 870, El Llano, Coquimbo, CHILE Teléfono: 56 51 311697, Fax: 56 51 269171 Email: etabilo@ctcreuna.cl Stephen Virc National Protected Areas Coordinator/ Coordonnateur national des aires protégées Canadian Wildlife Service / Service canadien de la faune Place Vincent Massey 351 St-Joseph, Hull (Québec), K1A 0H3 Tél. 819.953.1421 Fax 819.994.4445 stephen.virc@ec.gc.ca 19