Full Title of Standard or Initiative (Acronym)

Aerospace Industries Association
Electronic Enterprise Integration Committee
Technology Radar Element Description
X12 EDI Implementation Conventions
The AIA EEWG (predecessor to the EEIC) developed these AIA user implementation conventions (IC) for 16
ANSI X12 EDI standard transactions under its charter from the AIA SMC. The initial set of 16 transactions
cover the order management suite of documents commonly used between prime contractor and their
suppliers. The suite of 16 is still widely used by member companies and has significantly reduced the cost of
suppliers supporting disparate EDI implementations by the primes.
List of Published EDI Implementation Conventions:
 NAS02810-4 = Invoice
 NAS02820-4 = Remittance Advice
 NAS02824-4 = Application Advice
 NAS02830-4 = Planning Schedule with Release Capability
 NAS02831-4 = Control Total
 NAS02832-4 = Price Sales Catalog
 NAS02840-4 = Request for Quote
 NAS02843-4 = Response to Request for Quote
 NAS02846-4 + Inventory Inquiry / Advice
 NAS02850-4 = Purchase Order
 NAS02855-4 = Purchase Order Acknowledgement
 NAS02856-4 = Ship Notice / Manifest (Advance Ship Notice)
 NAS02857-4 = Shipment Billing / Notice
 NAS02860-4 = Purchase Order Change
 NAS02865-4 = Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement
 NAS02997-4 = Functional Acknowledgement
 NAS Order Process Model – Transaction Flow Diagram Overview
Responsible organization
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee X12 for EDI.
Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) – secretariat for ANSI X12
Lead Organization within AIA
Development by AIA Electronic Enterprise Work Group has been folded into the EEIC scope of work for
maintenance management of the ICs contact Rusty Rentsch– 703-358-1054
Other stakeholders – by function/organization
AIA Supplier Management Council
Business Justification
The suite of 16 is still widely used by member companies and has significantly reduced the instance of
disparate EDI implementations in our supply chain. These 16 EDI conventions also serve as the basis for
AIA requirements for Boost Aero standards alignment and EXOSTAR eMarketplace.
Description of activity/deliverables
Maintenance mode of operation. No changes made in the last 3 years
16 EDI Implementation Conventions are published on the public AIA web site for free use by anyone.
AIA imposed the use of the NAS standards publication format for these conventions but it is not
considered essential for their industry use.
Business benefits
Proven to significantly reduce the instance and cost of disparate EDI implementations in the aerospace
supply chain.
X12 EDI Implementation Conventions
Page 1
Revision Date: 1/22/07
Unpublished work © 2007 Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc
Aerospace Industries Association
Electronic Enterprise Integration Committee
Technology Radar Element Description
Location in EEIC Framework
Provides Business Process and Data model components
EEIC Action Plan
Continue to maintain this original suit of conventions and augment them with XML based standards when
and where needed.
EEIC Status (updated)
ICs are in maintenance mode
Adoption Plan
eBSG adoption statement
AIA recommendation
Link to a standards host site
Link to supporting material
X12 EDI Implementation Conventions
Page 2
Unpublished work © 2007 Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc
Revision Date: 1/22/07