4.1_complete - Ohio Northern University

Unit 4: Algae Research Project – Jigsaw Activity
Concepts: Develop oral and written presentations using clear language, accurate
data, appropriate graphs, tables, maps, and available technology. (NSES)
Objective: Students will become familiar with various types of algae through
research via internet and other resource materials.
Summary: The students will be working in groups using a modified jigsaw
strategy. Each group will be assigned a type of algae and they will be responsible
for becoming experts. Each group will use their information to create a
presentation for the class.
Teacher Notes: A sample presentation is provided to show students one example
of what their presentation might look like. Creativity is important so if students
choose to present their information in another format, that should also be
 Computers with internet access-at least one per group
 Resource materials
 Sample Chrysophyta presentation
Useful Websites:
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
Activity Sheets:
Role cards
KWHL Chart-one per student and a class chart
Research assignment handout
Presentation rubric
1. Hand out KWHL chart to each student
2. Students write everything they know or think they know about Algae in the
K section of the chart (2-3 minutes)
3. Students share what they wrote with their group
4. Students share what they know or think they know as a full class and record
findings on class chart (this can be completed and saved on a Smartboard if
one is available)
5. Students work individually to brainstorm what they would like to learn
about Algae in the W column of their chart. (2-3 minutes)
6. Student share what they want to learn with their group.
7. Students share what they want to learn with the full class and record on
class chart.
8. Students brainstorm how they will find the information about the topics
they want to learn more about.
9. Share information as a whole class and record on class chart.
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
1. Students are assigned groups (4-5 students in a group) and group roles are
a. Lead Scientist: Keeps group on task, moderates discussion, makes
sure every group member has an opportunity to participate and learn
b. Recorder: Keeps notes of groups discussion
c. Summarizer: provides a summary of each discussion
d. Editor: Makes sure project meets standards set out by instructor,
organizes final project
e. Illustrator: Designs or collects illustrations for project
2. Students begin research on their assigned type of Algae. At this point
students are looking for interesting items about their specific type of Algae.
Students record findings in notebook. Allow 30-40 minutes for this process.
3. Assign each group one of the following: (*focus on a, b, and c first; if more
than 15 students in the class, then continue with d, e, f, and g in that order)
a. Cyanobacteria (Blue-green Algae)*
b. Chlorophyta (Green Algae)*
c. Bacillariophyta (Diatoms)*
d. Euglenophyta (Euglenoids)
e. Dinopyta (Dinoflagellates)
f. Rhodophyta (Red Algae)
g. Phaeophyta (Brown Algae)
1. Each group briefly shares one or two interesting facts they found in their
initial research.
2. Teacher shows example of presentation – Chrysophyta Power point
3. Pass out and go over research assignment handout.
4. Discuss possible presentation formats.
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
(This will take several class periods. See Daily Activity Chart)
1. Students continue to work in groups to find more information about
assigned Algae.
2. Students plan and prepare presentation.
1. Presentations will be graded with a rubric. (attached)
2. Students will complete a self-assessment. (attached)
Enrichment Activity:
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
Teacher Background:
Algae, an Introduction:
Algae…it is a term that often illicits images of murky swimming pools, spooky, sludge covered
farm ponds, algal blooms and fish kills, slippery rocks in a stream, or the obscured, slimy glass
of an aquarium. Unfortunately, the ambiguous term “algae” does not do justice to the
tremendous amount of diversity found in these aquatic photosynthesizes (an estimated 250,000+
species), nor does it provide insight into the remarkable range of shapes and sizes of these
organisms (stretching from prokaryotic cells that are a few microns in width to marine kelps that
can be greater than 50 meters in length). Furthermore, despite the negative connotations often
attached to algae, it is important to note that these organisms often make up the foundation of
aquatic food webs and are critical to the world around us.
The term alga (algae: plural) is used to reference a heterogeneous conglomerate of nonembryophyte (i.e., not included with the bryophytes or vascular plants), primarily photosynthetic
(though some have heterotrophic capacities), and generally aquatic organisms. One of the
greatest challenges for a beginning phycologist (someone who studies algae) is understanding
that the term algae actually references many different groups of organisms, most of which are not
closely related. Technically known as a polyphyletic assemblage, the term algae represent an
unnatural grouping of organisms. Consider if we created a new group of organisms and the
characteristic used to define this group was the ability to fly (the Phylum Flyophyta). Examples
of organisms which we would place in this could include birds, bats, butterflies, dragonflies,
flying squirrels, and superheroes. Now while all of these taxa have the capacity to soar through
the air they employ strikingly different mechanisms by which they achieve flight (or do not,
considering the flying squirrel simply glides). Furthermore, the lack of common ancestry makes
it difficult to determine the relationships between these various groups. The different groups of
algae are similar in that they share some very general characteristics, but often lack a common
ancestry, as well as operate in a very different manner from one another. However, it is unlikely
that that the term algae will disappear anytime soon from the human vernacular. Thus, it is
important to realize that they are simply a collection of relatively simple photosynthetic life
The majority of algae are eukaryotic in nature and are often presently lumped into the Kingdom
Protista (another unnatural group). In the future it is likely that these various groups will be
broken into their own kingdoms (joining the existing Animalia, Fungi, and Plantae). There is
also an ecologically and economically (good and bad) group of prokaryotic algae, the
Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Below you will find a simplified listing of the major groups
of algae:
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
Domain Bacteria
Phylum Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria)
Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Protista
o Phylum Bacillariophyta (Diatoms)
o Phylum Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
o Phylum Chrysophyta (Golden Algae)
o Phylum Dinophyta (Dinoflagellates)
o Phylum Euglenophyta (Euglenoids)
o Phylum Phaeophyta (Brown Algae)
o Phylum Rhodophyta (Red Algae)
o Phylum Xanthophyta (Yellow-green Algae)
Not all of these groups are major contributors to the algal diversity and biomass on the planet
and may not be discussed in great detail. In addition, there are several other obscure phyla of
eukaryotic algae that will not be included in these modules.
Algae show tremendous amounts of variation in terms of the morphology (shape) of their body
(also known as a thallus). Most commonly encountered forms include:
 Unicellular: Solitary, individual cells. May be motile or nonmotile.
 Colonial: Assemblage of individual cells. May be variable or predictable number of cells
 Filament: Cells are attached together in a chain like manner. May be branched or
unbranched. Filaments may also be one cell or many cells thick.
 Ceonocytic or aseptate forms: Often filaments lacking individual cell units, the organism
persists as a giant individual cell.
 Parenchymous/Pseudoparenchymous: Highly derived forms with many shapes and sizes
ranging from microscopic to large macroscopic seaweeds.
We do not know how many species of algae exist in the world. Current estimates of described
species range from 250,000- 300,500 species, but some researcher think that the number of
undiscovered species is in the millions. Even with so many undiscovered species we can still
appreciate the ability of algae to grow anywhere in the world.
Algal Habitats
Algae are abundant in most bodies of water including marine, brackish, and freshwater systems,
but also extreme/unusual environments such as snow, ice, geysers, acidic zones, and deserts. In
addition, algae are often involved in symbiotic relationships with other organisms including
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
lichens, coral reefs, sponges, cycads, and sloths. Since inland, freshwater system are the focus of
this module, a generalize listing of habitat types follow:
Lotic Systems: Refers to habitats with standing or sluggish waters. Attached algae are abundant
in the shallow parts and often exist in the open water as floating/swimming phytoplankton.
Common examples include ponds and lakes.
Lentic Systems: Refers to habitats with moving or flowing waters. Attached algae are common
in systems where light can reach the bottom (benthos). The densest abundances of algae can be
found on hard substrates such as rocks, rather than those that can be easily disturbed (i.e., sands,
mud). Common examples include streams and rivers.
Wetland Environments: A broad, encompassing term referring to habitats that must be saturated
with moisture either permanently or seasonally. Algae often exist on the benthos, but also as
phytoplankton and between emergent plants such as cattails. Common examples include, but are
not limited to, bogs, fens, marshes, and swamps.
Temporary, Vernal, or Ephemeral: These unique systems only contain water for a few
days/weeks out of the year. Despite their short existence, they are full of unique algae. These
can be natural or artificial in nature. Examples include ephemeral streams, vernal pools, ditches,
springs, teasel leaves, bird baths, buckets, and tire tracks.
Terrestrial: Many algae can exist out of water, even in places when low quantities of moisture
are available.
Anthropogenic Uses of Algae:
For thousands of years humans have utilized algae as fertilizer, food, and feed for livestock.
Even today many species are still used for these functions. There are also several economically
important products extracted from algae including agar, algin, carrageenan, and pigmentation.
Algae are also often used as living monitors serving as bioindicators of the health of aquatic
ecosystems. Recently, with rising concerns of climate change and shortages of non-renewable
fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum), there have been many ventures into the realm of biofuels. Algae are
of particular interest because they have the potential to produce more biomass per unit area in a
year than any other form of biofuel biomass (i.e., soybeans, palm, corn). However, the field of
algal based biofuels is in its infancy, with many unresolved ecological and technical issues. The
primary objective of these successive modules is to introduce students to the field of algae and
eventually to the culturing, harvesting, and processing of algal biomass to generate viable biofuel
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
Additional Web Based Algal Information
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
Helpful Algal Identification Guides
While most identification guides are designated for the professional, there are some useful
introductory guides available.
Freshwater Algae in Australia: A Guide to Conspicuous Genera (great color photographs, but
difficult to find in the United States).
Common Freshwater Algae of the United States: An Illustrated Key to the Genera (Excluding the
Diatoms) Gary E. Dillard (Author)
How to Know the Freshwater Algae - Spiral-bound (May 1, 1978) by G. Prescott, John Bamrick,
Edward Cawley, and Wm. Jaques
© 2010, Ohio Northern University: Dr. Kenneth Reid, Dr. Debra Gallagher and Dr. Robert Verb
Algae Research Activity Sheets and Rubric
Algae Research Project
Assigned Algae ___________________________________________
Group Members
Work in groups to find as much information as possible about your assigned Algae. Make
sure your group finds information to answer the questions below. Decide on a way to
present your information to the class.
Inquiry project questions to be addressed.
Background information (include common name)
Description (shape, color, size, photos, drawings)
Use by humans
Sexual or asexual reproduction
Food source for any unusual animals
Interesting Facts.
Finished product must include:
Presentation with information and illustrations. This can be a poster display or a
power point or other creative way of presenting information.
Location of algae. Include a map to show where this type of algae is located.
Example of food chain.
Description and illustration of benefits and harmfulness.
Algae Research Project Rubric
Type of Algae ___________________
Group Members
Presentation of
information is logical,
interesting, and
sequential, which the
audience can follow.
All elements of the
project (see student
sheet) were
addressed in an
Visual aids explain
and reinforce the
Presentation of
information is in
logical sequence,
which the audience
can generally follow.
Most of the elements
of the project (see
student sheet) were
addressed in an
Visual aids relate to
the presentation.
Presentation difficult
to follow because it is
not in sequence and
the audience cannot
Many elements (see
student sheet) were
missing or
Presentation has no
spelling and/or
grammatical errors.
Presentation has 1 or
two spelling and/or
grammatical errors.
Group Work
Worked well as a
group. Each group
member carried out
the assigned roles to
compete project.
Works well with
others. Group
members carried out
roles most of the
Visual Aids
Visual aids do not
support the
presentation or no
visual aids used.
Presentation has
numerous spelling
and/or grammatical
Difficulty working as
a group. Group
members did not
carry out assigned
Student Self-Assessment
Name _________________________
Role _________________________
Rate yourself from 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) on each of the following
I put forth my
best effort on
this project.
I worked
with the
I completed
all the tasks
assigned to
I collected a
lot of good
for my part of
the project.
I did my best
job for the
role in which I
was assigned.
Describe your involvement in the group completing the Algae Research Project:
The next time I work in a group I will
Jigsaw Role Cards
Keeps group on task, moderates discussion, makes sure
every group member has an opportunity to participate
and learn.
Keeps notes of group’s discussion.
Provides a summary of each discussion.
Makes sure project meets standards set out by
instructor, organizes final project.
Designs or collects illustrations for project.
What do I Know?
What do I Want to find out?
How can I find information
about what I want to learn?
What did ILearn?