Application Form for Expression of Interest
Contract Notice:
Contract title:
File number:
<S number as stated in the TED>
<as stated in the Contract Notice II.1.1>
<as stated in the Contract Notice IV.3.1>
This application is submitted by:
Leader 1
Name(s) of legal entity or entities
Contact person of the Candidate:
Candidates expressing an interest in a contract where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark is the Contracting
Authority must use this application form. The application must include a signed declaration using the annexed format from each legal entity mentioned in clause 1 above. The application and declaration(s) must be submitted using the annexed cover letter format. Any other documentation as required in the Contract Notice and in this application form must be included. Any additional documentation not specifically required will not be taken into consideration and should not be included with the application. The application and the declaration(s) as well as the required documentation must be in English.
Please refer to this application form as well as the Contract Notice for the required documentation and minimum requirements.
An application being submitted by a consortium (i.e., either a permanent, legally established grouping or a grouping, which has been constituted informally for a specific contract) must follow the instructions applicable to the consortium leader and its members. Note that a sub-contractor is not considered to be a consortium member and should not be included in this application.
An application must be forwarded by email in an electronic version (PDF file not exceeding 10 mb) to be received by the Contracting Authority before the time limit as stated in the Contract Notice IV.3.4). In addition the application has to be sent before the time limit in paper format in one original and two copies to the Contracting
Authority at the address as stated in the Contract Notice I.1).
References to the Directive in this application form mean the “Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts”. Please refer to the Directive for full text.
Please refer to Contract Notice III.1.4
Personal situation of the Candidate
Any Candidate or Tenderer who has been the subject of a conviction by final judgment of which the contracting authority is aware for one or more of the reasons listed in Article 45, 1 in the Directive shall be excluded from participation in a public contract.
Any Candidate or Tenderer may be excluded from participation in a contract if any of the cases specified in Article
45, 2 apply to that Candidate or Tenderer.
The Candidate must provide an extract from the “judicial record” or, failing that, of an equivalent document issued by a competent judicial or administrative authority showing sufficient evidence that none of the cases specified in
Article 45, 1. (a), (b), (c), and (d), and Article 45, 2 (a), (b), and (c) in the Directive applies to any of the legal entities making this application.
The Candidate must provide a certificate issued by the competent authority in his country providing sufficient evidence that none of the cases specified in Article 45, 2, (e) and (f) in the Directive applies to any of the legal entities making this application.
1 If this application is being submitted by an individual legal entity, the name of that legal entity should be entered as
”Leader”, and all other lines should be deleted. Add or delete lines for consortium members as appropriate.
The above-mentioned documents and certificates must be attached to the declaration by the legal entities identified in point 1 above, and must be dated not more than twelve months before the time limit for receipt of requests to participate, cf. Contract Notice IV.3.4.
The Candidate must prove enrolment, as prescribed in his Country of establishment, in one of the professional or trade registers or provide a declaration on oath or a certificate as described in the Directive’s Annex IX C for public service contracts, cf. Article 46 in the Directive.
If the Candidate is a consortium, the consortium as a whole should meet the required minimum capacities (add rows as required).
6.1 Economic and financial standing (Contract Notice III.2.2)
Requirements and possible minimum levels to the economic and financial standing of the Candidate are specified in the Contract Notice, and are requested in accordance with Article 47 of the Directive. a) Professional risk indemnity insurance
Name of insurer(s) b) Liquid assets or credit line: Not applicable c) Annual turnover of the Candidate
Amount (€)
Mill. €
Annual Turnover
Year before last Last year This year
6.2 Technical and/or professional ability (Contract Notice III.2.3)
Requirements to the technical and/or professional ability of the Candidate are specified in the Contract Notice in accordance with Article 48 of the Directive. a) List of the principal services provided in the last three years (Maximum of ten references)
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Share carried out by legal entity %
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services
Ref. No.
Project title
Name of Client
Project value Mill. €
Consortium members
Description of project
Types of services b) Technicians or technical bodies: Not applicable c) Measures used for ensuring quality
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Dates (mm/yy – mm/yy)
Share carried out by legal entity %
Name of certified quality assurance system: d) Capacities for production, studies, and/or research: Not applicable e) Educational and professional qualifications
If required in the Contract Notice, please list the managerial staff of the legal entity and, in particular those responsible for providing the services. No C.V.’s are required. (Add rows as required):
Legal entity Name and title Education Professional qualifications f) Environmental Management measures: Not applicable g) Average annual manpower
If required in the Contract Notice, please list total staff and the number of managerial staff for the last three years.
Average manpower Year before last Last year This year
Management staff
Other staff
Total staff h) Tools/plants etc.: Not applicable i) Sub-contracting
If required in the Contract Notice, please indicate the proportion of the contract intended subcontracted:
Indicate the proportion of the contract, which the Candidate intends possibly to subcontract
6.3 Reliance on other entities
A Candidate may, where appropriate and for a particular contract, rely on the capacities of other entities (to meet possible minimum requirements concerning economic and financial standing, and technical and/or professional ability as specified in the Contract Notice), regardless of the legal nature of the links, which it has with them. It must in that case prove to the Contracting Authority that it will have at its disposal the resources necessary, for example, by producing an undertaking by those entities. Such entities, for instance the parent company of the candidate, must respect the same rules of eligibility, and must comply with the conditions as stated in point 4.
Grounds for exclusion, as the candidate.
I, the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the above Candidate (including all consortium members, in the case of a consortium), hereby declare that we have examined the Contract Notice for the restricted procedure referred to above. If we are short-listed, we fully intend to submit a tender to provide the services requested in the tender dossier.
We are fully aware that, in the case of a consortium, the composition of the consortium cannot be modified in the course of the tender procedure. We are also aware that the consortium members would have joint and several liability towards Danida concerning participation in both the above tender procedure and any contract awarded to us as a result of it.
Signed on behalf of the Candidate
To be submitted on the letterhead of legal entity(ies) concerned. If the Candidate is a Consortium the declaration must be submitted by the Leader and each Member of the Consortium.
(To be addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark at the address stated in the Contract Notice I.1)
Dear Madam/Sir
<Contract title and file number>
In response to your Contract Notice <publication number in TED> we, <name(s) of legal entity or entities> confirm that we intend to submit a tender for the contract for the above if we are invited to do so.
We hereby declare that we:
Are making this application [on an individual basis/as a member of the consortium led by <name of the leader/ourselves; delete as applicable] for this contract. We confirm that we are not participating in any other application for the same contract, whatever the form of the application (as a member – including leader – in a consortium or as an individual Candidate);
Attach documentation as specified in article 46 of the Directive to prove our enrolment in a trade register
(clause 5 above);
Are not in a conflict of interest as defined in clause 3 of the Application form (Contract Notice III.1.4), which would exclude us from participating in the contract;
Commit to the principles of United Nations Global Compact or have a Code of Ethics and a Business Integrity
Management System based on another internationally recognised system, and attach verification to that effect;
Are not in any of the situations excluding us from participating in the contract which are listed in the clause 4
Personal situation of the Candidate in the Application Form, and we attach with this declaration the required documentation and certification;
Will inform you immediately if there is any change in the above circumstances at any stage during the implementation of the contract.
We recognise that you may exclude us from this contract and future contract procedures if we are guilty of serious misrepresentation or failing to supply the information that may be required for this qualitative selection.
Yours sincerely
<Signature of authorised representative>
<Name and position of authorised representative>
(To be submitted on the letterhead of the Candidate (the Leader if the Candidate is a consortium)
To be addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark at the address stated in the Contract Notice I.1)
Dear Madam/Sir
<Contract title and file number>
In response to your Contract Notice <publication number in TED> we, <name(s) of legal entity or entities>, hereby submits the following documents:
Application Form;
Declaration(s) by <name of legal entity(ies)> (see clause 7 above);
Documentation as specified in article 46 of the Directive to prove enrolment(s) in a trade register (clause 5 above);
Verification(s) of commitment to the principles of United Nations Global Compact or Code of Ethics and Business
Integrity Management System based on another internationally recognised system;
Required documentation and certification(s) of not being in any of the situations excluding us from participating in the contract which are listed in above clause 4;
I, the undersigned, being the authorised signatory of the above Candidate (including all consortium members, in the case of a consortium), hereby declare that we have examined the Contract Notice for the restricted procedure referred to above. If we are short-listed, we fully intend to submit a tender to provide the services requested in the tender dossier.
We are fully aware that, in the case of a consortium, the composition of the consortium cannot be modified in the course of the tender procedure. We are also aware that the consortium members would have joint and several liability towards the Contracting Authority concerning participation in both the above tender procedure and any contract awarded to us as a result of it.
Signed on behalf of the Candidate