68 SECTION H SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS H-1 Individual Membership FDEA Individual Membership Data Form The information below is my request for (check all that apply): _____Data Correction _____Membership Renewal for 201 to 201 (Nov. 1st to Oct. 31st) _____New Membership 201 to 201 (Nov. 1st to Oct. 31st) _____ FDEA Scholarship Donation ______________(note amount) Title (check one): ___Dr. ___Mr. ___Mrs. ___Ms. Name________________________________________________________ Institution____________________________________________________ Preferred Mailing Address____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Telephone ( ) E-Mail_______________________________________________________ This is important for all FDEA information and the FDEA Newsletter Area of Expertise/Position____________________________________________ Annual FDEA Membership Dues: Faculty/Administrators ($50) Adjuncts/Retirees ($25) Full-time Grad Students ($15) Mail Checks Payable to FDEA : Karen Eisenhauer, FDEA Individual Membership Chair Brevard Community College Assistant Professor of Communications 250 Community College Parkway Palm Bay, FL 32909 Disclosure Notice: FDEA may provide the names and addresses of its members to third parties for the sole purpose of facilitating the business of the association. The business would include newsletter mailings, conference registration, and member enrollment. FDEA does not sell or provide its membership list to solicitors or for purposes of solicitation. Revised 11/2012 69 H-2 Institutional Membership September, 2013 TO: FDEA Board Members FROM: ___________________ SUBJECT: Request for Help in Recruiting Institutional Members The conference is almost upon us, and we do not have as many institutional memberships as we have had in the past. If your institution has not joined or if you have a colleague at an institution which has not joined and you would be willing to contact this person for help, please use the enclosures to aid the recruitment effort. For your information, the following institutions have joined FDEA for the 2012-2013 conference year: 1. Broward College 2. College of Central Florida 3. Edison State College 4. Florida Gateway College 5. Gulf Coast State College 6. Hillsborough Community College 7. Lake Sumter Community College 8. Miami Dade College 9. North Florida Community College 10. Palm Beach State College 11. Pensacola State College 12. Polk State College 13. St. Johns River State College 14. St. Petersburg College 15. Santa Fe College 16. Seminole State College 17. South Florida State College 18. Tallahassee Community College 19. Valencia College Revised 11/2012 70 An Invitation to Institutional Membership The Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA) is an organization of developmental educators providing leadership for practitioners and supporters of college preparatory education in Florida’s colleges. The association includes administrators, counselors, instructors, and paraprofessionals. FDEA provides a conference for the exchange of information on developmental curriculum, instruction, and evaluation. This year’s conference is scheduled for November 2 through 3 in Jacksonville, FL. The Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA) invites your college to become an institutional member of this important statewide association for the 20122013 conference year. The benefits of membership in FDEA include the following: – receiving the FDEA newsletter – receiving information about the conference – sharing instructional and research information – receiving information about issues from the State Board of Community Colleges – providing input to state agencies, and – having a network of professionals to call regarding college prep concerns. Institutional membership, which is offered to all Florida colleges at a cost of $300 per institution, has additional benefits, including the following: one free FDEA conference registration, the publication of the college name in each FDEA newsletter in an institutional membership listing, eligibility for students of the institution to apply for FDEA scholarships. Many scholarships are awarded at every conference. We look forward to having your institution as an institutional member of FDEA. Please process the enclosed form and enroll your institution as an institutional member today. Revised 11/2012 71 AN INVITATION TO INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP The Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA), an organization of educators interested in supporting developmental education, provides leadership for practitioners and supporters of college preparatory education in Florida’s colleges. The association’s membership includes administrators, counselors, instructors, and paraprofessionals. FDEA holds membership in the National Association for Developmental Education (NADE). FDEA provides a state conference for the exchange of information in developmental curriculum, instruction, and evaluation. For further information about FDEA and our annual conference and workshops, please check out our web site, http://www.fdea.net. Benefits of FDEA membership include: receiving the FDEA newsletter and information about the state conference sharing instructional and research information and networking with other developmental educators providing input to state agencies and receiving information about issues from the Division of Florida Colleges one free FDEA registration for the annual state conference eligibility for students of your institution to apply for FDEA and FCRC scholarships Disclosure Notice: FDEA may provide the names and addresses of its members to third parties for the sole purpose of facilitating the business of the association. The business would include newsletter mailings, conference registration, and member enrollment. FDEA does not sell or provide its membership list to solicitors or for purposes of solicitation. INVOICE Institution:_______________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Name of Institution’s Contact:_______________________________________________________ E-mail:____________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_________________________________________________________________ Institutional Memberships run from July 1 – June 30 of the following year. Dues are in the amount of $300.00 (Three hundred), payable to Florida Developmental Education Association. The FEI Number for FDEA is 36-4660672. Please mail Checks or information requests to: Deborah Fontaine Northwest Florida State College 100 College Blvd. Niceville, FL 32578 Office: 850.729.6451 Email: fontaind@nwfsc.edu Revised 11/2012 72 Second Notice: Florida Developmental Education Association August 2012 Dear Dr. James Richey, The Florida Developmental Education Association solicits membership from the Florida community colleges, state colleges and universities who have an interest in developmental education. As of July 1st your college’s institutional membership in FDEA lapsed. Our membership year runs from July 1st to June 30th, but we understand payments may arrive after that date in order to be charged to a new budget year. Paying your FDEA institutional membership fee by September 1st will allow your institution to take advantage of one conference registration waiver to attend our annual conference in November. Please complete the form on the back of this letter and return with your payment to the address indicated. Benefits of FDEA institutional membership include: receiving the FDEA newsletter receiving information about the state conference sharing instructional and research information receiving information about issues from the Division of Florida Colleges providing input to state agencies networking with other developmental educators one individual registration fee waiver to attend the FDEA conference, and eligibility for students from your institution to apply for individual FDEA scholarships You can find additional information about members of the FDEA Executive Board, the conference, and a conference registration form on our web site at http://www.fdea.net. I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you or your representative at our FDEA annual conference in Jacksonville, FL. Sincerely, Deborah Fontaine Northwest Florida State College 100 College Blvd. Niceville, FL 32578 Office: 850.729.6451 Email: fontaind@nwfsc.edu Revised 11/2012 73 Thank-you letter: Florida Developmental Education Association College XXXX, FL 32922 Dear , Thank you for accepting the invitation for College to renew its institutional membership in the Florida Developmental Education Association for 2011-2012. Please check out our web site at http://www.fdea.net for additional information on our organization, e-mail addresses of board members, and conference updates as they are posted. I have included information on an award nomination for FDEA Outstanding Educator on the back of this letter. I have also included information on the adjunct fee waiver for the October 25-27, 2006 in Orlando as well as a copy of the registration form. If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact me anytime. Sincerely, FDEA Institutional Membership Chair Revised 11/2012 74 H- 3 Local Arrangements Checklist Contract With Hotel Physical Needs: ______ Five concurrent breakout rooms large enough to seat 50 people theater style, another large enough to seat 130, and a banquet room large enough to comfortably seat 150 will be needed. Each room will need a podium and table for materials. The larger rooms will need microphones. Each room will need several electrical outlets. ______ A locked room will be needed near the meeting rooms for the storage of equipment for some publishers and presenters, door prizes, etc. Two readily available board members should have keys to this room during the conference. ______ The publishers’ area should be large enough to accommodate at least 15 publishers’ tables, perhaps 18 to 20. There should be room for coffee breaks and continental breakfast in or near the publishers’ area. Hotel should provide skirted tables, although some publishers’ will bring their own skirts. These tables need to be near outlets; and even then, 6-8 power strips and extension cords should be obtained from either the hotel or hosting college. ______ The registration area should be reasonably central to the conference meeting rooms’ area. Be sure this area is booked for the entire length of the conference. In 1995, the registration tables had to be moved to accommodate the registration of another group. Three skirted tables for registration will be needed. There should be an outlet and a power strip nearby in case a computer and printer are used. Usually registration materials should be allowed to remain on the tables or in boxes under the tables overnight. However, especially important materials may be taken to the locked storage area. ______ Hotels often host more than one conference at a time. Be sure to work carefully through an old program with hotel staff to ensure our space needs will be met. ______ Seventy-four (74) guest rooms were used during the 1995 conference (54 at the Ponce, 20 at the Quality Inn, a mile away). ______ Ask about availability of non-smoking rooms. ______ Ask if the rooms contain projector screens or wall mounts for wall screens. Ask which, if any, equipment is supplied by hotel at no charge. Ask for a list of A/V charges in case you can’t get everything you need from your college. ______ The hotel should have wheelchair access to all necessary rooms; ask if any guest rooms have specialty accommodations for disabled people. Other Contract Items: ______ The hotel should agree to fixed room and meal rates one year ahead of time. ______ The meeting room for board meetings should seat 25 people at conference tables. Revised 11/2012 75 ______ We should get a complimentary guest room or suite with a block of 50 rooms. The scholarship winner or keynote speaker usually uses this room. ______ There should be no charge for meeting rooms for breakout sessions or executive board meetings. There should be no charge for basic set-ups in these rooms (podiums, tables, mikes, etc.) ______ Reserve space for September board meeting. Generally the hotel offers complimentary coffee and pastries for at least one board meeting. ______ The hotel should agree to a complimentary “two-nights” to be used as a door prize. In addition, send them a letter on FDEA letterhead requesting this. Money: ______ Be sure that rooms for keynote speaker(s) and any other FDEA guests are charged to our master account. ______ Be sure to establish the program carefully before meeting with the hotel caterer. Last minute changes can cause problems. Check contract agreement for possible changes in costs of meals, wine and cheese, coffee break, and continental breakfasts. ______ Ask to be charged “per use” for such items as canned sodas and wine. ______ Have an agreement with the hotel that the only ones who can request A/V equipment and copying to be charged to our master account are the President, the Program Chair, and the Local Arrangements Chair. ______ Ask if any meal or refreshment prices will change for last minute additional numbers. Food: ______ Continental breakfasts for board meetings and conference should include bagels and decaffeinated coffee. Increasingly, bagels are consumed before the other pastries. ______ Ask hotel if board members can choose from a limited menu of the banquet luncheon choices when they have lunch at the January board meeting so they can decided on the menu for the November conference. This way the board can make menu choices, which can be listed, on the registration form in the September newsletter. ______ Select menu for post-conference Executive Board Luncheon. ______ Prepare half-sheet signs for coffee breaks, continental breakfasts, and wine and cheese, reading, for example, “Continental Breakfast for FDEA Participants, compliments of your publishers.” ______ Establish a method for servers to easily recognize people who request meatless meals: green stars, red apples, red dots, different color name tags, or different color meal tickets, for example. ______ Be aware of the hotel’s exact deadline for committing to a luncheon count. Revised 11/2012 76 Remember to include publishers, and non-paying guests such as keynote speakers, institutional membership administrators, registration volunteers, etc. Be generous with the final count. It’s better to commit to 5 or 10 more meals than we need than are worried there won’t be enough food. Discuss this with the hotel caterer. ______ The counts for 1995 were as follows: 136 luncheon (46 meatless); 120 for each of the continental breakfasts; 4 gallons coffee and 50 sodas for coffee break; cheese and fruit set-up for 100 and 17 bottles of wine for wine and cheese; 26 for post-conference Executive Board luncheon. Equipment: ______ Put someone at your college completely in charge of equipment. Put your technical support person in contact with the Publishers Chair and the Program Chair. Presenters with equipment problems or needs should call the technical support person, not you. He or she should be fairly knowledgeable of such equipment as LCD panels, VHS projectors, and various computer cable hookups. He or she should not be expected to attend the Wednesday board meeting, as equipment will be arriving and set-up during that time. ______ The technical support person should contact each presenter with special needs to discuss equipment needs and determine which equipment will perform best visually for a large group. For example, is overhead material large enough or the monitor screen large enough to be seen in the back of the room. Presenters should be encouraged to bring their own equipment whenever possible. ______ Because hotel charges are usually high, the technical support person should try to get as much equipment as possible from your college. He or she should list not only what will be needed, but which room, time, and presenter name. ______ Check to see if the hotel has built-in boards, white boards, pull-down screens or wall mounts for wall screens. Perhaps the walls are suitable for projection. ______ Assume you will need an overhead projector, screen, easel, and flip-chart in each breakout room. ______ Assume that at least one important piece of equipment will fail and at least two presenters will not relay their needs until the last minute. ______ Prepare a “trouble box” with extra overhead projector bulbs, extension cords, overhead films and markers, white board markers, computer cables, etc. Registration: ______ A sample registration form is provided. It should include an explanation of hotel’s policy for accepting college tax-exempt status. It should also say whether nonsmoking rooms are available. Revised 11/2012 77 ______ Prepare a schedule of volunteers to work the registration table. Two people plus the treasurer will generally be enough for each time slot. Volunteers should arrive an hour before Wednesday night registration time to help attach ribbons and get organized. Ask administrators to volunteer themselves of their support staff. Clerical help will be helpful if a computer and printer are available to make on-site name tags. Neither the Local Arrangements Chair nor the Program Chair may be scheduled to work the registration table; they must be available for troubleshooting. ______ Registration forms will be sent first to the Treasurer, then to the Local Arrangements Chair. Try to get college clerical staff to do name tags for paid registrations. Try to get the same person to work the registration table. Do not make name tags until money has been received. Too much confusion results when two groups of name tags (paid and not-paid) are kept. ______ Name tags should visibly designate people who request meatless meals: green stars, red apples, red dots, different color name tags, or different color meal tickets, for example, use a different method, so as not to confuse the servers, to designate nominees. ______ Ribbons for Board members, presenters, and moderators should be taped to the name badges. Use the program to make an alphabetized list of these. Because so many name tags will be printed only days before the conference or on-site, it may be easiest to wait until an hour or so before registration to begin attaching the ribbons. ______ Order enough name tags and registration packet materials for 175 to 200 people. In 1995, we had 150 registration packets prepared and had to make more onsite. Registration packet contents: pocketed folder to hold the following: ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ pen or pencil notepad map of conference facilities tourist info from chamber of commerce list of area restaurants area map fact sheet from college program list of participating publishers list of exec board nominees ballots applications for future board nominees College: ______ Write a letter requesting the host college president welcome the conference. ______ Consider a tour of campus facilities: a developmental studies lab, for example. ______ Request any college room facilities required through official channels. Revised 11/2012 78 ______ Classify meetings at the college as campus functions when requesting rooms. This circumvents the need to pay for insurance and custodial services in most instances. ______ Arrange for college maintenance staff to transport the equipment. ______ Ask someone at your college to be in change of transportation in case any participants need to be picked up at the airport. Only two people needed such transportation to the Ocala conference, and one to the St. Augustine conference. Reserve a college van, just in case. ______ Ask someone at your college to be the conference photographer. Check with your public relations department. Go through the program to list specific events and persons to be photographed. ______ Request that the college sponsor one coffee break and donate folders and note pads for registration packets, and be sure the host institution is listed on the cover or back of the program. ______ If the Board establishes a fee for the host institution, try to get the cooperation of academic deans to allow time off for interested faculty members who would otherwise not register at all to attend a few sessions. Provide advance copies of the program so they can plan ahead. ______ Get a “fact sheet” of historical or promotional information about your college. ______ The local news media should be informed that people from the State Department of Education will be in town to address the conference. You may be able to turn this task over to the college’s public relations department. COMMUNITY: ______ Gather free materials from the Chamber of Commerce, including area maps, restaurant guides, information about local attractions. Revised 11/2012 79 H-4 Executive Board Nomination Forms & Letters FIRST CALL FOR NOMINATIONS! We are looking for names of colleagues to serve on the FDEA Board. These individuals should be interested in working with fellow board members to promote FDEA’s mission to improve developmental education. To be eligible to serve on the board, a member must have the following qualifications: 1. FDEA dues must be paid and up to date 2. Must be a member of FDEA for at least one year 3. Must be willing to attend scheduled board meeting and serve for a period of 2 years If you are interested in serving as an FDEA Board Member, please let me know by sending me your name and qualifications by April 30, 2011. If you know of possible candidates, please forward their names to me, along with an e-mail address. I will contact them directly. Megan Glenn - Florida State College @ Jacksonville Nominations Chair, 904-997-2576 E-mail: mglenn@fscj.edu Megan Glenn ~Nomination Chair~ Florida State College @ Jacksonville Associate Professor 9911 Old Baymeadows Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 Office: 904-997-2576 Fax: 904-997-2573 Email: mglenn@fscj.edu Revised 11/2012 80 H-4B – Prospective Board Member letter – Place this on current letterhead before sending. Florida Developmental Education Association Executive Board of Directors Dear Prospective Board Member: Michael Vensel President Miami Dade College The Executive Board for the Florida Developmental Education Association received your name as a candidate for the new Executive Board elections that will take place before our annual conference. This is a great honor and a wonderful opportunity to serve developmental education in the state of Florida. Chris Elder President-Elect Florida Gateway College Shirley Rehberg Treasurer Florida Gateway College Meribeth Fields Secretary College of Central Florida Shanna Autry Florida Department of Education Division of Florida Colleges Dr. Nick Bekas Valencia College Karen Eisenhauer Brevard Community College Deborah Fontaine Northwest Florida State College If you are still willing to serve, please send me an e-mail with a brief biography. Please keep your biographical information to no more than 200 words. Please be sure to include the following in your biographical sketch: Your Name Institution Job Position/Title/Responsibility (indicate time held) Short synopsis of previous jobs or professional projects related to developmental education Professional memberships and positions held (spell out please) Degrees (indicate colleges and program areas) Reason(s) for desiring FDEA Executive Board position Megan Glenn Florida State College at Jacksonville The biographical sketch must be received by Friday, September 3, 2013. Please send the sketch by e-mail to Marguerite Jones Palm Beach Sate College mglenn@fscj.edu Donna Martin Florida State College at Jacksonville Karen Nails-Porter FCRC President Bethune-Cookman University Marjorie Simon Palm Beach Sate College Janita Patrick Past-President Tallahassee Community College Sincerely, Megan Glenn ~Nomination Chair~ Florida State College @ Jacksonville Associate Professor 9911 Old Baymeadows Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 Office: 904-997-2576 Fax: 904-997-2573 Email: mglenn@fscj.edu Revised 11/2012 81 H-4C – Second Call for Nominations – this letter goes into the Spring Newsletter SECOND CALL FOR NOMINATIONS!!! We're looking for names of colleagues to serve on the FDEA Board. These individuals should be interested in working with fellow board members to promote FDEA's mission to improve developmental education. To be eligible to serve on the board, a member must have the following qualifications: 1. FDEA Dues must be paid and up to date 2. Must be a member of FDEA for at least one year 3. Must be willing to serve for a period of two years and attend scheduled board meetings If you are interested in serving as an FDEA board member, please let me know by sending me a note through email. Or, if you know of possible candidates, please forward the names to me, along with an email address. I will contact them directly. These names must be received by midnight, September 3, 2010. Send nominations to the FDEA Nominations Chair: Mrs. Michael Vensel Nominations Chair Miami Dade College – Kendall Campus 11011 SW 104 Street Miami, FL 33176 305-237-2286 e-mail: mvensel@mdc.edu Revised 11/2012 82 H-4D – Elected to the board letter – Place on current letterhead – Can be sent by Nominations Chair or President Florida Developmental Education Association Executive Board of Directors October 10, 2009 Michael Vensel President Miami Dade College Dear Pat, Chris Elder President-Elect Florida Gateway College Shirley Rehberg Treasurer Florida Gateway College Meribeth Fields Secretary College of Central Florida Shanna Autry Florida Department of Education Division of Florida Colleges Congratulations! You have been elected to serve on the FDEA Board for the 2009 – 2011 term. This is a great honor and a wonderful opportunity to serve developmental education in the state of Florida. We look forward to working with you in the coming years. Please plan on attending the next board meeting which will be January 22, 2010 in Gainesville, Florida. The board will meet before the spring workshop. Sincerely, Dr. Nick Bekas Valencia College Karen Eisenhauer Brevard Community College Megan Glenn Deborah Fontaine Northwest Florida State College Florida State College @ Jacksonville Associate Professor Megan Glenn Florida State College at Jacksonville 9911 Old Baymeadows Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 Marguerite Jones Palm Beach Sate College Donna Martin Florida State College at Jacksonville ~Nomination Chair~ Office: 904-997-2576 Fax: 904-997-2573 Email: mglenn@fscj.edu Karen Nails-Porter FCRC President Bethune-Cookman University Marjorie Simon Palm Beach Sate College Janita Patrick Past-President Tallahassee Community College Revised 11/2012 83 H-4E – Appointed to the board letter – Place on current letterhead – Can be sent by Nominations Chair or President Florida Developmental Education Association Executive Board of Directors October 10, 2010 Michael Vensel President Miami Dade College Dear Nick, Chris Elder President-Elect Florida Gateway College Shirley Rehberg Treasurer Florida Gateway College Meribeth Fields Secretary College of Central Florida Shanna Autry Florida Department of Education Division of Florida Colleges Dr. Nick Bekas Valencia College Karen Eisenhauer Brevard Community College Deborah Fontaine Northwest Florida State College Megan Glenn Florida State College at Jacksonville Congratulations! You have been appointed to serve on the FDEA Board for the 2010 – 2011 term. This is a great honor and a wonderful opportunity to serve developmental education in the state of Florida. We look forward to working with you in the coming years. Sincerely, Megan Glenn ~Nomination Chair~ Florida State College @ Jacksonville Associate Professor 9911 Old Baymeadows Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 Office: 904-997-2576 Fax: 904-997-2573 Email: mglenn@fscj.edu Marguerite Jones Palm Beach Sate College Donna Martin Florida State College at Jacksonville Karen Nails-Porter FCRC President Bethune-Cookman University Marjorie Simon Palm Beach Sate College Janita Patrick Past-President Tallahassee Community College Revised 11/2012 84 H-4F – Official Ballot using e-mail – This is to be sent to all members 2 weeks prior to vote ending Please Do Not reply to this message. Dear FDEA Members, It is now time to vote for your Executive Board for the term 2011 - 2013. Please click on the link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MHZZJSP to vote. You may choose up to 5 people to serve on the board. Voting will be open from Thursday, September 22 until Monday, September 26, 2011. You may vote only one time. The results will be announced by Friday, September 30. You may read the candidates bios by going to the FDEA website http://www.fdea.net and clicking on 2011 Board Candidate Biographies. Sincerely, Megan Glenn ~Nomination Chair~ Florida State College @ Jacksonville Associate Professor 9911 Old Baymeadows Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 Office: 904-997-2576 Fax: 904-997-2573 Email: mglenn@fscj.edu Revised 11/2012 85 H-4G - Nomination Committee Announcement of Board Members – This goes into the fall newsletter Nominations Committee: The Nominations Committee would like to announce our Executive Board for the 2012-2013 year: President: Michael Vensel – Miami Dade College - Kendall President-Elect: Treasurer: Shirley Rehberg – Florida Gateway College Secretary: Meribeth Fields – College of Central Floria Past President: Janita Patrick – Tallahassee Community College The Nominations Committee welcomes our newest board members: Dr. Nick Bekas from Valencia Community College. We also welcome back the following elected members of the board: Laurel Severino – Santa Fe College Marjorie Simon – Palm Beach State College Patti Levine-Brown - Florida State College at Jacksonville Cathy Lally and Karen Eisenhauer - Brevard Community College Efrain Bonilla - North Florida Community College Pat Newell – Edison State College Len Quatrella – Bethune-Cookman University Sandra Offiah-Hawkins - Daytona State College. Melinda Milles from the Florida Department of Education, Division of Florida Colleges and Karen Nails-Porter, President of Florida College Reading Council also serve as board members. If you are interested in serving on the board, read the announcement in this newsletter and send me your nominations. If you have any questions about FDEA business, please contact any board member. Michael Vensel – Nominations Chair e-mail: mvensel@mdc.edu Revised 11/2012 86 H-4H – Request for Board Bios– Send to board members when term is ending. Your term for the FDEA Executive Board expires at this conference. If you wish to continue on the Board, I need your biographical sketch by Thursday September 9, 2012 in order to place you on the ballot. Please remember to keep it to no more than 200 words. Please be sure to include the following in your biographical sketch: • Your Name • Institution • Job Position/Title/Responsibility (indicate time held) • Short synopsis of previous jobs or professional projects related to developmental education • Professional memberships and positions held (spell out please) • Degrees (indicate colleges and program areas) • Reason(s) for desiring FDEA Executive Board position If you do not wish to continue on the Board, please let me know so I won't keep bugging you for the bio. Thanks, Michael Revised 11/2012 87 H-5 Exhibitor/ Publisher Invitation Florida Developmental Education Association Dear Potential FDEA Exhibitor, The Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA) is hosting their annual conference at Florida State College at Jacksonville-Deerwood Center, Jacksonville, Florida from November 2 – 3, 2012. The conference is a great way for your organization to collaborate with professionals that are passionate about developmental education. FDEA seeks to improve the theory and practice of developmental education at all levels of the educational spectrum, the professional capabilities of developmental educators, and the design of programs to prepare developmental educators. FDEA focuses on the academic success of students by providing professional development, supporting student learning, providing public leadership, disseminating exemplary models of practice, coordinating efforts with other organizations, facilitating communication among developmental education professionals, and anticipating trends. It is because of your involvement in the field of developmental education, that we would like to invite you to be an exhibitor at the FDEA 2012 Conference. I am attaching the necessary forms for you to view. As the 2012 Conference Exhibits Chair, I am available to answer any of your questions. If I have sent this information to the wrong contact for your organization, would you be kind enough to forward this information to the appropriate person? Thank you for your consideration of being an exhibitor at our conference. Sincerely, Donna Martin FDEA Exhibitor's Chair Florida State College at Jacksonville Associate Dean of the Library/Learning Commons Downtown Campus 101 West State Street, Room A2039 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Office: (904) 361-6230 Email: dmartin@fscj.edu Revised 11/2012 88 FDEA EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM 2002 Please print/type information as you wish it to appear in publication. Company Name: Street Address: City Telephone: ( ) Fax Number: ( ) E-mail address Company Contact Person for FDEA: On Site Representative(s) at Convention: Please check the option(s) desired. Sponsor of Major Event ($2,000) Reception Only one sponsor per event Lunch BENEFITS FOR SPONSORS: Conference Presenter ($1,000) BENEFITS TO YOU: 1 exhibit table 1 ticket to meal event 1 presenter’s block one (1) hour Program Advertising “8 1/2 x 11” ($100) “1/2 page” ($50) “1/4 page” ($35) FDEA’s 25th Birthday Party 1 exhibit table 2 tickets to meal event 1 page advertising in program 1 brochure insert into registration packet Exhibit ($500) BENEFITS TO YOU: 1 exhibit table 1 ticket to meal event two (2) hours Web Page ($100) Your company’s web page linked to the FDEA Home Page for 12 months following the FDEA 2002 conference. Indicate your URL Fee is due upon receipt of this registration form. The deadline for returning this completed form is September 15, 2002. Conference confirmation will be mailed upon receipt of form and applicable fees. Please call regarding availability of space if unable to meet these deadlines. Program Advertising – Camera-ready copy due before September 10, 2002 and mailed to Pat Newell, Edison Community College, 8099 College Parkway, Ft. Myers, FL 33919 Revised 11/2012 89 H-6 Conference Presentation Proposals Call for Proposals Florida Developmental Education Association Annual Conference Improving Student Success with Florida’s Best Practices Florida State College at Jacksonville-Deerwood Center November 2 – 3, 2012 To all Administrators and Committees Foreseeing Developmental Education: The Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA) is currently planning its 2012 State Conference, focusing on best practices. Developmental Education is garnering attention on a national level and our state has not been on the fray. Many great initiatives ranging from modular design to exit testing policies are either being carried out or are being developed. FDEA has certainly not been blind to these initiatives and to the faculty, staff, and administrators putting them into practice. As administrators and committees we ask for suggestions of faculty, staff, and administration members to present their best practice(s) at the FDEA State Conference in November. Theory may be briefly mentioned, but the focus is on practical strategies that participants can apply to their institutions. Proposals will be selected on the basis of appropriateness, level of practical value, significance of the topic, applicability at other institutions, and at least one year’s data demonstrating success of the strategy. The Proposal Committee will also consider balance in the range of topics. There are many great ideas across the state, and we want a forum to share these practices, help apply them to other schools, as well as develop new ones. Proposal selection is not a traditional blind selection process. Instead, we are leaving the selections to you, the administration and committees. Now is the ideal time to put our research and ideas into practice. Please fill out the form below and return to the contacts listed at the end. We have complete confidence that your selections for presenters will greatly enhance our conference for the benefit of all Florida Colleges. Sincerely, The Florida Developmental Education Association Revised 11/2012 90 Format of Sessions All sessions will be scheduled for 75 minutes. They are to be interactive and consist of very little lecture. Presentation of underlying theory, implementation and data on results at the institution should take no more than 15-20 minutes. The emphasis is on structured activities for the participants with the presenters helping participants determine ways to apply the best practice at their institution. The presenter may distribute handouts and use audiovisual aids. Responsibilities of Presenters Only those registered for the conference may actually present a session. All presenters must register and pay fees for the conference by October 12, 2012, or the session will be canceled. All communications will be sent to the Contact Presenter, who is responsible for notifying all co-presenters. The content of a session should not be significantly altered once the proposal is accepted. Presenters are responsible for bringing all of their own technical equipment other than flip charts, markers and projection screens and for providing any handouts. FDEA is unable to reimburse program participants for expenses. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: July 31, 2012 Revised 11/2012 91 Florida Developmental Education Association Annual Conference Improving Student Success with Florida’s Best Practices Florida State College at Jacksonville-Deerwood Center November 2 – 3, 2012 1. Contact Presenter SUBMISSION DEADLINE: July 31, 2012 Name Title Institution Street Address City State Zip Home Phone Work Phone Cell Email Fax Summer Address 2. Names of all presenters: In the order in which they should appear in the printed program. Name Institution Telephone/Email 3. Technological Needs (Check all needed. All other A/V must be provided by presenter.) Marker Board/Markers Flipchart Screen 4. Title Page Type the title (9-word maximum) to appear in the conference program booklet. Revised 11/2012 92 5. Abstract Please attach a description of the objectives and content of the presentation in a 500-word (maximum) abstract. Include assumptions, rationale of the program, procedures for implementation, techniques, lessons learned, summary of evaluation procedures and results (data), and any research relevant to the presentation that may be in the form of a bibliography. This is NOT to include the name(s) of the presenter(s). 6. Summary Please attach a 50-word (maximum) summary. If the proposal is accepted, this summary will appear in the conference program booklet. This is NOT to include the name(s) of the presenter(s). Send Form to: Christopher Elder Program Chair Chris.Elder@fgc.edu Revised 11/2012 93 September 30, 2012 Inside Address Dear , Thank you for agreeing to be a facilitator/moderator at a presentation at the upcoming FDEA conference in November. Both presenters and those of us appreciate your assistance on the Executive Board who are involved in preparing this conference. You will be presiding at the presentation of ____________ which will be presented in the _______________ breakout room from 8:30-9:30 on Friday, November 1, 2012. You will need to speak to the presenter(s) to get information they would like to have you use in their introduction. Thank you for agreeing to participate by presiding; we look forward to seeing you at the conference. Sincerely, Program Chair FDEA Conference Revised 11/2012 94 H-7 Scholarships Dear Colleague: We hope your summer has been restful and fun! Now that you have returned to work and are beginning the fall semester, it is time to begin planning for the Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA) Conference November 2-3 in Jacksonville. One of the highlights of this conference is the recognition of our successful developmental students with the awarding of the FDEA Scholarships. Many of our successful students begin their college careers in developmental courses and go on to become successful college graduates. The purpose of these scholarships is to bring recognition to many successful developmental students. Enclosed you will find the criteria for these scholarships and the application forms. Please consider nominating one of your many deserving students. Also, because of the November conference date we must set the deadline for October 1. Please make sure that the application is postmarked no later than October 1. The requirements for each scholarship are located on the FDEA website. We also encourage you to make copies of this letter and of the application forms and to send it to all faculty and staff at your college who work with students enrolled in college preparatory classes. We look forward to reading your applications and selecting a deserving student to recognize. Respectfully, Awards Chairperson Florida Developmental Education Association Revised 11/2012 95 Addison Wesley Longman Scholarship This scholarship is sponsored by Addison Wesley Longman Publishers and is awarded in the amount of $500.00. The following criteria must be met by each applicant: Attends a college with an FDEA institutional membership. (Information available on the FDEA website.) Has successfully completed required reading and writing class(es). The following documents must be included in the application packet: This scholarship application. Up-to-date official college transcript. Two letters of recommendation (one from his/her college prep reading instructor) Typed essay (300 -500 words) describing how reading a specific book has changed the applicant's life. The essay must list the name of the book and the author and must focus on that one book. The essay should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font. Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of this page. Additionally: e-mail a copy of your essay to jonesm@cf.edu Name: Telephone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( ) Home Address: College Attending: Career Goal: E-mail address: GPA: Date: Please read and sign the following statement: I agree that the Florida Developmental Education Association may use my name, picture and narrative in FDEA published materials to promote developmental education. Signature: Date: Send completed application to: Marguerite Jones College of Central Florida Lead Faculty, Developmental Reading/English Academic Foundations 3001 SW College Road Ocala, FL 34474 Email: jonesm@cf.edu Applications for this scholarship must be postmarked by June 1, annually. One scholarship winner will be presented at the FDEA annual conference. Revised 11/2012 96 FDEA Developmental Math Scholarship Award This scholarship is sponsored by FDEA in the amount of $500 and will be given to a deserving developmental mathematics student at FDEA's annual conference. The following criteria must be met by the applicant: Attends a college with an FDEA institutional membership. (Information available on the FDEA website.) Has successfully completed at least one developmental math class with an A or B grade Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 The following documents must be included in the application packet: This scholarship application. Up-to-date official college transcript. One letter of recommendation from one of your developmental math instructors or math lab learning specialists. Typed narrative explaining an innovative method for solving a math problem. Include step by step process and state the objective to be covered. The narrative should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font, no longer than one page in length. If you are unfamiliar with any math symbol programs, contact your computer lab or math lab instructor for assistance. Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of this page. Additionally, e-mail a copy of your narrative to jonesm@cf.edu Name: Telephone: ( Home Address: College Attending: Career Goal: E-mail address: GPA: ) Cell Phone: ( ) Date: Please read and sign the following statement: I agree that the Florida Developmental Education Association may use my name, picture and narrative in FDEA published materials to promote developmental education. Signature: Date: Send completed application to: Marguerite Jones College of Central Florida Lead Faculty, Developmental Reading/English Academic Foundations 3001 SW College Road Ocala, FL 34474 Email: jonesm@cf.edu Applications for this scholarship must be postmarked by June 1, annually. One scholarship winner will be presented at the FDEA annual conference. Revised 11/2012 97 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD President's Circle Scholarship Award One scholarship is awarded in the amount of $1000.00 will be given to a deserving developmental education student each year at the FDEA annual conference. The following criteria must be met by the applicant: Attends a college with an FDEA institutional membership. (Information available on the FDEA website.) Completed one semester of classes and be currently enrolled. Has successfully completed at least one developmental level course. The following documents must be included in the application packet: This scholarship application. Up-to-date official college transcript. One letter of recommendation from one of your developmental education instructors. Typed essay (300 - 500 words) explaining why you chose to attend a community college and how developmental classes have helped you. The essay should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font. Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of this page. Additionally: e-mail a copy of your essay to jonesm@cf.edu Name: Telephone: ( Home Address: ) College Attending: Career Goal: E-mail address: GPA: Cell Phone: ( ) Date: Please read and sign the following statement: I agree that the Florida Developmental Education Association may use my name, picture and narrative in FDEA published materials to promote developmental education. Signature: Date: Send completed application to: Marguerite Jones College of Central Florida Lead Faculty, Developmental Reading/English Academic Foundations 3001 SW College Road Ocala, FL 34474 Email: jonesm@cf.edu Applications for this scholarship must be postmarked by June 1, annually. One scholarship winner will be presented at the FDEA annual conference. Revised 11/2012 98 STUDENT SUCCESS ESSAY SCHOLARSHIP FDEA Student Essay Scholarship Sponsored by FDEA, the Student Success Essay Scholarship is awarded to the winning essay in the amount of $500 at the annual FDEA Conference. The following criteria must be met by the applicant: Attends a college with an FDEA institutional membership. (Information available on the FDEA website.) Has successfully completed at least two developmental level courses. The following documents must be included in the application packet: This scholarship application. Up-to-date official college transcript. One letter of recommendation from one of your developmental education instructors. Typed essay (300 - 500 words) on the topic of your choice. The essay should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font. Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of this page. Additionally: e-mail a copy of your essay to jonesm@cf.edu Name: Telephone: ( Home Address: ) College Attending: Career Goal: E-mail address: GPA: Cell Phone: ( ) Date: Please read and sign the following statement: I agree that the Florida Developmental Education Association may use my name, picture and narrative in FDEA published materials to promote developmental education. Signature: Date: Send completed application to: Marguerite Jones College of Central Florida Lead Faculty, Developmental Reading/English Academic Foundations 3001 SW College Road Ocala, FL 34474 Email: jonesm@cf.edu Applications for this scholarship must be postmarked by June 1, annually. One scholarship winner will be presented at the FDEA annual conference. Revised 11/2012 99 JOSEPH HOWLAND EXCELENCE in DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP Two Joseph Howland Scholarships, in the amount of $1,000 each, are available to be presented at the annual FDEA conference. The following criteria must be met by each applicant: Attends a college with an FDEA institutional membership. (Information available on the FDEA website.) Has successfully completed one developmental math course and one other developmental course either in writing or in reading. Has six semester hours of mainstream college level course work (AA/AS). Has achieved an overall 3.0 grade point average for all course work. The following documents must be included in the application packet: This scholarship application. Up-to-date official college transcript. Two letters of recommendation (one from an instructor of a college prep/vocational prep course and one from an instructor of a college level course). Typed essay (500 -750 words) describing how the developmental mathematics or developmental writing course has influenced your life. The essay should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font. Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of this page. Additionally: e-mail a copy of your essay to jonesm@cf.edu Name: Telephone: ( Home Address: ) College Attending: Career Goal: E-mail address: GPA: Cell Phone: ( ) Date: Please read and sign the following statement: I agree that the Florida Developmental Education Association may use my name, picture and narrative in FDEA published materials to promote developmental education. Signature: Date: Send completed application to: Marguerite Jones College of Central Florida Lead Faculty, Developmental Reading/English Academic Foundations 3001 SW College Road Ocala, FL 34474 Email: jonesm@cf.edu Applications for this scholarship must be postmarked by June 1, annually. Two scholarship winners will be presented at the FDEA annual conference. Revised 11/2012 100 The Ruth Becker Adjunct Conference Registration Fee Waiver The Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA) recognizes the importance of adjunct instructors and their participation in the community of developmental education. Accordingly, FDEA has instituted a waiver to cover 100% of conference fee for adjuncts joining FDEA or renewing their FDEA membership. The adjunct faculty members must be from Institutional Membership schools. This Adjunct Conference Registration Fee Waiver recognizes the significant contributions of adjunct instructors in Florida's educational system, and honors former FDEA President Ruth Becker, an advocate for adjunct faculty. Adjuncts from Institutional Membership schools may apply for this waiver by submitting an application for the fee waiver. A total of ten (10) fee waivers will be awarded as applications are received. Upon receipt of the application, applicants will be sent the fee waiver and they will submit this waiver with their conference registration form. Because any fee waiver awarded is to be used for conference registration, it is expected that member schools will support the attendance of adjuncts that apply for such a waiver, and may provide for any or all of the additional conference expenses. In addition, an adjunct cannot receive the waiver two consecutive years. It is possible for more than one adjunct from each Institutional Membership school to apply for this fee waiver; however, the maximum number of fee waivers will be ten (10). The fee waiver application follows. The Ruth Becker Adjunct Conference Fee Waiver Application Name: College: Mailing Address: Telephone: ( ) E-Mail: Discipline: I verify that the above applicant is employed as an adjunct at College and this college supports the attendance at the FDEA Conference. Dept. Head/College Administrator Date: Send completed Fee Waiver application to: Marguerite Jones College of Central Florida Lead Faculty, Developmental Reading/English Academic Foundations 3001 SW College Road Ocala, FL 34474 Email: jonesm@cf.edu The annual deadline for applications is October 1st. Revised 11/2012 101 H-8 Outstanding Educator Nomination FDEA Outstanding Educator Nominations Do you know someone who stands out in the field of developmental education? If so, nominate him or her for FDEA’s Outstanding Educator Award. This award is traditionally presented during the association's annual conference. The outstanding educator will be selected based on his or her demonstrated excellence in the areas described below. The following criteria must be met by the applicant: Must be a person whose work exemplifies the philosophy of developmental education Must demonstrate excellence in teaching or appropriate professional skills (e.g., counseling, tutoring, and administration) with developmental education students. Must show responsiveness to individual students and commitment to professional growth. Each nominee must be a current member of FDEA The following documents must be included in the application packet: This application. Typed biographical sketch which includes the name of the person you are nominating, and the institution and title/position of nominee. The document should also include your nominee's role in developmental education. Additionally include outstanding achievements in each of the following: (a) teaching/other professional skills; (b) relationships with students; (c) professional developmental activities. The document should be typed double spaced as a Word document in size 12 font. Photograph or photo file in jpg format and signed release at the bottom of this page. Additionally: e-mail a copy of your document to jonesm@cf.edu Name of person making nomination: Name: Telephone: ( ) College: College Address: Title/Position: E-mail address: Nominee should read and sign the following statement: I agree that the Florida Developmental Education Association may use my name, picture and narrative in FDEA published materials to promote developmental education. Signature: Date: Send completed application to: Marguerite Jones College of Central Florida Lead Faculty, Developmental Reading/English Academic Foundations 3001 SW College Road Ocala, FL 34474 Email: jonesm@cf.edu Applications for this scholarship must be postmarked by June 1, annually. One scholarship winner will be presented at the FDEA annual conference. Revised 11/2012 102 H-9 Conference Registration Form Florida Developmental Education Association Improving Student Success with Florida’s Best Practices November 2-3, 2012 Hotel Accommodations This year’s conference is being held at Florida State College at Jacksonville – Deerwood Center (9911 Old Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville, FL). There are numerous hotels in the area from which you may choose. We have contracted special rates with the two below. Make sure you tell them you are with FDEA so you receive the proper rate. Homewood Suites Jacksonville – Baymeadows http://homewoodsuites3.hilton.com/en/hotels/florida/homewood-suites-by-hilton-jacksonvilleJAXBMHW/index.html 8737 Baymeadows Road (904)733-9299 All rooms include complimentary high speed wireless internet and an equipped kitchen with full size refrigerator, microwave and two aisle stove top. A complimentary hot breakfast buffet is available every morning and Monday – Thursday evenings, a complimentary meal includes an entrée, side item, salad bar, beer, wine iced tea and lemonade. The meals are available in the hotel lobby. One bedroom suite with two double beds One bedroom suite with one king bed $89.00 per night + taxes $85.00 per night + taxes Hampton Inn Jacksonville I-295 East/Baymeadows http://hamptoninn3.hilton.com/en/hotels/florida/hampton-inn-jacksonville-i-295-eastbaymeadows-JAXBYHX/index.html 8127 Point Meadows Drive (904) 363-7150 All rooms include complimentary high speed wireless. A complimentary hot breakfast is available each morning in the hotel lobby. Guest rooms with two double beds or one king $79 per night + taxes Revised 11/2012 103 Conference Design and Purpose The Florida Developmental Education Association conference is designed to enhance the professional capabilities of developmental educators in post-secondary institutions. Since 1978, FDEA has prepared educators to better serve Florida students through the theory, delivery, and practice of developmental education, and through the design of programs to prepare effective developmental curricula. Registration Information Full Conference Registration includes all conference materials, general and concurrent sessions, and a luncheon. The daily registration fee includes conference materials, general and concurrent sessions and any refreshment breaks and meals for that day only. Mail registration forms and payment to: Janita Patrick Tallahassee Community College 444 Appleyard Drive, Student Union 218 Tallahassee, FL 32304 Registration with purchase order or credit card payments may be faxed to 850-201-8473. Registrations will continue to be accepted through Friday, October 18. After that date, attendees must register on-site, pending space availability. For any registration questions please email Janita Patrick at patrickj@tcc.fl.edu. Cancellation/Refund Policy: Full refunds will be given to any registrant who submits a letter of cancellation that is received by Friday, September 28. No refunds will be granted after that date and “no shows” will not be refunded; however, a substitute attendee is permitted. “No shows” registered by purchase order will be invoiced for applicable conference fees. Revised 11/2012 104 Florida Developmental Education Association (FDEA) Fall 2012 Conference “Improving Student Success with Florida’s Best Practices” REGISTRATION FORM Please note - only one primary registrant per form (please duplicate this form as required). Name (Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.): Title/Position: Community College/Organization: Business Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Business Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: Please indicate any dietary restrictions/special needs (Two week notice required): Check here if you do not wish for your contact information to be shared with the conference vendors. FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION On or Before After TOTAL 9/30/12 9/30/12 _____Member $90 $110 _____Non-Member $130 $150 2012 Institutional Member Designee (1 per institution) $0 _____Institutional Member DAILY REGISTRATION MEMBERS _____Friday _____Saturday NON-MEMBERS $75 $90 $35 $60 FDEA MEMBERSHIP FEES _____Faculty/Administrator/Staff _____Adjuncts/Retirees _____Full-time Graduate Students $50 $25 $15 Would you like to serve as a session moderator? TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $____________ _____Yes _____No PAYMENT INFORMATION ( ) Institutional Purchase Order # ( ) Check/Money Order (payable to FDEA) EIN# 36-4660672 Credit Card (please check one) ( )Visa ( )MasterCard Credit Card Number: ( )American Express ( )Discover Expiration Date & Security Code: Cardholder’s Name (please print): Signature: Date: For Office Use Only Check #: Receipt #: Amount: Credit Card Auth. #: Date Received: Initials: / / Revised 11/2012 105 H-10 Conference Schedule Florida Developmental Education Association “Improving Student Success with Florida’s Best Practices” November 2-3, 2012 3:30pm SW Airlines Flight 1172 Noon – 6:30pm Room F1206 2:00 – 5:00pm Room F1600 4:00 – 6:30pm Room F1206 5:00 – 6:00pm Room F1600 7:00 – 8:30pm Room D2412 (2nd Floor) 7:00am 7:30am 8:00am –1:45pm 8:00am – 5:30pm 8:00am – 5:30pm 8:00 – 9:00am 9:00-10:30am 10:30am SW Airlines Flight 1003 10:30 – 11:00am 11:00am – 12:00pm 12:00 – 12:45pm 12:45 – 1:45pm 2:00 – 3:15pm 3:30 – 5:00pm 5:00 – 5:30pm 7:30am 8:00 – 9:00am 8:00 – 10:30am 8:00 – 9:00am 9:00-9:45am 9:45 -10:15am 10:15 – 11:30am 11:30am -12:30pm Room F1600 12:30 – 3:00pm Room F1600 Thursday, November 1 Pick up Dr. Berk from airport take to hotel Exhibit Hall Available Conference Set-up (Create bags, organize materials, etc.) Exhibit Hall open for Vendor & Silent Auction set up Create Mystery Lunchboxes FDEA Pre-Conference Board Meeting (Will stay longer if there is additional conference set-up) Friday, November 2 Pick up Dr. Berk from the hotel Set up Registration Dr. Berk test electronics/rehearse Vendors enter Exhibit Hall Silent Auction Open Registration Open Exhibit Hall Open Visit Vendors Plenary I : Dr. Ronald A. Berk, Speaker Take Dr. Berk to airport Visit Vendors and Coffee Break Plenary II: Division of Florida Colleges Update Lunch Plenary III: Common Core State Standards: An Overview Concurrent I Concurrent II Visit Vendors (Snacks available) Saturday, November 3 Set up Registration Vendors enter Exhibit Hall Registration Open Exhibit Hall Open Visit Vendors Plenary IV: Business Meeting Visit Vendors Concurrent III Break down and pack conference items FDEA Post-Conference Board Meeting (Boxed lunch provided) Revised 11/2012 106 H-11 Conference Evaluation Form 1. AFFILIATION a. College b. University c. Community College d. Other a. b. c. d. Have you attended an FDEA conference before? Yes POSITION Instructor/Professor Student Administrator/Dean/Chair Other No How did you find out about this conference? Newsletter Pre-conference publicity Word of mouth Other General reactions to the conference: 5 = Excellent . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 = Poor (a) Quality of large-group keynote sessions (b) Variety & quality of small group sessions (c) Quality of exhibits (d) Help in making contact with educators (e) Value for registration cost (f) Schedule or program , exhibits & free time (g) Length and timing of conference (h) Registration procedures and material (i) Hotel accommodations and food service (j) Overall conference quality 4. Rating of sessions: Most beneficial Second most beneficial Third most beneficial 5. Comments about this conference: 5 4 3 2 1 Revised 11/2012 107 H-12 Program Book Ad Form Florida Developmental Education Association PRESENTS The 26 Annual Conference Th “Surfing the Waves to Success” HOSTED BY DAYTONA BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE HELP US HELP OURSELVES BY ADVERTISING YOUR COLLEGE IN OUR CONFERENCE PROGRAM BE CREATIVE!!!!! USE YOUR COLLEGE LOGO HIGHLIGHT A PROFESSOR HIGHLIGHT AN ADMINISTRATOR HIGHLIGHT A STUDENT HIGHLIGHT A PROGRAM Please check the option desired. _______ 8 ½” x 11” ($100) _______ ½ page ($50) _______ ¼ page ($35) College Name: ____________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( ) ___________________ Fax Number: ( ) ______________________ College Contact Person for FDEA: _____________________________________________ E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________ Fee is due upon receipt of this registration form. This completed form and a Camera-ready copy of the advertisement is due on or before September 1, 2003 to Lynn Blanton at 314 Frances Terrace, Daytona Beach, Florida 32118. Conference confirmation will be mailed upon receipt of form and applicable fee. Revised 11/2012