Deuteronomy-Session 2 - Everlasting Strength

Deuteronomy-Session 2
Deuteronomy 4-6
Review from Introduction:
The Purpose of the study
1. Returning to the standards of the whole counsel of God’s Word
2. Clear picture of how we should view God’s Word. Intimacy with Jesus (The Word of
3. Clearer picture of God and His relationship to man.
Deuteronomy 1-3 review
“These are the words” Moses’ words of explanation concerning the Law Deuteronomy
God used Moses to speak to His people, to remind them how He was their God and
how He provided for all their needs even for 40 years in the dessert.
Back ground of History during the times of Deuteronomy:
1. Author Moses with exception the last 3 chapters 32-34 record the last days
of Moses and his death at 120 years old
2. The three final sermons of Moses before his death, recorded two months
before the Israelites crossed the Jordan into Canaan.
3. takes place in the wilderness East of the Jordan River within a months
4. 38 years of wandering in the desert
5. According to Numbers 13 and 14 all the people 20 years and older at the
time of the rebellion are dead, except Caleb, Joshua, and Moses
6. God’s people were ready to enter in to the “Promised Land” The nations
that they were to drive out were sex crazed. Moses gave his farewell
speech and recorded it. They had willing to remain separated from the
culture around them.
7. The main message Moses gave was that as God’s people they had an
obligation to love God and to obey His Word
Look for Deuteronomy revealing a theme running thought out the book (echoed in
the Epistle to the Roman’s).
Man’s utter weakness and inability in himself to please God.
Even though he is cleansed (set apart) his own dedicated efforts to please results in
God Himself is the answer to the demands of the law in us. He Himself takes up
residence with us in order that He might meet the demands in Himself.
What He demands He Himself supplies
Deuteronomy 4
V1 Moses teaches the word!
V2 “You shall not add to or take away from the word”
Isaiah 24:5 (relating to the impending judgment on the earth)
“The earth is also defiled under it’s inhabitants, because they have transgressed the law,
Changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant”
V3 Baal of Peor, Numbers 25:1-9, In Moab the people began to commit harlotry with
the people of that land, sacrificed to their gods, ate, and bowed down…so Israel was
joined to Baal Peor. In turn God caused a plague where twenty-four thousand Jews died.
V5 Moses has fulfilled his calling, no one can dispute that Moses taught the word
Deuteronomy Chapter 5
Read entire Text Chapter 4 and 5,
Emphasis on the importance of public reading of scripture
In this passage Moses is explaining the law
The word of God goes forth and stands strong on it’s own
The peoples responsibility: listed in Chapters 4 and 5
Listen 4:1
Observe what they are taught 4:1, 4:6
Don’t add to or take away from the word 4:2
Keep the commandments 4:2
Act according to God’s commandments 4:5
Take heed to yourself; keep yourself, lest you forget 4:9
Teach them to your children 4:9, 10
Learn to fear the Lord 4:9
Perform the commandments 4:13
Observe God’s commandments in the Promised Land 4:14
Take heed to yourself; lest you act corruptly and make for yourselves carved
images in the form of any figure 4:15
Take heed; lest you lift your eyes to heaven and see the sun, moon, and stars, all
the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship and serve them 4:19
Take heed; to yourselves lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God 4:23
Learn and be careful to observe God’s word 5:1
You shall have no other god’s before me 5:7
You shall not make for yourself a carved image 5:8
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain 5:11
Observe the Sabbath day; to keep it holy 5:12
Honor you father and your mother 5:16
You shall not murder 5:17
You shall not commit adultery 5:18
You shall not steal 5:19
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 5:20
You shall not covet you neighbor 5:21
Matthew 22:36-40
(A Pharisee asked Jesus) “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus
said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,
and with all your mind”. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is
like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all
the Law and the Prophets”
Read Luke 6:20-49
“Emphasis that these words were spoken by the greatest teacher of all time…Jesus
“Moses is a type of Who was to come”
“Jesus explains what obedience to the word is all about”
“Comparing Deuteronomy 4 and 5 with Luke 6:20-49, obeying the commandments can
only be done by Christ Himself. Only by His perfect obedience to the word, death, burial,
and resurrection. Now we are justified with the perfect atoning blood of the Lord Jesus