JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT ARCHITECT SURVEYOR TECHNOLOGIST REVISED 05/05/2011 DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT Site: Land Adjacent Daneswood Farm, Boreley Lane, Ombersley, Worcestershire, WR9 0HU. Easting: 332024 Northing: 265368 Proposal: Change of use of agricultural ground to equestrian use with new vehicle access, stabling, ménage, parking area and installation of foul sewage treatment plant. Applicant: Mrs E. Smith, c/o Agent Agent: Julian Barnett Architect, 16 New Street, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire. DY13 8UW 1.0 PROPOSAL 1.1 The proposal the subject of this application is the change of use of agricultural ground to equestrian use with new vehicle access, stabling, ménage, parking area and installation of foul sewage treatment plant. 1.2 Currently Mrs Smith and her daughter run a livery from Daneswood Farm with the assistance of one full time employee. Daneswood Farm is in the process of being sold, however, ground is being retained to allow the business to be relocated and provide continued full time employment for Mrs Smith’s daughter and assistant. 2.0 USE 2.1 The field is currently used for grazing including horses and is accessed from a shared private track adjacent to the residential property The Hollies. 2.2 The proposal is to provide a separate vehicle access further down the lane where turning and visibility are improved, and separate from The Hollies. 2.3 The field would then solely be used for keeping horses, divided with taped fencing to allow rotation of the ground, a stable block for 10 horses, including feed store, tack room, rug room and combined toilet/shower room, in addition a ménage to exercise and train the dressage horses. There would also be an area of hard standing set aside to car parking for the staff and visitors, including horse boxes and trailers. The proposal would require the installation of a foul water package treatment plant and this would discharge to land drains or taken to the stream boarding the site, both subject to consent from the Environment Agency. JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT Tel: 01299 829212 Proprietor : J J Barnett RIBA. 16 NEW STREET STOURPORT ON SEVERN WORCESTERSHIRE DY13 8UW e. mail: julian@jjbarchitect.co.uk Fax: 01299 829212 JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT ARCHITECT SURVEYOR TECHNOLOGIST 3.0 AMOUNT 3.1 The proposal is for a 10 horse stable block with feed store, tack room, rug room and combined toilet/shower room, measuring 26m x 10.5m with a ridge height of 4m. 3.2 Originally a new hay barn was proposed, however, given the relocation of the ménage and the stable block it is now possible to reuse the existing open barn located within the Northeast corner of the site, this would be reroofed and re-cladd. 3.3 Ménage for exercising and training dressage horses, measuring 60m x 20m with 1200mm high post and rail perimeter fence. 3.4 Car parking area for 10 vehicles, with 5 spaces measuring 3m x 5m and 5 spaces 3 x 5m for vehicles with trailers or horseboxes. 4.0 LAYOUT 4.1 The new vehicle access has been positioned to provide the best visibility and turning into and from the site and maintain the badger foraging area identified in the ecological survey. 4.2 The access track across the site has been positioned along the ménage to reduce the amount of circulation through the site and allow the remaining field to be divided into smaller paddocks with taped fencing, therefore allowing rotation of the use of the ground and easy access to each paddock. 4.3 Following discussions with the Local Authority planning department the stable block, hay barn, ménage and car parking area, are now located in the lower northeast area of the site, where these are heavily screened along the north and eastern boundaries to reduce the impact upon the neighbour properties and surrounding landscape. This position also always the opportunity to maintain the badger foraging area identified in the ecology survey and access to the woodland area along the northern boundary. 4.4 Because of the topography of the site and the natural landscape these facilities will not be seem from the public highway other than the existing retained barn. Like the original scheme it will be necessary to cut and fill areas of ground to provide a level platform for the ménage and stable block, however, this has been kept to a minimum to reduce the impact on the surrounding landscape. JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT Tel: 01299 829212 Proprietor : J J Barnett RIBA. 16 NEW STREET STOURPORT ON SEVERN WORCESTERSHIRE DY13 8UW e. mail: julian@jjbarchitect.co.uk Fax: 01299 829212 JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT ARCHITECT SURVEYOR TECHNOLOGIST 4.5 Despite relocating the facilities the track will now service the stable yard and ménage with easy access to all the paddocks, vehicle circulation has been reduced while the area set aside for grazing has increased. 4.6 We are aware there is a high pressure pipe crossing the site and a minimum 6m easement has to be maintained, now the facilities have been located towards the north east corner of the site the requirement to carryout the majority of the work under a license is not necessary, however, should the application be successful then the pipe will be accurately located with the pipe surveyors to avoid any doubt and an application will be sought for the construction of the field track only. 5.0 ACCESS 5.1 The position of the new vehicle access has been changed to reduced the amount of vehicle circulation on the site and maintain the badger foraging area identified in the ecology report. The revised position still maintains the visibility splays required but the amount of hedge removal is reduced and there is less excavation required because the difference in road and site level are less in this location. 5.2 60m visibility splays at 2.5m from the carriageway at a height of 0.9m above the carriageway are available in both directions. 5.3 The new entrance will be 6m wide with 6m radius either side to allow sufficient turning for vehicle entering and exiting the site. 5.4 Entrance gates have been positioned more than 14m into the site to allow minimum 10m from edge of highway to swing of the gates, to ensure stationery vehicles do not obstruct the highway. 5.5 The access track across the site to the car parking area is 4m wide, however, this could be increased with the inclusion of a two passing bays along this length of track if it was felt this was more acceptable for this location. 5.6 Car parking area for 10 vehicles, with 5 spaces measuring 3m x 5m and 5 spaces 3 x 5m for vehicles with trailers or horseboxes. Behind car parking spaces there is a minimum vehicle aisle of 6m and behind the larger spaces there is 20m to allow vehicles to enter and exit the site in a forward gear. 5.7 The vehicle parking spaces have been suitable sized and will be consolidated to accommodate wheelchair uses. JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT Tel: 01299 829212 Proprietor : J J Barnett RIBA. 16 NEW STREET STOURPORT ON SEVERN WORCESTERSHIRE DY13 8UW e. mail: julian@jjbarchitect.co.uk Fax: 01299 829212 JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT ARCHITECT SURVEYOR TECHNOLOGIST 6.0 MATERIALS 6.1 Walls Pressure impregnated Shiplap exterior cladding. 6.2 Roof Black Onduline roof sheeting. 6.3 Doors Pressure impregnated timber. 7.0 LANDSCAPING 7.1 Originally no additional landscaping was indicated, however, the proposal is now to reinforce the soft landscaping along the eastern boundary with Boreley Lane, this is the area where badger foraging has been identified in the ecology survey. 7.2 The proposal is to retain the grassland between the boundary and ménage, and plant fruit trees in this area to supplement the habitat. The boundary line would be further reinforced with natural species hedging and specimen trees. 7.3 Access between the retained ground and woodland would be unobstructed to allow badgers the opportunity to inhabit the woodland. 8. DISABILITY FEATURES 8.1 Path routes from the vehicle parking area to the stable block and ménage will be suitable for wheelchair access, with the toilet/ shower room laid out to conform to Part M of the building regulations. 9. FOUL WATER DRAINAGE 9.1 10. All foul water drainage will be connected to a new package treatment plant and in turn connected to minimum 60m of land drain or taken to a water course, both with the consent of the Environment Agency. WATER MANAGEMENT 10.1 All water from the stables and hay will be taken to external water tanks for recycling with overflows taken to soak away located minimum 5m from any building or taken to land drain beyond package treatment plant sample chamber. 10.2 All external hard standing areas will be porous paving, self-binding gravel or recycled material for the ménage, and all to be self draining or taken to soak away located minimum 5m from any building. JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT Tel: 01299 829212 Proprietor : J J Barnett RIBA. 16 NEW STREET STOURPORT ON SEVERN WORCESTERSHIRE DY13 8UW e. mail: julian@jjbarchitect.co.uk Fax: 01299 829212 JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT ARCHITECT 10.3 11. SURVEYOR TECHNOLOGIST New vehicle entrance to be consolidated and must not discharge surface water onto the public highway, water to discharge to new road gullies and taken to soak aways located minimum 5m from any building or highway. POLICIES 11.1 In devising this scheme all appropriate National Guidance and planning policies have been taken into consideration. JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT Tel: 01299 829212 Proprietor : J J Barnett RIBA. 16 NEW STREET STOURPORT ON SEVERN WORCESTERSHIRE DY13 8UW e. mail: julian@jjbarchitect.co.uk Fax: 01299 829212 JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT ARCHITECT SURVEYOR TECHNOLOGIST WATER MANAGEMENT STATEMENT Site: Land Adjacent Daneswood Farm, Boreley Lane, Ombersley, Worcestershire, WR9 0HU. Easting: 332024 Northing: 265368 Proposal: Change of use of agricultural ground to equestrian use with new vehicle access, stabling, hay barn, ménage, parking area and installation of foul sewage treatment plant. Applicant: Mrs E. Smith, c/o Agent Agent: Julian Barnett Architect, 16 New Street, Stourport on Severn, Worcestershire. DY13 8UW 1. WATER MANAGEMENT 1.1 All water from the stables and hay will be taken to external water tanks for recycling with overflows taken to soak away located minimum 5m from any building or taken to land drain beyond package treatment plant sample chamber. 1.2 All external hard standing areas will be porous paving, self-binding gravel or recycled material for the ménage, and all to be self draining or taken to soak away located minimum 5m from any building. 1.3 New vehicle entrance to be consolidated and must not discharge surface water onto the public highway, water to discharge to new road gullies and taken to soak aways located minimum 5m from any building or highway. JULIAN BARNETT ARCHITECT Tel: 01299 829212 Proprietor : J J Barnett RIBA. 16 NEW STREET STOURPORT ON SEVERN WORCESTERSHIRE DY13 8UW e. mail: julian@jjbarchitect.co.uk Fax: 01299 829212