OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Updated 3-1-2013 NURSERIES: Baker’s Acres Greenhouse www.bakersacresgreenhouse.com 3388 Castle Road Alexandria, OH 43001 1-800-934-6525 Phone: (740) 924-6525 FAX (740) 924-0500 Baker’s Tree Nursery Nursery Stock, Trees and Shrubs 13895 Garfield Road, Salem, OH 44460 Phone: (216) 537-3903, Bob’s Market and Greenhouses, Inc. Gallipolis Location www.bobsmarket.com 2400 Eastern Ave Gallipolis, OH 45631 Phone: (740) 446-1711 http://www.bobsmarket.com/contact-us Companion Plants Peter Borchard peter@companionplants.com Native Forbes & Herbs / Plants & Seeds - (mail order and on site) www.companionplants.com 7247 N. Coolville Ridge Rd. Athens, OH 45701 Phone: (740) 592-4643 sales@companionplants.com Cory's Wildflower Gardens* Natives Trees & Forbes & Hostas Wonderland Robert or Carolyn Cory cwww.coryshostagardens.com 1461 Valley Dr. Chillicothe, OH 45601 Phone: (740) 774-1771 robcory@adelphia.net OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Dill’s Greenhouse & Nursery Native Trees and Shrubs www.dillsgreenhouse.net/ 5800 Rager Rd Groveport, OH 43125 Phone: 614-836-3700 Info@dillsgreenhouse.net Central Division of Soil and Water Resources Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources 2045 Morse Road, Building B (1st, 2nd and 3rd floors) Columbus, Ohio 43229-6693 Phone:(614) 265-6610 FAX (614) 262-2064 dswc@dnr.state.oh.us **COUNTY SOIL & WATER PLANT SALE LINKS: Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District, 2013 The Importance of Trees / Tree Sale Info **http://www.franklinswcd.org/2013/01/the-importance-of-trees/ 1328 Dublin Road, Suite 101 Columbus, OH 43251 Phone: (614) 486-9613 www.franklinswcd.org Licking County Soil and Water Conservation District 2013 Seedling Tree Sale - Online Ordering **http://www.lickingswcd.com/for-sale-or-rent/lcswcd-2013-seedling-tree-sale-online-ordering 771 East Main Street, Suite 100 Newark, Ohio 43055 Phone: 740-670-5330 Fax: 740-670-5338CONTACT: 740-670-5330 http://www.lickingswcd.org Dolders’s Nursery Tim Dolders Facebook Page- doldersnurseryinc Native Trees Shrubs & Plants Vegetable Plants 13365 Lancaster Kirkersville NW Rd. Baltimore, OH 43105 Phone: (740) 862-2156 E & R, LLC Mail Order Only- Gardening Supply 1356 E 200 S Monroe, IN 46772-9419 Phone: 866-510-3337 FAX: 260-692-6827 Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 2 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Envirotech Consultants, Inc. Native Shrubs, Prairie & Wetland Plant Ecosystem, Preservation & Restoration Services www.envirotechcon.com 5380 Township Road 143 Northeast Somerset, OH 43783 Phone: (740) 743-1669 / Fax: (740) 743-1644 info@envirotechcon.com Five Springs Farm Native Nursery & Landscaping Mason Chambers Native and Unique Trees Not found in Typical Nurseries and Garden Centers Native Perennials / Grasses; Trees; Shrubs; Evergreens; Edibles- Fruit Trees & Berry Bushes http://www.bamboofarm.com/ 12691 Dutch Creek Road Athens, OH 45701 Phone: (740) 594-6030 (614) 299-8116 fivespringfarm@frognet.com Genius Loci, Inc Native Plants & Landscape Design http://www.indigination.com/ Eylria, OH Phone: (440) 324-3465 CraigLimpach@peoplepc.com Keystone Flora Native Plant Nursery of Southwest Ohio http://www.keystoneflora.com/ Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 20109 Cincinnati, OH 45220 Nursery Location: 5081 Woodenshoe Hollow Lane Cincinnati, OH 45232 Phone: 513-961-2727 nativeplants@keystoneflora.com Marie S, Null Nature Center Nature Store & Educational Opportunities http://web4.audubon.org/local/sanctuary/aullwood/NatureCenter.html 9101 Frederick Pike Dayton, OH 45414 Farm Telephone number: 937-890-2968 aullwood@gemair.com Mary’s Plant Farm www.marysplantfarm.com 2410 Lanes Mill Road, Hamilton, OH 45013 Phone: (513) 894 -0022, FAX: (513) 892 -2053 marysplantfarm@zoomtown.com Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 3 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Natives in Harmony- (on site pick up only) Gale Martin and Dan Grau Ohio Native Plants http://www.nativesinharmony.com 4652 Township Road 179 Marengo, OH, 43334 Phone: (419) 688- 9800 / Mobile: (419) 688- 9800 gale@nativesinharmony.com Naturally Native Nursery Jan Hunter Native Plants, Trees & Shrubs- Retail & Wholesale www.naturallynative.net 13787 State Route 582, Bowling Green, OH 43402 Phone: (419) 833-2020, nnn@naturallynative.net Nodding Onion Gardens. Beth and Marty Coyne Columbia Station, OH www.noddingoniongardens.com Contact: noddingoniongardens@gmail.com Nodding Onion Native Plants Sold at These Locations: (See their event calendar for details) Frostville Village Farmers Market. 24101 Cedar Point Road North Olmsted, OH 44070 Don Mould's Plantation 4837 Lorain Road North Ridgeville, OH 44039-4448 Phone: (440) 327-3407 Ohio Prairie Nursery Native Nursery Native Plants, Trees & Shrubs Other Services: Installation - Consulting services - Education -Speaking Engagements www.ohioprairienursery.com PO Box 174 Hiram, OH 44234 Phone: (330) 569-3380 Fax: (330) 569-7090 info@ohioprairienursery.com or bobkehres@ohioprairienursery.com OSENBAUGH GRASS & WILDFLOWER SEEDS Bulk- Prairie Grasses John Osenbaugh http://www.tuttglobal.com/us/osenbaugh/all.htm 11009 542nd St. Lucas, IA 50151 Phone: (800) 582-2788 (641) 766-6790 Fax: (641)766-6795 JohnO@IowaTelecom.net Sales@TUTTglobal.com Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 4 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Pike County Farm - Randy Sanders Native Plants; Woodland Products; Environmental Education & Wildlife Habitat Consultant www.pikecountyfarm.com 138 Oakland Park Avenue Columbus, OH 43214 Phone: (614) 262-8940 Cell: (614) 288-0604 RSanders2913@scpwildblue.com Prairie Moon Native Plants & Seeds Mail Order Only www.prairiemoon.com/ 32115 Prairie Lane Winona, MN 55987 Toll Free: 866-417-8156 Phone: (507) 452-1362 Fax: (507) 454-5238 info@prairiemoon.com Scioto Gardens Native Plants, Trees & Shrubs www.sciotogardens.com 3351 State Route 37 West Delaware, OH 43015 Phone/Fax: (740) 363-8264 sales@sciotogardens.com Stucker Meadow- Donald Beam Manage Natural Areas and Plant Natural Habitats. Native Seed Network www.nativeseednetwork.org/index 7851 Twp. Rt. 562 Homesville, OH 44633. Phone: (330) 695-2123 (330) 601-6192 beam.10@osu.edu or stuckermeadow@embarqmail.com Riverside Native Trees Midwest Native Hardwood Trees and Shrubs www.riversidenativetrees.com 2295 River Road Delaware, OH 43015 Phone: (740) 815-3230 ekapraly@gmail.com Seeds of Tall Grasses Native Prairie Seeds (Small orders, Seed packets) Bob and Sue Harter 1961 Buttermilk Hill Rd Delaware, OH 43015 Phone: (740) 369-5625 Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 5 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Wild Birds Unlimited Chris, Tom & Donna Sheley www.columbusoh.wbu.com Click on: Native Perennial Guide 5400 Riverside Drive Columbus, Ohio 43220 Phone: (614) 766-2103 wbucolumbus@gmail.com William Tricker Inc.* America’s Oldest Water Garden Specialist Since 1892 http://www.tricker.com/ 7125 Tanglewood Dr Independence OH 44131 Phone: (800) 524-3492 Fax (216) 524-6688 Acorn Farms Inc. Wholesale - Native Trees & Shrubs www.acronfarms.com 7679 Worthington Road Galena, OH 43021 Phone: (614) 891-9348 Fax: (614) 891-1002 acornfarms@acornfarms.com Beck’s Greenhouse Wholesale- Herbs http://www.becksgreenhouse.com/ 1920 Steele Rd, Bellville, OH 44813 Toll Free 866-810-7021 Phone: (419)886-7021 Fax: (419) 886-4434 becksgh@aol.com Spencer Restoration Nursery Wholesale Producer of Native Herbaceous Plugs and Seeds www.spencenursery.com 2220 East Fuson Road Muncie, IN 47302 Phone: (765) 286-7154, Fax: (765) 286-0264 Kevin@spencenursery.com Willoway Nursery Wholesale Grower www.willowaynurseries.com/ 6981 Scioto-Darby Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 Toll Free: (888) 593-5999 Phone: (614) 777-9859 FAX: (614) 777-1276 wdc.columbus@willowaynurseries.com Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 6 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS ORGANIC LAWN CARE: Earth Matters - Jean Organic Lawn Care www.earthmattersorganic.com 1219 Cross Country Drive Columbus, OH 43235 Phone: (614) 846-9484 earthlawncare@aol.com Elfner Organic Lawncare -Nate & Jenn Elfner Organic Lawn Care www.elfnerorganic.com 351 Radnor Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 Phone: (740) 369-0972 elfner@juno.com Marvin’s Organic Gardens- Nick Organic Gardening Supplies www.marvinsorganicgardens.com 2055 U S Route 42 South Lebanon, OH 45036 Phone: (513) 932-3319 Fax: (513) 696-4263 nick@marvinsorganicgardens.com LANDSCAPING: Cardno JFNew Nursery & Ecological Consulting and Restoration www.jfnew.com 11156 Luschek Drive Cincinnati, OH 45241 Phone: (513) 489-2402 / FAX (513) 489-2404 nurserysales@cardno.com Container Gardening Rain Barrels - Lawn & Garden Services 1200 Corrugated Way Columbus, OH 43201 Phone: (614) 421-2626 x12 / Fax: (614) 421-2634 dawn@containermanagementcompany.com Designs with Nature- Beth Richardson Native Landscaping Designer & Consultant 2472 Kensington Place West Columbus, OH 43202 Phone: (614) 578-3876 designswithnature@ameritech.net Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 7 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Growing Solutions Garden Center Nursery & Landscape Design www.growingsolutionsgardencenter.com 4736 East Johnstown Road Gahanna, OH 43230 Phone: (614) 419-2821 info@growingsolutionsgardencenter.com Inspirations Landscape Design Designing Custom Landscapes, Integrates Native Plants, Edibles and Creative Play Spaces Denise Gualtiere Phone: (614) 271-8618 dgualtiere@sbcglobal.com Oakland Nurseries Tree Nursery & Landscape Design Services www.oaklandnursery.com 4261 West Dublin-Granville Road Dublin, Ohio 43017 Phone: (614)874-2400 / Fax: (614)874-2420 RENEWABLES Tom Kessel 386 Crestview Road Columbus, OH 43202 Phone: (614) 263-2288 Rain Brothers Landscape and Rain Water Catchment Experts www.rainbrothers.com 1137 West Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43222 Phone: (614) 725-4363 / Fax: (740) 304-0128 info@rainbrothers.com Shemin Nurseries Inc Landscape Professional www.shemin.net/ 4877 Vulcan Ave Columbus, OH 43228 Phone: 614-876-1193 Fax 614-876-1492 colcustsvc@shemin.net The Garden Sage- Deb Knapke Native Landscaping Designer & Consultant Author of 5 Books – Lone Pine Publishing www.debrathegardensage.com 873 Clover Drive Columbus, Ohio 43235 Phone: (614) 459-7167 dknapke@columbus.rr.com Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 8 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Your Landscape Designer for All Seasons Focusing on Natives and Sustaining Gardens All Seasons Landscape Design Jeanne Budde 614-565-0866 jeannebudde@gmail.com Urban Wild Design Sustainable Planning & Design Susan Weber urbanwilddesign.com/ Phone(614) 547 WILD (9453) (614) 402-1188 susanlweber@earthlink.net NATIVE HABITAT PRODUCTS: William Tricker Inc. America’s Oldest Water Garden Specialist Since 1892 http://www.tricker.com/ 7125 Tanglewood Dr Independence OH 44131 Phone:(800) 524-3492 Fax (216) 524-6688 Wild Birds Unlimited Bird Houses & Bird Seed www.wbu.com (3 locations listed below) Chris, Tom & Donna Sheley www.columbusoh.wbu.com 5400 Riverside Drive Columbus, Ohio 43220 Phone: (614) 766-2103 wbucolumbus@gmail.com Dan & Pam Hall 720 North State Street Westerville, Ohio 43082 US Phone: (614) 899-9453 customerservice@wbuwesterville.com Larry & Julie Baldwin 6839 E. Broad St Columbus, Ohio 43213 Phone: (614) 860-1133 jlbbaldwin@cs.com Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 9 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS NON-PROFIT NATIVE RESOURCES & EDUCATION Aullwood Audubon Center Educational Opportunities http://web4.audubon.org/local/sanctuary/aullwood/Farm.html 1000 Aullwood Road Dayton, OH 45414 Center Telephone Number: (937) 890-7360 aullwood@gemair.com OSU EXTENSION SERVICE Native Plants bulletins, www.ohioline.osu.edu USDA NRCS www.plants.usda.gov United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database Porterbrook Native Plants Dr. Frank W, Porter Services: Speaking Engagements & Education www.porterbrooknativeplants.com 49607 State Route 124 Racine, OH 45771 Phone/ Fax: (740) 247-4565 porterbrooknative@yahoo.com The Ohio Prairie Association Annual Ohio Prairie Conference; OPA Prairie Workshops; OPA Prairie Field Trips Mission Statement: OPA is a non-profit volunteer organization that promotes knowledge, appreciation, conservation, restoration, management, and expansion of Ohio prairie communities and their native plant and animal species to individuals, conservation organizations, public agencies educational institutions and others with an interest in native ecosystems. Vision Statement OPA envisions a time when Ohioans will have a strong public understanding and appreciation for Ohio prairies and their native plant and animal species; and these prairies are widely conserved, restored, managed, expanded, and are frequently encountered in the state. Contact: OhioPrairie@aol.com Green Landscaping: Greenacres www.epa.gov/greenacres/wildones/handbk/index.html Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 10 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Introduction | Waystation Seed Kit |Certify Your Site | Registry | Downloads The Value of Monarch Waystations http://monarchwatch.org/waystations/certify.html By creating and maintaining a Monarch Waystation you are contributing to monarch conservation, an effort that will help assure the preservation of the species and the continuation of the spectacular monarch migration phenomenon. Monarch Watch is a nonprofit educational outreach program based at the University of Kansas that focuses on the monarch butterfly, its habitat, and its spectacular fall migration. To review list of merchandise visit http://shop.monarchwatch.org/store/c/364-All-Items.aspx National Wildlife Federation (NWF): www.nwf.org/gardenforwildlife/ Turn Your Yard Into a Haven for Wildlife! By providing food, water, cover and places for wildlife to raise their young, your garden can join the more than 150,000 Certified Wildlife Habitat cites sites across the country http://www.nwf.org/certifiedwildlifehabitat The Ohio-Area Yard Conservation Website www.backyardhabitat.info Attract butterflies, songbirds, hummingbirds, and backyard wildlife native to the Ohio area with native plants while making fun, easy, practical changes in how you manage your yard to make it sustainable and improve your community’s environmental health. The website includes lessons learned, fliers, musical videos and links to help you whether you are a beginner or an expert! Get in the Loop with Nature Scoop! Email subscribe@backyardhabitat.info if you would like to have timely information sent to you in a monthly nature email. It contains property maintenance tips tailored for the Ohio area, nature information, upcoming educational events and more. You can unsubscribe at any time, and your email is never shared for any other purpose. Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes www.wildones.org/ Promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities. Wild Ones is a not-for-profit environmental education and advocacy organization. Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 11 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Ohio Department of Natural Resources: ohiodnr.com/ *Click on OHIO DNR, move down to Nature Preserve Home for Native Plants Info Ohio Invasive Plants Council: www.oipc.info/specieslist.html OIPC participates in statewide efforts to address the threats of invasive species to Ohio's ecosystems and economy by providing leadership and promoting stewardship, education, research, and information exchange http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/ E Nature.com is the web's premier destination for information about the wild animals and plants of the United States. Over past years, eNature has consistently been one of the Internet' most-visited sites for nature and wildlife information and has won numerous awards and accolades. The site's core content of wildlife information about almost 6,000 individual species is the same data set used to create the printed Audubon Field Guides. All the data has been carefully reviewed and vetted by leading biologists, zoologists and other natural history specialists. Central Ohio Rain Garden Initiative On this site you can find general information about rain gardens, installation, sizing, example plants, design ideas, rain gardening tips for each season, our recently awarded grant project, and technical resources. http://www.centralohioraingardens.org/ Homestead Park - rain garden Central Ohio Beekeepers Association (COBA) www.centralohiobeekeepers.org/ Meetings are held at the Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43203. Wednesday evening’s beginning at 6:15 pm during the months of: January, February, April, August, and October. We support the Ohio State Beekeepers Association, and our neighboring beekeeping associations. Email Us: centralohiobeekeepersassoc@gmail.com Ohio Wildlife Center – 2 LOCATIONS NOW AVAILABLE www.ohiowildlifecenter.org/ Ohio Wildlife Center is a leader in wildlife rehabilitation and conservation education. We are dedicated to fostering awareness and appreciation of Ohio's native wildlife through rehabilitation, education and wildlife health studies. Wildlife Hospital Location is: 2661 Billingsley Road, Columbus 43235 2ND Sunday Visits & Field Trips visit the Nature Education Center located at: 6131 Cook Road, Powell 43065 SCRAM ! Wildlife Control, 6131 Cook Road, Powell, Ohio 43065 614-763-0696 If you have any wildlife living in, around or under your home or business, call SCRAM! Wildlife Control for a natural, humane and permanent solution. Our Mission is to provide superior, permanent solutions to prevent and resolve conflicts between people and Ohio’s wildlife. 24-hr Wildlife removal, no kill, Columbus area www.scramwildlife.org/ Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 12 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association – ONAPA www.onapa.org/ The dismantling of the DNR Division of Natural Areas and Preserves in 2008 has left our once nationally recognized system of state nature preserves in shambles. Many of the preserves are rapidly deteriorating and the features for which they were initially protected are being threatened. Ohio DNR simply does not have the capability to respond without additional commitment, funding and staff. ONAPA was formed to organize a volunteer workforce to assist in managing the nature preserves and to organize an effective constituency for natural area protection in Ohio. We ask you to explore this website, and join and volunteer to help ONAPA and the preserves. CONTACT ONAPA- Division of Natural Areas and Preserves Guy Denny Email: guy.denny@dnr.state.oh.us 2045 Morse Road, Building C, 4th Floor Columbus OH 43229-6693 Phone: 614-570-5756 or 740-694-6087 ohiodnr.com/tabid/867/Default.aspx Ohio Pheasants & Quail Forever - Wildlife Habitat Improvements Dedicated to wildlife preservation in Ohio http://www.ohiopf.com/ Tim LeMay Conservation Contractor for Fairfield & Franklin County Baltic, Ohio; Phone: 330-897-4031 or 330-204-3804; Email tdlemay@frontier.com The Nature Conservancy – Ohio Ohio Department of Agriculture Division of Plant Industry 8995 E Main St Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 800-282-1955 (in state only) 614-728-6200 http://www.state.oh.us/agr/PRS/index_1.htm Central Ohio Rain Garden Initiative Technical Guidance for Rain Garden Projects & Workshops Sara Ernst, Chair www.centralohioraingardens.org 1328 Dublin Rd., Ste. 101 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Phone: (614) 486-9613 x125 FLOW Friends of the Lower Olentangy Watershed) Services: Educational Workshops Backyard Conservation Program Booklet: http://www.co.logan.oh.us/soilandwater/Pdf/byard_cons_hndbk.pdf 3528 N. High Street, Ste. F Columbus, Ohio 43214 Voice: 614-267-3386 /Fax: 614-262-8922 info@olentangywatershed.org Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 13 of 14 OHIO NATIVE NURSERIES, LANDSCAPERS, ORGANIC LAWNCARE, EDUCATION & HABITAT PRODUCTS Franklin Soil & Water Conservation District Conservation Practices www.franklinswcd.org/ 1328 Dublin Road, Suite 101, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Phone: (614) 486-9613 / Fax: (614) 486-9614 www.franklinswcd.org Inniswood House, Inniswood Metro Gardens http://www.metroparks.net/parksinniswood.aspx 940 Hempstead Rd. Westerville OH 43081 Phone: 614-891-0700 tinfo@metroparks.net Whetstone Public Library www.columbuslibrary.org/locations/Whetstone 3909 N High St. Columbus OH 43214 Phone: 614-645-2275 Teacher’s Workshops & Nature Activities: Welcome to EEK! Teacher’s activities from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for children in grades 4 to 8. These pages are designed to help you help your students use the EEK! Environmental Education for Kids! http://dnr.wi.gov/org/caer/ce/eek/teacher/activity.htm Project WET is to reach children, parents, educators, and communities of the world with water education. We invite you to join us in educating children about the most precious resource on the planet water. http://portal.projectwet.org/ Program Facilitator Barbara Kay Velez Barbosa, barb_carson@hotmail.com Project Learning Tree is an award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers; other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth from preschool through grade 12 Schools are a place to teach students about complex environmental issues, preparing them to be good stewards for the environment academic performance in STEM subjects. It provides teachers and students with the training and resources to create healthier schools – and save money. Project Learning Tree curriculum resources provide educators with peer-reviewed, award winning materials to engage their students http://www.plt.org/ Program Facilitator Barbara Kay Velez Barbosa, barb_carson@hotmail.com Columbus Chapter Wild Ones – Rev. 3/1/2013 Page 14 of 14