A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System

A Guide to Using the
Chapter Management System
Version 2.2 and 2000
The National Association of Social Workers
Table of Contents
The Purpose of the NASW Chapter Management System (CMS) ............................................ 1
Downloading your application and latest membership data.
Downloading Application and Data........................................................................................... 2
Starting the CMS System
Main Menu ................................................................................................................................ 4
Membership Screens
Membership Form ..................................................................................................................... 5
Selecting A Member .................................................................................................................. 6
Report Switchboard ................................................................................................................... 7
Creating Custom Reports and Mailing Labels ......................................................................... 10
Make a Custom Query ............................................................................................................. 10
Build A Custom Report ........................................................................................................... 11
Opening Custom Reports ......................................................................................................... 11
Exporting Reports to Disk ....................................................................................................... 11
Quick Stats
Viewing Your Membership Information ................................................................................. 13
Sorting, Filtering and Searching Your Membership Data ....................................................... 14
Committee Lists
Viewing Committee Lists ........................................................................................................ 15
Getting Help from NASW ....................................................................................................... 16
Using the On-Line Help Document ......................................................................................... 16
To: NASW TECH HELP FOR CMS SYSTEM ..................................................................... 17
Recommended System Configuration
Recommended workstation configuration ............................................................................... 18
Network Installation Requirements ......................................................................................... 18
Requirements for Downloading Application and Data Files ................................................... 18
ii  Table of Contents
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Table of Contents  iii
The Purpose of the NASW Chapter Management System
The purpose of CMS is to provide NASW chapters access to their membership data.
The chapters need the ability to find members fitting specific criteria, to view their
membership information, to print basic reports, and print labels for mailings. There
are numerous other ways that the chapters manipulate the data. However, CMS is
being developed to provide the basic functions to the chapters and have it work well.
New to version 2.2 of CMS is the ability to view the Committee Listings within
Users of the Chapter Management System should be comfortable with the following
computer related tasks:
The terms drag, click, double-click, execute, print and using menu bars.
Navigating drives, directories and files using Explorer or My Computer.
Browsing the Internet and downloading files.
Selecting and configuring printers.
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Table of Contents  1
Downloading your application
and latest membership data.
Downloading Application and Data
All Chapter information and the CMS application are available via the Internet. Getting the
latest chapter information and CMS application files is easy. Simply visit the download site
at www.socialworkers.org/chapeter and follow the on-screen directions.
1) Downloading the CMS Application from the Internet:
As new versions of the Chapter Management System are released, a bulk e-mail
message will be sent to all chapters and the Chapter Download page will be updated
to reflect the latest version availability. Please download the latest version of CMS
when it becomes available. Newer versions will be more powerful and will feature
access to new data.
Link to http://www.naswdc.org/chapter (See screen print below)
Enter your Chapter ID in lower case.
Enter your Password.
To download the Application click on "Download Application Files".
When prompted in a Dialog box, select “Save to Disk” and select a directory
you will remember, such as “My Documents” or “My Downloads”
f.) The file CMS22.EXE will be copied to your computer.
g.) If you are installing the CMS application for the first time, simply double-click
on the CMSInstall.exe file, and the application will install itself. You will be
prompted for a location to install CMS. The default is C:\CMS. If you are
installing CMS on a local (non-networked) machine, leave this all alone. If you
wish to install CMS to a network, please contact the help desk.
2) Downloading Your CMS Data from the Internet:
Chapter data is updated monthly, after month-end processing is completed at the NASW
national headquarters. Availability is usually after the first week of the month. When
new data becomes available, an e-mail message will be sent to all chapters and the
download page will be updated to indicate which month’s data is available.
a.) Ensure that you have the latest version of CMS already installed.
b.) Link to http://www.naswdc.org/chapter .
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A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Refresh or Reload your browser to ensure you have the latest available page.
Enter your Chapter ID in lower case.
Enter your Password.
To download your data click on the box marked “Download CMS Data”.
When prompted in a Dialog box, select “Save to Disk” and select the drive and
directory where you have CMS 2.2 installed. (Normally C:\CMS)
h.) The file “xxcms.exe” will be copied to your computer. “xx” stands for your
chapter id, so California’s data filename would be “cacms.exe”.
i.) After the file has completed downloading, ensure that it is in the CMS directory
and execute it (double click). This action will expand your latest data file and
overwrite your previous one.
j.) Start up the CMS application, you are ready to go.
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Table of Contents  3
Starting the CMS System
Main Menu
After installation, the Chapter Management System is available through the “Start”
menu in Windows 95 and later.
The main menu is your starting point. This screen will come up every time you start
the Chapter Management System (CMS) application.
From here you can access any of the functions of the Chapter Management System.
Access the functions by clicking on the button with your mouse, by hitting the
“TAB” key and then hitting “Enter” or by holding down the ALT key and the
underlined letter at the same time. The buttons on this screen will take you directly
to the various functions of the CMS application, or allow you to quit the application.
On-line help is available by clicking on the “Help” button or by hitting “ALT+H”.
The help file is the same as this document.
4  Table of Contents
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Membership Screens
Membership Form
This is where you will spend most of your time. This screen allows you to look up
information on any member in your chapter.
To quickly find information on a particular member, simply begin typing their name
in the “Search Name” box at the top of the Membership window, last name first.
The program will automatically start looking for a name that matches what you are
typing in and will often find the member for you before you have finished.
Membership Screen
At the left-hand portion of the screen, you will see three colored bars. These bars,
when you click on them with your mouse, will display different information about
the current member. The NASW/ACSW screen is the default and will come up
automatically. This displays basic member information including name, address,
category, telephone number, and, on the right, their NASW and ACSW status.
Clicking on the “Demographics” bar will change the information on the right-hand
side of the screen and show you information about the member including: Date of
birth; gender; ethnic code and a variety of other codes for the member.
Clicking on the “Second Address” bar will show you the secondary address for the
member if one is available.
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
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Also available from this screen is the member profile report. This includes all
contact and demographic information for a particular member of your chapter.
Selecting A Member
Selecting a member whose information you wish to view is easy. Simply start typing
the member’s name in the “Search Name” box and the program will begin searching
through your records for a matching name. Alternately, you can click on the
downward pointing arrow to the right of the box and manually select a member from
the scrolling list of names.
This function also includes searching for a member using their member ID number.
If your version of CMS has just the name search visible, contact the help desk.
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A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Report Switchboard
This area of the NASW Chapter Management Systems (CMS) allows you to view and print
out a wide variety of reports. Simply click on the report you wish to use. CMS will ask you
if you want a report or mailing labels and then allow you to preview it before printing. The
reports that are built into CMS are listed below. For custom reports, please see the “Building
Custom Reports” or “Quick Stats” portions of this document. Also from this screen, you can
print new reports to version 2.2 including zip code counts, a summary report and a roster of
your entire membership.
Sort by zip code, then alphabetic of total membership, with a total listed at the end.
Sort by branch, sort by zip code, alphabetic of total membership with totals listed at the end of each branch.
For user indicated branch, sort by zip code, alphabetic membership
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
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Sort by branch, sort by zip code, sort by ethnicity, alpha membership with totals listed at the end of each branch.
African American
Native American
Asian or Pacific Islander
Other Hispanic/Latino
Puerto Rican
Sort by county, by zip code, sort by congressional area, alpha membership with totals listed at the end of each
Sort by branch, sort by zip code, sort by congressional area, alpha membership with totals listed at the end of each
Sort by branch, sort by zip code, sort by major function with totals listed at the end of each branch
Clinical/Direct Practice
Community Org/Advocacy
Training (Agency-Based)
Sort by branch, sort by zip code, sort by work setting, alpha members with totals listed at the end of each branch.
Court/Justice System
Managed Care
Mental Health-Inpatient
MTLHLTHOUT Mental Health-Outpatient
Public Assistance/Welfare
Private Practice-Group
Private Practice-Solo
Residential Facility
School Social Work
Social Service Agency
8  Table of Contents
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Sort by branch, sort by zip code, sort by major field of practice, alpha of members with totals listed at the end of
each branch.
Child/Family Welfare
Criminal Justice
Occupational SW/EAP
Mental Health
School Social Work (All Schools)
10. Sort by branch, sort by zip code, sort by work focus, alpha of members with totals listed at the end of each branch
Alcohol/Drug Abuse
Conflict Resolution
Dev/Other Disabilities
Family Issues
Income Maintenance
Individual/Behavioral Problems
Violence/Victim Services
11. Sort by branch, sort by zip code, sort by member status, alpha of membership with totals listed at the end of each
 Active = A
 Inactive = I
 Terminated
 New
12. Sort by branch, sort by zip code, sort Alpha by new members with totals listed at the end of each branch.
13. Zip Code count report – List of each zip code for members in chapter and totals for each zip code
14. Summary Report – Breakdown of chapter membership into various categories including:
Major Function
Field Of Practice
Member Category
Congressional District
Work Setting
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Table of Contents  9
15. Chapter Roster – Demographics and Contact information for every member of the Chapter. (This one can be quite
Creating Custom Reports and Mailing Labels
From this screen, you can create a custom query to find all members in your chapter that meet a certain
specification. You can also print out a report or mailing labels based on that same query. If you need
to, you can also create a custom report of your own design from this screen. The “Open A Report”
button will allow you to open any report in the application, including the ones that you have created.
These tools are for the more advanced user. As the CMS continues development, the need for these
tools will disappear.
Make a Custom Query
10  Table of Contents
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
This screen lets you select which fields you wish to sort or filter to get information
on members that meet specific criteria. Simply enter the click on the “Sort” box
under each field name and select ascending or descending to sort the data by that
field. To filter data, enter your criteria in the “Criteria” box under each field in
quotation marks. E.g. if you wish to get a report on all of the people in the 90210 zip
code, enter “90210” in the criteria under the field, “Address1Zip”. To view this
report, click on the “Preview Your Query Results” button on the “Custom Reports”
Build A Custom Report
Clicking on the “Build a Custom Report” button will start the MS Access Report
Wizard. Select “Report Wizard” and get your data from the “CMS” database.
Follow the prompts to include all of the fields you desire. Then specify grouping
and sorting options. When you save your report, give it a meaningful name, so you
can easily open the same report later.
Opening Custom Reports
Click on the “Open a Report” button to get a list of all available reports. Double
click on the report you wish to open and it will appear in preview mode. This will
pull the report up on screen. If you wish to print is out, simply click on the printer
icon in the tool bar or select “File” and then “Print” from the menu at the top of the
Exporting Reports to Disk
You can export just about anything displayed in the Chapter Management System to
an external file. This file can then be e-mailed or copied to a floppy disk for
distribution to a mailing house or other need. The easiest data to export is a predefined report.
Once you have a report you wish to export in the preview mode, click on the file
menu, then on save as/export. The following screen will appear.
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
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Click on the top button to export the report data to an external file and click on the
OK button. The following screen will appear.
Near the bottom of the window, select to save as Microsoft Excel 5-7. This file type
is fairly universal. Give your file a meaningful name and click on the “Export”
button. The file is now ready to be sent via e-mail or copied to a floppy disk.
12  Table of Contents
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Quick Stats
Viewing Your Membership Information
* Note – Data displayed here has been completely randomized.
This feature is the newest and most powerful feature of CMS version 2. Getting
custom reports and mailing labels for members that meet a certain requirement is fast
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Table of Contents  13
and easy. When you open this section of the application, the following screen is
Sorting, Filtering and Searching Your Membership Data
This screen displays all of your members and some of their specifics. From here you can sort your
members by any of the fields displayed. You can also select all the members that meet a certain
criteria. There are four buttons in MS Access you will use at this screen and they are displayed below.
The buttons involved are the two sort buttons, the filter by selection button, and the search button.
To sort the display, click on a the field you wish to sort by and then click on one of the “AZ” buttons.
The down arrow indicates a descending (A to Z) sort and the up arrow an ascending (Z to A) sort.
To filter your display, click on the field you wish to filter by and click on the button with the lightning
bolt. This will display members only who have the same filed in common. E.g. if you click on a value
with “Los Angeles” in the “City” field and then click on the filter button, only members who live in
Los Angeles will display. If you wanted to view all the people NOT living in L.A. you would hold
down the shift key while hitting the filter button.
You can perform multiple filters in a row to keep narrowing the members displayed. To get back to
your original display of all your members, click on the “Clear Filter” button below the display.
You can also find information very quickly with the “Find” button that looks like a pair of binoculars.
Click on any value in the field you wish to search, click on the “Find” button and type in the value you
are looking for. When you click “Find” the program will find the first occurrence of your search. You
can search as many time as you want by clicking on “Find Next”. When the program reaches the end
of the list, it will tell you.
Once you have narrowed down your list of members, you can click on the “GO” button on the right
side of the screen to go directly to the member information screen.
The most powerful tools on this screen are “Report” and “Mailing Labels”. Once you have sorted and
filtered your members you can print a report from it, or you can print mailing labels to all of the
members you have filtered.
Just as in reports, you can export mailing list data from this screen in the same fashion. Please see the
reports section for instructions.
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A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Committee Lists
Viewing Committee Lists
This is a new feature to CMS 2.2. All committee members are listed on this screen. The interface is very similar to the
Quick Stats page. You can view the members name, chapter, position, effective dates, and the committee description.
You can also sort and filter by all these fields, just like on the quick stats page. If someone listed on this page is a
member of your chapter, you can click on the “Go!” button to view that member’s information. If the person is not a
member of your chapter, nothing will be displayed.
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Getting Help from NASW
Please send us by email or by fax a detailed description of problems you are
encountering with the programs. In as much detail as possible, tell us what
the problem was. Include information on what menu you last selected, what
selection on the menu you made and the specific problem that occurred.
Also, don’t forget to include the chapter name, phone number and the
contact person.
If sending by Email the address is techhelp@naswdc.org.
If sending by Fax, please use the attached fax sheet we provided on the next
The Chapter Management System has some minimum requirements to run.
Please refer to the “Recommended System Configuration” section of this
Using the On-Line Help Document
Click on the “Help” button on the main screen to display the help file
associated with the Chapter Management System. This document is the
same as the printed manual.
16  Table of Contents
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
To Fax Number: (202) 336 8340 Date:
# of Pages: __________
From: ___________________________________
(Chapter Name)
Contact Name: _________________________ Direct Number: ______________
Please type the detailed description of problems:
A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System
Table of Contents  17
Recommended System
Recommended workstation configuration
A computer capable of running MS Windows 95 or higher. *
 Pentium class machine or better
 16 megabytes or more of Random Access Memory (RAM)
 Microsoft Windows 95 or better *
 Microsoft Access 97 (Included with Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition - recommended) *
 5 Megabytes or more of free hard disk storage space for data files *
 Monitor and video card capable of displaying 256 colors or better *
Network Installation Requirements
Shared access to the directory where the application is installed.
A common drive mapping for all computers to the location of the application.
Recommended workstation configuration for all clients running application.
Operating System capable of sharing data – Windows 95,98 NT Workstation or server, Novell NetWare or
other network operating system.
Network interface to connect all computers using application to the shared access drive.
Requirements for Downloading Application and Data
A connection to the internet
 Internet Service Provider (ISP) such as Mind Spring, America On-Line (AOL) or UU Net
 Modem or direct network connection 28.8 kbs or better recommended
An internet browser such as:
 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01
 Netscape Communicator 4.5
 These browsers are a minimum. We have experienced problems downloading files with browsers
older than these. They are free for download from the following sites on the internet:
www.microsoft.com, www.netscape.com, www.browsers.com
A place on the computer to store the downloaded installation file.
The latest CMS application should be installed before downloading the latest available data.
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A Guide to Using the Chapter Management System