Session T1A Work in Progress - Aligning Educational Experiences with Ways of Knowing Engineering: Understanding the Engineering Profession Kevin J.B. Anderson1, Sandra Shaw Courter2 University of Wisconsin-Madison,, Abstract - Engineering practice in the United States is changing and education needs to match those changes. One strategy for improving engineering education is to utilize a better understanding of the engineering profession. By the completion of this three year NSF project in 2010, a more refined and updated picture of engineering practice will emerge. To investigate engineering practice, we will triangulate data from surveys, interviews and ethnographic observations. To date, pilot data has been collected from thirteen surveys and three interviews. By October 2008, it is expected that five hundred surveys, forty interviews, and studies of two engineering firms will be complete. Data collected so far indicates that engineers have a strong, core identification as analytic thinkers and problem solvers. It also indicates engineers’ desire to express creativity and learn new things in their work. As this study will examine the epistemic frame of engineering—what makes an engineer, an engineer—the research group plans to have practicing engineers evaluate how well it succeeds in documenting what it means to be an engineer. Just as these practicing engineers provide feedback on this study, we hope our work will strengthen the ties between engineering practice and engineering education. Index Terms – bridging education and practice, engineering education, engineering epistemic frame, engineering practice BACKGROUND AND IMPORTANCE TO THE ENGINEERING COMMUNITY Engineering practice in the United States is changing and education needs to match those changes. According to the Engineer of 2020 report, education practices must change “if the United States is to maintain its economic leadership and be able to sustain its share of high-technology jobs” [1]. Beyond the need for change, statistics from the American Society for Engineering Education also “indicate that engineering graduation and enrollment rates at U.S. universities are not keeping up with the country’s increasing demand for engineering talent” [2]. Not only are enrollments insufficient, retention of engineering students also needs improvement as 1 2 an estimated one third of college students who start in engineering drop out [3]. One strategy for improving retention and enrollment is to use a better understanding of the engineering profession to refine engineering education. Considering the project-based nature of engineering, some promising research done at the University of Colorado at Boulder showed that including a First-Year Engineering Projects course improved the retention of engineering students [4]. This study and others show that, “There is a clear need for more effective integration between education and working life” [5]. As engineering work changes, so do the skills needed for it. For example, engineers today work in a global economy, and American engineers may not have the cultural understanding to meet the intricate needs of a global market [6]. In order to better align education with the evolving work of engineers, it is essential to have a firm picture of that work. Unfortunately, that picture is limited. “There are few reliable reports of research on engineering practice…An accurate account of engineering practice could help educators explain the relevance of coursework to students, helping to provide appropriate motivation for learning. Such an account may also reveal opportunities to improve curriculum design” [7]. However, even research that has observed and analyzed engineering practice often narrowly focuses on one skill that needs more attention in engineering education. For example, Jonassen, Strobel and Lee show that workplace engineering problems differ significantly from the problems typically found in engineering curriculum [8]. Trevelyn emphasizes the skill of coordinating the work of other people [9]. Other research emphasizes the place of problem scoping and information gathering for engineers [10]. EXPECTED OUTCOMES This study will not only consider the skills that engineers need, but also consider practicing engineer’s values and ways of thinking. These ways of knowing-doing-being constitute the epistemic frame of engineers. An epistemic framework acknowledges the importance of, “the understanding, activities, and structures that comprise a traditional mathematics or science classroom,” but it more fully illustrates what it means to be an engineer, not simply Kevin J.B. Anderson, School of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, Project Assistant Sandra Shaw Courter, College of Engineering, Department of Engineering Professional Development, Director, Engineering Learning Center 1-4244-1084-3/07/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE October 22 – 25, 2008, Saratoga Springs, NY 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T1A-1 Session T1A the background knowledge required to become one [11]. This more complete picture of engineering will help frame improvements to engineering education. By the completion of this three year NSF project in 2010, a more refined and updated picture of engineering practice will emerge. This research will clarify the epistemic frame of engineers by revealing how practicing engineers describe: 1) values in engineering projects, 2) ways of thinking about engineering, 3) traits of an effective engineer, 4) typical engineering work, 5) reasons for being engineers, 6) essential skills of engineers, and 7) the development of ways of thinking about and doing engineering work. Furthermore, this project will increase understanding of engineer’s educational experiences, with a focus on what they found useful and how they now apply that education. CURRENT AND PROJECTED STATUS To investigate engineering practice, we will triangulate data from surveys, interviews and ethnographic observations. The survey will reach engineers from a variety of disciplines, engineering managers and those with an engineering background who are currently in another field. Engineers from different backgrounds (n =13) have piloted the survey. Their responses were used to refine the questions. Ten to fifteen thousand engineers will receive the online survey, with a goal of over five hundred responses. By October 2008, we anticipate some initial analysis of these five hundred responses. During the next year and a half, we plan to interview practicing engineers and engineering managers. First-year engineering students will conduct some of these interviews as part of their technical communication course. Survey protocols have been developed and are currently being piloted; initial data has been collected from a few engineers (n = 3). By October, over forty engineers will have been interviewed, with some initial analysis complete. The research group will also conduct ethnographies of six engineering firms. Collected data will include interviews, observations and artifacts (i.e., memos, policy briefs, internal documentation). As another source of data, researchers will ask engineers to talk aloud during their work to understand their thinking. Data collection at two firms will be complete by October. While we will present initial data, much of the analysis will occur after all of the ethnographies are complete. thinking and problem-solving skills developed through their engineering experience in their current work. Finally, many responses reiterated the complex, problem-solving nature of engineering. EVALUATION As this study will examine the epistemic frame of engineering—what makes an engineer, an engineer—the research group plans to have practicing engineers evaluate how well it succeeds in documenting what it means to be an engineer. Engineers who work at the engineering firms studied will receive a copy of the research group’s analysis. We will ask, “Does this capture your work? Does this capture the values, skills and ways of thinking of engineers? Does this represent where and how you learned this epistemology of engineering? What did we miss?” Just as these practicing engineers provide feedback on this study, we hope our work will strengthen the ties between engineering practice and engineering education. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This study is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC-0648267. We also acknowledge the editing assistance of Jesse Boyett Anderson. REFERENCES [1] National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020, Washington, D.C., 2004. [2] Grose, T., K., “Trouble on the Horizon,” Prism, Oct 2006, pp. 26-31. [3] National Academy of Sciences, Rising Above The Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future, Washington, D.C., 2006. [4] Fortenberry, N., L., Sullivan, J., F., Jordan, P., N., Knight, D., W., “Engineering Education Research Aids Instruction,” Science, Vol 317, 31 Aug 2007, pp. 1175-76. [5] Collin, K., “Experience and Shared Practice: Design Engineers’ Learning at Work,” Jyvaskyla Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research, Jyvaskyla, 2005. [6] National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020, Washington, D.C., 2004. [7] Trevelyan, J., “Technical Coordination in Engineering Practice,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 96, No. 3, July 2007, pp. 191201. [8] Jonassen, D., Strobel, J., Lee, C., B., “Everyday Problem Solving in Engineering: Lessons for Engineering Educators,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 95, No. 2, Apr 2006, pp. 139-151. [9] Trevelyan, J., “Technical Coordination in Engineering Practice,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 96, No. 3, July 2007, pp. 191201. PRELIMINARY RESULTS As of March 2008, we have only limited pilot data. Initial surveys and interviews do provide some insights into the work of engineers. These engineers commonly choose projects to exercise their creativity or learn something new. Most felt an effective engineer has both technical knowledge and communication skills. Two wanted more management practice as part of their education. All project leaders considered themselves engineers even though they no longer practiced traditional, hands-on engineering. Also, all four individuals now in another profession used the analytical [10] Atman, C., J., Adams, R., S., Cardella, M., E., Turns, J., Mosborg, S., et al., “Engineering Design Processes: A Comparison of Students and Expert Practitioners,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 96, No. 4, Oct 2007, pp. 359-379. [11] Shaffer, D., W., “Learning in Design,” Foundations for the Future In Mathematics Education, Mahweh, NJ, 2007, p. 99-126. 1-4244-1084-3/07/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE October 22 – 25, 2008, Saratoga Springs, NY 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T1A-2