Root Words: Aids in Understanding Scientific Terms


Root Words: Aids in Understanding Scientific Terms

Many science terms contain root words that have their origin in Greek or Latin.

Knowing the meaning of these root words helps with analyzing new terms to understand and to remember them. Here are some root words commonly used in the sciences.

1. aero- air

2. agri- field

3. alt- high

4. ang- bend

5. angi- vessel

6. anthr- human

7. aqua- water

8. aud- hear

9. archae- ancient

10. arthr- joint

11. astr- star

12. aux- grow

13. bar- weight

14. bio- life

15. blast- a formative cell

16. brachi- arm

17. bry- grow

18. cal- hot

19. cand- glow

20. cardi- heart

21. cephal- head

22. cerebr- brain

23. cervix- neck

24. chlor- green

25. chrom- color

26. chron- time

27. cide - kill

28. cise- cut

29. cili- small hair

30. cline- lean

31. con- together

32. corp- body

33. cran- skull

34. cosmo- universe

35. crat- rule

36. cycl- circle

37. cyt- cell

38. decid- to fall off

39. dent- tooth

40. derm- skin

41. dont- tooth

42. ecol- house

43. evol- to unroll

44. fil- a thread

45. frac- break

46. fric- rub

47. gastr- stomach

48. gen- birth

49. geo- earth

50. grad- step

51. gram- written/letter

52. graph- write

53. gyn- women

54. gymn- naked

55. hab- hold

56. hem- blood

57. hepat- liver

58. hetero- different

59. hist- a. tissue

60. hom- man

61. hydr- water

62. imag- likeness

63. integ- whole

64. ject- throw

65. lab- work

66. lat- side

67. leuk- white

68. luc- light

69. lum- light

70. luna- moon

71. lust- shine

72. mar- sea

73. max- greatest

74. menin- membrane

75. miss- send

76. morph- shape

77. mut- change

78. myo- muscle

79. neur, nerv- nerve

80. ocu- eye

81. ost- bone

82. paleo- old

83. path- disease

84. ped, pod- foot

85. phloe- bark

86. photo- light

87. phys- nature

88. plankt- wandering

89. put- think

90. rad- ray

91. rect- straight

92. rhiz- root

93. san- health

94. scend- climb

95. sci- know

96. sect- cut

97. sens- feel

98. serv- save

99. som- body

100. son- sound

101. stell- star

102. sum- highest

103. ten- stretch

104. terr- land

105. tort- twist

106. trib- give

107. tropi- turn

108. vac- empty

109. ver- truth

110. void- empty

111. volv- roll

112. vor- eat

113. xanth- yellow

114. xyl- wood

115. zoo- animal
