Medical Prefix a -, an ab ad aden al amyl angio ankyl ante anti arterio arthro asthen aud-, aur bar-. bi brachio brady bronchi-, broncho buccal carcin cardio carpo caud centi cephalo cerebro cervic chiro -. chole cholecyst chondro circum col colp contra cort coxa costo cranio cubitus cut - Laymen's Terms without away from toward gland like,similar starch vessel (blood) crooked, looped before against artery joint weakness, lack ear, hearirig weight both,two arm slow bronchial cheek cancer heart wrist tail hundredth (100th) head brain neck hand bile gallbladder cartilage around colon vagina against covering hip ribs skull elbow, forearm skin Medical Prefix leuko lingua lip lith lymph macro mamm-, mastmelan mening meno -, mens meso metro micro milli mono myelo myo myx nares-/nas natus neo nephro neuro ocul odont onych oophoro ophthal or orchid ortho osteo oto ovario ovi pan para part ped -, podpaed peri - Laymen's Terms white tongue fat stone fluid large breast black membrane menstruate middle uterus, womb small thousandth (1000th) one, single spinal cord muscle mucus nose, nostrils birth new kidney nerve eye tooth finger, toe nail ovary eye mouth, bone testes straight bone ear, hearing ovary egg all beside birth, labour foot child around Medical Prefix cysto cyt-, cyte deci dent derma diplo dors dys ecto edem encephal endo entero epi erythro faci fascia gastro genu gingiva gloss gravid gyne hemi haemo hepato hydro hyper hypo hyster ile ili inter intra iri kerat kilo labia lacto lapar laryng - Laymen's Terms bladder, sac cell tenth (10th) tooth skin double back painful, abdominal outside swelling (fluid) brain inside, within intestine upper, above red facies, face band (fibrous) stomach knee gums tongue pregnant woman half blood liver water excessive deficient uterus, womb intestine (part) hip bone between inside iris (eye) cornea; scaly thousand lip milk abdomen larynx Medical Prefix phleb phrenic pleur pneumo Poly post pre pro procto pseudo psycho pulm pyelo pyo ren retro rhin salpingosebum semin sial soma splen spondyl squam stoma stric sub super supra tachy thel therm thorac thrombo trache trachel trans vas vesic viscera - Laymen's Terms vein diaphragm pleura of lung lung many behind before forward rectum false mind,soul lung bowl of kidney pus kidney backward nose tube wax, suet seed saliva body spleen spine scaly mouth narrowing below above above rapid nipple heat thorax clot trachea neck across vessel bladder, sac organ Medical Suffix - algia - cele - centesis - crine - dactyl - dema - desis - duct - dynia - ectasis - ectomy - emia - genic - gram, - graph - itis - lysis - malacia - megaly - oid - ology - olysis - oma - osis Layman's Term pain swelling puncture secrete within finger,toe swelling (fluid) surgical fixation opening pain enlargement surgical removal blood source, origin picture inflammation separation softening enlarged like, similar study of breakdown tumor disease, condition Medical Suffix - ostomy - pathy - penia - pexy - phagia - phasia - phobia - phrenia - physis - plasty - plegia - ptosis - rrhagia - rrhaphy - rrhea - rrhexis - sarcoma - sclerosis - scope - spasm - stasis - tripsy - uria Layman's Term surgical opening Disease Deficiency fixation (tissue) Swallow speech disorder Fear mental disorder growth(physical) plastic surgery Paralysis dropping down hemorrhage suture, stitch Flowing Rupture tumor, cancer Hardening picture, inspection Contraction stoppage crushing urine