CLAREMONT / WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, 8 November, 2011 TIME: 6.30 p.m. VENUE: All Halllows Business College AGENDA 1. Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust: Development and Priorities – Howard Forster: Trust Director 6.30 \\\ \\\ users\Documents\l\socdlbates\Community users\Documents\l\socdlbates\Community Committee\Community Committee Committee\Community meetings\CC minutes Committee meetings\NHS meetings\CC reform NPB minutes Presentation meetings\SRFT sept11.PPT Community C double click icon to open 2. Apologies for absence 7.00 3. Introduction of officers in attendance 4. Nomination to Committee by Buile Hill Visual Arts College 5. Minutes of the meeting held on 13th September (attached) and matters arising 7.10 6. Budget Group – 17th October (attached) 7.25 7. Environment Task Group – 18th October (attached) 7.35 8. Neighbourhood Partnership Board – 12th October (attached) 7.45 9. Crime and Disorder update (to be attached) 7.55 10. Updates from partners 8.05 11. Updates from localities (meeting notes from Claremont Community Association, Weaste Area Forum and Park Walkabouts attached) 8.15 12. Mayoral referendum (attached) 13. Next meeting – 10th January, 2012 8.25 Contact Officer: Lesley Bates Tel No: 0161 925 1120 E-Mail: Date: 1 November 2011 2 CLAREMONT/ WEASTE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE ACTION SHEET ARISING FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 13th SEPTEMBER 2011 PRESENT: Brian Downes in the Chair Councillors: Heywood, Owen, Wilson, Rochford, Murphy and Dirir. M Ferrer, J Openshaw, V Ivison, K Ivison, P Krinks, R Mason, S Whitehead, R Murphy, B Patten, T Murphy, S Pugh, P Wheeler, J Cootes, D Lees, E Heywood, G Ainsworth, L Green, J Cartwright, A Leaston, S Watters, M Lee, M Orwin, L C Holmes, S Parfitt, R Traynor, S Henhoy, L Rowbotham, OFFICERS: B Dolan (Salford City Council) Insp D Henthorne (Greater Manchester Police) P Andrews (Oasis Academy Media City UK) K Fairhust (Salford City Council) P Kilvert (Friends of Salford Cemeteries Trust) PH Owen (Salford Community Leisure) S Williams (Salford Community Leisure) M Walbank (Salford City Council) J Chapman (Lightoaks Infant School) S Mansfield, Q Chapman (Health Improvement Service) ITEM DECISION / DISCUSSION 1 Welcome and Introductions The Meeting was opened at 6.30pm 2 Connecting Classrooms Project Deputy Head Mrs Chapman led a presentation With the pupils about a cultural twinning programme with schools in Mexico. A celebration will take place on 19th October at Buile Hill High at 3.30pm All are welcome. The Chair thanked the school for the excellent presentation. ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY 3 Friends of Salford Cemeteries Trust and Heritage Lottery Fund speakers Peter Kilvert talked briefly about the role of the Trust and how local people can get involved. In particular a goal is to preserve the Lodge at Weaste Cemetery. He offered a special tour of this Cemetery should enough people show an interest. Iain Kinnear spoke next about the support that the Heritage Lottery Fund can give to local cultural activites. In particular The LHF wanted to encourage bids for projects at around £10,000 region 4 Apologies Apologies were received from Jonjo Marston, Joyce Smethurst, Ged Hodgin, Nik Storey, Sue Robinson, Sharon Richardson, Sharman Jones and it was noted that Lesley Bates was unable to minute tonights meeting as she had broken her foot. Agreed to write to her wishing her a speedy recovery 5 Introduction of Officers The Chair explained that there were a number of Officers present the Meeting and in turn introduced them to the meeting. Elected Members were also introduced. 6 Nomination to Committee Jane Dunne was nominated to join the Committee from the “Friends of St Luke’s C.E. School” Brian Downes Resolved: to accept the nomination 7 Minutes of last Meeting 12th July Approved as a correct record 8 Matters arising Item 4: There are still concerns that the Bins near Greggs are not being emptied regularly enough. However, Ben Dolan gave assurances that they are checked daily and would look into this. 4 9 Budget Group meeting Resolved: to accept all recommendations from Budget Group (see attached proforma) and Mick Walbank to progress payments (a) to pay £100 to SALT towards craft classes. (b) Not to use devolved budget to pay for a part-page in “Life”. 10 Environmental Task Group Resolved: (a) to support proposals to convert unused land at Tootal Grove MickWalbank to advise into 20+ raised-bed half-plots in Weaste allotments. Urban Vision (b) To support proposals for improving the tennis, etc courts and pitch and putt course in Buile Hill Park. (c) To ask Urban /vision to proceed with devolved revenue budget schemes at: Fairhope Ave; Weaste Lane; Bolton Road; Denstone Road; Manor Road totalling £7096. (d) To defer a decision about a revenue budget scheme on Park Road pending further details. (e) To defer a decision about a capital, traffic calming scheme on Cliftonville Drive / Runnymeade pending clarification about the extent of consultation. Concerns were expressed about consultation for traffic calming Brian Downes in various parts of the Ward. Committee asked the chair to write to lead member about this. 11 Crime and Disorder Inspector Dave Henthorn (GMP) gave a report on the recent disturbances in Pendleton. The police are currently in the process of arresting and charging those who rioted. Thanks were expressed to all the emergency services and supportive citizens for their work during the riots. “I love Salford” badges now available to show support to the City, were distributed. 5 12 Update from Partners A report by Steph Williams Salford Community Leisure that 2500 young people were engaged in activities over the Summer holidays was welcomed. Full report to follow. 13 Reports from Localities Minutes of Claremont Community Association were noted. Concerns were expressed about inadequate consultations about Brian Downes redevelopment of the site of the Pendlebury Children’s Hospital. Cllr Heywood asked that it be noted that she objected to an insinuation that she would simply allow this planning permission to go through without proper scrutiny. It was agreed that the Chair would write to the Lead Member for Planning about Committee’s concerns. 14 Any Other Business End Of meeting Concerns were raised about the Boundary Commission’s plans to change the Parliamentary constituency areas which would mean that there will no longer be a constituency with the name Salford. Agreed that the Chair write to the Commission and raise the matter with other Community Committees and that Peter Wheeler should represent this Committee at forthcoming consultation meetings. Meeting closed at 8.45pm. next meeting is on 8th November 2011 Brian Downes; Peter Wheeler. 6 6 CLAREMONT / WEASTE BUDGET SUB-COMMITTEE 17th October 2011 4:30pm The Meadows Present: J. Openshaw; Cllr R Wilson; J. Gandy; Cllr J. Heywood; L. Crowder; B. Patten; M Ferrer. Officers: M. Walbank; K. Fairhurst; Apologies: J Collins; S. Whitehead; 1. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 31st August 2011 were accepted as a correct record. 2. MATTERS ARISING a. Financial Position Devolved Budget – Remaining uncommitted devolved budget available to spend stood at £12,149.30. 3. NEW APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING Members considered the applications for funding and agreed the following recommendations. Pay £429 to Matchstick After School Club for a computer and games. Pay £1000 to Archery in the Community for venue hire. Defer decision on application from Summerville Young Parents’ Group pending clarification of where beneficiaries come from and on the need for a creche. Pay £200 to Barrhill Residents Association for compost, weedkiller and plants. Pay £550 to 82nd Salford Scout Group for hire of premises. Pay £70 to Salford Men’s Action Group towards allotment rent, insurance and cartridge. Pay £365 to De la Salle Netball Club towards court hire. Pay £150 to Salford Croquet Group towards cartridges and a cupboard. Arising from the discussion of applications, members (a) asked that for future meetings, they be provided with details of the contact names and addresses for applications. (b) Agreed to RECOMMEND that Community Committee write expressing their concern about the amounts charged at PFI schools for use of the premises. -7- 4. MANAGING THE BUDGET Members considered how best to manage the budget noting, [a] that measures taken earlier in the year by Community Committee meant that committee actually had more funds available than would be usual at this time of year and [b] the pressures on council budgets. They considered the following options: Take no special action and hope that our budget is not withdrawn in-year and that good quality applications come into the remaining Budget Group meetings (December, February) to use up the money remaining. Make additional payments to one or more of the five formerly contracted agencies (Salford Community Leisure; Fairbridge; Child Action NorthWest; Fun4All / Buddies; Weaste Community Watch [Meadows]) to increase the provision of priority services and activities i.e. work with youth and children and provision of a community resource centre. Identify another provider of priority services and negotiate a payment to them for specified work. Top-up our highways budgets to undertake highways works that we cannot currently afford. Members agreed to RECOMMEND that no special action be taken but that the situation be reviewed at December Budget Group / January Community Committee. 5. NEXT MEETING Monday 12th December 2011 4:30pm The Meadows -8- 7 CLAREMONT / WEASTE ENVIRONMENT TASK GROUP 18th October 2011 2:00 pm Turnpike House PRESENT: B. Downes J. Collins V. Ivison Cllr Rochford J. Walker (Resident) (Resident) (Resident) C. Standish K. Fairhurst M. Walbank L. Bates (ES) (SCC) (SCC) (minutes) (Salix) 1. APOLOGIES: A. Devine (UV), R. Steenson 2. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS B. Downes welcomed everyone present to the meeting and introductions were made. 3. NOTES OF MEETINGS HELD ON 23RD AUGUST 2011 Approved as a correct record. 4. HIGHWAYS a. Devolved capital schemes Traffic calming schemes Mick advised that the calming schemes on Fairhope Avenue, Fairfield Street and Dronfield Rd would be going out to consultation over the next two weeks. A Devine will send feedback from the consultation results in due course. Cliftonville / Runnymeade / Welwyn Drive In his absence A Devine sent updates explaining that the decision to consult with those residents directly adjacent to the traffic calming was made in order to gather feedback from those directly affected by the scheme. Task Group were reminded of the outcome of the consultation i.e. Out of the 112 letters delivered 49 were returned with 38 (78%) in favour and 11 against. Comments ranged from the proposal being a ‘waste of money’, ‘better spent repairing the road’, ‘not a problem with speeding traffic’ to ‘expand scheme on to Welwyn Drive’, ‘change the cushions to humps’ and ‘block off Runnymeade at the A580’. Task Group agreed to RECOMMEND: That Community Committee ask Urban Vision to proceed with the proposed work on the schemes based on the consultation results above. Prestwood Road It was reported that A Devine has now found other resources to fund work to install measures to prevent motor bikes from speeding along the footpath from Prestwood Road to Cholmondley Rd. The issue no longer requires consideration for devolved funding. -9- Ranulph Court / Queen Street Mainstream funding has been secured to carry out the work for dropped kerbs on Queen /Street. The issue no longer requires consideration for devolved funding. b. Devolved revenue schemes Task Group discussed the various schemes being proposed for consideration against the remaining £3000 approximately. They noted that: Urban Vision advised that it would not be beneficial to repair a one meter strip to the footway outside Hillcrest on Park Road. Urban Vision’s advice was to repair the whole footway at a cost of £4685, which was too high to be covered with the remaining £3000 revenue money. A scheme proposed by GMP to reverse the direction of traffic on Devon Close would not improve safety as pulling out onto Eccles New Road from the more easterly junction would be more difficult. The option of work on Park Rd at numbers 21, 23, 25; costing £2277 to repair vehicular access points was not a priority. a suggestion from GMP for parking restrictions at junctions near Lightoaks Schools was a good one. Task Group felt that single yellow lines around the school drop off points used by parents would be preferable to double yellow. Repair of the planter at Eccles Old road / Fairhope Ave was affordable but repair of both the planter and wall at £4808 was not. RECOMMEND: (1) That Community Committee ask Urban Vision to carry out the following schemes with the remaining £3000: Repair work on the planter only at Fairhope Avenue at a cost of £1081. Install single yellow lines at the Lightoaks Rd / Guildford Rd junction and at the Russell Rd / Burnside Ave junction at an estimated cost of £2000, and (2) That A proposed scheme to reverse the direction of traffic on Devon Close should not be pursued. That work on vehicular access points at No.s 21, 23, 25 Park Rd should not be pursued. Mick reminded members that three revenue schemes were proceeding, subject to local consultations and subsequent consideration by Community Committee: Double yellow lines on the corner of Weaste Lane outside the post office. Restricted parking times on Bolton Road. Double yellow lines along a section of Radcliffe Park Road. c. Derby Road Mick advised that he had written to Urban Vision concerning the poor state of the road on the south side of the M602 bridge. Urban Vision has since repaired the road. 5. NEIGHBOURHOOD ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS a. Dolby and Borough / Humber Parks. Mick advised task group that work on both sites is now complete. - 10 - b. Stott Lane – Mick informed the group that Children’s Services have carried out repairs to the railings and tidied the land. c. Greggs Shop- The bin has now been installed outside the shop in Hope Village. 6. TEXTILE PROJECT Clare informed the team of various free events that are aimed to highlight the waste people generate. Further details of each event on the bulleted list below can be found at Watch Your Waste Week 2011 website . Sew Good up-cycling workshops - Monday 21 November, Turnpike Training Centre, M50 1SW. From 6.00pm to 9.00pm Love Food Hate Waste cookery class - Wednesday 23 November, Salford College Worsley Campus, M28 7QD. From 6.15pm to 8.45pm Living room displays across Greater Manchester - Thursday 24 November, Church Street Eccles, M30 0LU. From 9.30am to 3.30pm Celebration Event with Fashion Show - 26th November to be held at Maxwell Hall, University of Salford. Claire is also working with All Hallows student’s studying BTEC Textiles. This work will be contributing to the fashion show planned for 15th December 2011 which will be a community event. 7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Jim Collins raised concerns regarding taxi’s dropping off visitors to the hospital in the bus lane on Eccles Old Rd. It was felt there was a safety issue for pedestrians not having full visibility of the road when crossing when buses were also in the lane. Action: MW to contact highways and report back next meeting. 8. NEXT MEETING 12th December 2011 10.30am, TBC - 11 - 8 CLAREMONT / WEASTE NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTNERSHIP BOARD Action notes from the October NPB meeting follow. Members will note at the last point in Item 3 that NPB considered a draft list of community priorities. The final list of community priorities must be agreed by Community Committee and will then feed into Business Planning processes within the council and partner organizations. Community Committees are being asked to finalise their community priorities at their January meetings taking account of statistical profiles of their areas, which will be available before then. In the meantime, Committee is asked to ratify provisionally the following list of priorities with or without amendment: Draft Community Priorities – January 2012 1. Need for more community facilities for recreation, youth and general community use across the area but on the Eccles New Road corridor as a priority. 2. Need for improvement to the condition of local highways. 3. Need to reduce the impact of traffic (moving and parked) on the area, especially around Salford Royal Hospital. 4. Need to maintain activities for childen and young people in the area. 5. Need to reduce worklessness in Weaste (especially Tootal / Willows and New Weaste areas). 6. Need to resolve imbalance of demand and supply of school places 7. Need to improve outdoor playing fields’ (Stott Lane and Duncan Mathieson) condition and use. 8. Resolve the future of the former Oakwood School, Tootal Drive School and All Souls School sites and maintain the sites in the interim. 9. Agree use of further S106 payments associated with the former bus depot in the Eccles New Road area 10. Improve Weaste Allotments and the adjoining piece of land.. 11. Resolve the future of Buile Hill Park Mansion 12. Introduce a limit to the proportion of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) within defined areas. 13. resolve the future of the Willows / Weaste Cricket Club area 14. Address anti-social behaviour issues, including inappropriate use of off-road bikes 15. Resolve the future of the Weaste Cemetery Lodge building 16. Take further action to ensure wheely bins are not left out on the street. 17. Support residents to have alleys gated and to maintain gated alleys 18. improve open space at Kirkham Street 19. introduce regular programme of cleaning reflective bollards - 12 - ACTION NOTES FROM NPB MEETING - 12 October 2011 Meeting commenced: 4.30 pm “ ended: 6.25 pm Attended: Councillor J Heywood - Chair Councillors N Owen, J Rochford and R Wilson Brian Downes Geoff Ainsworth Dawn Mitchell Dave Jolley Nik Storey Dawn Mitchell Mick Walbank Toni Doyle Jenny Walton Ben Dolan Jonathan Drake Danny Mulvihill Sue Barry Apologies: - Claremont / Weaste Community Committee Claremont / Weaste Community Committee Salford Community Leisure Urban Vision Health Improvement Manager SCL Neighbourhood Manager Neighbourhood Manager NHS Salford GP Area Co-ordinator Salix Homes Manager YS Manager Little Hulton / Walkden Admin Officer - Inspector Dave Henthorne Dave Greenfield Item 1. Introductions and apologies 2. Action sheet 8.6.11 3. Neighbourhood Priorities / Business Planning Statement - GMP Sustainable Regeneration Decision / Action To be taken by Cllr JH welcomed everyone to the meeting and initiated introductions. Apologies given are noted above. The Action Sheet arising from the meeting held on 8 June 2011 was approved as a correct record. MW presented the service responses to the 15 community priorities agreed at CC Nov 2010. - 13 - Item Decision / Action To be taken by (1) Teenage conceptions Action: MW Brook Fri work in the area to be added to document; NS NS to email details of Teens & Tots programme to MW for inclusion; DM to email details of SCL 18-month post with 15-25 year old females Fri evenings to DM MW. (2) School Places Action: Children’s Services paper to be put on agenda for next meeting; MW (3) Former school sites Action DJ to obtain update re: All Souls. Updates to be provided on potential Lighthouse use of Tootal Drive DJ MW (4) Community Facilities, etc The SCL summer programme, provided in partnership with Youth Services and Health Improvement was one of the most successful ever. Improvements have been completed at Dolby Park and Borough / Humber Park More S106 should become available from the City Link development. Lack of venues in the area was emphasised. (5) Health Mental health was felt to be one of the key health issues. ‘wellbeing’, i.e. health and wellbeing. Action To include in next year’s priorities. (6) Worklessness - 14 - GA proposed including MW NS Item Decision / Action To be taken by Noted Outreach and Engagement (O&E) work in Claremont / Weaste led by Neighbourhood Team, Health Improvement Team and SALT with Irwell Valley HA and volunteer input. To be included in document. Noted the FJF legacy programme work taking place in Salix housing. Action MW to bring O&E statistics to next meeting; MW JD to provide further updates on FJF legacy JD (7) Crime on Bolton Road Noted that business crime has reduced significantly. Harvest Housing and Claremont Community Association are active partners. Frontages on Bolton Road are being cleaned 2-3 times per week. (8) Playing Fields Stott Lane currently being used; no plans for Duncan Mathieson. Action DJ to provide update on Duncan Mathieson. (9) Lightoaks Park sports area This has been completed. MW thanked Mark Wainwright. Action To remove from priorities for 2012/13 DJ MW (10) Dolby Park and Kirkham Street All have been completed apart from Kirkham Street. Action include Kirkham Street in next year’s draft priorities. (11) Weaste Allotments E&CS working with allotment group to take on more management responsibility and procure outside funding Action - 15 - MW All Item Decision / Action BD to provide updates. To be taken by BD (12) Highways Maintenance Urban Vision provide regular updates for councillors and Neighbourhood Manager . (13) Reduce Impact of Moving and Parked Traffic The meeting considered Pendleton College, Bolton Road and Salford Royal Hospital to be problem areas for parking and Lancaster Road / Eccles Old Road / Stott Lane and Weaste Lane / Weaste Road for moving traffic. Chris Findlay has produced a briefing containing 3 options for car parking around Salford Royal and will be taking a paper to lead member shortly. Action DJ to liaise with Traffic Management. MW to advise Urban Vision of the specific problem areas DJ MW (14) Buile Hill Park Mansion planning permission for the hotel proposal has been recently renewed (15) Houses in Multiple Occupation The meeting discussed planning consent, etc. Action DJ to establish planning position including possible Article 4 action DJ Noted that Business Planners would be producing quarterly updates on service responses. The first update, covering Qs 1 and 2 should be available for the December NPB Draft Community Priorities 2012/13 MW introduced a draft list of community priorities for 2012/13 which should go to November Community Committee and be signed off at January CC. He asked officers to forward any priorities that they had identified through communication with communities Actions all officers NPB officers to forward community priorities to MW by 20/10 - 16 - Item Decision / Action Following from discussion at this NPB various items needed adding to the draft list. Actions Add Kirkham Street and maintenance / cleaning of reflective bollards to draft list 4. NHS restructure update Tony Doyle & Nik Storey 5. Actions arising from previous meetings To be taken by MW (document distributed) The Health and Social Care bill will go through in the autumn. (p1) Consultation has taken place locally re: Any Qualified Provider. (p2) Emergency Admission Unit and A&E moved into the new area last weekend; the old buildings will be demolished and land used for car parking. (p2) (TD) The HIT has expanded to 13, all to be based at the Willows HC; Action plans are going well; Health Task Groups are to be introduced in Nov 11. These are to be more structured, involve all main providers in area and meet on a bi-monthly basis; NS to chair. (NS) GA proposed calling this the Health and Wellbeing Task Group; NS agreed. Action NS NS to circulate draft terms of reference at next NPB. (a) Eccles New Road bollards (DJ) The bollards in the sections where trams run are not council compliant. As they become damaged they are being changed to the compliant, reflective type. The council is not accepting responsibility for the non compliant ones. Discussions are still ongoing to resolve this issue. Action DJ to contact Stephen Lee requesting action plan and timetable and report back; MW to put on community priorities. (b) Primary schools meeting Children’s Services are looking at the issue of primary school places city-wide. A position statement and further report should be available for the next NPB meting in December. Action - 17 - DJ MW Item Decision / Action Bring Children’s Services’ statements / reports to next meeting. To be taken by MW (c) Restructure of Salix Homes - JD (presentation distributed) A patch system was introduced 1.6.11, each officer having a designated area. (p1) The structure of the team was explained (p2) how this benefits the customer (p3). Details of staff in this area (p4), Neighbourhood Officer (NO) role (p6) and 2 other teams supporting NOs (p6-7) were supplied. (e) Hospital-related parking issues JR proposed councillors meeting with Chris Findlay. Elected Members expressed dissatisfaction that no progress has been made on this issue. With hospital staff hours of work extended to 7 days per week including evenings the situation has become worse. 6. AOB Landlord licensing Landlord Licensing is proposed in Weaste and Seedley on Barff Road, Kennedy Road, New Cross Street, Tootal Drive and Tootal Road. Consultation takes place in about a week. Action Invite Landlord Licensing Team to next NPB to explain scheme more fully MW Planning application GA raised the application by Hollyrood to extend the scope of the nursery on Stott Lane to 120 children, more than double. 12. Date and time of next meeting Wednesday 14 December 2011 at 4.30 pm in Committee Room 1, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton. - 18 - All Members 9 Crime and Disorder Update Local Partnership Delivery Group The main issues considered by the LPDG at its October meeting were: Burglary (there is a current initiative to bring security in apartment blocks up to an acceptable standard); Anti-social behaviour in parts of Weaste (see CSRT note below); Large numbers of young people gathering in parks (Police and the Youth Services are continuing to respond to this issue). Community Safety Referral Team The CSRT considered 20 named individuals although several of these were agreed to no longer be of concern at this time. Ten of the individuals are involved in antisocial behaviour around the area of the rugby club and some of them have been involved in more serious crimes. Action has been taken to address the anti-social behaviour and several arrests have been made for crimes committed. 19 11 Weaste Area Forum Meeting Meadows Resource Centre, Tootal Road, Weaste Monday 12th September 2011 11am – 12pm MINUTES Present: Rebecca Mason – Acting Chair Andy Leaston, Sharman Jones, Sarah Whitehead - Weaste Area Forum Mick Walbank – Neighbourhood Management Team Kay Fairhurst – Neighbourhood Management Team Joyce Fitzpatrick – Better off in Weaste JonJo Marston – resident Joyce Kay - Community Pride Unit/Church Action on Poverty Apologies: Sharon Watters – Weaste Area Forum 1. Welcome, introductions and updates to Officers Roles Due to other commitments, Andy Leaston has retired from his role as Chair of WAF, we thank him for his work and look forward to his continued input as Vice Chair and forum member. Jonothan (JonJo) Marston is nominated by RM, seconded by SJ and instated as the Chair of Weaste Area Forum. SWd and RM will share the role as Secretary, SJ continue as Treasurer and SWs to continue as Voting Representative at Weaste and Claremont Community Committee. 2. Discuss activities since last meeting. Members of the WAF have: attended various local events to promote the forum and talk to local people, this has been successful and we have had some positive contact with people wanting to get involved; assisted in Better Off In Weaste door knocking and drop-in sessions; helped in 3 alleyway clearances; helped set up a residents group; met with a representative from Business in Community and linked them to two local groups with whom they can work and provide valuable support. 3. Further actions to be taken Aim to attend further events, such as fun-days and Christmas Fairs to continue to raise awareness of and involvement in WAF. AL to speak to the Team Vicar of Salford All Saints, Charlie Gorton regarding St Luke’s Church’s upcoming events. 20 The Eden Bus from The Message was mentioned, RM to make contact to find out if they can and will visit the area again. Salford Advertiser has shown interest in WAF, SWd to follow up and arrange interview. SWd discussed the potential for Weaste In Bloom, to investigate the possibility of this and best course of action, JF to invite a representative of Langworthy In Bloom to the meet with the forum. 4. The Studio Dance Academy We understand that The Studio Dance Academy have been successful with their planning application and we are delighted that there will be this valuable resource for the young people in Weaste. 5. Treasurers Report Short update from Sharman Jones the Forum Treasurer. £500 gratefully received from Weaste and Claremont Community Committee. 6. Forum Links to Community Committee The Forum continue to represent at the community committee meetings. SW to continue as Voting Rep for the forum. 7. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the forum will be on Monday 3rd October , 11am-12pm open public meeting to discuss issues and services in Weaste at Meadows Resource Centre, Tootal Road, Weaste. THANKYOU TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR ATTENDANCE AND CONTRIBUTIONS WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN AT MANY MORE EVENTS AND MEETINGS IN WEASTE 21 Claremont Community Association Web: Email: Height in Bloom Web: Minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2011 Members present: Julie Evans, Mary Ferrer (Chair), Pam Gill, Maurice Kirk, Elaine Laidler, Beryl Patten (Tres), Pat Sloane, Sue Pugh, Geoff Yates, Julie Evans, Rev Mary Causer, Mary Bunting, Peter Wheeler, Miranda Joksimovic, Kay Fairhurst Cllr. Sareda Dirir SCC PCSO Martin Kerr GMP Kay Fairhurst SCC Cllr. Norman Owen SCC Item 3: (i) Item 2: (i) Apologies Apologies for absence were received from:- Carol Babbs, Cath Connett, Jean Faucett, Jessie Fairchild, Joan Nolan, May Rice, Cllr Murphy Minutes The minutes from the meeting held on the 6 July 2011 were distributed electronically to all members prior to the meeting and hard copies were made available at the start of the meeting. The minutes were accepted as an accurate record. Item 3: The Police Community Beat Team / PACTs. (i) PCSO Kerr reported that he was late due to ongoing issues in Claremont which included continued problems with cannabis farms, on Carlton Road and Hunts Road specifically. It would appear that houses with cellars are particularly suitable spaces. (ii) There had been three burglaries in the area in recent weeks and three local young men had been arrested. It was noted that Operation Tricycle would be re-launched next week. (iii) Police were monitoring events regarding the new children’s home in Daisy Bank Avenue. An open day for local residents would be organised. At the moment there were no issues. (iv) Police had obviously been under pressure with the Salford riots and members thanked the police for their efforts. The meeting applauded the efforts of local residents in the clean up, many of whom were law abiding young people. (v) There had been some problems at Irlam Square and a car had been badly damaged on Elleray Road. (vi) A Safer Homes Project, similar to one run previously was open to Homewatch groups in Claremont and Weaste. Members expressed their 22 concern at the impending police cut backs and its effect on policing in Claremont. Item 4: Matters arising from the minutes (i) Light Oaks Park Gates were still being left unlocked until quite late in the evening, sometimes as late as 10 pm. It was agreed at the last meeting, as this was an ongoing problem, that Cllr Owen would invite David Robinson. Cllr Owen stated he had expected Mr Robinson to attend the meeting and would investigate further. It was hoped that an officer could attend the October meeting. Action Cllr Owen. (ii) Cllr Dirir had sent an email to Officers re the feasibility of introducing a restricted waiting time on the Bolton Road. This could help traders and prevent remote parking for non-residents. A response was awaited: continued action Cllr Dirir (iii) Both speed warning signs on Bolton Rood were out of action, one for some considerable time. Action Cllr Owen. (iv) It was noted that 234 houses and apartments were planned for the site of the former Pendlebury Children’s Hospital. Some residents were unhappy about the consultation process and despite a public meeting it was felt that the aesthetic standard of design and build was poor and lacking in local character. Residents welcome the building of housing, including social housing, and the conservation of original hospital buildings on the site but felt the design and layout was mundane and predicable for such an important site in the ward. There were also concerns over accessibility and traffic flow, especially at morning school run and during rush hour. (v) Although not in Claremont residents were concerned at the closure of Lancaster House. Rev Causer reported that she had hard evidence of the success of the hostel and was shocked that a successful and effective local resource should close. It was noted that a Salvation Army hostel would open on Duchy Road on September 30 2011. (vi) The Children’s home in Daisy Bank Avenue has opened having moved from its Weaste base. To date there had been two children housed in the home, although at the time of writing a young man had been moved elsewhere. The proprietor of the home had agreed to set up a dialogue with residents and to attend resident’s meetings. It was agreed that the Chair would make contact and invite Staff from the home to attend CCA. (vii) It was noted that a Subway outlet was to open on Bolton Road. This shop had originally been a doctor’s surgery and then a white goods store. There was some confusion over when the change of use had taken place and whether it was authorized. However, it was agreed that Bolton Road had a full provision of food outlets and residents were unhappy at this addition. It was accepted that there was little point in formally objecting but it was generally agreed that the Community would prefer the shop to have restricted opening times. Action Cllrs to press the case for a restricted opening times Monday to Saturday 9am to 6pm, no Sunday opening. 23 (viii) Discussions were in process and positive outcomes regarding provision of a dropped kerb at Ranulph Court were expected. Further information would be available at the September meeting. Action Cllr Dirir. (ix) The proposed £25 bin charge was discussed. The majority of comments were critical about this strategy which was potentially discriminatory against those who may have bins stolen, vandalised or devoured by the bin collection wagon through no fault of their own. One resident reported that wheels had dropped off her bin and she had been informed that she would have to pay the replacement charge. Action Cllr Dirir to take up this issue with Environment. (x) The proposed meeting with Cllr Lancaster re Buile Hill Mansion had not taken place. Action Cllr Murphy to reconvene meeting with Cllr Lancaster. Item 5: Environment Officer report (i) The Environment Officer expected at the meeting did not attend. Action Cllr Owen. Item 6: Councillors’ report In this section of the meeting, the three local councillors are each given five minutes in order to highlight any issues, observations, etc. that they had. At the end of the five minutes, the meeting was invited to question the councillor on any of the points raised. Cllr. Dirir Daisy Bank Avenue Reported on the opening of the home and the efforts being made to make the transition an acceptable one for all concerned as above 4(iv) Restricted waiting times on Bolton Road As above item 4(ii) Take a Break on Bolton Road: a dreadful quantity of pigeon droppings outside the shop window had drawn many comments and consternation regarding the health hazard. It was noted that the matter had been reported and that a pest control officer was involved. Former Pendlebury Children’s Hospital Cllr Dirir reported on issues relating to the development of the site. Cllr. Owen Salford Disturbances Cllr Owen spent some time expressing his thoughts on the riots. He thanked the Police for their endeavours. Ward Matters Cllr Owen explained that he was not just dealing with Claremont matters and that city wide issues were taking up much of his time. Former Pendlebury Children’s Hospital. Cllr Owen reported on issues relating to the development of the site. 24 Cllr. Murphy sent his apologies to the meeting Item 7: Treasurer’s Report (i) Current Account £442.28 (ii) Savings Account £2370.93 (iii) In Hand £11 AOB: Replacement Secretary We are delighted that Julie Evans, who works at Ranulph Court, has agreed to take on the role of Secretary. Welcome Julie. New Upmarket Coffee Bar on the Height Mary Causer reported that a new café had been opened by the Elim Church on the Height. The major aim was community focus and linking Faith communities. However there are also home baked cakes, pastries and fresh coffee for sale within a comfortable ambience - everyone welcome. The intention is to extend the opening hours as the café becomes more established. Harvest Planters We are pleased that Miranda Joksimovic has offered to plant up our boxes which were originally provided through Height in Bloom. Thank you Miranda for your generosity. Tabletop sale Height Methodist will take place 24 September 2011 Neighbourhood Management: Kay Fairhurst drew attention to The NatWest Community Force Initiative which could be useful in securing CCTV cameras for Bolton Road. Kay reported that a Claremont Weaste Disability Forum was to be set up. The De la Salle building is to open a Health Club. A Coffee Morning will take place at the Height Methodist Church on Saturday 1 October 2011 in support of Macmillan Cancer Support. The meeting closed at 9:30 pm The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 5 October 2011 at 7.30 pm at the Height Methodist Hall, King Street, Irlams O’th Height, Salford 6 25 Claremont Community Association Web: Email: Height in Bloom Web: Minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2011 Members present: Mary Ferrer (Chair), Beryl Patten (Tres), Julie Evans (Sec), J Syers, E Laidler, Pat Sloane, A Mahon, R Hamilton, Margaret Morris, Marie Chew, Jessie Fairchild, Carol Babbs, Geoff Yates, Helen Leigh Cllr. Sareda Dirir PCSO Al Dutton Kay Fairhurst Item 3: (ii) Item 2: (ii) - SCC GMP SCC Apologies Apologies for absence were received from:- Elsie Trainer, Dorothy Judd, Rev Mary Causer, Cllr Owen, Joan Nolan. Minutes The minutes from the meeting held on the 7 September 2011 were distributed electronically to all members prior to the meeting and hard copies were made available at the start of the meeting. The minutes were accepted as an accurate record. Item 3: The Police Community Beat Team / PACTs. (vii) PCSO Dutton reported there has been a recent spike in figures for burglary around the Cliftonville Drive area, arrests have been made. Keys are taken from the properties and vehicles then taken. Neighbours heard two cars driving away, both were pursued on to the Height and arrests were made, since then burglaries have decreased significantly. (viii) There have been reports of burglaries in flats & apartments with communal doors, once in the building doors are forced open. Significant arrests have been made including one local youth. (ix) There have been reports of anti-social behaviour recently this has been put down to the good weather. Large groups of teenagers on Westlands Park. As part of operation Brocade Officers are moving youths from park to park focusing on all areas highlighted, if the public notice any other hotspots they should ring the Police. (x) There was a problem with fireworks being let off by youths in Lightoaks Park at the weekend, details were taken by the Police and the Anti-Social Behaviour Team were involved and will bring parents in. (xi) Problems are on-going with riders of off road motor cycles, if any local residents know who the riders are please ring the Police on 0161 872 5050 and give a description. (xii) Enquires are on-going re recent rioting in Salford, Police are still looking through CCTV recordings to identify those involved. 26 (xiii) PCSO Martin Kerr will be meeting with the Housing Manager from Irlam Square to discuss the issues there, he has obtained a fob for the main door to enter the building at any time. (xiv) Gates at Lightoaks Park, there are no new issues. It was suggested a notice be put on the park gates so members of the public can see what time the gates should close and if they are not closed on time it could be reported to the person responsible. Cllr Dirir and Beryl Patten spoke to the person responsible for locking the gates and asked if they could be locked a little earlier. (xv) There are 80+ Homewatch groups in Claremont and Weaste, members of the public can report anything to Homewatch if they are concerned about going to the Police. The meeting suggested the Police make Homewatch co-ordinators aware of the Claremont Community Group and ask them to come along to the next meeting. Action PCSO Dutton. (xvi) Residents in Acresfield Road have voiced their concerns as to the amount of times the Police are called the Children’s Home in recent weeks. PCSO Dutton advised the Police presence does not always mean a crime has been committed; sometimes children go missing from the home. If anyone has any issues they could speak to the management of the home or contact PC Julie Smith at Pendleton Police Station. (xvii) The meeting asked if the Police were aware of youths drinking in Westwood Park and causing damage to the children’s play equipment. Police are aware of the situation and move youths on, there are concerns youths could run into the East Lancs Road and have an accident whilst running away from the Police. PCSO Dutton will speak to Sgt Roberts and PCSO Dave Hartley. The park is badly lit and people cannot be seen, locals are intimidated. Item 4: Matters arising from the minutes (xi) Pendlebury Children’s Hospital Site – the planning application has been passed. Group member Jason advised the meeting Taylor Wimpy and Barrett Homes have had no consultation with the community and feels badly let down by Labour and Lib Dem councillors, Cllr Dirir was the only councillor to attend the planning meeting. At the meeting only two residents were given five minutes to speak and were not given the opportunity to put together a presentation. Jason will write to the council and ombudsman and would like Claremont Community Association to support this happening again in other areas in Salford such as Salford Reds football ground, Hope High School, All Souls Church, Oakwood School. Residents living on Manchester Road have complained their houses are shaking due to the heavy lorries going to and from the site. It was suggested group will write on behalf of neighbours saying the planning is unacceptable, there was a unanimous decision by the group in favour of this. (xii) There have been no problems at the Children’s Home on Daisy Bank Avenue. Cllr Dirir has been round a couple of times and said the children are delightful. It is hoped the manager of the home will attend the CCA meeting soon. (xiii) Subway – Mary has sent a suggestion on opening times and has been supported by Cllr Owen and Cllr Dirir. 27 (xiv) Ranulph Court – Cllr Dirir has requested a meeting with Cllr Merry re the drop kerbs on Queen Street and is awaiting a date. (xv) Trenant Road – a property on Trenant Road has been in a run-down condition for more than 10 years, walls are falling down, and there is no roof and no stairs, no sanitation. Social Services removed a lady who lived there for her own safety. There was a compulsory purchase order on the property however an objection has been made; there will be a public enquiry on 1st November. The Chair asked for support from the CCA and all Councillors, Mary will communicate with all the councillors. Cllr Dirir is unable to attend; she will provide a written statement to be read out at the meeting. (xvi) Residents on Bolton Road are concerned re the suggestion of restricted parking adjacent the shops. If parking is restricted would this mean wardens giving out tickets? The parking bays have been designed and paid for from the devolved budget twice in recent years. Cllr Dirir will enquire how much money has been taken out of the devolved budget in recent years and how much has been paid back. Item 5: Environment Officer report (i) The Environment Officer expected at the meeting did not attend. Item 6: Councillors’ report In this section of the meeting, the three local councillors are each given five minutes in order to highlight any issues, observations, etc. that they had. At the end of the five minutes, the meeting was invited to question the councillor on any of the points raised. Cllr. Dirir Nothing to add. Cllr. Owen Sent his apologies to the meeting. Cllr. Murphy did not attend the meeting. Item 7: Treasurer’s Report (iv) Current Account £442.28 (v) Savings Account £2370.93 (vi) In Hand £17.00 AOB: Environmental Issues Three trees near the library are to be cut down, two because they are dangerous, the reason for the third is not known. Street bins on Bolton Road have not been emptied for days, Bolton road and the side roads off it and Irlam Square is strewn with litter. Emma Smith will donate plants for the raised beds on Bolton Road. Emma would like to work on the ground at the side of the Co-op (former garden centre) in 28 conjunction with MIND in Salford. The Co-op is in full support of this; Mary will contact Scanlan Management and offer CCA support. The barrier adjacent the Co-op is still down after the car chase and needs replacing. Cllr Dirir will meet with Cllr Lancaster re the Mansion House and invite him to attend this groups next meeting on 2 November. Tables are still out on the pavement outside shops on Bolton Road, they had been taken in but have been put back again. Action Cllr Dirir. The Height Methodist Church is having a Barn Dance on 19 November. Admittance it by ticket only, tickets are £10.00 and include supper. Cowboy outfits are optional, hats would be nice. Please contact the Church for tickets. The meeting closed at 9:05 pm The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 2 November 2011 at 7.30 pm at the Height Methodist Hall, King Street, Irlams o’th Height, Salford 6 29 BUILE HILL PARK WALKABOUT Thursday 13th October 2011 Present: Jim Whelan – Friends of Buile Hill Park Eileen Jackson – resident Mark Wainwright – Environmental Services Brenda Smith- Environmental Services Mick Walbank - Community Services UPDATES Extensive pruning has been carried out along the main drive to open up views through the park. The main drive tarmac has been patch repaired. New safety signs will be put up. Some “sleeping policemen” will be removed and others reduced in height because of issues with damage to cars and problems for some disabled vehicles. Capital funding is being sought to improve the memorial garden. Plans are in place to upgrade the sports area. The big, circular soak-away (the bear or crocodile pit) is currently fenced with security fencing, which is very unsightly. Still hope to have railings erected. A pedestrian gate has been put into the pitch and putt railings. After the bonfire, two more squeeze points will be installed. FORMER BOWLING GREENS It was good to see the two former bowling greens being actively used. The Croquet Group were having their last game before stopping for the winter. They engaged with some schoolboys who were being a little mischievous. Several people were working on the community growing area managed by START. A team from the Prince’s Trust was decorating the clubhouse. Next walkabout – to be confirmed. 30 LIGHTOAKS & OAKWOOD PARKS WALKABOUT Thursday 29th September 2011 Present: Mike Hinde Maurice Kirk Elaine Laidler Carol Babbs Libby Ellis Jeffrey Ellis Mark Wainwright Jessica Britch Mick Walbank - resident “ “ “ “ “ Environmental Services Ranger Service Community Services LIGHTOAKS PARK SPORTS AREA The completed work has improved the sports area considerably. There are issues with the boards around the outside coming / being pulled off. The area which has been removed from the sports area has now been grassed. Some finishing repairs to stone walls and grading of slopes will complete the initial work on this area. The area may then be marked for lawn tennis. Dog wardens have visited the park following residents’ reports of dogs being exercised on the sports area most mornings. It may be possible to use pavement stencils to paint “no dogs” signs at appropriate locations in the park, including the entrance to the sports area. OUTDOOR GYM New gym equipment has been installed and is proving popular with all ages. Repairs / strengthening has been carried out on the equipment, which was all in place and operational at the time of the walkabout. A ranger-led health walk comes from Victoria Park and uses the gym. SUMMER SHED No expressions of interest in using the shed had been made since the last walkabout. GENERAL MAINTENANCE Mark hopes to improve the general cleaning up of fallen leaves, etc in the park. He is using a magenta street sweeping vehicle on Saturdays, when it is not in use on the highways. Mark hopes to do a full prune for the first time in four years. Residents raised the issue of the cleanliness of the pond and the extent of the water lilies. 31 OAKWOOD PARK Residents raised the issue of littering associated with use of the park by Langworthy Reds Rugby Club ACTIONS ARISING FROM WALKABOUT Recommend that Community Committee ask Environmental Services to look at ways to reduce water lily growth in the pond. Residents to report littering incidents to Salford Direct (909 6500) with as much detail as possible e.g., car registrations 32 12 MAYORAL REFERENDUM Salford City Council is asking for residents’ views on proposed changes to the council’s constitution if voters in the city decide to have an elected mayor. The constitution is a set of rules that sets out how decisions are taken at the council. Before a referendum can be held, officers at the council must review the constitution to make sure they have a set of rules in place that sets out how the council would run if the public decide they would like an elected mayor. The upcoming referendum will give the public the opportunity to vote on the following question: “Should the electors for the area of Salford elect a Mayor who, with a Cabinet, will be in charge of our local services and lead Salford City Council?” It was called after the Chief Executive; Barbara Spicer received a valid petition signed by more than five per cent of the city’s electorate. The Local Government Act 2000 states that the council is legally obliged to hold a referendum if more than five per cent of the electorate call for it. The referendum will be held in January 2012. If the electorate votes in favour of the elected mayor a mayoral election will be held later in 2012. If they vote against it the current system with a leader and cabinet model will remain and it will not be possible to hold a further referendum on this subject for another ten years. Members of the public can give views and feedback on the council’s recommendations for the new constitution at The questionnaire, which is detailed below has been made available to:Community Committees - all members of Community Committees will be consulted directly. We will also use Community Committee meetings schedule to broaden the consultation process. Consultation in Salford Advertiser – we will issue a press release and publish through this local weekly paper the questionnaire. Council’s Website – the website will run an on-line consultation and feedback format throughout the period of consultation. Consult all Members of the Council – all Elected Members will be contacted individually to seek their views on the proposals. Salford Strategic Partnership – the wider forum membership will be contacted directly for their views and feedback. Questionnaires will also be placed in all four Gateway centres. Anyone with any questions about the referendum should contact Vin Joseph, Head of Democratic Services at Salford City Council on 0161 793 3009 or email