Business Econ syllabus - Rutherford County Schools

Mr. Phil Young
Business Economics
Room #715
Business Economics
Room 715
Office (615) 904-3880 ext. 29582
E-mail –
Class Email/Text Alerts:
Class Website:
Ed.S, Curriculum & Instruction, Middle Tennessee State University
MTA, Sport Management, George Washington University
BS, Business Administration, Barton College
Business Economics provides an in-depth study of fundamental concepts, free enterprise trading practices, and the various
players in the economic system. Topics include the production, marketing, and distribution of goods and services, as well as
the roles of financial institutions, the government, and the individual within the free enterprise system. Students will explore
various careers related to the economy. International trade and economics have become an integral part of Business
Economics. Additionally, a semester long stock market simulation will be used that will provide learning about stocks and the
stock market as a great tool to learn about the economy and how business works.
Activities and Instructional Methods:
My philosophy of education is one of project-based learning, where students learn best by doing, whether it is through
presentations, writing, debates, discussions, and/or creating a product. The computer lab learning environment will enable each
student to “learn by doing.” Students will analyze economic concepts through real-life current events. The class will use the
Microsoft suite software applications and the Internet for student-work purposes. Instructor will use lecture, student
presentations, student-oriented discussions, technology, as well as guided and independent practice. Students will also work in
teams in applying and/or presenting economic concepts, techniques, and practices.
Class Contribution
Effective business professionals are characterized by their skills in communication. They do not advance in their careers by
passively waiting to be called upon. Classroom exchanges are a useful tool for assessing the knowledge students brings to the
class from preparing ahead of time and determining what they are learning about the subject. The more we talk about the
subject among ourselves, the more we can all learn. 10% of your grade will be distributed according to the quality of
comments you make during class, and use of class time. Obviously, if you attend class but never participate in the discussion,
you will only receive a marginal grade.
Comprehensive Checks
There is an additional reason you should participate to be prepared for the comprehensive checks, which are short pop quizzes
that are based on a previous lecture, assigned reading or topic discussed in class. These checks can and will affect your grade
either positively or negatively. If you are borderline at the end of the grading period, active class participation, as well as a
good attendance record will benefit you toward the higher grade.
Forbes, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, MSNBC, The Motley Fool, Bloomberg,,,, Family Economics and Financial
Education. (guest user – youngp)
Late Work/Absences
The make-up policy will be in agreement with Rutherford County Schools Attendance Policy. If you are absent on the day the
assignment is due, you will have 5 school days to make up your assignment. If you are present when a due date is announced,
you are still responsible for completing the assignment by the date posted even if you are absent in the intervening time. If you
miss lecture information and/or other materials presented during class on a day that you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility
to find out what you missed and complete and missing work or notes using resources on Edmodo and Remind.
Students who underperform or having difficulty completing required coursework will be directed to remediation. Remediation
is an initiative designed to ensure that all students learn to their greatest potential. It is NOT a punishment. Students directed to
remediation will meet during the STAR period and be provided additional instruction, supplementary assignments, and
individualized assistance.
Academic Misconduct: Plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, or facilitating any such act. For purposes of this document, the
following definitions apply:
(1) Plagiarism: the adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of another person as one’s own
without proper acknowledgment.
(2) Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.
The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for credit.
(3) Fabrication: Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
(4) Facilitation: Helping or attempting to help another to violate a provision of the school code of academic misconduct.
Any student suspected of committing academic misconduct will be required to meet with me to discuss the situation. Your
name may be forwarded to your grade level administrator for possible disciplinary action. If you are found responsible for
committing the act of academic misconduct, you will be assigned a grade of 0 for the applicable assignment until you have
completed the required assignments assigned to you as a result of our meeting with a maximum possible grade of 80%.
Come to class prepared and ready to work each day—notebook paper, pencils, pens, highlighter(s), thumb drive recommended,
and three ring binder/folder for class handouts is needed. You must have your Passport in order to leave the classroom.
Classroom Norms
1. Be present and engaged – attend class regularly; only use cell phone on technology days, stay awake, focus on your
class work, not work for other classes.
2. Monitor air time and share your voice – you will know which applies to you!
3. Challenge with respect – disagreement can be healthy, respect all views
4. Be solutions oriented – for the good of the group, look for the possible
5. Risk productive struggle - this is a safe space to get out of your comfort zone and work through challenging
6. Start and end on time – maximize learning by being in your seat prior to the tardy bell ringing, anyone out of his/her
seat when the bell rings is tardy; NO EXCEPTIONS. Stay in your seat until the bell rings to dismiss class.
Business Economics Course Standards
Standard 1.0
Students will develop and apply concepts related to human relations, safety, career development,
communications, and leadership skills for a global workplace.
Standard 2.0
Students will analyze the basic economic systems in relation to scarcity, choice, and opportunity costs.
Standard 3.0
Students will analyze the role of business in a free enterprise system
Standard 4.0
Students will examine role of the individual in a free enterprise system.
Standard 5.0
Students will analyze the role of government in a free enterprise system.
Standard 6.0
Students will analyze economic concepts.
Standard 7.0
Students will analyze careers in business economics.
Standard 8.0
Students will identify market structures/forms of competition found in the U.S. economy.
The competencies to be taught in this course may be found on line at the State Department of Education,
Grading Plan Distribution – points based on difficulty of assignment
Individual & Group Projects
 Monthly Household Budget
 Factors of Production
 Economic Systems
 Fortune 500 Business Presentation
Class Work  Current Event Applications
 Stock market activities
 Lecture notes
 Guest speaker evaluations
Test/Comprehensive Checks
To be signed and returned by Friday, August 14, 2015. I have read and understand the requirements of Business Economics.
Students Printed Name __________________________________________
Students Signature _____________________________________________
Date ___________
Parents Signature ______________________________________________
Date ___________
Parent/Guardian Preferred Email contact ___________________________