Grade 5 – People in US History Students will choose a prominent person from United States History. Students will identify the major historic period the person was from. Students will conduct research about the life of their person and about their prominence in US history. Students may use books, periodicals, the internet, and reference materials. Students will identify their sources as primary or secondary sources. Students will create a timeline of their person’s life and major events in US history during their lifetime. Students will write a summary about what they have learned in a brochure about their person. Students will prepare a 4-5 minute talk as their person about their life. Students will dress as their person and use appropriate props as they participate in a class Wax Museum. Social Studies Standard 5.1 : Research Capabilities Social Studies Standard 5.1 : Chronological Thinking Social Studies Standard 5.1 : History Social Studies Standard 5.5 : Individuals, Society, and Culture Language Arts Standard 5.1 : Reading/ Decoding Language Arts Standard 5.2 : Reading Comprehension Language Arts Standard 5.4 : Writing Process Language Arts Standard 5.5 : Writing Applications Language Arts Standard 5.6 : Writing Conventions Language Arts Standard 5.7 : Listening and Speaking Information Literacy Standard 1 : Access information Information Literacy Standard 2 : Evaluate information Information Literacy Standard 3 : Uses Information Information Literacy Standard 4 : Personal Interest Information Literacy Standard 6 : Strive for Excellence Information Literacy Standard 7 : Importance of Information Information Literacy Standard 8 : Ethics Information Literacy Standard 9 : Cooperative Work Goals: Students will research and learn about a famous American from History. Students will use the writing process to write a summary of what they have learned. Students will create a brochure about their person. Students will create a timeline of their person’s life. Students will participate in a Wax Museum as their person. Students will work cooperatively with a partner. Outline: *Note* Those student materials that are underlined are provided through links. Step Leadership Student Materials Watching Role and Responsibility Activities In the classroom with the classroom teacher. Students will be introduced to the tasks – Learning about a famous American from history, creating a timeline about their person’s life, creating a brochure about their person, and participating in a Wax Museum. Students will be introduced to the student page for the project. They will use this throughout their work to guide their process. Student Page Students will be introduced to the checklist to guide their work. Checklist Students have been studying US History throughout the school year. Students will brainstorm a list of the different famous Americans from History that they can think of. Students may look into their History text or other outside resources to choose a person.. Students will choose a famous American from history to learn about. Wondering In the classroom with the media specialist Students will complete a KWL chart about the things they know about their teacher as a sample. Students will complete the KWL For the things they already know about the person they have chosen. Sample class KWL chart KWL Chart Focus Lesson Students will discuss questioning during our focus lesson. Webbing In the media Students will list questions about their teacher on the class KWL. Sample class KWL chart Students will list questions that they wonder about the person they have chosen. KWL Chart Students will work Sample keyword center with the media specialist as a class to make a list of keywords to look for information about their teacher. list for teacher. Students will identify the major historical period that their person comes from. Students will brainstorm a list of keywords that they could use to search for resources about their person, including the historical time period they are from. Keyword List Forms Students will review the possible resources listed on the keyword page. Students will begin their search by visiting the links provided on the student page. Students will be introduced to the use of our electronic resources for research, and how to search them. Students will search print materials, periodicals, Student Page electronic resources, and reference materials in our media center for information about the person they have chosen. Wiggling In the media center with the media specialist Students will review the concept of primary and secondary sources, and the advantages of each. Students will identify each of the resources they have found as primary or secondary. Students will examine the resources they have chosen and choose those that will best meet their need for this task. Students will review the ideas in completing a bibliographic references for a sample web page, book, reference book, and periodical. Students will learn how to complete a reference for an electronic resource. Students will complete a bibliographic reference sheet for the materials they have chosen. Bibliographic reference sheets Students will read their materials! Weaving In the computer lab with the teacher and media specialist Students will work to create a web on the board as a class for information about their teacher. Students will see a sample web on Kidspiration Sample Kidspiration Web for a teacher based on student Students will create input a web of the things that they have learned about the person they have chosen. Weaving (continued) In the classroom with the classroom teacher Students will add the things they have learned to their KWL chart. Wrapping In the classroom with the classroom teacher. Students will discuss the importance of using their own words, and understand the concept of plagiarism. Each student will use their web to KWL Chart write a summary about their person. Students will follow the writing process to complete their summary. Wrapping (continued) Students will word process their final draft. Students will define a time line and discuss their use. In the computer lab with the media specialist and the classroom teacher. Students will look at some sample timelines on the website, Timelines for Kids Website Students will look at the timeline frame. Timeline Frame Students will complete a sample timeline for their teacher’s life. Sample teacher timeline. Students will work to create a timeline of their person’s liofe. Students may choose to usee the template given, or a different format. Students have an option of adding pictures. Wrapping (continued) In the computer Students will look at lab with the media sample brochures. specialist and the classroom Students will Sample Brochures teacher. examine the Brochure Template brochure template – one slide for the front side and one for the backside. Students will use their summary and timeline to create a brochure about their person. They may use the template or create their own. Wrapping (continued) In the classroom with the classroom teacher. Students will develop a 3-5 minute speech about their person. The speech will be spoken as if the student IS their famous historical person. Students may choose to make notecards for their speech. Students will practice and memorize their speech. Students will plan a costume to dress as their famous person. Students will create invitations to invite other faculty members and family to their wax museum. Waving In the classroom classroom teacher and the media specialist Students will present their speech at a class wax museum, dressed as their person. Students will have a “button” for visitors to push to hear the speech. Students will use their brochure as handouts for the visitors to the museum. Wishing In the classroom with the classroom teacher Students will reflect on the process and note things they did well and things they could improve on. Students will complete rubrics to assess themselves. Reflection 8 W’s Rubric Content Writing Rubric Mechanical Writing Rubric Timeline Rubric Brochure Rubric Wax Museum Rubric