Lesson Plan 5 Name: Robin Pundzak Subject Area: Information Literacy Topic: Native Americans of the Southwest Brochure Project Title of Lesson: Design a tri-fold brochure with Microsoft Publisher. Grade Level: 6th Grade PA Academic Standards: Information Literacy: Standard 3: The student who is information literate uses information effectively and creatively. Standard 5: The student who is information literate appreciates and enjoys literature and other creative expressions of information. Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening: 1.8.8 Research. Benchmarks: Information Literacy: 3.1 Organizes information for practical application. 3.4 Produces and communicates information and ideas in appropriate formats. 5.3 Develops creative products in a variety of formats. Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening: 1.8.8C Organize, summarize and present the main ideas from research. Use formatting techniques to create an understandable presentation for a designated audience. Strategic Overview: Students will learn how to create a tri-fold brochure using Microsoft Publisher. Using the program, they will incorporate their information, including text, photos, and graphics into a brochure template of their choosing. They will learn to format their material, troubleshoot and solve design issues. They will finish this lesson by printing a content-rich, well-laid-out brochure that they will share with their fellow students. Strategy: Direct Instruction Enduring Understanding: The students will understand that knowledge of technology tools and operational procedures enables people to use technology effectively. The students will understand technology can facilitate learning when it enables students to explore ideas, solve problems, and derive meaning. Essential Questions: Why is familiarity with technology critical for today’s students? Why is desktop publishing an important skill? How does the presentation of information affect learning? Content: Objectives: Other Evidence (Formative Assessment): 1. Use of Microsoft Publisher to select a brochure template. The student will open the Publisher program, and using the wizard feature he/she will choose a brochure template. 2. Incorporate text, photos, and graphics into template. The student will select the copy, paste, and insert features to incorporate text, photos, and graphics into template. Teacher observation 3. Use of formatting options to make the brochure look the way the student wants it to. The student will modify, reorganize, and use available formatting options during the designing of their brochures. Teacher observation 4. Print final product. The student will print and fold brochures to create the finished product. Teacher observation and published brochure. Teacher observation Procedures: Lesson beginning: 1. Students will each sit at a computer workstation, making sure that they have their research notebooks with them. 2. I will be performing the steps on the Smart Board in front of the class, while the students follow on their individual computers. 3. The students will go to Start → Programs → Microsoft Publisher. Lesson Development: 1. Once Publisher opens, they will select “Publications for Print” in the New Publication window. 2. In the “Publications for Print” window, they will select “Brochures.” 3. The students will be allowed to select any brochure that they want that is listed under “Informational Brochures.” 4. I will give them about 15 minutes to look over the choices and select a template. 5. Once students have chosen a template, I will have them name their brochure and save it in My Documents, in their class folder. 6. Once their brochure has been saved, we will spend the rest of the class period working on the brochures. 7. We will be spending the next 3 class periods working on the students’ brochures and the students are welcome to come in during study hall or any other free time to work on their own. 8. At the end of the third class period, I will have the students print their brochures. 9. I will show them how the brochures print up, and I will be at the printer to assist each student. Lesson Ending: The students will print 23 copies of their brochure, one for each student, and fold them in thirds. Special Adaptations/Modifications: I will work with students individually to make sure that they understand what they need to do. I will work with special needs students to help them create their brochures. I will use extra aides or student teachers to help if possible. Physical Structure: Students will be working at computer workstations in the media center. Materials: Computer workstations with Microsoft Publisher installed, students research notebooks including all notes, photos, graphics, etc, Smart Board, printer. References: American Association of School Librarians. (1998). Information literacy standards for student learning. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. Big 6 Associates, LLC. (2005). Big 6 turbo tools resources. Retrieved on October 29, 2007 from http://www.big6.com/showcategory.php?cid=44 Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2007). Academic standards for reading, writing, speaking and listening. Retrieved on October 24, 2007 from http://www.pde.state.pa.us/k12/lib/k12/Reading.pdf Reflection: In this lesson, I need to answer any questions and clear up any confusion that students may have about Publisher and the brochures. It would be a good idea to make sure that the school’s IT is available to troubleshoot on the first day that students work with Publisher. When brochures are ready to print, I need to be at the printer to make sure that the printing goes as planned.