APPENDIX K: SAMPLE DECLARATION OF THE VALUE OF MATRIMONIAL ASSETS Divorce No. 9999 of 2014 Between … Plaintiff ABC And DEF 1 2 … Defendant The net value of the matrimonial assets is asserted to be more/less* than $5million. The detailed breakdown of the matrimonial assets is as follows: Assets asserted to be matrimonial assets Please specify each asset Current gross value of each asset 1. Matrimonial Home at 22 Cross Road, Singapore 2. Apartment at 33, Hay Street, #01-01, Singapore 3. Family Car SAA 1234B 4. Joint Bank Account at XYZ Bank, account no. 12345 5. Defendant’s Bank Account, particulars unknown $1,000,000 $400,000 $60,000 $80,000 $300,000 Total: Outstanding liabilities due to third parties which should be deducted from value of matrimonial assets Please specify each liability $1,840,000 Amount for each liability 1. Outstanding Mortgage Loan for 22 Cross Road, Singapore 2. Outstanding Renovation Loan for 33 Hay Street, #01-01, Singapore 3. Outstanding Car Loan for SAA 1234B 4. Overdraft of Plaintiff with ABC Bank, account no. 6789 $700,000 $60,000 $30,000 $50,000 Total: $840,000 Net Value of the Matrimonial Assets: $1,000,000 [total gross value of $1,840,000 less total liabilities of $840,000] 3 The order is not likely/likely* to be enforced in another jurisdiction by a party. 4 There is a novel or complex point of law to be determined as follows:The apartment at 33 Hay Street #01-01 is owned by a Trust Company set up by the Defendant and 4 other partners, all of whom are foreigners. One of the issues before the Court is whether the apartment is a matrimonial property and the trust was set up to dissipate matrimonial assets to be divided between parties 5 The Plaintiff/ Defendant/Other Party (to specify)* has/has not* completed filing the affidavits, reports, interlocutory applications and all other documents necessary for the hearing of the contested ancillary matters. 6 There is/is no* pending interlocutory application* in the ancillary matters proceedings. There is/is no* pending appeal from an interlocutory application in the ancillary matters proceedings. (signed) Signature of Plaintiff/Solicitors for the Plaintiff/ Defendant/Solicitors for the Defendant/ Other Party/Solicitors for the Other Party (to specify)* Name of party making declaration/Solicitors’ firm: M/S PQR NRIC Number *(for parties who are acting in-person only): Date: 01/01/2014 * Delete where inapplicable