The TeenWorks Program TM 1110 American Parkway NE Allentown, PA 18109 610.807.5715 or 610.758.8010 Fax: 610.867.7255 Sponsored by Lehigh Valley Labor Unions Dear TeenWorks Program™ Applicant, Enclosed please find the TeenWorks Program™ grant application. Please read both this letter and the application thoroughly to ensure proper completion of the grant application. The application must be filled out in its entirety or the form will be returned and you must re-submit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to seek a diverse method of funding for their project. TeenWorks should NOT be the only organization funding the projects. Our grants are limited to a maximum of $1,000. The type of teen group includes the following: Schools (i.e. Middle, Charter and High Schools) Faith Community (i.e. Church, Synagogue, CYO) Organizations (i.e. Boys & Girls Clubs, Youth Groups, Scouts) The Fiscal agent is a key part of this application. The TeenWorks Program™ will only release funds to an organization that is a not-for-profit corporation. The Fiscal agent will act as a liaison between you and the TeenWorks Program™. You should contact your fiscal agent to let them know that you are applying for this funding. For a list of funding agencies and potential projects, please visit the Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley’s Web site at The Volunteer Center collaborates with more than 50 area corporations and 450 Lehigh Valley agencies to create educational and human service partnerships to enhance and enrich the Lehigh Valley community. Their Web site will offer key examples of the types of projects TeenWorksTM is looking to fund. Criteria for this project include: Must be done in Lehigh or Northampton Counties. Must be a service project to benefit the community. o First consideration will be given to a project being completed in a low-income area. Must be planned, presented and implemented by teens. Because TeenWorksTM is a collaborative program with organized labor, the project should include union-made products when available and at least American made. A list of these products can be found at or you can use Google to find union affiliations. Must be presented to the TeenWorks™ Board of Directors. Presentations will be evaluated on the following: Planning processes and overall presentation How well the project addresses a need, concern or interest in the community Ability to work with other groups, if necessary You will receive a telephone call or an e-mail to notify you of your time for the presentation. The presentation should run between 5–15 minutes, plus any additional questions from the Board. The presentation must show collaboration between the teens and the adult leader and the teens need to plan on doing the actual presentation. Presenters should bring all of their necessary visual aids, materials or copies of handouts. We would like to keep one hand out for our records and the rest may be taken with you in order to save on your expenses. Applications are due in the office by the first day of every month. It is recommended that the application be turned in early guarantee as a receipt of presentation application time slot. by the end TeenWorks™ of does the NOT month does not reimburse for projects already completed or pay for food. Extensions cannot be granted, but we will hold your application to the next monthly Board review. We look forward to working with you on your project! We also host a picnic for all of our presenters in August and you are encouraged to attend and show the progress of your projects. Very truly yours, Gregg J. Potter TeenWorks Program™ Application Please complete application in blue or black ink. Date of application: __________________________________________________________ Name of teen group: __________________________________________________________ Type of teen group: School _____ Youth Group _____ Faith Community _____ How many teens are involved with this project? ____________________________________ Authorized nonprofit that will receive money: _____________________________________ Nonprofit 501C3 number: ________________________________________________ Nonprofit address: ______________________________________________________ Nonprofit e-mail: _______________________________________________________ Nonprofit phone number: ________________________________________________ Adult leader name: ____________________________________________________________ Phone Number Home: __________________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________________________________ Can TeenWorksTM call or text adult leader if needed? ____________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________ Preferred method of contact: ______________________________________________ Note: The adult leader is responsible for reviewing this application to make sure it is fully completed and that the teen is prepared to present the correct information. Teen leader name: _____________________________________________________________ Phone Number Home: __________________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________________________________ Can TeenWorksTM call or text you if needed? ____________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________ Preferred method of contact: ______________________________________________ How much money are you requesting from TeenWorks™? ___________________________ What other community groups are you partnering with? _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _______ What other groups have you requested funding from? _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______ Are you able to send digital pictures of your project to TeenWorks? ____________________ Do you need AV equipment for your presentation? Explain. ___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______ Project Goal (describe your project in detail): _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________________ _______ Project location: ______________________________________________________________ Who will benefit most from this project and why? ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______ ______________________________________________________________________ _______ Approximate time frame for project completion From: __________________________________________________________________ To: ____________________________________________________________________ Attached to this application is a budget worksheet. You should use this form to prepare your proposal. It is crucial that you fill in every column completely; the budget sheet is a key component in the Board’s approval of a project. If you have your own budget form, make sure that it includes all of the criteria, including the union-made and American-made columns we requested on the TeenWorksTM worksheet. On your budget sheet, you must indicate whether the products you are using are American-made or union-made. This criterion is very important to the Board and helps make their decision. Projects that do not contain at least American-made products will not be funded. If you have any questions, please contact the TeenWorks ProgramTM at 610.807.5715. This form should be completed and returned with any additional information to: The TeenWorks Program™ 1110 American Parkway NE Allentown, PA 18109 Applications must be received in this office by the first day of every month. Teens should be prepared to give their presentations the second Tuesday of that month. Note: Remember that the TeenWorks Program™ is a collaborative effort between organized labor and the United Way. Please make every attempt to purchase union-made products. If buying union-made products is not possible, then at least purchase American-made products, but be prepared to answer questions from the Board on your research for union-made products. Information on union-made products can be found at under the “Do buy” section. Teen Works Program Official Budget Layout Go to for union-made products! Go to for American-made products! Quanti ty Description Price Each Total Cost Unionmade Yes/No Americanmade Yes/No Total budgeted cost for this project $ Teen Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: __________ Adult Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________