CHEMISTRY 12 Sands Secondary School Ms. Hamilton Texts: Hebden Chemistry 12 student workbook You will need: Writing materials, lined paper, graphing paper, and a non-programmable scientific calculator. Course content: Introduction: Review of chemical naming, formula writing, the balanced chemical equation, and the mole. Reaction Kinetics: Introduction to “rate”. Recognize that reactions proceed at different rates depending on nature of reactants, the products and conditions of the environment. Learn methods to measure and monitor rates. Understand collision theory, reaction mechanisms, activation energy, activated complexes and catalysts. Energy and chemical reactions: Understand that molecules have kinetic and potential energy, that energy changes during reactions, that enthalpy and entropy changes affect the direction of a chemical reaction and that many reactions are reversible. Learn the conventions of ∆H and ∆S. Equilibrium: Understand why some reactions are reversible and some are not. Learn about forward and reverse reactions and conditions of equilibrium. Understand how stresses can change the equilibrium. Calculate “k”, the equilibrium constant and apply Le Chatelier’s Principle. Recognize when “k” favours the reactants or the products. Equilibrium in solutions: Recognize the equilibrium established between a solid and its saturated solution. Understand the table of general solubilities, calculate the solubility product of a given substance and use the common-ion effect to predict precipitation and/or maximum permitted concentration. Acids, bases and salts: Learn about acids, bases and salts, their properties and their uses, the importance of water, the Bronsted-Lowry and Arrhenius definitions, weak and strong acids, competition among bases for the proton, ka, kb and kw, the formation and hydrolysis of salts, acid/base indicators and titration, and acid rain, its consequences and possible remedies. Oxidation and reduction: Understand the historical definitions based on competition for the electron, learn about strong and weak oxidizing and reducing agents and use the table of reduction potentials. Understand the importance of the electrochemical cell and electrolytic cell and their applications. Assessment: Students will be assessed using both formative and summative indices. In class work includes note taking, discussion, lab work, in-class assignments, and quizzes. Homework is assigned daily and will include reading, writing, completing worksheets or textbook questions and writing lab reports. There are also periodic unit tests, a mid-year exam and a final exam. Grading: Marks breakdown: A cumulative mark is maintained throughout the year. Student/parent connect is kept updated regularly. Formal reports are given to parents throughout the year. The cumulative mark is based on: Homework + lab reports + quizzes Unit tests Mid-year exam 20% 70% 10% At the end of the year students will write a final exam. At that time the cumulative mark and exam mark are combined to give the overall final mark: Cumulative mark Final Exam 80% 20% How to do well: Read your notes at home after every class. Do your homework on the day that it is assigned (all homework is due next class) and be sure to hand it in when it is due. If you know ahead of time about a planned absence, talk to me so we can arrange for you to keep up. If you have an unforeseen absence, get the notes and homework from a friend and see me as soon as possible to get caught up. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I’m at school most days by 7:30 am and am often in my room (201) at lunch time and for a short time after school every day. I encourage you to come and ask for clarification whenever you need it! Also, I keep a page on the Sands website that you can check for homework and test dates. Other helpful resources: “The Key” has sample provincial questions and solutions from past years. It is helpful to work through each unit as we cover the material in class. Some old provincial exams and answer keys are still available on line at the ministry of education website. I will be providing you with sample questions during a review period at the end of each unit to help you prepare for tests. LET’S HAVE A GREAT YEAR!