Architecture books – old duplicate books to be withdrawn from SR library MacDonald, William L. (William Lloyd), 1921-. - Early Christian & Byzantine | | architecture. - London : Studio Vista, 1968. - (The great ages of world | | architecture). - 0289370701 Hamilton, J Arnott. - Byzantine architecture and decoration / with a | | foreword by D Talbot Rice.. - 2nd rev.ed.. - Batsford, 1956. - w2949872 Simpson, Frederick Moore. - Simpson's History of architectural development. Christian, By. - New ed. - London : Longmans, Green, 1954. - | | b5414389 Morgan, B. G.. - Canonic design in English medieval architecture : the | origins and nature of. - Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 1961. | w2943378 - Vol.2: Early | | Robertson, Donald, 1919-1984. - Pre-Columbian architecture. - London : | Studio Vista, 1968. - (Great ages of world architecture). - 0289370795 | Anderson, William J. - Architecture of Greece and Rome : a sketch of its | | historical development / W. - 2nd ed.. - London : Batsford, 1907. | | w2949369 Coulton, J. J.. - Greek architects at work : problems of structure and | | design. - London : Elek, 1977. - (Elek archaeology and anthropology). | 0236400673 | Volwahsen, Andreas. - Living architecture, Islamic Indian / English | translation (from the German). - London : Macdonald & Co, 1970. | 0356033287 | Rajan, K. V. Sandra. - Invitation to Indian Architecture.. - New Delhi : | Arnold-Heinemann, 1984. - w2943869 | | Frederic, Louis. - Indian temples and sculptures / photographs by Louis | Frederic / introduction. - London : Thames & Hudson, 1959. - w295280 | Mazzeo, Donatella. - [Civilt` khmer. English]. - London : Cassell, 1978. - | | (Monuments of civilization). - 0304302104 Leacroft, Helen. - The buildings of ancient Egypt / Helen Leacroft and | | Richard Leacroft.. - 2nd rev. ed. - Leicester : Brockhampton Press, 1963. - | | w2942775 Harper, Roger H.. - Victorian architectural competitions : an index to | British and Irish archite. - London : Mansell, 1983. - 0720116856 | Wight, Jane A. - Brick building in England from the Middle Ages to 1550. - | | London : J. Baker, 1972. - 0212984004 Salokorpi, Asko. - Modern architecture in Finland. - London : Weidenfeld, | | 1970. - w2947927 Richards, J. M. (James Maude), 1907-. - 800 years of Finnish architecture / | | J. M. Richards. - (New ed.). - Newton Abbot : David and Charles, 1978. - | | 0715375121 Skovgaard, Joakim Anthany. - A king's architecture : Christian IV and his | buildings. - London : H. Evelyn, 1973. - 0238789799 | The Amsterdam school : Dutch expressionist architecture, 1915-1930 / Wim Cooper-Hewitt Museum; Cambridge, Mass.; London; MIT, 1983. | 0262040743 de. - New York : Switzerland planning and building exhibition.. - London : R.I.B.A., 1946. - | | w295245x Graham, James Walter. - The palaces of Crete. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton | | University Press, 1969. - w2965747 Frederic, Louis. - The temples and sculpture of Southeast Asia / foreword | | by Jeannine Auboyer.. - London : Thames & Hudson, 1965. - w2942172 Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, Michhle. - Living architecture, Chinese / research | | by Nicholas Bouvier, assisted by Den. - London : Macdonald and Co., 1972. - 035603853x Heydenreich, Ludwig H., Ludwig Heinrich, 1903-. - Architecture in Italy, | | 1400 to 1600 / (by) Ludwig H. Heydenreich and Wolfgan. - Harmondsworth 1974. - (The Pelican History o.. - 0140560386 |etc.) : Penguin, Orui, N. - Castles in Japan / N Orui and M Toba.. - Tokyo : Maruzen, 1935. | | - w2946069 West, T. W. (Thomas Wilson), 1925-. - A history of architecture in Italy. - | | London : University of London Press, 1968. - 0340069260 Mitchell, Angus. - Spain : interiors, gardens, architecture, landscape / | | Angus Mitchell / phot. - London : Phoenix Illustrated, 1990. - 0753801507 Cable, Mary. - El Escorial.. - London : Reader's Digest, 1976. - w2965753 Zachwatowicz, Jan. - Polish architecture up to the mid-19th century.. | Warsaw : Institute of Polish architecture, 1956. - w2946135 | International Workshop Seminar for Students of Architecture )1983 : | | Rackeve.). - The Role of the Architect in the Development of Rackeve / | | edited by Karoly P. - Budapest : Technical University.. - 9634214266 Premises : invested spaces in visual arts, architecture, & design from | | Franc. - New York : Guggenheim Museum Publications, 1998. - 0810969157 The Beaux-arts : and nineteenth-century French architecture / edited by | Robi. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1982. - 0500340862 | Murray, Peter, 1920-. - The architecture of the Italian Renaissance / Peter | | Murray. - 2nd ed.. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1969. - (The World of art Architecture). - 0500181012 The architecture of the Icole des Beaux-Arts / edited by Arthur Drexler / | es. - London : Secker and Warburg, 1977. - 0436137100 | Pierce, S.Rowland. - Planning : the architect's handbook / S.Rowland | | Pierce, Patrick Cutbush and. - 8th ed.. - London : Iliffe, 1959. - w2911987 Kelly, Alison, 1913-. - Mrs Coade's stone. - Upton-upon-Severn : Self | Publishing Association, 1990. - 1854210556 | Architecture et industrie : passi et avenir d'un mariage de raison. - Paris | | : Centre George Pompidou, Centre de Criation Industrielle, 1983. | | 2858502021 Hopton-Wood Stone : a book for the architect and craftsman. - London : | Hopton-Wood Stone Firms, 1947. - w2914187 | Summerson, John, 1904-1992. - Architecture in Britain, 1530 to 1830.. - 2nd | | rev.ed.. - Penguin Books, 1955. - w2946106 library. Rykwert, Joseph, 1926-. - The first moderns : the architects of the | | eighteenth century. - Cambridge, Mass.; London : MIT Press, 1980. | 0262180901 | WITTKOWER, R.. - ARCHITECTURAL PRINCIPLES IN THE AGE OF HUMANISM. |p7964965 Busch, Harald. - Renaissance Europe / edited by Harald Busch and Bernd Batsford, 1961. - (Buildings of Europe series). b6109462 Moore, Charles Herbert. - Development and character of Gothic | architecture.. - 2nd ed.. - New York : Macmillan, 1906. - w2943208 |Lohse. - London : | Harris, John, 1931-. - The Palladians. - London : Trefoil Books, published | | in association with the Royal Institute of, 1981. - 086294001x Clapham, A.W.. - Romanesque architecture in Western Europe.. - Oxford : 1959. - w2946974 |Clarendon Press, Jalabert, Denise. - L'Art Normand au moyen age.. - Paris : Huisman, 1930. - w2946023 Clapham, Sir, Alfred. - English Romanesque architecture.. - [vol.1] : | | Before the Conquest.. - [vol.2] : After the Conquest.. - London : Oxford | | University Press, 1930. - w2952650 Clapham, Sir, Alfred. - English Romanesque architecture.. - [vol.1] : | | Before the Conquest.. - [vol.2] : After the Conquest.. - London : Oxford | | University Press, 1930. - w2952650 Conant, Kenneth John. - Carolingian and Romanesque architecture, 800 to Harmondsworth (etc.) : Penguin, 1973. - (The Pelican | | History of Art). - 014056013 Stoll, Robert Thomas. - Architecture and sculpture in early Britain ph. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1967.w2956470 Celtic,Saxon, Norman / with Lesser, George. - Gothic cathedrals and sacred geometry.. - London : | Tiranti, 1957. - w294348x | Illik, Drahomir. - The great architecture of Japan / translated by Joy | Turner-Kadeckova.. - London : Hamlyn, 1970. - w2942982 | Jouveau-Dubreuil, G.. - Dravidian architecture / edited with preface and | | notes byS. Krishnaswami Aiy. - Varanasi : Bharat-Bharati, 1972. - w2948648 Simpson, W Douglas. - The castle of Bergen and the Bishop's Palace at | | Kirkwall : a study in early. - Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, 1961. - w2942864 Barrucand, Marianne. - Moorish architecture in Andalusia / Marianne | Barrucand, Achim Bednorz. - Kvln : Taschen, 1992. - 3822896322 | Contemporary European architects. - Vol.5 / Philip Jodidio. - Kvln; London | | : Taschen, 1997. - 3822880701 Proskouriakoff, Tatiana. - An album of Maya architecture.. - 2nd edition. - | | Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. - w296576x Acworth, A C. - Treasure in the Caribbean : a first study of Georgian | buildings in the Briti. - Pleiades Books, 1949. - w2948424 Ivanoff, Pierre. - [Citt` maya. English]. - London : Cassell, 1975. | (Monuments of civilization). - 0304294349 |1200. - 3rd ed. - | | Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, 1903-1987. - Latin American architecture since | 1945. - New York : Museum of Modern Art, 1955. - w2965799 | Banham, Reyner, 1922-1988. - Los Angeles : the architecture of four | | ecologies. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1973. - (The architect and society). | | - 0140211780 Scully, Vincent. - The shingle style and the stick style : architectural | | theory and design from. - Revised ed. - New Haven; London : Yale University |Press, 1971. (Yale historical publication.. - 0300014341 Sanford, Trent Elwood. - Architecture of the Southwest : Indian, Spanish, | American.. - New York : Norton, 1950. - w2952615 | Eberlein, Harold Donaldson. - American Georgian architecture / by H.D. | | Eberlein and Cortlandt Van Dyke Hub. - Pleiades Books, 1952. - w2956464 Linstrum, Derek. - Historic architecture of Leeds.. - Newcastle : Oriel | Press, 1969. - w2972196 | Feuerstein, G|nther. - New directions in German architecture. - London : | Studio Vista, 1968. - (New directions in architecture). - 0289796121 | Clapham, Alfred W.. - Some famous buildings and their story / Alfred W. | Clapham and Walter H. Godf. - London : Technical Journals Ltd, 192. | w2946968 | | Nuttgens, Patrick. - York. - London : Studio Vista, 1970. - (City buildings | | series). - 0289798086 Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - Worcestershire.. - Harmondsworth : | Penguin, 1968. - (Buildings of England series). - w2948140 | Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - Wiltshire. - 2nd ed.. - Harmondsworth | | (etc.) : Penguin, 1975. - (The buildings of England). - 0140710264 West, T.W.. - A history of architecture in Scotland. - London : London | University Press, 1967. - w2946997 | Webb, Geoffrey, 1898-. - Architecture in Britain : the Middle Ages. | | Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1956. - (Pelican history of art series ; Z12). | b5616296 | Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - Warwickshire / Nikolaus Pevsner and | | Alexandra Wedgwood.. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1966. - (Buildings of w2948200 Rowan, Alistair, 1938-. - North west Ulster : the counties of Londonderry, | | Donegal, Fermanagh, and Tyr. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1979. | | (Thebuildings of Ireland ; 1). - 0140710817 Turnor, Reginald. - Nineteenth century architecture in Britain. - London : | | Batsford, 1950. - (British art and building series). - b5102401 Buildings of England : Surrey / edited by Ian Nairn andNikolaus Pevsner.. - | | Penguin books, 1962. - w295355x Verey. - Gloucestershire.. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1970. - (Buildings of | | England series.). - w2968622 Ulster architecture : an exhibition of architectural drawings, photographs | | a. - Ulster Museum, 1973. - w2947293 England series). - Allsopp, Bruce, 1912-. - The great tradition of western architecture / | | Bruce Allsopp, Harold W. Booto. - London : Black, 1966. - w2958285 Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - An outline of European architecture. - | | 2nd enlarged ed.. - London : Murray, 1948. - w2946939 Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - An outline of European architecture. - | | 2nd enlarged ed.. - London : Murray, 1948. - w2946939 Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - An outline of European architecture. - | | 7th ed. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1963. - (Pelican books ; A109). | | 0140201092 Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - An outline of European architecture. - | | 7th ed. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1963. - (Pelican books ; A109). | | 0140201092 Whittich, Arnold. - European architecture in the twentieth century.. | London : Crosby Lockwood, 1950. - w2958279 | Whittich, Arnold. - European architecture in the twentieth century.. | London : Crosby Lockwood, 1950. - w2958279 | Sachar, Brian. - Atlas of European architecture. - New York; Wokingham : | Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984. - 0442281498 Smith, G.E.Kidder. - The new architecture of Europe.. - Prentice-Hall | International, 1962. - w2946980 | | Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society. - Vol.4. - London : Ancient | | Monuments Society, 1956. - x6921706 Betjeman, John, 1906-1984. - Ghastly good taste, or a depressing tale of | | the rise and fall of English arc. - London : Chapman & Hall; 1933. | | w2958612 Ison, Walter. - The Georgian buildings of Bristol.. - London : Faber, 1952. | | - w2946081 Braun, Hugh. - Elements of English architecture. - Newton Abbot : David and |Charles, 1973. 0715357751 Brunskill, R. W. (Ronald William). - Traditional buildings of Britain : an | | introduction to vernacular architectur. - London : Gollancz in association | | with Peter Crawley, 1981. - 0575028874 Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - Buckinghamshire. - London : Penguin, buildings of England ; 19). - x5244534 |1960. - (The Curl, James Stevens, 1937-. - English architecture : an illustrated | | glossary / James Stevens Curl / with a. - Newton Abbot : David and Charles, 071537110x Dannatt. - Modern architecture in Britain.. - London : Batsford, 1959. | w2958635 | Dixon, Roger, 1935-1983. - Victorian architecture / Roger Dixon, Stefan | Muthesius. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1978. - (The World of art | library). - 0500181632 Pevsner, Sir, Nikolaus, 1902-1983. - County Durham.. - Harmondsworth : | Penguin Books, 1953. - (Buildings of England series). - w2946253 | | | |1977. - Glancey, Jonathan. - New British architecture. - London : Thames & Hudson, 0500276072 Liverpool Heritage Bureau. - Buildings of Liverpool. - Liverpool : (The | Bureau), 1978. - 0950617806 |1990. - | Jencks, Charles, 1939-. - Modern movements in architecture/Charles Harmondsworth:Penguin1973.(A pelican original). 0140215344 Jencks. Busch, Harald. - Renaissance Europe / edited by Harald Busch and Bernd Batsford, 1961. - (Buildings of Europe series). b6109462 Scottish pioneers of the Greek revival / Nic Allen, editor. - Edinburgh : | Scottish Georgian Society, 1984. - 0950039217 | Seven Victorian architects : William Burn, Philip and Philip Charles | Hardwic. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1976. - 0500340706 | Summerson, John, 1904-1992. - The classical language of architecture. | London : Methuen, 1964. - b6422199 Lohse. - London : | Guinness, Desmond. - [Palladio]. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1976. Hersey, George L.. - High Victorian Gothic : a study in associatism. | Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972. - w2976047 | Charlton, John, 1909-. - Osborne House / (for the) Department of the | Environment. - London : H.M.S.O., 1974. - 0116700696 Crook, J. Mordaunt (Joseph Mordaunt), 1937-. - The Greek revival : | neo-classical attitudes in British architecture, 1760-18. - London : J. | Murray, 1972. - 0719527244 0500340676 | | | Macaulay, James. - The Gothic revival, 1745-1845 / James Macaulay. | Glasgow : Blackie, 1975. - 0216898927 | Art Nouveau architecture / edited by Frank Russell. - London : Academy | Editions, 1979. - b8009781 | The Open University : History of Architecture and Design 1890-1939. - Units | | 5-6 : Europe 1900-1914 / Tim Benton, Stephan Muthesius and Bridget Wil. The Open University Pr.. - w2957535 | Milton Keynes : The Open University : History of Architecture and Design 1890-1939. - Units | | 5-6 : Europe 1900-1914 / Tim Benton, Stephan Muthesius and Bridget Wil. The Open University Pr.. - w2957535 Milton Keynes : The Open University : History of Architecture and Design : Documents : A | col. - Milton Keynes : The Open University Press, 1975. - w2957185 | Versailles et les Trianons.. - Paris : Braun, 190. - w2954063 Colvin, H. M. (Howard Montagu). - Royal buildings. - Feltham : Country Life | | Books, 1968. - (Royal Institute of British Architects. Drawings series). - | | b6824180 The Open University : History of Architecture and Design 1890-1939. - Units | | 13-14 : The International Style / Tim and Charlotte Benton. - Milton Keynes | | : The Open University Press, 1977. - w295720x Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, 1903-1987. - Architecture : nineteenth and 2nd ed.. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1963. w2946833 twentieth centuries.. - Stokhuyzen, Frederick. - The Dutch windmill.. - Bossum : van Dishoek, 1962. - w2948507 Visser, C.. - Onze Hollandsche Molen / C. Visser and others .. - Amsterdam, | | 1926. - w2953589 lloyd, David. - Railway station architecture / David Lloyd and Donald | Insall.. - Newton Abbott : David & Charles, 1919. - w2948312 | Bowers, Michael. - Railway styles in building / by Michael Bowers with | | photographs by Patrick. - London : Almark Publishing, 1975. - 0855242388 Biddle, Gordon. - Victorian stations : railway stations in England & Wales, | | 1830-1923 / drawin. - Newton Abbot : David and Charles, 1973. - 0715359495 Taylor, Nicholas. - Monuments of commerce. - Feltham : Country Life Books, Institute of British Architects drawings series). - b6824750 Richards, J. M. (James Maude), 1907-. - The functional tradition in early | industrial buildings.. - London : Architectural Press, 1958. - w2949949 Satanic Mills : Industrial Architecture in the Pennines / Marcus Binney, | Ran. - London : SAVE Britain's Heritage, 1978. - w287562x |1968. - (Royal | | Baker, Diane. - Potworks : the industrial architecture of the Staffordshire | | Potteries. - London : Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of 1873592019 |England, 1991. - Keeble, Richard. - Surrey pubs / drawings by Joan Charleton.. - London : | Batsford, 1965. - w2948298 | Richardson, Sir, Albert, 1880-1964. - The old inns of England / with a | | foreword by Sir Edward Lutyens / illustrate. - London : Batsford, 1934. - | | w2949978 Brabbs, Derry, 1947-. - English country pubs / Derry Brabbs. - London : | Phoenix, 1997. - (Country series). - 1857999231 | Burke, Thomas. - English inns.. - Collins, 1943. - w294823x Skilton, C. P.. - British windmills and watermills. - Collins, 1947. | w2949300 | Short, Ernest. - The house of God : a history of religious architecture.. - | | 4th rev.ed.. - Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955. - w2949412 Short, Ernest. - The house of God : a history of religious architecture.. - | | 4th rev.ed.. - Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955. - w2949412 Steinhauser, Monika. - Die Architektur der Pariser Oper : Studien zu | | ihrerEntstehungsgeschichte und. - Munich : Prestel-Verlag, 1969. - w2952791 La Scale, 2 agosto 1778 - 11 Maggio 1946.. - Milano : Ente autonomo del | teatro La Scale, 1946. - w2968591 | | Weihsmann, Helmut. - Monster am Highway : die Architektur der Zeichen / Weihsmann, Horst S. - Frankfurt am Main : Fricke Verlag, 1983. 3881840567 Cook, G. H. (George Henry). - Portrait of Durham cathedral. - London : | | Phoenix House, 1948. - (The English cathedrals). - w2949174 Clifton-Taylor, Alec, 1907-1985. - English parish churches as works of art. | | - London : Batsford, 1974. - 0713427760 |Helmut Yates, Nigel, 1944-. - Buildings, faith, and worship : the liturgical | | arrangement of Anglican churc. - Oxford : Clarendon, 1991. - 0198261977 Bowyer, Jack, 1927-. - The evolution of church building / Jack Bowyer. | London : Crosby Lockwood Staples, 1977. - 0258970316 | Kay, Cyril. - Bothenhampton and it's churches / compiled and written by | | Cyril Kay (Churchw. - Bothenhampton : Bothenhampton District Church w2888372 Council, 1982. - Platt, Colin, 1946-. - The parish churches of medieval England. - London : | | Secker & Warburg, 1981. - 0436375532 Howard, E. - The mediaeval styles of the English parish church : a survey | of their develo. - London : Batsford, 1936. - w2948329 | Cannon-Brookes, Peter, 1938-. - Baroque churches. - London : Hamlyn, 1969. | (Great buildings of the world). - w2951142 Cook, G H. - English collegiate churches of the middle ages.. - Phoenix, | 1959. - w2944805 | Biedrzynski, Richard. - Kirchen unserer Zeit .... - Munich : Hirmer, 1958. | | - w2951171 Lindley, Kenneth. - Chapels and meeting houses / foreword by John Piper. 1969. - 0212998374 London : J. Baker, Whiffein, Marcus. - Stuart and Georgian Churches : the Architecture of the | | Church of England out. - London : Batsford, 1947. - w2875576 Jervoise, E. - Ancient bridges of the south of England.. - London : | Architectural Press, 1930. - w294927x | Strzygowski, Josef. - Early church art in northern Europe, with special | referenceto timber constru. - Batsford, 1928. - w2951165 | Towards a church architecture / edited by Peter Hammond.. - London : | Architectural Press, 1962. - w2945006 | Restoring Venice : the Church of the Madonna dell'Orto / edited by Ashley | Cl. - London : Paul Elek, 1977. - 0236400800 | Crossley, Fred H. (Frederick Herbert), 1868-. - English church design, | | 1040-1540 AD : an introduction to the study of mediae. - London : Batsford, 1945. - w2944975 Cook, G H. - Portrait of Canterbury Cathedral.. - Phoenix, 1949. - w2948358 Male, Emile. - The early churches of Rome / translated by David Buxton.. - | | London : Benn, 1960. - w2948387 Briggs, Martin S. - Puritan architecture and its future.. - London : | Lutterworth, 1946. - w2944811 | Hastings, Maurice. - St. Stephen's Chapel, and its place in the development | | of perpendicular styl. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1955. - | | w2949228 St George's Chapel, Windsor : the quincentenary souvenir book of | | photographs. - Gerrards Cross : Smythe (for) the Dean and Canons of St Win, 1975. - 0901072222 Frederic, Louis. - Indian temples and sculptures / photographs by Louis | George's Chapel, | Frederic / introduction. - London : Thames & Hudson, 1959. - w295280x Fisher, Ernest Arthur. - The greater Anglo-Saxon churches : an | architectural-historical study.. - London : Faber, 1962. - w2944969 | Catalogo parcial de monumentos religiosos coloniales del Estadode Morelos, w2951202 Church buildings / edited by the Architects' Journal. - London : | Architects' Journal, 1967. - x3556850 M, 1973. - | Prentice, Sartell. - The heritage of the cathedral : a study of the | | influence of history and thou. - New York : Morrow, 1936. - w2944998 Fitchen, John. - The construction of Gothic cathedrals : a study of | | medieval vault erection.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1961. - w2948275 Jones, Anthony, 1944-. - Welsh chapels. - Cardiff : Amgueddfa Genedlaethol 0720002907 Bourke, John. - Baroque churches of central Europe.. - Faber, 1962. | w2936303 Cymru, 1984. - | Powell, Ken, 1947-. - The fall of Zion : northern chapel architecture and | | its future / special pho. - London : SAVE Britain's Heritage, 1980. | | 0905978064 Bugge, Anders. - Norwegian stave churches / translated by Ragnar | Christophersen.. - Oslo : Dreyers, 1953. - w294186x | Cobb, Gerald. - English cathedrals : the forgotten centuries : restoration | | and change from 1. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1980. - 0500272123 Morris, Richard, 1947-. - Cathedrals and abbeys of England and Wales : the 600-1540. - London (etc.) : Dent, 1979. - 046004334x Bayet, M.. - Encyclopedie par l'image : les cathedrales francaises.. | Paris : Hachette, 1925. - w2951260 | Marangoni, L.. - La basilica di S. Marco in Venezia.. - 2nd edition. | Milan : Bonomi, 1916. - w2951136 Monteverdi, A.. - Il duomo di Cremona, il battistero e il torrazzo.. | Milan : Bonomi, 1911. - w2951254 Villard, Ugo Monneret de. - Il duomo di Milano.. - 2nd edition. - Milan : | Bonomi, 1912. - w2951113 | | | Henderson, George. - Chartres.. - Penguin, 1968. - w2944900 Henry, Frangoise. - Irish high crosses.. - Dublin : Three Candles, 1964. - | | w2948370 Le palais Ideal a Hauterives,drome. - w2954152 Cook, G. H. (George Henry). - English monasteries in the Middle Ages.. | London : Phoenix House, 1961. - w2948482 | Smith, Mrs, A. Murray. - Westminster Abbey : its story and associations.. - | | London : Cassell, 1906. - w2951231 Knowles, David. - Monastic sties from the air / by David Knowles and J.K.S. | | St.Joseph.. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1952. - w2951248 building Church, H|rlimann, Martin. - English cathedrals / photographs and introduction by | | Martin H|rlimann, descr. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1950. - b5004780 Lang-Sims, Lois. - Canterbury Cathedral : mother church of Holy Trinity. - | | London : Cassell, 1979. - 0304302279 Rodin, Auguste, 1840-1917. - Cathedrals of France.. - London : Country | Life, 1965. - w2944892 | Rahlves, Friedrich. - Cathedrals and monasteries of Spain / translated by | James C Palmes.. - London : Nicholas Kaye, 1966. - w2944923 | Temko, Allan. - Notre-Dame of Paris.. - Secker& Warburg, 1956. - w2949234 Richardson, Alan, 1905-1975. - York Minster restored. - (York) : (Dean and | | Chapter of York), 1972. - 0950247103 Batsford, Harry. - Cathedrals of England / Harry Batsford and Charles Fry. | | - 8th ed.. - London : Batsford, 1950. - w2944917 Spence, Sir, Basil. - Out of the ashes : a progress through Coventry | Cathedral / by Sir Basil Spen. - London : Bles, 1963. - w2941758 | Birt, Raymond. - Glories of Winchester Cathedral / photographs by A.W. | Kerr. - London : Winchester Publications, 1948. - w2944082 Letarouilly, Paul Marie, 1795-1855. - The basilica of St. Peter : La | basilique de Saint-Pierre. - w2952756 | | Bergere, Thea. - The story of St. Peter's / Thea Bergere and Richard | Bergere.. - London : Muller, 1966. - w294493x | Balthasar, Dieter von. - St. Peter's.. - Longmans and Genoa, Stringa, 1960. | | - w2951314 Branner, Robert. - Chartres Cathedral : with source material and selected | | writings. - London : Thames & Hudson, 1969. - (Critical studies in art | | history). - 0500460027 Thompson, A. Hamilton (Alexander Hamilton), 1873-1952. - The cathedral England / by A. Hamilton Thompson. - London : SPCK, 1925. w294487x Spence, Sir, Basil. - Phoenix at Coventry : the building of a cathedral.. - | | London : Bles, 1962. - w2948364 Friends of Canterbury Cathedral : annual reports.. - Canterbury : Friends | of Canterbury Cathedral, 1933. - w295274x | Batsford, Harry. - Cathedrals of England / Harry Batsford and Charles Fry. | | - 8th ed.. - London : Batsford, 1950. - w2944917 Gibberd, Frederick, 1908-1984. - Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, | | Liverpool.. - London : Architectural Press, 1968. - w2936384 Harvey, John, 1911-. - Cathedrals of England and Wales. - (New) ed., | | completely revised and enlarged. - London : Batsford, 1974. - 071340616x Prior, Edward S. - The cathedral builders in England.. - London : DSeeley, | | 1905. - w2948335 Simson, Otto von, 1912-. - The Gothic cathedral. - 2nd ed. - New York : | Pantheon Books, 1962. - x5519184 | churches of Sudley : The Emma Holt Boquest : Illustrated Catalogue and History of the | Ho. - Liverpool : The City Council. - w292410x | Chapman, Margaret G.. - Lancashire Halls. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Graham, 0900409770 | Wilson, Michael I.. - The English country house : and its furnishings. | London : Batsford, 1977. - 0713408979 1971. - | Ditchfield, P. H. (Peter Hampson). - The manor houses of England / | | illustrated by Sydney R. Jones.. - London : Batsford, 1910. - w2942048 Nicolson, Nigel, 1917-. - Great houses of Britain / photographs by Kerry | Dundas. - London : Spring Books; Hamlyn, 1968. - 060001651x | The Chateaux of France / by the editors of Rialitis-Hachette and Daniel | Whee. - New York : Vendome Press, 1979. - 0865650365 | Rotondi, Pasquale. - The ducal palace of Urbino : its architecture and | | decoration. - (Abridged ed.). - London : Tiranti, 1969. - (Tiranti library | | series). - 0854581308 Bentmann, Reinhard. - [Europdische Paldste. English]. - London : Cassell, | 1978. - 0304301914 | Molinard, Patrice. - Les chbteaux de la Loire / photographies originales de | | Patrice Molinard / ph. - unpaged : ill. 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