
Interactive Matrix Calculator
Version of 2 January 1987
Copyright (c) 1987
David L. Turner
Mountain Home Software Co.
13360 N. Mt. Home Road
Cove (Lewiston),Utah 84320
Phone (801)258-5164
Provided as User Supported Software, to be freely copied for
noncomercial use. The author reserves the right to distribute this
package or any part thereof, for profit.
If you find this program useful, your voluntary contribution of $25,
or whatever you feel the program is worth, will provide updates,
further documentation and encouragement for production of similar
The program is written and compiled in Microsoft Basic. It uses
double precision arithmetic for all storage and operations. Due to a
limitation of Microsoft Basic, the program operates on only 20 matrix
areas, numbered from 1 through 20. Each matrix may store 150
elements, the product of the number of rows with the number of
columns. Since the matrices are stored in contiguous blocks, if every
other matrix, say numbers 1,3,5, etc. only, are used, then up to 300
elements per matrix may be stored. Storage of 450 elements per matrix
possible if only areas 1,4,7 etc. are used, 600 elements if only 1,5,
etc. are used, etc. Since the program makes no boundary checks, the
151st element of a matrix will be placed into the first position of
the next matrix.
Only one Operation at a time is performed, i.e. only one
multiplication, one addition, etc. Results may be displayed at any
time using the Print command. The storage limit of 20 matrices may be
extended by using the disk for additional storage and retrieval.
Known limitations of the program are those inherent to Microsoft
Basic, i.e. limited array storage size, no recognition of path names
for files, etc. The program has been in use in classroom and
consulting work for several years, so most of the major bugs have been
taken care of. Registered users will be notified of major updates and
new releases. Problem reports are encouraged as are suggestions for
The program is invoked from the MS-DOS prompt by giving the command
MATRIX. This displays the opening screen, which lists the version,
the author and the following menu:
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Valid Commands are:
+ or A to Add matrices
C to do Cholesky (Square root) decomposition
D to Duplicate (copy) from one area to another
E for Elementary operations loop
F to Fix a single element
G to get Part of a matrix (copy part to another)
I to calculate the Inverse using sweep operator (Gaussian
J to Join two matrices together
K to Keep or retrive a worksheet to or from disk
?, L or H for Help or to List the menu
* or M to Multiply matrices
N to print or read a 'nice' matrix
P to Print a matrix to screen or disk
Q or X to Quit or Exit
R to Read in a matrix from keyboard or disk
- to Subtract matrices
S to Sweep a matrix
T to calculate Trace and/or sum of all elements of a matrix
' to Transpose a matrix
Z to change Epsilon or change values < epsilon to 0
Execution of each command is begun immediately after the appropriate
letter is touched. The program prompts the user for additional
required input. A brief alphabetical listing and discussion of each
command follows.
The program asks for indices for the left, right and answer or
destination matrices. The example below adds Matrix 1 on the left and
Matrix 2 on the right, putting the answer into Matrix 3.
To Add (left or first) matrix + (second or right) matrix
into (destination) matrix, Enter numbers for
left, right and destination matrices: 1 2 3
Matrix 3 = Matrix 1 + Matrix 2
For a nonnegative (positive definite or positive semidefinite) matrix
A, the Cholesky or square root decomposition finds an upper
triangular matrix T such that T'T = A. If a nonsquare matrix (A,B),
is input to this routine, then A is still assumed to be a nonnegative
matrix. For such nonsquare matrices, the Cholesky decomposition
leaves the T matrix in the first k rows and columns and the product
(T'inverse)B in place of the B matrix. This is a very useful
procedure in statistical modeling.
If the following matrix is in area 3,
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
1 ,
2 ,
2 ,
20 ,
3 ,
26 ,
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then the Cholesky command execution is begun by touching the C key at
the READY prompt. The program then asks for the number of the
original matrix, the matrix to be "square rooted," and a number for
the result. Again it is a good idea to print the resulting
"Choleskied" matrix. To be certain of the output, calculation and
examination of T'T is also recommended.
Cholesky or square root decomposition routine
Enter number of matrix to square root and number of matrix for result:
3 4
Matrix 4 contains the 'square root' of Matrix 3
This produces the following matrix in area 4:
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
1 ,
0 ,
2 ,
4 ,
3 ,
5 ,
Sometimes it is useful to operate on a copy of a matrix rather than
the original matrix. To Duplicate or copy a matrix, touch the D key
at the READY prompt. Then enter the number of the original matrix and
the number for the copy or duplicate.
Matrix Duplication or Copy routine
Enter numbers for original and copy matrices:
Matrix 2 is a copy or duplicate of Matrix 1
1 2
This command lets the user perform elementary row operations such as
interchanging 2 rows, multiplying or dividing a row by a constant or
adding a multiple of a row to another row.
If a matrix A is augmented by an appropriate sized identity, and then
elementary row operations are performed on the augmented matrix (A,I)
until the matrix looks like (I,B), then B will be the inverse of A.
If the original A matrix cannot be reduced to an identity, coming as
close as possible will make B a generalized inverse of A.
For the example below, the matrix (1 2/2 5) is augmented with a 2 x 2
identity matrix and this 2 x 4 matrix is then loaded into matrix area
1. To start the Elemenrary row operations, press the E key at the
READY prompt and then follow the instructions.
For this simple example, the first row is multiplied by -2 and added
to the second row. After printing this intermediate result, it is
easy to see that the second row must be multiplied by -2 and added to
the first row. This makes an identity matrix where the A matrix
started and consequently contains the inverse of A where the identity
started. This inverse may then be extracted from this augmented
matrix using the Get command.
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Routine to do elementary row operations
Enter number of matrix to work on: ? 1
C followed by numbers of rows to interchange
Enter M or * (D or /) followed by first row#, scalar, second row#
to Multiply(Divide) first row by scalar and add to second row
If second row# is omitted, row will be multiplied by scalar
P will print the matrix
L or H to print menu (list) of elementary commands
<CR> will return to main menu (terminate elementary operations)
Enter operator: M 1 -2 2
Row # 1 has been multiplied by -2
Enter operator:
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
1 ,
0 ,
2 ,
1 ,
1 ,
-2 ,
0 ,
1 ,
Enter operator: M 2 -2 1
Row # 2 has been multiplied by -2
Enter operator:
and added to row # 2
and added to row # 1
Row # 1 :
1 ,
0 ,
Row # 2 :
0 ,
1 ,
Enter operator: <cr>
5 ,
-2 ,
-2 ,
1 ,
Since few typists or data entry personnel are perfect, a command is
provided to fix a single element in any of the matrices. To Fix a
matrix, touch the F key at the READY prompt and follow the
instructions. The example below makes the element in row 1 and column
3 of matrix 1 equal to 33. It is a good idea to print the matrix
after changing an element to confirm that the change has taken place.
Matrix Fixing routine
Enter matrix number, row no. and column no.
of element to fix and the correct value: 1 1 3 33
The element in row 1 and column 1 of Matrix 3 has been changed to 33
Sometimes a matrix must be decomposed into some smaller pieces. This
may be done with the Get command. Columns and rows from one matrix
are copied into a second matrix. If matrix 3 contains the product
(X,Y)'(X,Y), then Rows 1 and 2 and columns 1 and 2 contain the X'X
matrix. Rows 1 and 2 of column 3 contain X'Y.
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To start the Get command, just touch the G key at the READY prompt and
follow the instructions.
Get part of a matrix
Enter number of original and new matrices: 3 5
Enter the number of rows for the new matrix:
? 2
Now enter 2 indices for the rows to be selected from old matrix
to be put into the new matrix 1 2
Now enter the number of columns for the new matrix
? 1
Now enter
1 indices for columns to be selected from the old matrix
to be put into the new matrix 3
Matrix 5 contains parts of Matrix 3
Enter number of matrix to print:
or enter file name to write matrix to a disk file: 5
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
6 ,
46 ,
46 ,
462 ,
Gaussian elimination or pivoting is the only explicit inverse routine
provided in this package. Some very elementary checks are built in to
prevent division by zero or by a number "close" to zero. The validity
of any inverse computed by this procedure should be checked by seeing
if the product of the orignial matrix and the supposed inverse is
"close" to an identity matrix.
The X'X matrix Gotten in the Get example is inverted. The procedure
is invoked by touching the I key at the READY prompt and then giving
the number of the matrix to invert and the number of the matrix for
storing the result. The actual value of the pivoting element is
printed. The matrix must be swept or pivoted on each diagonal element.
In the example below, the answer is checked by multiplication. Note
that this product matrix is "close" to an identity matrix.
Inversion using Sweep operator (Gaussian elimination)
Enter index of matrix to invert and index for result: 4 6
Sweeping element # 2
With diagonal value= 462
Sweeping element # 1
With diagonal value= 1.4199134199134
Matrix 6 = (Matrix 4)inverse
To Multiply (left or first) matrix * (second or right) matrix
into (destination) matrix, enter numbers for
left, right and destination matrices
Or to multiply a matrix by a scalar enter M (or D to divide)
followed by matrix number and scalar: 4 6 7
Matrix 7 = Matrix 4 * Matrix 6
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Matrix output routine
Enter number of matrix to display or
enter a file name to write matrix to a disk file: 7
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
.9999999999999999 , -6.938893903907228D-18 ,
-8.881784197001252D-16 ,
1 ,
The Join command is used to augment or put together two matrices. To
Join 2 matrices together, touch the J key at the READY prompt and
follow the instructions. Again it is a good idea to print the
resulting joined or augmented matrix.
For vertical augmentation,
work with transposes and then transpose the final augmented matrix.
Matrix Joining or augmentation routine
Enter numbers for left, right and augmented matrices: 2 2 3
Matrix 3 = (Matrix 2, Matrix 2)
To save or retrieve all the matrices for a particular worksheet, the
Keep command is used. It dumps or retrieves all the matrices to or
from a file, allowing the user to save all of the current matrices or
to retrieve all of the matrices used in a previously saved worksheet.
Touching the K key at the READY prompt causes the program to prompt
the user for more information. To save the current worksheet type S
followed by a file name. To retrieve a previously saved worksheet,
type R followed by the name of the file to be retrieved.
The Save operation creates a file whose first 2 records describe what
the file is. The next record tells the overall size of the worksheet,
the number of matrices available and the number of elements for each
one. Then comes information about each matrix: the matrix number,
the number of rows and the number of columns followed by the elements
of the matrix in rowwise order.
When retrieving a saved worksheet, the program lists the matrix number
and size for each matrix as it is retrieved. An example of both
saving and the later retrieval of a worksheet is given below.
Worksheet Save/Retrieve routine
Enter S to Save a worksheet
R to Retrieve or Reload a worksheet: S
Enter name of file to be Saved or Retrieved: try.sav
Saving the matrix worksheet into a file named try.sav
2 x 2 Matrix 1 in the worksheet stored in file try.sav
2 x 2 Matrix 2 in the worksheet stored in file try.sav
2 x 4 Matrix 3 in the worksheet stored in file try.sav
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Worksheet Save/Retrieve routine
Enter S to Save a worksheet
R to Retrieve or Reload a worksheet: R
Enter name of file to be Saved or Retrieved: try.sav
Retrieving a worksheet from the file named try.sav
Beginning to load a matrix into area # 1
Matrix area number 1 has been successfully loaded with a
Beginning to load a matrix into area # 2
Matrix area number 2 has been successfully loaded with a
Beginning to load a matrix into area # 3
Matrix area number 3 has been successfully loaded with a
Very limited help is provided in this program, i.e. the list of valid
commands is printed whenever a ?,H or L key is touched at the READY
Two matrices may be multiplied together only if they are conformable
multiplication. This means that the number of columns in the left or
first matrix must be the same as the number of rows in the right or
second matrix. The program does not make any checks for
so the user must be careful, and printing of each of the component
matrices and the product matrix is recommended. As an example, the
product M2*M1 is computed below and placed into matrix area number 3.
To Multiply (left or first) matrix * (second or right) matrix
into (destination) matrix, enter numbers for
left, right and destination matrices
Or to multiply a matrix by a scalar enter M (or D to divide)
followed by matrix number and scalar: 2 1 3
Matrix 3 = Matrix 2 * Matrix 1
This command may also be used for performing scalar multiplication or
division where each element of a matrix is to be multplied or divided
by a scalar.
To Multiply (left or first) matrix * (second or right) matrix
into (destination) matrix, enter numbers for
left, right and destination matrices
Or to multiply a matrix by a scalar enter M (or D to divide)
followed by matrix number and scalar: M 1 3
Every element in matrix number 1 has been multiplied by 3
To Multiply (left or first) matrix * (second or right) matrix
into (destination) matrix, enter numbers for
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left, right and destination matrices
Or to multiply a matrix by a scalar enter M (or D to divide)
followed by matrix number and scalar: D 1 2
Every element in matrix number 1 has been multiplied by .5
Microsoft Basic has very primitive output formatting capacities, but
some nicer formatting is possible. This command functions just about
like the Print command. To print a matrix in a "nice" format, touch
the N key, then the P key and then specify the matrix to print. The
matrix is then printed in scientific notation. For example,
-.7012195122D-01 translates as -.7012195122 times 10 to the -1 power,
or -0.07012195122 for the final answer.
For a 'nice' printout enter 'P'
To input a 'nice' (i.e. rectangular) matrix, enter 'R': P
Matrix output routine
Enter number of matrix to display or
enter a file name to write matrix to a disk file: 4
Row #
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
3 :
The Nice command may also be used to read in rectangular matrices or
data from a previously prepared disk file. For example, if the matrix
(1 2 3/4 5 6) is stored in a file named TRY.IT which contains 2
records, one for each row, then this file may be read into a matrix
area using the Nice Read command. Note that the 2 values for number
of rows and number of columns must be separated by a comma for this
For a 'nice' printout enter 'P'
To input a 'nice' (i.e. square) matrix, enter 'R': R
Enter name of previously saved file to read from disk:
Reading a matrix from a previously saved file
Enter the number of the area to read matrix into ? 1
Enter number of rows and columns for the matrix: ? 2 3
?Redo from start
? 2,3
2 x 3 matrix from file read into Matrix 1
Matrix output routine
Enter number of matrix to display or
enter a file name to write matrix to a disk file: 2
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
1 ,
4 ,
2 ,
5 ,
3 ,
6 ,
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To see the results of any command, the Print command must be used.
The program prompts for and prints only one matrix at a time. Any
matrix may also be printed to disk, expanding the storage capacity of
the program. An example of disk storage for an individual matrix is
provided below. The example below is started by touching the P key at
the READY prompt and then entering 2 as the number of the matrix to be
Matrix output routine
Enter number of matrix to display or
enter a file name to write matrix to a disk file: 1
While only 20 matrices are available for internal storage, matrices
may be written to disk files, one file per matrix. To create a disk
file for any matrix, simply touch the P key at the READY prompt and
then enter a file name rather than a matrix number. The program will
then prompt for the number of the matrix to be written to the disk
file. For example, to create a file which contains the matrix stored
in area number 1, give the file name EXAMPLE.MAT when prompted for the
matrix number.
Matrix output routine
Enter number of matrix to display or
enter a file name to write matrix to a disk file: example.mat
Number of Matrix to write to disk: ? 1
Matrix 1 written to the file example.mat
Although a control-C or control-Break command will kill the program,
the Q or X command will cause a "graceful" exit from the program.
Touching the Q or X key at the READY prompt causes the program to
Before any operations may be performed, something must be read into
the matrix worksheet to operate on. To read a matrix in, the Read
command is used. The program then asks for the number of the matrix
to read data into, and then the number of rows and columns to be read
in. The program then prompts for the entries for each row. The
numbers for each row must then be entered separated by commas or
For example, to read a 2 row by 3 column matrix into area 1, start by
touching the R key at the READY prompt, and then following the
instructions. The first line indicates that the matrix is to be read
into area 1 and that it will contain 2 rows and 3 columns. The
elements for the first row are then entered, followed by the elements
for the second row.
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Matrix Read or Input Routine
Enter matrix number, no. rows and no. columns or enter a
file name to read a previously saved file from disk: 1 2 3
Input row # 1 : 1 2,3
1 2,3
Input row # 2 : 4,5,1
To read a matrix back into a matrix area, give the file name when
prompted for a matrix number. The example below reloads the matrix
saved previously in the file EXAMPLE.MAT.
Matrix Read or Input Routine
Enter matrix number, no. rows and no. columns or enter a
Enter name of previously saved file to read from disk: example.mat
Reading a matrix from a previously saved file example.mat
Enter the number of the area to read matrix into ? 2
2 x 4 matrix read from the file example.mat into Matrix 2
The Subtract command works just like the addition command except that
the right or second matrix is subtracted from the left or first
matrix. For example,
To Subtract (left or first) matrix - (second or right) matrix
into (destination) matrix, Enter numbers for
left, right and destination matrices: 1 2 3
Matrix 3 = Matrix 1 - Matrix 2
The sweep command may be used in finding inverses of "nice" matrices.
It performs Gaussian elimination one step at a time. It is a very
convenient method of performing multiple regression analysis
computations especially when any variable selection is to be done.
The matrix listed below contains the product (X,Y)'(X,Y) = X'X X'Y
The X matrix contains the X or independent variables to be used in
predicting the Y variable. After sweeping one or more variables into
the equation, the column which originally contained X'Y will contain
the regression coefficients for those variables in the equation. The
single element corresponding to the Y'Y element in the initial or
original matrix will contain the error sum of squares for the model
containing the swept variables.
One nice feature of the sweep operator is that it is reversible. This
means that if a variable is swept twice, the second sweep removes the
Interactive Matrix Calculator Documentation
variable from the equation.
regression programs.
Page 11
This procedure is widely used in stepwise
Generally the first column and row corresponds to an X variable which
is equal to 1 for each observation to put the intercept into the
equation. The second, third, etc. columns correspond to the first,
second, etc. variables available for the equation. The last row and
column corresponds to the Y variables.
In the example below, the intercept is first "swept" into a 1 variable
equation which also has an intercept. This gives corrected sums of
squares and crossproducts for the second and third columns and rows of
this matrix. The second sweep operation gives the (X'X) inverse, the
vector of regression coefficients and the error sum of squares. The
initial, unswept matrix is
Row #
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
3 :
6 ,
46 ,
68 ,
46 ,
68 ,
462 ,
612 ,
612 ,
858 ,
Sweep Operator
Enter matrix and element number to sweep: 4 1
Matrix 4 has been swept on element 1
Sweep Operator
Enter matrix and element number to sweep: 4 2
4 has been swept on element
Matrix output routine
Enter number of matrix to display or
enter a file name to write matrix to a disk file: 4
Row # 1 :
.1666666666666667 ,
11.33333333333333 ,
Row # 2 : -7.666666666666667 ,
90.66666666666667 ,
Row # 3 : -11.33333333333333 ,
87.33333333333333 ,
7.666666666666667 ,
109.3333333333333 ,
90.66666666666667 ,
Sometimes the sum of the diagonal elements, the trace of a matrix, is
needed. This is done with the Trace Command which is started by
touching the T key at the READY prompt. This causes the program to
prompt the user for a matrix number. The sum of all the elements and
the sum of the diagonal elements is then computed and printed.
Matrix Trace and sum routine
Enter number of matrix whose elements are to be summed
or whose trace is to be found if matrix is square: ? 2
Sum of all elements in matrix area # 2 is 2
Trace of matrix area # 2 is 2
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The Transpose command interchanges rows and columns, for example
changing the ith row into the ith column. If a(ij) represents the
element in the ith row and jth column of the original matrix A, then it
will become the element in the jth row and ith column of A', the
transpose. If the original matrix has m rows and n columns, then the
transpose will have n rows and m columns. Again, it is a good idea to
print the transposed matrix. Execution begins by touching the ' key
and then entering the numbers for the origninal and transpose
Transpose routine
Enter number of matrix to transpose and matrix number for result:
Matrix 2 = Matrix 1'
1 2
Sometimes values that should be zero turn out "close" to zero. For
example, -8.88 times 10 to the minus 16 is "close" to zero. The Fuzz
routine goes through and compares each element of a matrix with an
"Epsilon" value, changing those which are smaller in absolute value
than Epsilon to zero. The first part of the Fuzz command allows the
user to change the value of Epsilon. The second part allows a
particular matrix to be "defuzzed."
The product of a matrix with its diagonal should be an identity
matrix, but often the off-diagonal elements are close but not quite
equal to zero. Touching the "Z" key at the READY prompt starts the
Fuzz procedure. For the example below, a matrix is defuzzed and then
printed. Note that the first element should be 1, but is instead
"close" to one. The fuzz routine changes only values that are "close"
to zero.
Matrix defuZzing routine
Epsilon is currently 1.000000013351432D-10
Enter a new value to change, or hit <CR> to leave:
To defuZz or convert absolute values < 1.000000013351432D-10
Enter matrix area number. <CR> Otherwise: 2
Values in matrix area # 2 which were less than
1.000000013351432D-10 have been changed to zeroes
Matrix output routine
Enter number of matrix to display or
enter a file name to write matrix to a disk file: 2
Row #
Row #
1 :
2 :
.9999999999999999 ,
0 ,
1 ,
0 ,