Object Oriented Databases: The Essentials

Object Oriented Databases: The Essentials
Gürkan Nişancı
Bilkent University,
Department of Computer Engineering,
user interfaces, etc. What is an object? As
written in Object-Oriented Database
Systems: Promises, Reality and Future,
[Kim-93], “The term “object” means a
combination of “data” and “program” that
represents some real-world entity” and
object-oriented is stated as combination of
object encapsulation and inheritance.
Encapsulation means that the users cannot
see the inside of the object capsule, but can
use the object by calling the program part of
object. Inheritance can be called as “reuse”.
Inheritance is creation of a new object by
extending an existing object. The power of
object-oriented concepts is delivered when
encapsulation and inheritance work together.
Object-Oriented Database Management
System is a database management system
that implements objects directly, in contrast
to relational, network or hierarchical
database management systems. ObjectOriented Databases are databases that
support objects and classes. They are
different from the more traditional
relational databases because they allow
structured sub-objects, each object has its
own identity, or object-id (as opposed to a
purely value-oriented approach) and
because of support for methods and
inheritance. This paper attempts to
summarize the features characterizing
object-oriented databases (OODBS or
ODMS). This paper also attempts to
invalidate the commonly held view that the
lack of a standard object model is a
disadvantage for object oriented database
systems. After an introduction I'll clarify the
buzzword object-orientation and then go
into detail of the database and objectoriented features of an OODBS. Finally I'll
have a look on present and future of objectoriented database management systems.
OODBMS is a database management
system that implements objects directly, in
contrast to relational, network or
hierarchical database management systems.
An object-oriented database management
system supports the modeling and creation
of data as objects. It contains not only data
structures but also procedures that act upon
those structures. Some relational database
management systems do implement some
procedures in a database via rules and
triggers, but an object database contains
methods--complete, perhaps very complex,
procedures along with data structures. In
pure OODBMS, the only way to access
database data structures is through methods.
Users can support new media types with OO
databases simply by creating new objects.
With OO databases, the application and the
1. Introduction
Today, object-oriented principles are
used in many technologies like objectoriented programming languages, objectoriented database systems, object-oriented
database use exactly the same object model.
This isn’t the case with relational database,
with which users must utilize an object
model for the application and a relational
data model for the database. So users must
develop mapping procedures between the
object and relational models.
2. Promises of Object Oriented
The main objective of an OODBMS
is to provide consistent, data independent,
secure, controlled and extensible data
management services to support the objectoriented modeling paradigm. Today’s
OODBMS provide most of these
capabilities. Many of these products are
second generation OODBMS that have
incorporated the lessons learned from the
first generation products. Given the high
degree of interest in object-oriented
technologies, there is a substantial market
pull to put OODBMS products on a fast
track where features and capabilities will
continue to advance at a rapid rate.
Currently, object-oriented database
management systems are receiving a lot of
attention from computer society. In the
paper “The Object-Oriented Database
System Manifesto”, [Atkinson-89] the reason
of this situation is stated: “Three points
characterize the field at this stage: (i) the
lack of a common data model, (ii) the lack
of formal foundations and (iii) strong
experimental activity.” Object-oriented
databases have the ability to model all three
of these components directly within the
problem/solution modeling capability.
The main difference between a
traditional DBMS and an OODBMS is in
the passive and active behavior of the
underlying system and the way these are
implemented. A traditional database is a
passive one; for instance, it embodies a
collection of structured data such as a
relational database. When data is to be
processed and manipulated, it is accessed by
the application program via DBMS, stored
in program data structures, processed to
produce the required action, and the results
of that action are written back on the passive
database. In an object-oriented environment,
database management systems must be able
to store objects (messages, methods,
attributes and instance variables), their
relationships (subclass-of or superclass-of)
and the class hierarchy. An object-oriented
database system must be able to retrieve
objects, relationships and hierarchy at a later
time. In an object-oriented database, once a
user request is transmitted to the object base,
the objects respond to the request in a way
consistent with their behavior, take
necessary action, alter data, and invoke other
Relational database technology has
failed to handle the needs of complex
information systems. The problem with
relational database systems is that they
require the application developer to force an
information model into tables where
relationships between entities are defined by
values. Relational database design is a
process of trying to figure out how to
represent real-world objects within the
confines of tables in such a way that good
performance results and preserving data
integrity is possible. Object database design
is quite different. For the most part, object
database design is a fundamental part of the
overall application design process. The
object classes used by the programming
language are the classes used by the
ODBMS. Because their models are
consistent, there is no need to transform the
program’s object model to something unique
for the database manager.
objects, if necessary, to complete the
request. Objects talk to each other by
messages while a request is completely
performed within objects, unlike with
traditional DBMS.
the benefits will be realized after a
considerable investment has been made to
learn how to use it effectively.
3. Limitations of Relational
A major strength of the OODBMS
technology is its ability to represent complex
behaviors directly. By incorporating
substantially reduces the complexity of
applications that use the database. In the
ideal scenario, most of the application code
will deal with data entry and data display.
All the functionality associated with data
integrity and data management would be
defined within the basic object model. The
advantages of this approach are all
operations are defined once and reused by
all applications, and changes to an operation
affect all applications, simplifying database
maintenance (although most databases
require the applications to be recompiled).
Usually database programming is
accomplished by embedding SQL queries
into the user interface program to access or
update the database. The programming
language (C, Visual Basic, Visual C++) has
its own data model independent from that of
database system, as does the database
system. The disparity between the two is in
the respective data models in that neither
resembles one another very closely.
communications barrier between the two
systems which is perpetuated by this
disparity among the two competing data
models, which somewhat explains why the
programming aspect is referred to as the
"front-end" and the database storage aspect,
which is clearly isolated from the actual user
interface program is sometimes called the
"back-end". The process, which is often
gone through to accomplish communication
between a developed program and its
underlying database is done in three basic
The benefits of object-oriented
database applications development are an
increase in productivity resulting from the
high degree of code reuse and an ability to
cope with greater complexity resulting from
incremental refinement of problems. One
also gets increased design flexibility due to
polymorphism and dynamic binding.
Finally, both developers and users will
experience benefits resulting from the
naturalness and simplicity of representing
data as objects.
1. Move data from the database into the
program work area,
2.Perform operations on the retrieved
These strengths need to be weighed
introduced by this new and different way of
engineering solutions. Different engineering
considerations contribute to performance
and reliability than for relational DBMS.
Projects need to be managed differently.
Clearly, one needs to approach this new
technology with eyes open, recognizing that
3. Move manipulated data back to
database origin.
This inherently leads to difficulties
in having to translate between a
programming language and its target
querying language as well as efficiency. For
example, consider that most database
languages represent data in rows composed
of attributes (each of which can be varying
data types), whereas with programming
languages variables are usually of a single
type unless expressed in a class or structure.
In order to refer to these individual database
rows, they must be bound to individual
program variables or objects (these said
objects must then in turn directly reflect the
underlying database structure). For this
reason, a great deal of computational effort
can thus be expended in converting one data
model's variables to another to allow
operations on the data to be performed
correctly, in addition to the necessary
retrieval and rewriting of the database
information. This intrinsic difference in the
way in which actual data is represented by
databases and programming languages can
be called an impedance mismatch.
with complex behaviors. An application area
where this kind of complexity among data
types, object relationships, and object
behaviors exist includes engineering,
automation and large information systems.
Although these are not the only areas in
which OODBs could be used, as they could
provide the same database functionality as
its relational precursor, these fields are ones
which can fully realize the potential strength
with which OODBs is able to model
complex real-world situations.
4. Features of An Object
Oriented Database System
An object-oriented system must
satisfy 2 criteria: it should be a DBMS, and
it should be an object-oriented system. To be
a DBMS it must have these 5 features:
persistence, secondary storage management,
concurrency, recovery and an ad hoc query
facility. For the existence of second criteria,
there must be eight features: complex
objects, object identity, encapsulation, types
or classes, inheritance, overriding combines
with late binding, extensibility and
computational completeness.
Furthermore, the majority of
relational database systems only include
standard fixed data types such as integers,
reals and char string - with a few special
types such as data and money. There is no
current facility within relational systems to
allow the user to define new types with their
own unique operations.
Another shortcoming of relational
databases is they have poor modeling power
and structure. The relational system relies on
the row structure for its data form and this in
turn explains its method of data transactions
and manipulations through querying. With
this approach no method is provided for
records/objects that are equal (having the
same values) and two records/objects that
are identical (being the same object).
4.1 Complex Objects
One of the major features, in my
opinion, is the support of complex objects
(also referred as composite objects), i.e.
simpler objects (lowest level e.g. integerand character-objects) can be put together in
order to build objects that are more similar
to the real world objects. These composite
objects can be viewed by the database user
from whatever level of detail he requires.
Complex object constructors, e.g. tuples,
sets, bags, lists, and arrays, must be
orthogonal, i.e. they should apply to any
object. Furthermore there must be
Generally, the use of OODBs is most
advantageous when presented with one of
the following scenarios: a large number of
different data types, a large number of
relationships between the objects, objects
functionalities for transitive operations (e.g.
deletion) on complex objects.
ability to express any computable function
with a data manipulation language. This is
yet another instance of the OODB approach
attempting to eliminate the disparity
between languages, and develop a unifying
language that is powerful enough to handle
complex data operations.
4.2 Inheritance
Inheritance is the ability to define
descendent classes that have common data
or methods that can be incrementally altered
to form another object class. This property
methodology, gives sub-classes the ability to
participate in the transmission/manipulation
of data and access methods within its
hierarchy scope. With inheritance complex
problems can be represented more faithfully
and intuitively in a way which promotes the
reuse of code and shared application
4.5 Polymorphism - Overloading,
Overriding and Dynamic Binding
These OODB principles have been
borrowed from object oriented programming
ideas. Polymorphism is comprised of
overloading and overriding to generate "one
interface, multiple methods." Overloading
allows a single method to be implemented
multiple times in multiple ways, usually
differentiated by the parameters each new
implementation takes. Overriding allows redefinition of implementation to take place
given these varying types. To accomplish
these first two OODB principles, dynamic
binding must be employed to determine at
run-time which operation is to be executed,
depending on which object is requested.
Together, these three features allow code to
be representative of problem domains (with
such things as multiple constructors) without
being of a narrow scope limited to a specific
4.3 Encapsulation
In the most general sense,
encapsulation is an object oriented technique
which hides the data and implementation of
operations making them only accessible
through those same operations or methods.
This, in turn, provides data independence
where implementations of classes can be
altered without the need to alter other
methods. The only way to access and
manipulate these attributes is through the
provided methods, which establishes a
single cohesive model for data and its
methods along with information hiding.
4.6 Persistence
Although not part of the object
model as applied to object oriented
databases, persistence is one of the
fundamental ideas behind them. From the
database perspective, this model is quite
evident, however from the programming
perspective it is rather alien. Essentially,
persistence allows data to survive past the
execution of the creating process to be
reused later in another process. This unique
approach to programming was invented by
4.4 Completeness
The type of completeness required of
OODBs is that which involves computations
both simple and complex. In the relational
system, SQL does possess many of the basic
computational functions within its symbols
(+, -, /, *) yet it is far from complete.
Computational completeness calls for the
Joachim Schmidt in Germany, and Malcolm
Atkinson and Ron Morrison in Scotland, and
has now been applied extensively to many
prototypes and commercial software
database products.
Persistence by reachability: Each object or
data value, if in the scope of an object,
which is itself persistent, is as a result
persistent as well.
3. The program can operate in the same way
on persistent and transient data. Regardless
of the data, which is the target of an
application's operation, the application will
operate indifferently upon it. This is a
natural extension to rule two, and ensures
there is virtually no communication barrier
between the application and the database.
To alleviate the problems that arise
with relational systems in the impedance
mismatch and the communication barrier,
persistence allows the programming
language and the database to have the same
model with the program being able to
manipulate transient data and persistent data
in the same way. In doing so, the problem of
isolating the application from the database is
eliminated as direct, immediate interaction
with the database is made possible through
persistence. In the paper, "Those Persistent
Objects“, Bancilhon lists three basic rules
for this interaction:
Ultimately, the persistent model is
one, which unifies the application and its
corresponding database by insisting on
global operations acting indifferently on all
data, a common language interface, and a
recognizable division between transient and
persistent data.
1. The database model and the programming
language type system are the same. This in
turn corrects the impedance mismatch by
doing away with data conversions between
two separate data models and replacing them
with one common model.
4.7 Object Identity
Objects, in themselves, have an
identity separate from that of their actual
state, and although this idea is not new from
an object-oriented standpoint, it is when
considering databases. Object identity
establishes relations among objects, in
addition to a means of navigation within the
database structure. It follows then that two
objects can be identical or that two objects
can be equal - yielding two different object
equivalence. As a result, this gives rise to
two implications: object sharing and object
updating as it is written in "The ObjectOriented Database System Manifesto”.
2. Data is partitioned between persistent data
and transient data. The persistence model
permits programs to manipulate persistent
and transient data - persistent data is update
by means of transactions, which once
committed are final, whereas transient data
has existence only for as long as the life of
the program. Furthermore, the persistent
model can be dynamic, meaning that an
object's persistence status can be modified,
or static, entailing that the object's status
remains unchanged throughout its lifetime.
Persistence models, as a result, can be
generated by two approaches:
Object sharing involves the idea that
two objects can share a component or data
element. As an example, loosely based on
one found in the "Manifesto," consider an
object Person composed of a name, age and
a set of children he/she has. Suppose two
persons Fred and Wilma have a mutual child
Persistence by creation: Objects are created
with a persistent status.
Pebbles, each would be represented as
persistent language based OODBs naturally
perform navigational search (owning to their
programming language heritage), while
query language based OODBs naturally
perform query search.
(Fred, 41, {(Pebbles, 4, -)})
(Wilma, 30, {(Pebbles, 4, -)})
With this representation it is not clear
whether Pebbles is the child of Fred and
Wilma or actually two similar children
named Pebbles are involved in the relation,
although we all know the former to be true.
Object sharing makes this explicit, as the
Person Pebbles would have an OID such as
#123 to yield:
4.8 Ad Hoc Query Facility and
Users need a simple ad-hoc query
facility. This feature is well known from
relational systems and must therefore be as
declarative, efficient and application
independent The database should provide a
high-level, efficient, application independent
query facility but not necessarily a query
language. As it is written in “The ObjectOriented Database System Manifesto”, a
query facility should satisfy the three
(Fred, 41, {123})
(Wilma, 30, {123})
which makes the parental lineage clear.
Object updates ripple through to all
objects which share components or data
elements. If Pebbles' age were to change all
that is required is to change the object with
the ID #123. Yet in a relational system this
might involve a whole series of updates to
each object with that sub-object (e.g. all
Persons Fred, Wilma, and Pebbles would
have to be changed without OIDs). Herein,
one can easily see the maintenance
advantages with object identity.
i) It should be high level,
ii) It should be efficient,
iii) It should be application independent.
Since we can't exclude the
probability of a system failure (hardware or
software) the OODBS should have a suitable
recovery mechanism which ensures always
an integrated state of the data.
Other object identity operations
which could be supported include object
equivalence tests (identical vs. equal), object
comparisons, object cloning and object
Navigation is searching on the basis of
following pointers through a network of
objects. Querying is searching by making
queries (boolean expressions) on records in
a set (a class in this case). Queries spring
from traditional database technology.
perform search on their (non-persistent) data
structures by navigation. Therefore,
5. Limitations of OODBMS
As with relational systems, object
oriented database systems also possess their
own unique limitations. These peculiarities
typically stem from the fact that OODBs are
such a relatively new branch within
information systems.
First of all, there is no defined
standard. Unlike traditional relational
mathematical background, OODBs are still
in a dizzying state of flux with many
competing views and prototypes. The
ODMG (Object Database Management
Group) has given an optimistic window of 2
years to have a complete set of standards
developed within the CPSC community.
Whether this can be accomplished or not,
and be recognized as THE standard, is a
function of time.
6. Conclusion
It is obvious that relational systems
are nowadays extremely widespreaded
because of the early standards concerning
the data model and bindings to programming
languages. The SQL standard satisfies adhoc query requirements and is supported by
most systems. Because users are willingly
conservative in using systems, relational
systems will, in my opinion, keep their
advantage past the year 2000. But I'm sure
object-oriented systems will come up
because they are considered to satisfy new
needs better than traditional systems and the
interaction with other object-oriented
environments (e.g. GUIs) seems to be more
efficient, however, a standard would speed
up the expansion of OODBSs in the market
Moreover, there is no prevailing
language. As a direct result of the above
listed limitation, one conventional language
to model, develop and implement OODBs
has not yet emerged as it has with relational
systems and SQL. The object model clearly
designates the type of language to be used
(eg. C++, java), yet many of the prototypical
OODB systems are implemented in
languages as OPAL (for the GemStone
system), Prolog, and CQL++ - which are
essentially are hybrids of object oriented
languages, data manipulation languages
(DMLs) and data definition languages
The object query language (OQL) is
a declarative (nonprocedural) language,
which allows querying and updating
database objects. Its syntax is SQL-like but
it is not fully compatible with the still
evolving SQL standard in order to avoid
limitations on its clarity and power. Queries
can invoke methods and methods in
supported programming languages can
include queries. OQL provides high- level
primitives to deal with sets, structures, lists,
and other object collections.
Methods defined within an OODB
system for designated classes establish a
logical constraint as to how actual data can
be accessed and manipulated (especially if
truly encapsulated), making 'ad hoc' queries
difficult to execute from within the OODB.
To remedy this, "The Object Oriented
Database System Manifesto" suggests a
browser to provide the
functionality of constructing simple queries
for the user.
Relational joins may disappear
because of the use of an object data model
or may be replaced with data references.
Traversing a data reference is a lot faster
than building a join. Object databases can
often be made more efficient than relational
systems, but only when the data model has
been properly constructed and the strengths
and weaknesses of each DBMS model and
implementation have been carefully
considered. OODBMSs will probably not
replace relational technology but will handle
Furthermore, it is still a question
how transaction management will be done.
With OODB methods often involving
complex data processing, a dilemma arises
when considering how to avoid losing large
amounts of work to rollbacks, as well as
long delays caused by conventional locking.
complex data processing situations that
require graphics, hypertext or multimedia
capabilities. Such problems commonly
appear in artificial intelligence, CAD/CAM,
office information systems, and other
applications in which information is
interrelated and diverse in structure and
complexity. Currently, the methods,
modeling tools, and languages are primarily
for standalone operation and make it
difficult to integrate the new technology into
the information system's production
environment. As more tools become
available and
techniques and
methodologies become more well known,
however, integration problems with
mainstream information system applications
will likely be resolved and new application
areas will be developed.
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