Common cough mixture ingredients

Common cough mixture ingredients- What are those ingredients on the label?
Active ingredients
Suppressants/antitussives (for dry
coughs) — codeine, dextromethorphan,
pholcodeine, diphenhydramine,
Suppress the cough reflex by
depressing the cough centre in
the brain.
Codeine is addictive and can cause constipation.
Diphenhydramine is also an antihistamine (see
below). Don’t use suppressants for a productive
cough, and don’t give them to children, especially if
they have asthma.
Expectorant (for congestion) —
guaiphenesin, senega, ammonium
chloride, ammonium bicarbonate, squill
Helps cough up the mucus and
prevents throat irritation by
increasing mucus flow.
If you have a productive cough, don’t use
antihistamines (see below) — they may make the
secretions thick and promote bacterial infection.
Mucolytics — bromhexine, sodium citrate Thin and break down mucus.
Blocked, congested nose; sinus and ear congestion
Pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine
Unstuffs your nose by reducing
blood supply and consequently
swelling in the nose and airways.
This eases breathing and helps
sinus drainage, but can make
your nose runnier.
Can cause insomnia and counteracts sedative effect
of antihistamine. Not suitable for people with
diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, enlarged
prostate, glaucoma, thyroid disease, or those taking
certain antidepressant medicines. Side effects
include dizziness, tension headaches and
palpitations in some people. Banned in competition
Dripping nose
Antihistamines — brompheniramine,
They may help dry up a runny
chlorpheniramine, dexchlorpheniramine, nose and stop sneezing, but their
diphenhydramine, doxylamine succinate, main effect is sedation.
promethazine, triprolidine
Sedative effect is useful to help induce sleep at night.
Don’t drive, drink alcohol or operate machinery. Side
effects include dry mouth, blurred vision,
constipation. Don’t take if you have a productive
cough. Not suitable for people with urinary retention,
glaucoma. Check with pharmacist if you’re taking
other medication.
Pain and fever
Pain relief, reduces fever.
Dangerous to exceed dose by even small amounts.
Those with kidney or liver disorders need lower