Sample Character Reference Letter

6-10 Oct 2008
13-17 Oct 2008
20 – 24 Oct 2008
27 – 31 Oct 2008
28-29 OctCumhuriyet Fest
03 – 07 Nov 2008
10 – 14 Nov 2008
17-21 Nov 2008
24-28 Nov 2008
01-05 Dec 2008
08-12 Dec 2008
Kurban Fest
Welcome ! Reading the Syllabus
Unit 1. Mind, Body, and Health
Chapter I – The Influence of Mind Over Body
1. What is Stress (Thinking about the topic, highlighting, building
vocabulary: guessing from context, test-taking: preparing for a shortanswer quiz & writing short answers to test questions)
2. Stress and Illness (Building vocabulary: synonyms & antonyms,
scanning, paraphrasing causality, summarizing)
Unit 1. Mind, Body, and Health
Chapter I – The Influence of Mind Over Body
3. Coping with Stress (Predicting the content, reading for main ideas,
building vocabulary: dealing with unknown words, writing a summary)
4. Psychology and Cancer (Building vocabulary: learning word clusters,
scanning, reading for detail, citing studies in your writing.
Reading Portfolio Task 1
Unit 1. Mind, Body, and Health
Chapter 2 – Preventing Ilness
1. Heart Disease (Personalizing the Topic, skimming for main ideas, test
taking: answering true/false questions about a text, language focus:
making comparisons, writing a paragraph)
Reading Portfolio Task 2
Quiz 1: 31 Oct 2008
Achievement 1: 06 Nov 2008
Unit 1. Mind, Body, and Health
Chapter 2-Preventing Illness
2. Smoking (Thinking about the topic, skimming for main ideas,
analyzing paragraph organization, writing a listing paragraph,
dramatizing the text, language focus: awareness of levels of formality)
Reading Portfolio Task 3
Unit 1. Mind, Body, and Health
Chapter 2-Preventing Illness
3. Exercise (Thinking about the topic, speed reading, reading for detail,
writing a summary)
4. Wellness (Thinking about the topic, asking clarification questions
about a text)
Unit 2. Development Through Life
Chapter 3 – Adolescence
1. Defining Adolescence (Personalizing the topic, reading for te main
idea, analyzing paragraph organization)
2. Physical Change in Adolescence ( Examining graphic material,
skimming for main ideas, reading for detail, language focus: gerunds as
subjects, personalizing the topic)
Reading Portfolio Task 4
Quiz 2: 28 Nov 2008
Achievement 2: 04 Dec 2008
15-19 Dec 2008
22-26 Dec 2008
29 Dec- 02 Jan 2009
31 Dec, 01 Jan 2009
New Year
05 – 09 Jan 2009
12 – 16 Jan 2009
19-23 Jan 2009
26-30 Jan 2009
Unit 2. Development Through Life
Chapter 3 – Adolescence
3. Cognitive and Social Development in Adolescence (The SQR3 System
Part 1, note-taking in the margins, the SQRS3 System Part 2,
personalizing the topic, writing a summary)
Unit 2. Development Through Life
Chapter 3 – Adolescence
4. Teenage Suicide (Predicting the content, skimming for main ideas,
reading for detail, applying what you know: analyzing new data)
Reading Portfolio Task 5
Unit 2. Development Through Life
Chapter 4 – Adulthood
1. Early Adulthood (Personalizing the topic, building vocabulary:
collocations: reading for detail, personalizing the topic, personal writing)
Unit 2. Development Through Life
Chapter 4 – Adulthood
2. Marriage and Family (Language focus: expressing confidence in the
truth or accuracy of a fact, personalizing the topic, personal writing)
Chapter 4 – Adulthood
3. Middle Adulthood (Thinking about the topic, building vocabulary:
guessing meaning from context, reading for main ideas, applying what
you read)
Unit 2. Development Through Life
Chapter 4 – Adulthood
Late Adulthood (Thinking about the topic, speed reading, reading for
detail, reading critically, writing a summary)
Reading Portfolio Task 6
Unit 3. Intelligence
Chapter 5 – Assessing Intelligence
1. Intelligence Defined (Thinking about the topic, skimming for main
ideas, reading for detail, building vocabulary: collocations)
2. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test (Examining graphic material,
effective note-taking, test-taking: preparing for a short-answer quiz)
Quiz 3: 09 Jan 2009
Unit 3. Intelligence
Chapter 5 – Assessing Intelligence
3. The Wechsler Intelligence Tests (Building background knowledge on
the topic, reading for detail, applying what you know: designing a test)
Oral Exam 1: 12-14 Jan 2009
Unit 3. Intelligence
Chapter 5 – Assessing Intelligence
4. Giftedness (Thinking about the topic, speed reading, reading for detail,
personalizing the topic, writing a summary)
Reading Portfolio Task 7
Achievement 3: 29 Jan 2009
16 – 20 Feb 2009
23 – 27 Feb 2009
02 – 06 March 2009
9-13 March 2009
16 – 20 March 2009
23 – 27 March 2009
30 March-03 Apr
31 March – 04 April
Unit 3.Intelligence
Chapter 6 – Accounting for Variations in Intelligence
1. Gender and IQ (Predicting the content, skimming for main ideas,
understanding the organization of a text, reading for detail)
2. Age Differences and IQ (Understanding statistical terms, skimming for
main ideas, reading for detail, building vocabulary: subtechnical
vocabulary, turning written text into a graphic, writing: turning a graph
into a text)
Reading Quiz Veronika Decides to Die: 20th February
Reading Portfolio Task 8
Unit 3.Intelligence
Chapter 6 – Accounting for Variations in Intelligence
3. Nature Versus Nurture (Thinking about the topic, building vocabulary:
guessing meaning from context, reading for detail, punctuation: the use
of parentheses, writing)
Unit 3.Intelligence
Chapter 6 – Accounting for Variations in Intelligence
4. The Study of Twins (Examining graphic material, reading the
conclusion to get the main idea, interpreting the data, language focus:
expressing parallel change)
Unit 4. Nonverbal Messages
Chapter 7 – Body Language
1. Universals of Nonverbal Communication (Previewing text headings,
analyzing the organization of a text, language focus: transitional
expressions, writing: using transitional expressions)
2. Gestural Communication (Thinking about the topic, highlighting, notetaking practice, thinking critically about the text)
Reading Portfolio Task 9
Unit 4. Nonverbal Messages
Chapter 7 – Body Language
3. Facial Communication (Turning written text into a graphic, building
vocabulary: guessing meaning from context, test taking: writing short
answers to test questions)
4. Eye Communication (Building vocabulary: collocations, speed
reading, reading for detail, dramatizing the text, writing a summary)
Quiz 4: 13 March 2009
Achievement 4: 19 March 2009
Unit 4. Nonverbal Messages
Chapter 8 – The Language of Touch, Space, and Artifacts
1. The Meanings of Touch (Thinking about the topic, skimming for main
ideas, reading for detail, writing)
2. Gender and Cultural Differences in Touching (Thinking about the
topic, language focus: the passive, examining graphic material, writing:
using transitional expressions)
Reading Portfolio Task 10
Unit 4. Nonverbal Messages
Chapter 8 – The Language of Touch, Space, and Artifacts
3. Space Communication (Gathering data, predicting the content, notetaking: creating grids, conducting an experiment)
4. Artifactual Communication (Thinking about the topic, scanning,
inferencing, personal writing)
Reading Portfolio Task 11
Unit 5. Interpersonal Relationships
Chapter 9 – Friendship
1. Initiating Relationships (Thinking about the topic, highlighting,
reading for detail, building vocabulary: guessing meaning from context)
2. The Nonverbal and Verbal First Encounter ( Examining graphic
material, predicting the content, dramatizing the text, writing a
06-10 April 2009
13– 17 April 2009
Unit 5. Interpersonal Relationships
Chapter 9 – Friendship
3. Friendship Functions (Thinking about the topic, predicting the content,
building vocabulary: synonyms, personal writing)
4. Friendship Rules (Thinking about the topic, examining graphic
material, writing about information in figures, personal writing)Unit 5.
Interpersonal Relationships
Quiz 5: 10 April 2009
Achievement 5: 16 April 2009
20 – 24 April 2009
Oral Exam 2
27 April – 01 May
11 – 15 May 2009
18 – 22 May 2009
29 May 2009
Chapter 10 – Love
1. Similarity (Personalizing the topic, reading for main ideas, writing a
one-sentence summary, personal writing)
Chapter 10 – Love
2. Complementarity (Personalizing the topic, thinking critically about the
text, building vocabulary: antonyms)
Unit 5. Interpersonal Relationships
Reading Portfolio Task 12
Chapter 10 – Love
3. Types of Love (Building Vocabulary: learning word clusters, reading
for detail, test-taking: making lists to study from, personalizing the topic)
4. Gender Differences in Loving (Predicting the content, speed reading,
reading for detail, thinking critically about the text, writing a summary)
Quiz 6: 15 May 2009
Achievement 6: 21 May 2009